Part 2.7: Orbital Diagrams 1 Orbital Diagrams • • • • Orbital Interactions Molecular Orbital Theory Orbital Energies MO Diagrams – HF, H2O, CO2, C2H4, NH3, Benzene • SALC • Hybridization • Symmetry and Reactivity 2 Atomic Orbitals Atomic Orbital- is a mathematical function (Y) that describes the wave-like behavior of electrons in an atom. Used to calculate the probability (Y2 ) of finding any electron of an atom in any specific region around the atom's nucleus. 1s orbital 2p orbital 3 Atomic Orbitals Atomic Orbital- is a mathematical function (Y) that describes the wave-like behavior of electrons in an atom. Used to calculate the probability (Y2 ) of finding any electron of an atom in any specific region around the atom's nucleus. 1s orbital 2p orbital 4 Atomic Orbitals Atomic Orbital- is a mathematical function (Y) that describes the wave-like behavior of electrons in an atom. Used to calculate the probability (Y2 ) of finding any electron of an atom in any specific region around the atom's nucleus. Waves can interactconstructively = bonding destructively = antibonding not at all = non-bonding 5 Molecular Orbital Theory 1. ATOMIC ORBITALS of different atoms combine to create MOLECULAR ORBITALS 2. The number of ATOMIC ORBITALS = the number of MOLECULAR ORBITALS 3. Electrons in these MOLECULAR ORBITALS are shared by the molecule as whole 4. MOLECULAR ORBITALS can be constructed from Linear Combination of Atomic Orbitals (LCAO) LCAO Y = caya + cbyb (for diatomic molecules) BONDING Orbitals have most of the electron density between the two nuclei ANTI-BONDING Orbitals have a node between the two nuclei NONBONDING Orbitals are essentially the same as if it was only one nuclei 6 Combining Atomic Orbitals Bonding: Ψ(σ) or Ψ+ = (1/√2 ) [φ(1sa) + φ(1sb) ] Antibonding: Ψ(σ*) or Ψ- = (1/√2 ) [φ(1sa) - φ(1sb) ] 7 Combining Atomic Orbitals (H2) Antibonding Bonding 8 Combining Atomic Orbitals Fe(C5H5)2 H2 • • • • • 2 atoms Only s orbitals Linear interaction Same energy Uniform symmetry • • • • 11 relevant atoms s, p, and d orbitals various interactions different energies 9 Combining Atomic Orbitals Y = caya + cbyb … cnyn Degree of orbital overlap/mixing depends on: 1) Energy of the orbitals The closer the energy, the more mixing. 2) Spatial proximity The atoms must be close enough that there is reasonable orbital overlap. 3) Symmetry Atomic orbitals mix if they have similar symmetries. 10 Strength of the bond depends upon the degree of orbital overlap. Energy of the Orbitals For heteronuclear molecules: 1. The bonding orbital(s) will reside predominantly on the atom of lower orbital energy (the more electronegative atom). 2. The anti-bonding orbital(s) will reside predominantly on the atom with greater orbital energy (the less electronegative atom). How do we determine orbital energies? 11 Energy of Orbitals 1) Theoretical calculations 2) Photoelectron spectroscopy 3) Tabulated data Other peoples UPS/XPS data 12 Photoelectron Spectroscopy Ionization occurs when matter interacts with light of sufficient energy (Heinrich Hertz, 1886) (Einstein, A. Ann. Phys. Leipzig 1905, 17, 132-148.) 13 Photoelectron Spectroscopy Photo-ionization and energy-dispersive analysis of the emitted photoelectrons to study the composition and electronic state of the sample. hνo = I(BE) + Ekinetic X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) - using soft (200-2000 eV) x-ray excitation to examine core-levels. Ultraviolet Photoelectron Spectroscopy (UPS) - using vacuum UV (10-45 eV) radiation from discharge lamps to examine valence levels. 14 Photoelectron Spectrometer X-Ray source Ion source Detector SIMS Analyzer Axial Electron Gun Sample introduction Chamber Sample Holder sample Roughing Pump CMA Slits Ion Pump 15 Photoelectron Spectrometer 16 Photoelectron Spectroscopy Counts 17 Photoelectron Spectroscopy Counts 18 19 Tabulated Data Miessler and Tarr, Inorganic Chemistry Diagram for methane (CH4)? 20 Tabulated Data 21 Combining Atomic Orbitals Y = caya + cbyb … cnyn Degree of orbital overlap/mixing depends on: 1) Energy of the orbitals The closer the energy, the more mixing. 2) Spatial proximity The atoms must be close enough that there is reasonable orbital overlap. 3) Symmetry Atomic orbitals mix if they have similar symmetries. 