SAP - EKTEK Tugas-3: Menyusun suatu rencana bisnis/usaha beberapa tahun kedepan, dan dapat mengantisipasi segala kemungkinan agar rencana usaha tersebut layak secara ekonomis. 8. Metode Depresiasi dan perhitungan pajak 9. After Tax Cash Flow 10. Analisis Penggantian 7. Analisis Sensitivitas Tugas-2: Menganalisis rencana investasi dengan metode NPV; BCR; PBP;IRR. 6. Evaluasi Investasi 5. Bunga Nominal. Efektif. MARR Tugas-1: Menyusun beberapa skema pinjaman dengan tingkat suku bunga tertentu 4.Bunga majemuk dalam ekivalensi 2. Konsep Biaya 3. Konsep Nilai Uang terhadap Waktu 1. Pengenalan Ekonomi Teknik INTRODUCTION IEG2H2-ektek 2 The Role of Engineers in Business Create & Design • Engineering Projects Analyze Evaluate Evaluate • Production Methods • Engineering Safety • Environmental Impacts • Market Assessment • Expected Profitability • Timing of Cash Flows • Degree of Financial Risk • Impact on Financial Statements • Firm’s Market Value • Stock Price IEG2H2-ektek 3 Why Engineering Economy is Important to Engineers Engineers design and create Designing involves economic decisions Engineers must be able to incorporate economic analysis into their creative efforts Often engineers must select and implement from multiple alternatives Understanding and applying time value of money, economic equivalence, and cost estimation are vital for engineers A proper economic analysis for selection and execution is a fundamental task of engineering IEG2H2-ektek 4 ENGINEERING ECONOMY Involves : Formulating, estimating, and evaluating the economic outcomes of alternatives designed to accomplish a defined purpose. It is a tool to assist people in making decisions. IEG2H2-ektek 5 Role of engineering economy in decision making Assist people in making decisions Time frame is the future Best estimates of what is expected to occur o Cash flows o Time of occurrence o Interest rates o Observed value in the future will differ form the estimate made now Sensitivity analysis o Performed during the engineering economic study to determine how the decision might change based on varying estimates IEG2H2-ektek 6 ENGINEERING ECONOMY involves the systematic evaluation of the economic merits of proposed solutions to engineering problems. To be economically acceptable (affordable), solutions to engineering problems must demotrate a positive balance of long-term benefits over longterm costs, and they must also promote the well being and survival of an organisation. IEG2H2-ektek 7 Engineering economy is the dollars-and-cents side of the decisions that engineers make or recommend a firm to be profitable in highly competitive marketplace Trade offs among different types of costs and the performance provided by the proposed design or problem solution. IEG2H2-ektek 8 Engineering Economic Decisions Needed e.g. in the following (connected) areas: Manufacturing Profit! Then continue at the next stage… Design Financial planning Investment and loan Marketing IEG2H2-ektek 9 Accounting vs. Engineering Economy Evaluating past performance Evaluating and predicting future events Accounting Engineering Economy Past Future Present IEG2H2-ektek 10 What Makes Engineering Economic Decisions Difficult? Predicting the Future Estimating the required investments Estimating product manufacturing costs Forecasting the demand for a brand new product Estimating a “good” selling price Estimating product life and the profitability of continuing production 11 Key Factors in Selecting Good Engineering Economic Decisions Objectives, available resources, time and uncertainty are the key defining aspects of all engineering economic decisions IEG2H2-ektek 12 Types of Strategic Engineering Economic Decisions in the Manufacturing Sector Service Improvement * Equipment and Process Selection * Equipment Replacement * New Product and Product Expansion * Cost Reduction * IEG2H2-ektek 13 Example : Healthcare Service Improvement 1 Traditional Plan: Patients visit the service providers 2 New Strategy: Service providers visit the patients Which one of the two plans is more economical? The answer typically depends on the type of patients and the services offered. Examples? service providers 1 2 patients IEG2H2-ektek 14 Service Improvement How many more jeans would Levi need to sell to justify the cost of additional robotic tailors? IEG2H2-ektek 15 Example 2: Equipment and Process Selection How do you choose between using alternative materials for an auto body panel? The choice of material will dictate the manufacturing process and the associated manufacturing costs IEG2H2-ektek 16 Which Material to Choose? IEG2H2-ektek 17 Example 3: Equipment Replacement Problem Key question: When is the right time to replace an old machine or equipment? 