DOCTORAL SCHOOL OF FINANCE AND BANKING DOFIN ACADEMY OF ECONOMIC STUDIES, BUCHAREST FORECASTING ROL/USD EXCHANGE RATE USING ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORKS. A COMPARISON WITH AN ECONOMETRIC MODEL. MSc. Student: BÎRLÃ MARIUS Supervisor: Phd. Professor MOISÃ ALTÃR July, 2003 1 OBJECTIVE Compare the forecasts of the exchange rate return, deriving from two specifications: An econometric model An artificial neural network model 2 LITERATURE REVIEW • Kuan and Liu (1995) estimate and select feedforward and recurrent networks to evaluate their forecasting performance in case of five exchange rates against USD. The networks performed differently for different exchange rate series: - for the japanese yen and british pound some selected networks have significant market timing ability (sign predictions) and significantly lower out-of-sample MPSE (mean squared prediction errors) relative to the random walk model in different testing periods; - for the Canadian dollar and deutsche mark the selected networks exhibit only mediocre performance. •Plasmans, Weeren and Dumortier (1997) construct a neural network error correction model for the yen/dollar, pound/dollar and DM/dollar exchange rates that significantly outperforms both the random walk model and a linear vector error correction model. •Yao and Tan (2000) show that if technical indicators and time series data are fed to neural networks to capture the underlying rules of the movement in currency exchange rates then useful prediction can be made and significant paper profit can be achieved for out-of-sample data. Compared with an ARIMA model, this network performed better, standing for a viable alternative forecasting tool for the yen/dollar, DM/dollar, pound/dollar, Swiss franc/dollar and Australian dollar/dollar exchange rates. 2 LITERATURE REVIEW •Gradojevic and Yang (2000) construct a neural network that never performs worse than a linear model embedding a set of macroeconomic variables (interest rate and crude oil price) and a variable from the field of microstructure (order flow), but always performs better than the random walk model when predicting Canadian dollar/dollar exchange rate; •Qi and Wu (2002) use a neural network in order to make forecasts for the yen/dollar, DM/dollar, Australian dollar/dollar and pound/dollar exchange rates movements. The network is fed with data series concerning the following macroeconomic fundamentals: the money supply M1, the real industrial production and the interest rate. The network cannot outperform the random walk model for the out-of-sample forecast especially if the prediction horizon increases. The study suggest that neither the non-linearity, nor market fundamentals seems to play a very important role in improving the forecasts for the chosen horizons. 