22 Strength of the bond depends upon the degree of orbital overlap. Symmetry and Orbital Diagrams 1. Number of MOs = number of incipient orbitals. This rule could be referred to as “the conservation of orbitals.” 2. Orbitals of the same symmetry mix. 3. Orbital interactions can be bonding, nonbonding or antibonding. 4. There are three basic types of orbital overlap: s (end on interaction), p (side by side approach) and d (off-axis approach). 5. Orbitals with the correct symmetry and most similar energy mix to the greatest extent. J. Chem. Edu. 2004, 81, 997. 23 Constructing MOs • From inspection • From Group Theory 24 Constructing MOs p bond (p and d) s bond (s, p and d) p p p d d bond (d) d d 25 Constructing MOs (s-s) 26 Constructing MOs (p-p) 27 Constructing MOs (d-d) 28 Simple Diatomics 29 MO Diagrams from Group Theory 1. Assign a point group 2. Choose basis function (orbitals) 3. Apply operations -if the basis stays the same = +1 -if the basis is reversed = -1 -if it is a more complicated change = 0 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Generate a reducible representation Reduce to Irreducible Representation Combine central and peripheral orbitals by their symmetry Fill MOs with eGenerate SALCs of peripheral atoms Draw peripheral atoms SALC with central atom orbital to generate bonding/antibonding MOs. 30 MO Diagrams from Group Theory • H-F – diatomic, H = 1s; F = 2s, 3 x 2p • H2O – triatomic, H = 2 x 1s; O = 2s, 3 x 2p • CO2 – p bonding, O = 2s, 3 x 2p; C = 2s, 3 x 2p • C2H4 – Fragmentation method • Benzene – Real + Imaginary SALC 31 HF Orbital Diagram 1. Assign a point group H-F C2v C∞v C2v 32 HF Orbital Diagram 1. Assign a point group 2. Choose basis function (orbitals) 3. Apply operations H-F C2v -if the basis stays the same = +1 -if the basis is reversed = -1 -if it is a more complicated change = 0 H s orbital A1 F s, px, py and pz orbitals z y F x H GH 1 1 1 1 33 HF Orbital Diagram 1. Assign a point group 2. Choose basis function (orbitals) 3. Apply operations H-F C2v -if the basis stays the same = +1 -if the basis is reversed = -1 -if it is a more complicated change = 0 H s orbital A1 F s, px, py and pz orbitals A1 z y F x H GFs 1 1 1 1 34 HF Orbital Diagram 1. Assign a point group 2. Choose basis function (orbitals) 3. Apply operations -if the basis stays the same = +1 -if the basis is reversed = -1 -if it is a more complicated change = 0 H-F C2v H s orbital A1 F s, px, py and pz orbitals A1 A1 z y F x H GFpz 1 1 1 1 35 HF Orbital Diagram 1. Assign a point group 2. Choose basis function (orbitals) 3. Apply operations -if the basis stays the same = +1 -if the basis is reversed = -1 -if it is a more complicated change = 0 H-F C2v H s orbital A1 F s, px, py and pz orbitals A1 B 1 A1 z y F x H GFpx 1 -1 1 -1 36 HF Orbital Diagram 1. Assign a point group 2. Choose basis function (orbitals) 3. Apply operations -if the basis stays the same = +1 -if the basis is reversed = -1 -if it is a more complicated change = 0 H-F C2v H s orbital A1 F s, px, py and pz orbitals A1 B 1 B 2 A1 z y F x H GFpy 1 -1 -1 1 37 HF Orbital Diagram 1. Assign a point group 2. Choose basis function (orbitals) 3. Apply operations -if the basis stays the same = +1 -if the basis is reversed = -1 -if it is a more complicated change = 0 H-F C2v H s orbital A1 F s, px, py and pz orbitals A1 B 1 B 2 A1 4. Generate a reducible representation 5. Reduce to irreducible representation 6. Combine orbitals by their symmetry 38 HF Orbital Diagram 6. Combine orbitals by their symmetry H s orbital F s, px, py and pz orbitals 39 HF Orbital Diagram 6. Combine orbitals by their symmetry 1s (A1) pz (A1) px (B1) py (B2) 2s (A1) H H-F F H s orbital A1 F s, px, py and pz orbitals A1 B1 B2 A1 40 HF Orbital Diagram 6. Combine orbitals by their symmetry A1 1s (A1) py (B2) px (B1) pz (A1) px (B1) py (B2) A1 H A1 2s (A1) H-F F 41 HF Orbital Diagram 7. Fill MOs with eA1 1s (A1) py (B2) px (B1) pz (A1) px (B1) py (B2) A1 1 e- H A1 2s (A1) H-F F 7 e42 e- in MOs 1. Electrons preferentially occupy molecular orbitals that are lower in energy. (Aufbau Principle) 2. If two electrons occupy the same molecular orbital, they must be spin paired. (Pauli Exclusion Principle) 3. When occupying degenerate molecular orbitals, electrons occupy separate