YEAR 1 : Autumn first half term 2015 Science Focus: Who am I? WOW: Hospital Role Play What keeps my body up and moving? LC1 What can I see? LC2 Who said that? LC3 What can I feel? LC4 What’s that smell? LC5 What is my tongue used for? LC6 How does my body find out about the world LC7 around us? Creative Art Links: Music- Perform Funny Bones Song Art- Fruit printing English Links: - Skeleton pictures Toys in Space by Mini Grey - Feely pictures Non-fiction texts- My Body Drama- Space walk Poems and Rhymes- My Senses ICT- Problem Solving & RealWorld Tech Maths: to be taught discretely Role Play: Outdoors- Space Centre Indoors- Hospital History : to be taught discretely YEAR 1 : Autumn first half term 2015 HUMANITIES with curricular links - L.C: Who were the greatest explorers? LC1 – What is an explorer? 07/09/2015 History- Introduce explorers and discuss reasons why people explore. Explore surroundings. ICT- Compare real puzzles with virtual puzzles. LC2 – Who are some great explorers? 14/09/2015 History- Learn about several different explorers and talk about why they are great. ICT- Create a puzzle in 2DIY on Purple Mash. LC3 – Why is Neil Armstrong a great explorer? 21/09/2015 English- Toys in Space (Key Stories) History- Find out about the ‘First Man on the Moon’. Sequence the events. ICT- Create Drag and Drop game in 2DIY. LC4 – What is it like to explore space? 28/09/2015 English- Toys in Space (Key Stories) LC5 – Where did Captain Cook explore? 05/10/2015 History- Investigate the life of Captain Cook LC6 – When did these explorers become great? 12/10/2015 History- Compare the great events of the History- Discover how space exploration has continued and developed using the life of Sunita Williams. ICT- To make and play a Multi-Drag game in 2DIY. and explain why his work was important? English- Toys in Space (Key Stories) ICT- To make an animated game. explorers and order them on a timeline. Choose the explorer who is the ‘greatest’ and explain why. ICT- Create own game on computer. LC1 – What keeps my body up and moving? 07/09/2015 LC2 – What can I see? 14/09/2015 Explore the bones we have in our body. Identify and label our body parts. English- My Body (Non-fiction)- links with Science. Art- Skeleton pictures LC3 – Who said that? 21/09/2015 Sort similar sounds into groups. Use our sense of hearing to Use Makaton to communicate. LC5 – What’s that smell? 05/10/2015 Investigate different kinds of smell using scent pots. How does our sense of smell help us to sense danger? D.T- Introduce healthy snack project and share ideas. Art- Jigsaw drawings of fruit and vegetables. LC7 – How does my body find out about the world around us? 18/10/2015 Explore ways to have fun with our senses… SENSES CELEBRATION! English- Senses (Poems and Rhymes) D.T- Design, make and evaluate a healthy fruit snack. Investigate how the eye works. To collect and record data based on eye colour. English- Senses in Living Things (Nonfiction)- links with Science. Art- Eye collage LC4 –What can I feel? 28/09/2015 Compare and describe different textures. Investigate how people using Braille to read. LC6 – What is my tongue used for? 12/10/2015 Describe different kinds of tastes. Label the different parts of the tongue. English- Senses (Poems and Rhymes) D.T- Investigate existing products. Develop skills and knowledge about food preparation. Art- Fruit printing. YEAR 1 : Autumn first half term 2015 SCIENCE with curricular links - L.C: Who Am I?