3 EXCHANGE RATE MOVEMENTS AND MACROECONOMIC FUNDAMENTALS A. The monetary model – flexible prices The real income (y) The demand for money (m) The price level (p) The nominal interest rate (i) Monetary equilibria: (1) Purchasing power parity condition: st pt pt* (2) st – exchange rate st mt mt* kyt k * yt* it *it* (3) 3 EXCHANGE RATE MOVEMENTS AND MACROECONOMIC FUNDAMENTALS B. The monetary model – sticky prices Assumptions: • perfect mobility of the capital; • instant adjustment of the monetary market; • sticky prices; • perfect foresights of the exchange rate. expected appreciation / depreciation of the exchange rate Uncovered interest rate parity condition: i i * ( s s) Monetary market: m p y i m p y i * ( s s) p m (i * y ) ss 1 ( p p) 3 EXCHANGE RATE MOVEMENTS AND MACROECONOMIC FUNDAMENTALS Goods market: y D y S i (s p) Real exchange rate >inflation rate: p ( y D y S ) p [( 1) y i (e p)] >at equilibrium, when p 0 and i i* : 1 s p [(1 ) y i * ] In long-run, an increase in money supply has no real effect on prices and exchange rate. In short-run (due to stickiness of the prices), a monetary expansion has real effects on economy. 3 EXCHANGE RATE MOVEMENTS AND MACROECONOMIC FUNDAMENTALS p PPP (45o) p1 p0 s0 s1 sovershooting s 3 EXCHANGE RATE MOVEMENTS AND MACROECONOMIC FUNDAMENTALS C. The portfolio balance model Investors’ portfolios: Money M=M(i,i*+Ŝe) Domestic Bonds B=B(i,i*+Ŝe) Foreign Bonds B*=B*(i,i*+Ŝe) Investors’ wealth: W = M + B + SB* M1<0, M2<0 B1>0, B2<0 B1<0, B2>0 -When bondholders will buy domestic bonds to hedge their portfolios the domestic interest rates will get lower, causing an increase in value of domestic currency. Ŝe – expected rate of depreciation of domestic curency 3 EXCHANGE RATE MOVEMENTS AND MACROECONOMIC FUNDAMENTALS D. The market information approach When a significant event is expected to occur, action is taken in present rather than delayed. Inflation is expected to rise → The currency will devalue in anticipation of the event. 4 ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORKS FRAMEWORK The human neuron Source: Brown & Benchmark IntroductoryPshychology Electronic Image Bank, 1995. Times Mirror Higher Education Group Inc. 4 ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORKS FRAMEWORK The artificial neuron 4 ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORKS FRAMEWORK Feedforward neural networks f ( x) 1 1 ex (e x e x ) f ( x) x x (e e ) 1 S 2 1 S Goal: min( MSE ) min( t ) min( [ yt at ]2 ) S t 1 S t 1 4 ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORKS FRAMEWORK The overfitting problem A. Early stopping Stop training when MSE(Validation sample) reaches minimum. B. Bayesian regularization min( MSEREG ) min( MSE (1 ) MSW ) where n Goal: MSW w2j , t 1 n number of weights and biases performance ratio 5 A LINEAR MODEL OF EXCHANGE RATE RETURN The equation st c0 c1st 1 c2 rt c3mt c4 et c5 pt c6 (dt t ) t Where Δst – the change in the real exchange rate; Δrt – the change in the net international reserves; Δmt – the change in the real money supply (aggregate M2); Δet – the change in the exports to imports ratio; pt – the real index of industrial production; Δdt – the change in the interest rate; πt – the inflation rate. All variables, except the absolute change in the net international reserves and the interest rate change, are expressed in