orbitals with parallel spins before pairing. (Hund’s Rule) 43 HF Orbital Diagram 7. Fill MOs with eA1 1s (A1) py (B2) px (B1) pz (A1) px (B1) py (B2) A1 H A1 2s (A1) H-F F 44 HF Orbital Diagram 1. Assign a point group 2. Choose basis function (orbitals) 3. Apply operations -if the basis stays the same = +1 -if the basis is reversed = -1 -if it is a more complicated change = 0 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. A1 1s (A1) px (B1) py (B2) pz (A1) px (B1) py (B2) A1 Generate a reducible representation A Reduce to irreducible representation H H-F Combine orbitals by their symmetry Fill MOs with eGenerate SALCs of peripheral atoms Draw peripheral atoms SALC with central atom orbital to generate bonding/antibonding MOs. 1 2s (A1) F 45 HF Orbital Diagram 8. Draw orbitals F A1 F F 1s (A1) H B2 B 1 H A1 F H F F H px F F F z y pz py x A1 2s (A1) H-F F 46 MO Diagrams from Group Theory • H-F – diatomic, H = 1s; F = 2s, 3 x 2p • H2O – triatomic, H = 2 x 1s; O = 2s, 3 x 2p • CO2 – p bonding, O = 2s, 3 x 2p; C = 2s, 3 x 2p • C2H4 – Fragmentation method • NH3/Benzene – Real + Imaginary SALC 47 H2O Orbital Diagram 1. Assign a point group 2. Choose basis function (orbitals) 3. Apply operations H2O C2v -if the basis stays the same = +1 -if the basis is reversed = -1 -if it is a more complicated change = 0 H s orbitals A1 + B1 O s, px, py and pz orbitals z y H O x H GH 2 0 2 0 GH A1 + B1 48 H2O Orbital Diagram 1. Assign a point group 2. Choose basis function (orbitals) 3. Apply operations -if the basis stays the same = +1 -if the basis is reversed = -1 -if it is a more complicated change = 0 H2O C2v H s orbitals A1 + B1 O s, px, py and pz orbitals A1 B 1 B 2 A1 z y H O x H 49 H2O Orbital Diagram 1. Assign a point group 2. Choose basis function (orbitals) 3. Apply operations -if the basis stays the same = +1 -if the basis is reversed = -1 -if it is a more complicated change = 0 H2O C2v H s orbitals A1 + B1 O s, px, py and pz orbitals 4. Generate a reducible representation 5. Reduce to irreducible representation 6. Combine orbitals by their symmetry 50 HF Orbital Diagram 6. Combine orbitals by their symmetry H s orbital O s, px, py and pz orbitals 51 H2O Orbital Diagram 6. Combine orbitals by their symmetry A1 B 1 pz (A1) px (B1) py (B2) 2s (A1) 2xH O H s orbital A1 + B1 O s, px, py and pz orbitals A1 B1 B2 A1 52 H2O Orbital Diagram 6. Combine orbitals by their symmetry B1 A1 A1 B 1 py (B2) pz (A1) px (B1) py (B2) A1 B1 2xH A1 H2O 2s (A1) O 53 H2O Orbital Diagram 7. Fill MOs with e- B1 A1 A1 B 1 py (B2) pz (A1) px (B1) py (B2) A1 B1 2 e- 2xH A1 H2O 2s (A1) O 6 e- 54 H2O Orbital Diagram 1. Assign a point group 2. Choose basis function (orbitals) 3. Apply operations -if the basis stays the same = +1 -if the basis is reversed = -1 -if it is a more complicated change = 0 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. B1 A1 A1 B1 py (B1) pz (A1) px (B1) py (B2) A1 B1 Generate a reducible representation A Reduce to irreducible representation Combine orbitals by their symmetry Fill MOs with eGenerate SALCs of peripheral atoms Draw peripheral atoms SALC with central atom orbital to generate bonding/antibonding MOs. 2s (A1) 1 55 H2O Orbital Diagram 8. Generate SALCs of peripheral atoms Symmetry adapted linear combination of atomic orbitals (SALC) • Use projection operator to generate SALC. • Projection operators constitute a method of generating the symmetry allowed combinations. • Taking one AO and projecting it out using symmetry. Pi is the projection operator li is the dimension of Gi h is the order of the group i is an irreducible representation of the group R is an operation of the group χi (R) is the character of R in the ith irreducible representation (R) non-symmetry-adapted basis 56 H2O Orbital Diagram 8. Generate SALCs of peripheral atoms To generate SALCs, the steps are: 1) group the atomic orbitals in the molecule into sets which are equivalent by symmetry 2) generate the rep. then irr. rep. for each set 3) Use projection operator for one basis 57 H2O Orbital Diagram 8. Generate SALCs of peripheral atoms To generate SALCs, the steps are: 1) group the similar AOs 2) generate the rep. then irr. rep. for each set 3) Use projection operator for one basis z y f1 H PA1 = 1/4 [((1) E f1 ) + ((1) C2 