18 Equipment Replacement Problem Now is the time to replace the old machine? If not, when is the right time to replace the old equipment? Example 4: New Product and Product Expansion Shall we build or acquire a new facility to meet the increased (increasing forecasted) demand? Is it worth spending money to market a new product? 20 Example 5: Cost Reduction Should a company buy new equipment to perform an operation that is now done manually? Should we spend money now, in order to save more money later? The answer obviously depends on a number of factors. 21 Further Areas of Strategic Engineering Economic Decisions in the Service Sector Commercial Transportation Logistics and Distribution Healthcare Industry Electronic Markets and Auctions Financial Engineering and Banking Retail Hospitality and Entertainment Customer Service and Maintenance IEG2H2-ektek 22 PRINCIPLES OF ENGINEERING ECONOMY * 1. Develop the Alternatives; 2. Focus on the Differences; 3. Use a Consistent Viewpoint; 4. Use a Common Unit of Measure; 5. Consider All Relevant Criteria; 6. Make Uncertainty Explicit; 7. Revisit Your Decisions IEG2H2-ektek 23 Principle 1 DEVELOP THE ALTERNATIVES The final choice (decision) is among alternatives. The alternatives need to be identified and then defined for subsequent analysis. IEG2H2-ektek 24 Principle 2 FOCUS ON THE DIFFERENCES Only the differences in expected future outcomes among the alternatives are relevant to their comparison and should be considered in the decision. IEG2H2-ektek 25 Principle 2 Only the cost (resource) difference among alternatives counts Option Monthly Fuel Cost Monthly Maintenance Cash paid at signing (cash outlay ) Monthly payment Salvage Value at end of year 3 Buy $960 $550 $6,500 $350 $9,000 Lease $960 $550 $2,400 $550 0 The data shown in the green fields are irrelevant items for decision making, since their financial impact is identical in both cases 26 Principle 3 USE A CONSISTENT VIEWPOINT The prospective outcomes of the alternatives, economic and other, should be consistently developed from a defined viewpoint (perspective). IEG2H2-ektek 27 Principle 4 USE A COMMON UNIT OF MEASURE Using a common unit of measurement to enumerate as many of the prospective outcomes as possible will make easier the analysis and comparison of alternatives. IEG2H2-ektek 28 Principle 5 CONSIDER ALL RELEVANT CRITERIA Selection of a preferred alternative (decision making) requires the use of a criterion (or several criteria). The decision process should consider the outcomes enumerated in the monetary unit. IEG2H2-ektek 29 Principle 6 MAKE UNCERTAINTY EXPLICIT Uncertainty is inherent in projecting (or estimating) the future outcomes of the alternatives and should be recognized in their analysis and comparison. IEG2H2-ektek 30 Principle 7 REVISIT YOUR DECISIONS Improved decision making results from an adaptive process; to the extent practicable, the initial projected outcomes of the selected alternative should be subsequently compared with actual results achieved. IEG2H2-ektek 31 The Others Principles of Engineering Economics 1. An instant dollar is worth more than a distant dollar… $ 2. Marginal revenue must exceed marginal cost, in order to carry out a profitable increase of operations 3. Additional risk is not taken without an expected additional return of suitable magnitude $ IEG2H2-ektek 32 1 An instant dollar is worth more than a distant dollar… Today 6 months later IEG2H2-ektek 33 2 Marginal (unit) revenue has to exceed marginal cost, in order to increase production Marginal cost Manufacturing cost 1 unit Marginal revenue Sales revenue 1 unit IEG2H2-ektek 34 3 Additional risk is not taken without a suitable expected additional return Investment Class Potential Risk Expected Return Savings account (cash) Lowest 1.5% Bond (debt) Moderate 4.8% Stock (equity) Highest 11.5% A simple illustrative example. Note that all investments imply some risk: portfolio management is a key issue in finance 35 ENGINEERING ECONOMIC ANALYSIS PROCEDURE 1. Problem recognition, formulation, and evaluation. 2. Development of the feasible alternatives. 3. Development of the cash flows for each alternative. 4. Selection of a criterion ( or criteria). 5. Analysis and comparison of the alternatives. 6. Selection of the preferred alternative. 