logarithms. In-sample observations: 1992:01 – 2002:01 Out-of-sample observations: 2002:02 – 2003:01 5 A LINEAR MODEL OF EXCHANGE RATE RETURN Unit root tests 5 A LINEAR MODEL OF EXCHANGE RATE RETURN Unit root tests 5 A LINEAR MODEL OF EXCHANGE RATE RETURN Unit root tests 5 A LINEAR MODEL OF EXCHANGE RATE RETURN Unit root tests 5 A LINEAR MODEL OF EXCHANGE RATE RETURN Unit root tests 5 A LINEAR MODEL OF EXCHANGE RATE RETURN Unit root tests 5 A LINEAR MODEL OF EXCHANGE RATE RETURN The regression of the linear model 5 A LINEAR MODEL OF EXCHANGE RATE RETURN Tests for autocorrelation of the residuals 5 A LINEAR MODEL OF EXCHANGE RATE RETURN Actual, fitted and residuals 5 A LINEAR MODEL OF EXCHANGE RATE RETURN Static forecasting 5 A LINEAR MODEL OF EXCHANGE RATE RETURN Dynamic forecasting 6 NEURAL NETWORK TRAINING AND FORECAST EVALUATION Indicators of prediction accuracy a)Root mean square error (RMSE) RMSE 1 T h ( yˆt yt ) 2 h t T 1 d)Bias proportion BIAS (( yˆt / h) y ) 2 ( yˆt yt )2 / h b)Mean absolute error (MAE) e)Variance proportion MAE 1 T h yˆt yt h t T 1 VAR.PROP . c)Mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) ( s yˆ s y ) 2 ( yˆt yt )2 / h f)Covariance proportion 1 T h yˆt yt MAPE 100 h t T 1 yt COV .PROP . 2(1 r ) s yˆ s y ( yˆt yt )2 / h d)Theil inequality coefficient (TIC) g)The sign test TIC 1 T h ( yˆ t yt ) 2 h t T 1 1 T h 2 1 T h 2 yˆ t yt h t T 1 h t T 1 S T h I t T 1 (d t ) where 1, if d t 0 I (d t ) 0, otherwise d t yˆ t yt 6 NEURAL NETWORK TRAINING AND FORECAST EVALUATION Results ANN (1,6,1) STATIC RMSE (1,7,1) DYNAMIC STATIC DYNAMIC (1,8,1) STATIC DYNAMIC (1,9,1) STATIC (1,10,1) DYNAMIC STATIC DYNAMIC 0.02283 0.46145 0.023484 0.044229 0.026946 0.036525 0.042758 0.052129 0.023533 0.034926 MSE 0.018358 0.040794 0.018317 0.037117 0.022543 0.029114 0.030352 0.041264 0.019572 0.029723 MAPE 278.1927 822.6506 255.0829 742.3622 437.8635 663.2017 627.2425 1025.014 318.6407 650.8908 TIC 0.645949 0.803904 0.65728 0.798474 0.705611 0.777047 0.81208 0.836406 0.687194 0.765935 BIAS 0.190603 0.781521 0.181656 0.704427 0.065356 0.361525 0.00004 0.297564 0.071794 0.576338 VAR 0.243053 0.020014 0.247513 0.050937 0.351306 0.207646 0.567109 0.46349 0.257819 0.064934 COVAR 0.566344 0.198466 0.50831 0.244789 0.583339 0.430829 0.43285 0.238946 0.670387 0.358728 0.5 0.666667 0.5 0.666667 0.416667 0.583333 0.333333 0.583333 0.416667 0.583333 SIGN 6 NEURAL NETWORK TRAINING AND FORECAST EVALUATION Results ANN (1,7,6,1) STATIC DYNAMIC (1,7,7,1) STATIC (1,7,8,1) DYNAMIC STATIC DYNAMIC (1,7,9,1) STATIC (1,7,10,1) DYNAMIC STATIC DYNAMIC RMSE 0.032014 0.040833 0.021634 0.036642 0.032745 0.043351 0.027759 0.037906 0.040599 0.040599 MSE 0.022744 0.027208 0.168 0.0299 0.023737 0.029152 0.020414 0.027429 0.027401 0.027401 MAPE 375.5224 579.8027 267.062 625.112 435.3916 541.5262 347.004 614.991 593.8604 593.8604 TIC 0.714484 0.786075 0.640472 0.774847 0.729064 0.807846 0.696667 0.784511 0.797833 0.797833 BIAS 0.060002 0.276366 0.168249 0.55064 0.018819 0.166218 0.099262 0.22859 0.263781 0.263781 VAR 0.501374 0.331118 0.217551 0.089272 0.525204 