f1 ) + ((1) sxz f1 ) + ((1) syz f1 )] x O Hf 2 GH = A1 + B1 58 H2O Orbital Diagram 8. Generate SALCs of peripheral atoms To generate SALCs, the steps are: 1) group the similar AOs 2) generate the rep. then irr. rep. for each set 3) Use projection operator for one basis z y f1 H PA1 = 1/4 [((1) E f1 ) + ((1) C2 f1 ) + ((1) sxz f1 ) + ((1) syz f1 )] x O Hf 2 GH = A1 + B1 59 H2O Orbital Diagram 8. Generate SALCs of peripheral atoms To generate SALCs, the steps are: 1) group the similar AOs 2) generate the rep. then irr. rep. for each set 3) Use projection operator for one basis z y f1 H PA1 = 1/4 [((1) E f1 ) + ((1) C2 f1 ) + ((1) sxz f1 ) + ((1) syz f1 )] x O Hf 2 GH = A1 + B1 60 H2O Orbital Diagram 8. Generate SALCs of peripheral atoms To generate SALCs, the steps are: 1) group the similar AOs 2) generate the rep. then irr. rep. for each set 3) Use projection operator for one basis z y f1 H PA1 = 1/4 [((1) E f1 ) + ((1) C2 f1 ) + ((1) sxz f1 ) + ((1) syz f1 )] x O f1 Hf GH = A1 + B1 2 f2 f1 f2 PA1 = 1/4 [f1 + f2 + f1 + f2] PA1 = 1/4 [2f1 + 2f2] PA1 = 1/2 [f1 + f2] A1 H1s orbitals 61 H2O Orbital Diagram 8. Generate SALCs of peripheral atoms To generate SALCs, the steps are: 1) group the similar AOs 2) generate the rep. then irr. rep. for each set 3) Use projection operator for one basis z y f1 H PB1 = 1/4 [((1) E f1 ) + ((-1) C2 f1 ) + ((1) sxz f1 ) + ((-1) syz f1 )] x O Hf 2 GH = A1 + B1 62 H2O Orbital Diagram 8. Generate SALCs of peripheral atoms To generate SALCs, the steps are: 1) group the similar AOs 2) generate the rep. then irr. rep. for each set 3) Use projection operator for one basis z y f1 H PB1 = 1/4 [((1) E f1 ) + ((-1) C2 f1 ) + ((1) sxz f1 ) + ((-1) syz f1 )] x O Hf 2 GH = A1 + B1 63 H2O Orbital Diagram 8. Generate SALCs of peripheral atoms To generate SALCs, the steps are: 1) group the similar AOs 2) generate the rep. then irr. rep. for each set 3) Use projection operator for one basis z y f1 H PB1 = 1/4 [((1) E f1 ) + ((-1) C2 f1 ) + ((1) sxz f1 ) + ((-1) syz f1 )] x O Hf 2 GH = A1 + B1 64 H2O Orbital Diagram 8. Generate SALCs of peripheral atoms To generate SALCs, the steps are: 1) group the similar AOs 2) generate the rep. then irr. rep. for each set 3) Use projection operator for one basis z y f1 H PB1 = 1/4 [((1) E f1 ) + ((-1) C2 f1 ) + ((1) sxz f1 ) + ((-1) syz f1 )] x O f1 Hf GH = A1 + B1 2 f2 f1 f2 PB1 = 1/4 [f1 - f2 + f1 - f2] PB1 = 1/4 [2f1 - 2f2] PB1 = 1/2 [f1 - f2] B1 H1s orbitals 65 H2O Orbital Diagram 9. Draw SALC with central atom. B1 A1 A1 B 1 py (B2) pz (A1) px (B1) py (B2) A1 z y H O B1 x H A1 H2O 2s (A1) 66 H2O Orbital Diagram 1. Assign a point group 2. Choose basis function (orbitals) 3. Apply operations -if the basis stays the same = +1 -if the basis is reversed = -1 -if it is a more complicated change = 0 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. B1 A1 A1 B1 py (B2) pz (A1) px (B1) py (B2) A1 B1 Generate a reducible representation 2s (A ) Reduce to irreducible representation A Combine orbitals by their symmetry Fill MOs with eGenerate SALCs of peripheral atoms Draw peripheral atoms SALC with central atom orbital to generate bonding/antibonding MOs. 1 1 67 Sidenote: Many Electron States A1 • Determining the symmetry of many electron states from the symmetry of the individual one electron wavefunctions. B2 • Important for formulating spectroscopic selection rules between orbitals or electronic states. A1 • State symmetry found from the direct product of all electron symmetries. B1 B1 A1 H2O 68 Sidenote: Many Electron States A1 • Determining the symmetry of many electron states from the symmetry of the individual one electron wavefunctions. B2 • Important for formulating spectroscopic selection rules between orbitals or electronic states. A1 • State symmetry found from the direct product of all electron symmetries. B1 B1 A1 H2O 69 Sidenote: Many Electron States B1 H2O: A1 A1 A1 B 2 B 2 A1 A1 B 2 A1 B 2 B1 A1 A 1 B2 B 2 = A1 B2 …etc. B2 A1 B2 B 2 = A1 or closed shell configurations cancel! H2O: A1 A1 B2 B2 A1 A1 B2 A1 A1 A1 B2 = A1 A1 A1 H2O 70 Sidenote: Many Electron States B1 H2O: A1 A1 B 2 B 2 A1 A1 B 2 B 2 = A1 A1 B2 A1 B1 A1 H2O 71 Sidenote: Many Electron States B1 H2O: A1 A1 B 2 B 2 A1 A1 B 2 H2O+: A1 A1 B 2 B 2 A 1 A1 B 2 = B 2 B 2 = A1 A1 B2 A1 