7. Performance monitoring and post-evaluation results. IEG2H2-ektek 36 Steps in an Engineering Economy Study IEG2H2-ektek 37 Rational Decision-Making Process Recognize the decision problem Collect all needed (relevant) information Identify the set of feasible decision alternatives Define the key objectives and constraints Select the best possible and implementable decision alternative 38 A Simple Illustrative Example: Car to Lease – Toyota or Honda? Recognize the decision problem Collect all needed (relevant) information Identify the set of feasible decision alternatives Define the key objectives and constraints Select the best possible and implementable decision alternative Need to lease a car Gather technical and financial data Select cars to consider Wanted: small cash outlay, safety, good performance, aesthetics,… Choice between Toyota and Honda (or others) Select a car (i.e., Honda, Toyota or another brand) IEG2H2-ektek 39 Conclusion An engineering economy study is accomplished using a structured procedure and mathematical modeling techniques. The economic results are then used in a decision situation that involves two or more alternatives and normally includes other engineering knowledge and input. IEG2H2-ektek 40 The term engineering economic decision refers to any investment or other decision related to an engineering project The five main types of engineering economic decisions are (1) service improvement, (2) equipment and process selection, (3) equipment replacement, (4) new product and product expansion, and (5) cost reduction The factors of time, resource limitations and uncertainty are key defining aspects of any investment project IEG2H2-ektek 41 Mumu natapriatna Cellphone: 08122023600 IEG2H2-ektek 42 Instructor Time Location Telp. No. : Mumu Natapriatna : Wed,Thu, 08:30 to 12:30 pm : : 022 7311908 Mobile phone No.: 0812 2023600 Email: Office hours: Office location: C3 IEG2H2-ektek 43 IEG2H2-Engineering Economy Even Semester, 2015 Syllabus Course Description: The purpose for this course is to introduce the economic justification and decision making of engineering projects, programs, and organizational asset management. This course provide an introduction to discounted cash-flow analysis and its application to practical problems using spreadsheets, an understanding of how to structure practical decision problems and how to model them analytically as well as the role of, and the necessity for, engineering management of private and public organizations. Required Text: •William G. Sullivan, Elin M. Wicks, & James T. Luxhoj, “Engineering Economy,” 12th Ed., Pearson, 2003, ISBN 0-13-039555-2 •Newnan, Donald G., “Engineering Economic Analysis”, Engineering Press,Inc., 1992, California, USA Other References: •Grant, Ireson, Levenworth, ” Dasar-Dasar Ekonomi Teknik”, PT Rineka Cipta, 2001, Jakarta •Thuesen, G.J. & Fabrycky, W.J., ” Engineering Economy”, 9th Edition, Prentice Hall, Inc., 2001, New Jersey, USA •DeGarmo, Sullivan, Bontadelli, Wicks, ”Engineering Economy”, Tenth Edition, Prentice Hall, Inc., 1997, New Jersey, USA •Steiner, H.M., ”Engineering Economy Principles”, Mc. Graw Hills International, 1996, Singapore •Grant, Ireson, Leavenworth, “Principles of Engineering Economy”, John Wiley&Sons, 1990, Singapore Tools: An ability to set up and manipulate simple spreadsheets in Excel is expected. The use of the HP-12C or T I financial calculator may be recommended. Grade: •Homework/Quiz 20% , •Midterm examination 25%, •Final examination 35%, •Project 20%, •Participation %, IEG2H2-ektek 44 The policy for the student final grade will be based on: •> = 85 :A •70 – 84,99 : B • 55 – 69,99 : C • 40 – 54,99 : D •< 40 :E Assessment: •Homework Homework will be assigned about every week in the form of a problem set. For each problem set, 50% of the points will be awarded for completeness (i.e., a serious attempt at all problems), 50% will be allocated to accuracy in the selected problems. Homework is due at the beginning of the class in Room .... on its due date. Will be collected in class, graded, and returned. Late homework receives 1/2 credit. The basis for grading is effort – full credit for most incorrect answers. •Exams There will be a midterm exam in the 8th week in class. The final exam will be given after the 16th week. Mid-term and Final exam will be open book and notes in class exam. You are expected to take the midterm and final exam on the dates given. There are no makeup exams! If you have a justified scheduling conflict, you will have to make an arrangement with me one weeks before the exam. Any requests made after that day (other than documented emergencies) may or may not be