0.416178 0.374663 0.319403 0.310819 0.310819 COVAR 0.438624 0.392517 0.6142 0.360089 0.455976 0.417604 0.526075 0.452007 0.4254 0.4254 SIGN 0.416667 0.583333 0.416667 0.583333 0.5 0.583333 0.5 0.5 0.583333 0.583333 6 NEURAL NETWORK TRAINING AND FORECAST EVALUATION Results ANN (1,7,7,6,1) STATIC DYNAMIC (1,7,7,7,1) STATIC DYNAMIC (1,7,7,8,1) STATIC DYNAMIC (1,7,7,9,1) STATIC DYNAMIC (1,7,7,10,1) STATIC DYNAMIC RMSE 0.036063 0.064357 0.020234 0.019787 0.027899 0.031058 0.027793 0.032251 0.021931 0.05064 MSE 0.025199 0.049518 0.015532 0.015234 0.021914 0.02468 0.022097 0.024629 0.018555 0.045576 MAPE 463.1107 941.0469 349.023 430.1832 397.0747 534.129 450.443 609.054 362.5032 954.4723 TIC 0.708076 0.852817 0.634974 0.634972 0.704775 0.729059 0.665572 0.716331 0.62241 0.818536 BIAS 0.205139 0.592007 0.005931 0.132085 0.055268 0.424478 0.060647 0.531989 0.131289 0.809984 VAR 0.503397 0.191644 0.296461 0.16537 0.397364 0.152679 0.506848 0.139845 0.31299 0.015954 COVAR 0.291464 0.216349 0.697609 0.702545 0.547367 0.422843 0.432505 0.328167 0.555721 0.174062 SIGN 0.583333 0.666667 0.416667 0.583333 0.333333 0.583333 0.666667 0.666667 0.5 0.666667 6 NEURAL NETWORK TRAINING AND FORECAST EVALUATION Results OLS STATIC DYNAMIC RMSE 0.033891 0.035179 MSE 0.023698 0.024348 MAPE 473.7145 481.4462 TIC 0.736203 0.739305 BIAS 0.057203 0.372823 VAR 0.561383 0.4087 COVAR 0.381413 0.218477 SIGN 0.666667 0.75 (1 ,6 ,1 ) (1 ,7 ,1 ) (1 ,8 ,1 ) (1 ,9 ,1 ) (1 ,1 0, 1) (1 ,7 ,6 , (1 1) ,7 ,7 , (1 1) ,7 ,8 , (1 1) ,7 ,9 ,1 (1 ) ,7 ,1 (1 0 ,1 ) ,7 ,7 , (1 6,1 ) ,7 ,7 , (1 7,1 ) ,7 ,7 , (1 8,1 ) ,7 ,7 ,9 (1 ,1 ,7 ) ,7 ,1 0, 1) 6 NEURAL NETWORK TRAINING AND FORECAST EVALUATION Results RMSE - Static forecasting 0.045 0.04 0.035 0.03 0.025 ANN 0.02 OLS 0.015 0.01 0.005 0 Type on ANN (1 ,6 ,1 ) (1 ,7 ,1 ) (1 ,8 ,1 ) (1 ,9 ,1 ) (1 ,1 0, 1) (1 ,7 ,6 ,1 ) (1 ,7 ,7 , (1 1) ,7 ,8 , (1 1) ,7 ,9 ,1 (1 ) ,7 ,1 (1 0 ,1 ) ,7 ,7 , (1 6,1 ) ,7 ,7 , (1 7,1 ) ,7 ,7 ,8 ,1 (1 ) ,7 ,7 ,9 (1 ,1 ,7 ) ,7 ,1 0, 1) 6 NEURAL NETWORK TRAINING AND FORECAST EVALUATION Results MSE - Static forecasting 0.035 0.03 0.025 0.02 ANN 0.015 OLS 0.01 0.005 0 Type of ANN 6 NEURAL NETWORK TRAINING AND FORECAST EVALUATION Results MAPE - Static forecasting 700 600 500 400 ANN 300 OLS 200 100 0 (1 1) , ,6 (1 1) , ,7 (1 1) , ,8 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) , , , , , , , , , , , , 0 6 7 8 9 0 6 7 8 9 0 ,9 ,1 7, 7, 7, 7, 7,1 7, 7, 7, 7, 7,1 , , , , (1 , , , , , (1 , ,7 1 ,7 1 ,7 ,7 (1 (1 (1 (1 (1 (1 ( ( (1 (1 ,7 Type of ANN (1 ,6 ,1 ) (1 ,7 ,1 ) (1 ,8 ,1 ) (1 ,9 ,1 ) (1 ,1 0, 1) (1 ,7 ,6 , (1 1) ,7 ,7 ,1 ) (1 ,7 ,8 ,1 ) (1 ,7 ,9 ,1 (1 ) ,7 ,1 0, (1 1) ,7 ,7 , (1 6,1 ) ,7 ,7 ,7 ,1 (1 ) ,7 ,7 , (1 8,1 ) ,7 ,7 ,9 (1 ,1 ,7 ) ,7 ,1 0, 1) 6 NEURAL NETWORK TRAINING AND FORECAST EVALUATION Results TIC - Static forecasting 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 ANN 0.4 OLS 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 Type of ANN 6 NEURAL NETWORK TRAINING AND FORECAST EVALUATION Results BIAS PROPORTION - Static forecasting 0.3 0.25 0.2 ANN 0.15 OLS 0.1 0.05 0 (1 ) ,1 ,6 (1 ) ,1 ,7 (1 ) ,1 ,8 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) 1) 1) , , ,1 7,1 ,1 9,1 0 ,1 6,1 7,1 8,1 9,1 0,1 9 0 6 8 , , , , , , , , , 1 1 ,7 1 ,7 (1 (1 ,1 1 ,7 1 ,7 7, ,7,7 ,7,7 ,7,7 ,7,7 ,7, , ( ( (1 ( (1 (1 (1 (1 (1 (1 ,7 Type of ANN 6 NEURAL NETWORK TRAINING AND FORECAST EVALUATION Results VARIANCE PROPORTION - Static forecasting 0.6 0.5 0.4 ANN 0.3 OLS 0.2 0.1 0 (1 1) , ,6 (1 1) , ,7 (1 1) , ,8 ) ) ) ) ) ) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) , ,1 , , , , , ,1 7,1 ,1 9,1 ,1 9 0 6 7 8 9 0 6 8 0 , , , , , , , , , ,1 ,1 ,7 ,7 (1 (1 ,1 1 ,7 1 ,7 ,7 7,7 ,7 7,7 7 7 , 1 1 7 7 , , , , , ( ( ( ( ,7 (1 (1 (1 (1 (1 (1 Type of ANN 6 NEURAL NETWORK TRAINING AND FORECAST EVALUATION Results COVARIANCE PROPORTION - Static forecasting 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 ANN 0.4 OLS 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ,1 ,1 8,1 ,1 0 ,1 ,1 7,1 ,1 ,1 0 ,1 ,1 7,1 ,1 9,1 ,1 6 7 9 6 8 9 6 8 0 , , , , , , , , , , , , ,1 ,1 ,7 ,7 (1 (1 (1 (1 (1 ,1 1 ,7 1 ,7 ,7 7,7 ,7 7,7 7 7 , 1 1 7 7 , , , , , ( ( ( ( ,7 (1 (1 (1 (1 (1 (1 Type of ANN 6 NEURAL NETWORK TRAINING AND FORECAST EVALUATION Results SIGN TEST - Static forecasting 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 ANN 0.4 OLS 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ,1 ,1 8,1 ,1 0 ,1 ,1 7,1 ,1 ,1 0 ,1 ,1 7,1 ,1 9,1 ,1 6 7 9 6 8 9 6 8 0 , , , , , , , , , , , , ,1 ,1 ,7 ,7 (1 (1 (1 (1 (1 ,1 1 ,7 1 ,7 ,7 7,7 ,7 7,7 7 7 , 1 1 7 7 , , , , , ( ( ( ( ,7 (1 (1 (1 (1 (1 (1 Type of ANN (1 ,6 ,1 ) (1 ,7 ,1 ) (1 ,8 ,1 ) (1 ,9 ,1 ) (1 ,1 0, 1) (1 ,7 ,6 , (1 1) ,7 ,7 , (1 1) ,7 ,8 , (1 1) ,7 ,9 ,1 (1 ) ,7 ,1 (1 0 ,1 ) ,7 ,7 ,6 ,1 (1 ) ,7 ,7 , (1 7,1 ) ,7 ,7 , (1 8,1 ) ,7 ,7 ,9 (1 ,1 ,7 ) ,7 ,1 0, 1) 6 NEURAL NETWORK TRAINING AND FORECAST EVALUATION Results RMSE - Dynamic forecasting 0.07 0.06 0.05 0.04 ANN 0.03 OLS 0.02 0.01 0 Type on ANN 6 NEURAL NETWORK TRAINING AND FORECAST EVALUATION Results MSE - Dynamic forecasting 0.06 0.05 0.04 ANN 0.03 OLS 0.02 0.01 0 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ,1 ,1 6,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 6 7 8 9 0 6 7 8 9 0 7 8 9 0 , , , , , , , , , , , , ,1 ,1 ,1 ,7 ,7 ,7 ,7 (1 (1 (1 (1 ,7 ,7 ,7 ,7 7 7 , (1 1 1 1 1 7 7 7 7 , , , , , ( ( ( ( ,7 (1 (1 (1 (1 (1 (1 Type of ANN (1 ,6 ,1 ) (1 ,7 ,1 ) (1 ,8 ,1 ) (1 ,9 ,1 ) (1 ,1 0, 1) (1 ,7 ,6 , (1 1) ,7 ,7 , (1 1) ,7 ,8 , (1 1) ,7 ,9 ,1 (1 ) ,7 ,1 (1 0 ,1 ) ,7 ,7 , (1 6,1 ) ,7 ,7 , (1 7,1 ) ,7 ,7 , (1 8,1 ) ,7 ,7 ,9 (1 ,1 ,7 ) ,7 ,1 0, 1) 6 NEURAL NETWORK TRAINING AND FORECAST EVALUATION Results MAPE - Dynamic forecasting 1200 1000 800 600 ANN OLS 400 200 0 Type of ANN (1 ,6 ,1 ) (1 ,7 ,1 ) (1 ,8 ,1 ) (1 ,9 ,1 ) (1 ,1 0, 1) (1 ,7 ,6 ,1 ) (1 ,7 ,7 ,1 ) (1 ,7 ,8 , (1 1) ,7 ,9 ,1 (1 ) ,7 ,1 (1 0 ,1 ) ,7 ,7 ,6 ,1 (1 ) ,7 ,7 ,7 ,1 (1 ) ,7 ,7 , (1 8,1 ) ,7 ,7 ,9 (1 ,1 ,7 ) ,7 ,1 0, 1) 6 NEURAL NETWORK TRAINING AND FORECAST EVALUATION Results TIC - Static forecasting 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 ANN 0.4 OLS 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 Type of ANN (1 ,6 ,1 ) (1 ,7 ,1 ) (1 ,8 ,1 ) (1 ,9 ,1 ) (1 ,1 0, 1) (1 ,7 ,6 ,1 ) (1 ,7 ,7 ,1 ) (1 ,7 ,8 , (1 1) ,7 ,9 ,1 (1 ) ,7 ,1 (1 0 ,1 ) ,7 ,7 ,6 ,1 (1 ) ,7 ,7 ,7 ,1 (1 ) ,7 ,7 , (1 8,1 ) ,7 ,7 ,9 (1 ,1 ,7 ) ,7 ,1 0, 1) 6 NEURAL NETWORK TRAINING AND FORECAST EVALUATION Results BIAS PROPORTION - Dynamic forecasting 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 ANN 0.4 OLS 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 Type of ANN 6 NEURAL NETWORK TRAINING AND FORECAST EVALUATION Results VARIANCE PROPORTION - Dynamic forecasting 0.5 0.45 0.4 0.35 0.3 ANN 0.25 OLS 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 (1 ,6 ,1 ) (1 ,7 ,1 ) (1 ,8 ,1 ) (1 ,9 ,1 ) (1 ,1 0, 1) (1 ,7 ,6 , (1 1) ,7 ,7 , (1 1) ,7 ,8 , (1 1) ,7 ,9 ,1 (1 ) ,7 ,1 (1 0 ,1 ) ,7 ,7 ,6 ,1 (1 ) ,7 ,7 , (1 7,1 ) ,7 ,7 , (1 8,1 ) ,7 ,7 ,9 (1 ,1 ,7 ) ,7 ,1 0, 1) 0 Type of ANN (1 ,6 ,1 ) (1 ,7 ,1 ) (1 ,8 ,1 ) (1 ,9 ,1 ) (1 ,1 0, 1) (1 ,7 ,6 ,1 ) (1 ,7 ,7 ,1 ) (1 ,7 ,8 , (1 1) ,7 ,9 ,1 (1 ) ,7 ,1 (1 0 ,1 ) ,7 ,7 ,6 ,1 (1 ) ,7 ,7 ,7 ,1 (1 ) ,7 ,7 , (1 8,1 ) ,7 ,7 ,9 (1 ,1 ,7 ) ,7 ,1 0, 1) 6 NEURAL NETWORK TRAINING AND FORECAST EVALUATION Results COVARIANCE PROPORTION - Dynamic forecasting 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 ANN OLS 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 Type of ANN (1 ,6 ,1 ) (1 ,7 ,1 ) (1 ,8 ,1 ) (1 ,9 ,1 ) (1 ,1 0, 1) (1 ,7 ,6 ,1 ) (1 ,7 ,7 ,1 ) (1 ,7 ,8 , (1 1) ,7 ,9 ,1 (1 ) ,7 ,1 (1 0 ,1 ) ,7 ,7 ,6 ,1 (1 ) ,7 ,7 ,7 ,1 (1 ) ,7 ,7 , (1 8,1 ) ,7 ,7 ,9 (1 ,1 ,7 ) ,7 ,1 0, 1) 6 NEURAL NETWORK TRAINING AND FORECAST EVALUATION Results SIGN TEST - Dynamic forecasting 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 ANN OLS 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 Type of ANN 6 NEURAL NETWORK TRAINING AND FORECAST EVALUATION Results ANN (1,7,7,7,1) 6 NEURAL NETWORK TRAINING AND FORECAST EVALUATION Results ANN (1,7,7,7,1) 6 NEURAL NETWORK TRAINING AND FORECAST EVALUATION Results ANN (1,7,7,7,1) 6 NEURAL NETWORK TRAINING AND FORECAST EVALUATION Results ANN (1,7,7,7,1) 6 NEURAL NETWORK TRAINING AND FORECAST EVALUATION Results ANN (1,7,7,7,1) 6 NEURAL NETWORK TRAINING AND FORECAST EVALUATION Conclusion - ANN performs better than OLS in static forecasting, in most of the configurations; - OLS performs better in dynamic forecasting in most of the cases, except for ANN(1,7,7,7,1); - OLS predicts better the correct sign of excess returns. Shortcomings of ANN model -An important drawback is represented by the fact that there is no rule for designing ANNs. This is an empirical process of trial and error, through which one adds and removes hidden layers and/or neural units from the structure of the network until a minimum value for the loss function is reached. This process is time consuming and requires considerable computing resources. Another limitation is the small number of benchmark models necessary to assessing the predictive power of the network. For further research one can consider more than one econometric model and a larger battery of tests and indicators in order to achieve a better comparison between the models.