B1 A1 H2O+ 72 Sidenote: Many Electron States H2O: A1 A1 B 2 B 2 A1 A1 B 2 B2 H2O+: A1 A1 B 2 B 2 A 1 A1 B 2 = B 2 A1 H2O- = A1 B1 B 2 = A1 A1 B1 A1 H2O- 73 Sidenote: Many Electron States H2O: A1 A1 B 2 B 2 A1 A1 B 2 B2 H2O+: A1 A1 B 2 B 2 A 1 A1 B 2 = B 2 A1 H2O- = A1 B1 B 2 = A1 A1 B1 H2O* = B2 A1 H2O* 74 Sidenote: Spin Multiplicity H2O H2O+ H2O- A1 A1 A1 A1 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 B2 A1 H2O* or A1 B2 Spin Multiplicity: (2s+1)G1 or 2 s=0 1A 1 s = 1/2 2B 2 s = 1/2 s=0 s=1 2A 1B 3B 1 2 2 75 H2O Orbital Diagram 1. Assign a point group 2. Choose basis function (orbitals) 3. Apply operations -if the basis stays the same = +1 -if the basis is reversed = -1 -if it is a more complicated change = 0 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. B1 A1 A1 B1 py (B2) pz (A1) px (B1) py (B2) A1 B1 Generate a reducible representation 2s (A ) Reduce to irreducible representation A Combine orbitals by their symmetry Fill MOs with eGenerate SALCs of peripheral atoms Draw peripheral atoms SALC with central atom orbital to generate bonding/antibonding MOs. 1 1 Ground State Symmetry of H2O is 1A1 76 MO Diagrams from Group Theory • H-F – diatomic, H = 1s; F = 2s, 3 x 2p • H2O – triatomic, H = 2 x 1s; O = 2s, 3 x 2p • CO2 – p bonding, O = 2s, 3 x 2p; C = 2s, 3 x 2p • C2H4 – Fragmentation method • NH3/Benzene – Real + Imaginary SALC 77 CO2 Orbital Diagram 1. Assign a point group CO2 D2h D∞h D2h 78 CO2 Orbital Diagram 1. Assign a point group 2. Choose basis function (orbitals) CO2 D2h C s, px, py and pz orbitals O px, py and pz orbitals 79 CO2 Orbital Diagram 1. Assign a point group 2. Choose basis function (orbitals) 3. Apply operations -if the basis stays the same = +1 -if the basis is reversed = -1 -if it is a more complicated change = 0 CO2 D2h C s, px, py and pz orbitals O px, py and pz orbitals z 80 CO2 Orbital Diagram 1. Assign a point group 2. Choose basis function (orbitals) 3. Apply operations -if the basis stays the same = +1 -if the basis is reversed = -1 -if it is a more complicated change = 0 CO2 D2h Ag B3u B2u B1u C s, px, py and pz orbitals O px, py and pz orbitals z 81 CO2 Orbital Diagram 1. Assign a point group 2. Choose basis function (orbitals) 3. Apply operations -if the basis stays the same = +1 -if the basis is reversed = -1 -if it is a more complicated change = 0 CO2 D2h Ag B3u B2u B1u C s, px, py and pz orbitals O px, py and pz orbitals z GOpz 2 2 GOpz 0 Ag + B1u 0 0 0 2 2 82 CO2 Orbital Diagram 1. Assign a point group 2. Choose basis function (orbitals) 3. Apply operations -if the basis stays the same = +1 -if the basis is reversed = -1 -if it is a more complicated change = 0 CO2 D2h Ag B3u B2u B1u C s, px, py and pz orbitals O px, py and pz orbitals z GOpx 2 -2 GOpx 0 0 0 0 B3u + B2g 2 -2 83 CO2 Orbital Diagram 1. Assign a point group 2. Choose basis function (orbitals) 3. Apply operations -if the basis stays the same = +1 -if the basis is reversed = -1 -if it is a more complicated change = 0 CO2 D2h Ag B3u B2u B1u C s, px, py and pz orbitals O px, py and pz orbitals z GOpy 2 -2 GOpy 0 0 0 0 B2u + B3g -2 2 84 CO2 Orbital Diagram 1. Assign a point group 2. Choose basis function (orbitals) 3. Apply operations CO2 D2h Ag B3u B2u B1u C s, px, py and pz orbitals O px B3u + B2g 4. Generate a reducible representation py B2u + B3g 5. Reduce to irreducible representation pz Ag + B1u 6. Combine orbitals by their symmetry -if the basis stays the same = +1 -if the basis is reversed = -1 -if it is a more complicated change = 0 85 CO2 Orbital Diagram 6. Combine orbitals by their symmetry C s, px, py and pz orbitals O px, py and pz orbitals 86 CO2 Orbital Diagram 6. Combine orbitals by their symmetry B1u Ag px 2p py pz B3u B2u B3u B2u B1u px B2g B3g B3u B2u 2s Ag C py pz B2g B3g B1u B3u B2u Ag 2p B1u Ag OCO 2xO 87 CO2 Orbital Diagram 1. Assign a point group 2. Choose basis function (orbitals) 2p 3. Apply operations u Ag px py pz B3 B2 B1 u u u -if the basis stays the same = +1 -if the basis is reversed = -1 -if it is a more complicated change = 0 4. 5. 6. 