granted. •Class Participation Your presence and participation in class are essential for gaining mastery of the material. At first sight it might seem to you that the concepts in this course are easy and might be quickly “crammed” before an exam. Experience shows that this first impression is more often than not incorrect, and in this course we therefore require your attendance and participation. From time to time there may be a mini-quiz in class. The results will enter into your class participation grade. Cellar phone is not allowed during the class. Please turn off your cellar phone before you enter the classroom. We will do 360 degree evaluation in each class. •Project At least three students will be grouped as a project team. Two to three teams will be organized in the first class. Each team needs to find out a subject for your team project related to the course issues taught in the class and to develop a project by the team members together. A five-page written project report with double space & font size 12 point is required to submit before your final project presentation. Each team needs to present your projects in the 13th week of the semester. For the project, 60% of the points will be awarded for completeness of project based on the project report, 20% will be allocated to the team work, and 20% will be counted on the team presentation. Your team needs to submit Microsoft Power Point file as the team work, and 20% will be counted on the team presentation. Your team needs to submit Microsoft Power Point file as well as the final report before one week of the project presentation. No late report will be accepted and there is no makeup report! The 360 degree evaluation from each team will be used as a reference to assign a grade for each team. The final grades of project will be 95, 90, 85, 80, & 75. IEG2H2-ektek 45 Schedule: Week Date Content Reading Assignment 1 Introduction to Engineering Economy WGS, Ch.1 2 WGS, Ch.2,3 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 •Cost concept •Money-time relationship (Time Value Of Money) Economic Equivalence Present Worth Method/analysis Annual Worth analysis; Quiz RoR Analysis BCR Analysis; Quiz Midterm Examination PP and other analysis Sensitivity Analysis Depreciation and Income Taxes; Quiz After Tax Cash flow 13 Replacement Analysis; Quiz WGS,Ch.9; Newnan, Ch.12 14 15 16 Project Presentation (1) Project Presentation (2); Review Final Examination IEG2H2-ektek WGS, Ch. 3 WGS, Ch. 4, 5 WGS, Ch. 4, 5 WGS, Ch.4,5 WGS,Ch.11 WGS, Ch.4,5 Newnan. Ch.9 WGS, Ch.6 Newnan,Ch.10,11 46 Case #1: Buy, Rent or Repair? • You wreck your car! And you absolutely need one to get around. • A wholesaler offers $2,000 for the wrecked car, and $4,500 if it is repaired. The car’s standing mileage is 58,000 miles. • Your insurance company offers $1,000 to cover the cost of the accident. • To repair the car costs $2,000. • A newer second–hand car costs $10,000 with a standing mileage of 28,000 miles. • A part–time technician can repair the car for $1,100, but it takes a month. In the meantime, you need to rent a car, which costs $400 per month. • Question: What should you do? IEG2H2-Example1 47 No panic! • Apply the engineering economic analysis procedure. IEG2H2-Example1 48 Case #2 Six college students are making plans for spring break. They are considering traveling 1200 miles to Florida by bus, train, plane, rental cars, or rental van. Due to bus and train schedules, they limited their options to plane, two rental cars, or a rental van. The final data used in their analysis of transportation options are as follows: round-trip airfare per person ($300); daily rental rate for each car, all charges except fuel ($50); rental car gas mileage (20 miles/gallon); drop charge for each car ($150); daily rental rate for a van, all charges except fuel ($80); rental van gas mileage (12 miles/gallon); drop charge for the van ($225); cost to travel to or from the airport at the spring break destination ($50 per cab, two cabs required); and average price of gasoline ($4.25/gallon). If they keep the rental vehicle, the charges will be for 7 days; if they drop the rental vehicle, the charges will be for 2 days. IEG2H2-Example1 49 Case #3 • A firm is considering three investment proposals (A,B, & C). A requires $1M investment, B requires $2.5M, and C requires $3M. The firm has $4.5M to invest. C is contingent on A; B and C are mutually exclusive. The “do nothing” alternative is not feasible. Form the set of mutually exclusive investment alternatives that exists. IEG2H2-Example1 50