7. B1 Generate a reducible representation Reduce to irreducible representation Combine orbitals by their symmetry Fill MOs with e- B3u B2u B2g B3g B3u 2 s Ag px py pz B2g B3g B1u B3u B2u Ag 2p B2u B1 u Ag C OCO 2xO 88 CO2 Orbital Diagram 7. Fill MOs with e- B1u Ag px 2p py pz B3u B2u B3u B2u B1u px B2g B3g B3u B2u 2s 4 e- Ag C py pz B2g B3g B1u B3u B2u Ag 2p B1u Ag OCO 2xO 8 e- 89 CO2 Orbital Diagram 1. Assign a point group 2. Choose basis function (orbitals) 2p 3. Apply operations u Ag px py pz B3 B2 B1 u u u -if the basis stays the same = +1 -if the basis is reversed = -1 -if it is a more complicated change = 0 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. B1 B3u B2u B2g B3g B3u 2 s py pz B2g B3g B1u B3u B2u Ag 2p B2u B1 Generate a reducible representation A Reduce to irreducible representation C OCO Combine orbitals by their symmetry Fill MOs with eGenerate SALCs of peripheral atoms Draw peripheral atoms SALC with central atom orbital to generate bonding/antibonding MOs. Ag px u g 2xO 90 CO2 Orbital Diagram 8. Generate SALCs of peripheral atoms f2 f1 z GOpz Ag + B1u PAg = 1/8 [((1) E f1 ) + ((1) C2 f1 ) + ((1) C2 f1 ) … etc.] PAg = 1/8 [4f1 + 4f2] 91 CO2 Orbital Diagram 8. Generate SALCs of peripheral atoms z 92 CO2 Orbital Diagram 9. Draw SALC with central atom. C OCO 2xO 93 CO2 Orbital Diagram 1. Assign a point group 2. Choose basis function (orbitals) 3. Apply operations -if the basis stays the same = +1 -if the basis is reversed = -1 -if it is a more complicated change = 0 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Generate a reducible representation Reduce to irreducible representation Combine orbitals by their symmetry Fill MOs with eGenerate SALCs of peripheral atoms Draw peripheral atoms SALC with central atom orbital to generate bonding/antibonding MOs. 94 MO Diagrams from Group Theory • H-F – diatomic, H = 1s; F = 2s, 3 x 2p • H2O – triatomic, H = 2 x 1s; O = 2s, 3 x 2p • CO2 – p bonding, O = 2s, 3 x 2p; C = 2s, 3 x 2p • C2H4 – Fragmentation method • NH3/Benzene – Real + Imaginary SALC 95 Ethene Orbital Diagram x z y Two different approaches (D2h) C1 + C 2 H1-4 then combine CH2 then combine J. Chem. Edu. 2004, 81, 997 96 Ethene Orbital Diagram 97 Ethene Orbital Diagram 98 Ethene Orbital Diagram 99 MO Diagrams from Group Theory • H-F – diatomic, H = 1s; F = 2s, 3 x 2p • H2O – triatomic, H = 2 x 1s; O = 2s, 3 x 2p • CO2 – p bonding, O = 2s, 3 x 2p; C = 2s, 3 x 2p • C2H4 – Fragmentation method • NH3/Benzene – Real + Imaginary SALC 100 NH3 Orbital Diagram 1. Assign a point group 2. Choose basis function (orbitals) 3. Apply operations NH2 C3v -if the basis stays the same = +1 -if the basis is reversed = -1 -if it is a more complicated change = 0 H s orbitals A1 + E N s, px, py and pz orbitals z x y GH 3 0 GH A1 + E 1 101 NH3 Orbital Diagram 1. Assign a point group 2. Choose basis function (orbitals) 3. Apply operations -if the basis stays the same = +1 -if the basis is reversed = -1 -if it is a more complicated change = 0 NH2 C3v H s orbitals A1 + E N s, px, py and pz orbitals A1 E A1 z x y 102 NH3 Orbital Diagram 6. Combine orbitals by their symmetry H s orbital N s, px, py and pz orbitals 103 NH3 Orbital Diagram 6. Combine orbitals by their symmetry A1 E A1 pz (A1) py, px (E) E A1 E 3xH A1 NH3 s (A1) N 104 NH3 Orbital Diagram 7. Fill MOs with eA1 E A1 pz (A1) py, px (E) E A1 E 3 e- 3xH A1 NH3 s (A1) N 5 e- 105 NH3 Orbital Diagram 1. Assign a point group 2. Choose basis function (orbitals) 3. Apply operations -if the basis stays the same = +1 A1 -if the basis is reversed = -1 -if it is a more complicated change = 0 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. A1 E E A1 pz py, px (E) (A1) s (A1) E Generate a reducible representation A Reduce to irreducible representation Combine orbitals by their symmetry Fill MOs with eGenerate SALCs of peripheral atoms Draw peripheral atoms SALC with central atom orbital to generate bonding/antibonding MOs. 1 106 NH3 Orbital Diagram 8. Generate SALCs of peripheral atoms To generate SALCs, the steps are: 1) group the atomic orbitals in the molecule into sets which are equivalent by symmetry z 2) generate the rep. then irr. rep. for each set 3) Use projection operator for one basis x f3 f2 y G H = A1 + E f1 107 NH3 Orbital Diagram 8. Generate SALCs of peripheral atoms Separate classes 108 NH3 Orbital Diagram 8. Generate SALCs of peripheral atoms z x f3 f2 y f1 109 NH3 Orbital Diagram 8. Generate SALCs of peripheral atoms PA1 ≈ ((1) E f1 ) + ((1) C3+f1 ) + ((1) C3-f1 ) + ((1) s1 f1 ) + ((1) s2 f1 ) + ((1) s2 f1 ) f1 f2 PA1 ≈ [f1 + f2 + f3 + f1 + f3 + f2 ] PA1 ≈ [ 2f1 + 2f2 + 2f3] PA1 ≈ [ f1 + f2 + f3] f1 f3 f3 f2 f3 f2 A1 H1s orbitals f1 110 NH3 Orbital Diagram 8. Generate SALCs of peripheral atoms PE ≈ ((2) E f1 ) + ((-1) C3+f1 ) + ((-1) C3-f1 ) + ((0) s1 f1 ) + ((0) s2 f1 ) + ((0) s2 f1 ) f1 f2 PA1 ≈ [2f1 - f2 - f3] What about the other E orbital? 0 f3 f3 f2 0 0 One of the E orbitals f1 111 NH3 Orbital Diagram 8. Generate SALCs of peripheral atoms 112 NH3 Orbital Diagram 8. Generate SALCs of peripheral atoms 3 different E SALCS have been generated but they are all similar. Use subtraction or addition to generate new SALC. f3 f2 f3 f1 f2 f1 113 NH3 Orbital Diagram 9. Draw SALC with central atom. A1 E A1 pz (A1) py, px (E) E A1 E 3xH A1 NH3 s (A1) N 114 NH3 Orbital Diagram 9. Draw SALC with central atom. N 3xH 115 NH3 Orbital Diagram 1. Assign a point group 2. Choose basis function (orbitals) 3. Apply operations -if the basis stays the same = +1 -if the basis is reversed = -1 -if it is a more complicated change = 0 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Generate a reducible representation Reduce to irreducible representation Combine orbitals by their symmetry Fill MOs with eGenerate SALCs of peripheral atoms Draw peripheral atoms SALC with central atom orbital to generate bonding/antibonding MOs. 116 MO Diagrams from Group Theory • H-F – diatomic, H = 1s; F = 2s, 3 x 2p • H2O – triatomic, H = 2 x 1s; O = 2s, 3 x 2p • CO2 – p bonding, O = 2s, 3 x 2p; C = 2s, 3 x 2p • C2H4 – Fragmentation method • NH3/Benzene – Real + Imaginary SALC 117 Benzene MOs and SALC 3 nodes 2 nodes 1 node 0 nodes 118 C6H6 Orbital Diagram 1. Assign a point group 2. Choose basis function (orbitals) C6H6 D6h only p bonding C pz orbitals 119 C6H6 Orbital Diagram 1. Assign a point group 2. Choose basis function (orbitals) 3. Apply operations C6H6 D6h only p bonding C pz orbitals -if the basis stays the same = +1 -if the basis is reversed = -1 -if it is a more complicated change = 0 C6 C″2 C′2 z axis D6h E 2C6 2C3 C2 3C′2 3C″2 i 2S3 2S6 σh 3 σd 3 σv Гπ 6 0 0 0 -2 0 0 0 0 -6 0 2 120 C6H6 Orbital Diagram 1. Assign a point group 2. Choose basis function (orbitals) 3. Apply operations C6H6 D6h only p bonding C pz orbitals -if the basis stays the same = +1 -if the basis is reversed = -1 -if it is a more complicated change = 0 C6 4. Generate a reducible representation C″2 5. Reduce to irreducible representation C′2 z axis D6h E 2C6 2C3 C2 3C′2 3C″2 i 2S3 2S6 σh 3 σd 3 σv Гπ 6 0 0 0 -2 0 0 0 Gp: B2g + E1g + A2u + E2u 0 -6 0 2 121 C6H6 Orbital Diagram 1. Assign a point group 2. Choose basis function (orbitals) 3. Apply operations C6H6 D6h only p bonding C pz orbitals -if the basis stays the same = +1 -if the basis is reversed = -1 -if it is a more complicated change = 0 C6 4. Generate a reducible representation C″2 5. Reduce to irreducible representation 6. Combine orbitals by their symmetry C′2 D6h E 2C6 2C3 C2 3C′2 3C″2 i 2S3 2S6 σh 3 σd 3 σv Гπ 6 0 0 0 -2 0 0 0 Gp: B2g + E1g + A2u + E2u 0 -6 0 2 122 C6H6 Orbital Diagram 6. Combine orbitals by their symmetry B2g E2u E1g A2u 123 C6H6 Orbital Diagram 7. Fill MOs with eB2g E2u E1g A2u 6 pz orbitals = 6 e- 124 C6H6 Orbital Diagram 1. Assign a point group 2. Choose basis function (orbitals) 3. Apply operations -if the basis stays the same = +1 -if the basis is reversed = -1 -if it is a more complicated change = 0 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. C6H6 D6h only p bonding C pz orbitals G : B + E + A2u + E2u p 2g 1g Generate a reducible representation Reduce to irreducible representation Combine orbitals by their symmetry Fill MOs with eGenerate SALCs of peripheral atoms Draw peripheral atoms SALC with central atom orbital to generate bonding/antibonding MOs. 125 C6H6 Orbital Diagram 8. Generate SALCs of peripheral atoms Simplify usingC6! D6h C6 126 C6H6 Orbital Diagram 8. Generate SALCs of peripheral atoms Simplify usingC6! D6h C6 127 C6H6 Orbital Diagram 8. Generate SALCs of peripheral atoms To generate SALCs, the steps are: 1) group the similar AOs 2) generate the rep. then irr. rep. for each set 3) Use projection operator for one basis A orbital 128 C6H6 Orbital Diagram 8. Generate SALCs of peripheral atoms To generate SALCs, the steps are: 1) group the similar AOs 2) generate the rep. then irr. rep. for each set 3) Use projection operator for one basis 129 C6H6 Orbital Diagram 8. Generate SALCs of peripheral atoms To generate SALCs, the steps are: 1) group the similar AOs 2) generate the rep. then irr. rep. for each set 3) Use projection operator for one basis B orbital 130 C6H6 Orbital Diagram 8. Generate SALCs of peripheral atoms B ≈ B2g B E2 E1 A A ≈ A2u 131 C6H6 Orbital Diagram 8. Generate SALCs of peripheral atoms To generate SALCs, the steps are: 1) group the similar AOs 2) generate the rep. then irr. rep. for each set 3) Use projection operator for one basis ok ok What? 132 C6H6 Orbital Diagram Contain imaginary components; the real component of the linear combination may be realized by taking ± linear combinations: 133 C6H6 Orbital Diagram Contain imaginary components; the real component of the linear combination may be realized by taking ± linear combinations: For C6 point group: or from Euler’s formula 134 C6H6 Orbital Diagram Contain imaginary components; the real component of the linear combination may be realized by taking ± linear combinations: divide out and remove prefactor constant (-i√3) 135 C6H6 Orbital Diagram What are the pictorial representation of the SALC’s? 136 C6H6 Orbital Diagram What are the pictorial representation of the SALC’s? 137 Projection Operator: Benzene What are the pictorial representation of the SALC’s? 3 nodes 2 nodes 1 node 0 nodes 138 Orbital Diagrams • • • • Orbital Interactions Molecular Orbital Theory Orbital Energies MO Diagrams – HF, H2O, CO2, C2H4, NH3, Benzene • SALC • Hybridization • Symmetry and Reactivity 139 MO Diagrams from Group Theory • H-F – diatomic, H = 1s; F = 2s, 3 x 2p • H2O – triatomic, H = 2 x 1s; O = 2s, 3 x 2p • CO2 – p bonding, O = 2s, 3 x 2p; C = 2s, 3 x 2p • C2H4 – Fragmentation method • NH3/Benzene – Real + Imaginary SALC 140 Side Note: Orbital Hybridization In chemistry, hybridization is the concept of mixing atomic orbitals into new hybrid orbitals (with different energies, shapes, etc., than the component atomic orbitals) suitable for the pairing of electrons to form chemical bonds. H C 141 s + p Hybrid Orbitals Miessler and Tarr, Inorganic Chemistry 142 s + p + d Hybrid Orbitals 143 BF3 Hybridization Steps to determine the hybridization of a bond. BF3 1. Assign a point group 2. Choose basis function (s bonds) 3. Apply operations D3h s bonds -if the basis stays the same = +1 -if the basis is reversed = -1 -if it is a more complicated change = 0 D3h Гs 3 0 1 3 0 1 144 BF3 Hybridization Steps to determine the hybridization of a bond. 4. Reduce to irreducible representation BF3 D3h s bonds Гs 3 0 1 3 0 1 Gs: A1’ + E’ 145 BF3 Hybridization Steps to determine the hybridization of a bond. 6. Compare symmetry of irr. rep. to central atom MOs BF3 D3h Gs: A1’ + E’ B (s) = B (px)= B (py)= B (pz)= A1’ E’ E’ A2” 146 BF3 Hybridization Steps to determine the hybridization of a bond. 6. Compare symmetry of irr. rep. to central atom MOs z z z y x Gs: y x A1’ + E’ y x s = A1’ z y x px = E’ z y y x py = E’ sp2 hybridization (s, px, py) pz = A2” 147 Orbital Diagrams • • • • Orbital Interactions Molecular Orbital Theory Orbital Energies MO Diagrams – HF, H2O, CO2, C2H4, NH3, Benzene • SALC • Hybridization • Symmetry and Reactivity 148 Hybridization Steps to determine the hybridization of a bond. 1. Assign a point group 2. Choose basis function (s bonds) 3. Apply operations -if the basis stays the same = +1 -if the basis is reversed = -1 -if it is a more complicated change = 0 4. Generate a reducible representation 5. Reduce to irreducible representation 6. Compare symmetry of irr. rep. to central atom MOs 149 Symmetry and Reactivity (2 + 2) cycloaddition 2 x ethylene p orbitals cyclobutane s bonds Orbital symmetry is retained during the reaction! 150 Symmetry and Reactivity (2 + 2) cycloaddition 151 Symmetry and Reactivity Photo Reaction Thermal Reaction 2 bonding + 2 antibonding eThermally Forbidden (~115 kcal/mol) 3 bonding + 1 antibonding ePhotochemically Allowed Orbital Diagrams • • • • Orbital Interactions Molecular Orbital Theory Orbital Energies MO Diagrams – HF, H2O, CO2, C2H4, NH3, Benzene • SALC • Hybridization • Symmetry and Reactivity 153