The Nervous System The Haitian Zombie The Function of the Nervous System Major control and communication system of the body What other body systems communicate with the nervous system? • Works with the muscular system • Works with the endocrine system •Works with the circulatory system •Works with the integumentary system •Works with the digestive system There’s more… Urinary system Skeletal system Respiratory system Reproductive system Immune system Functions of the Nervous System Sensory Input ◦ Gathering information by sensing stimuli Integration ◦ Processes and interprets that information Motor Output ◦ Response to the stimulus ◦ May activate muscles or glands Organization of the Nervous System Central Nervous System ◦ Brain ◦ Spinal Cord Peripheral Nervous System ◦ Nerves that connect the brain and spinal cord to the rest of the body Breakdown of the PNS Sensory Division ◦ AKA: Afferent Division ◦ Carry information to the CNS Motor Division ◦ AKA: Efferent Division ◦ Carry impulses away from the CNS Breakdown of the Motor (efferent) Division of the PNS Somatic Nervous System ◦ Voluntary ◦ Skeletal muslces Autonomic Nervous System ◦ Involuntary ◦ Cardiac & smooth muscles; glands; hormones Breakdown of the Autonomic Nervous System Sympathetic Division ◦ Fight or Flight Parasympathetic Division ◦ Rest and Digest DRAW IT OUT! Let’s make a flow chart to organize the complicated nervous system. The Cells of the Nervous Systems Supporting cells called neuroglia ◦ Support, insulate, & protect neurons ◦ CNS & PNS have different “glia” or supporting cells ◦ CANNOT transmit nerve impulses Nerve cells called neurons ◦ Same for the CNS and PNS Neuroglia of the CNS Astrocytes ◦ Form a barrier between neurons and the blood capillaries ◦ Brace the neurons to the blood supply ◦ Control the chemical environment of the brain Microglia ◦ Spiderlike phagocytes ◦ Dispose of bacteria, dead cells, and other debris Neuroglia of the CNS Ependymal cells ◦ Ciliated cells ◦ Line the cavities of the brain and spinal cord ◦ Circulate the cerebrospinal fluid Oligodendrocytes ◦ Wrap their extensions tightly around nerve fibers ◦ Form insulation around neurons called myelin sheaths Neuroglia of the PNS Satellite Cells ◦ Protect the neuron cell bodies ◦ Provide cushion Schwann Cells ◦ Form insulation around the neurons (myelin sheaths) ◦ Increases the speed of nerve impulses! Neurons = Nerve Cells Highly specialized cells that transmit messages in the form of electrical impulses Every neuron has: 1. Cell Body 2. Dendrites 3. Axon Neurons Cell Body ◦ Metabolic center of the cell ◦ Contains cell organelles, except centrioles ◦ Neurofibrils (cellular filaments) and the rough endoplasmic reticulum called Nissl Substance give the cell its shape Processes (Extensions) ◦ Dendrites Can have hundreds of branching dendrites ◦ Axons Only ONE axon protruding from the cell body, BUT axon can branch Can have many axon terminals Neuron Dendrites ◦ Conduct impulses toward the cell body Axon ◦ Conduct impulses away from the cell body ◦ Axon terminals contain hundreds of tiny vesicles containing neurotransmitters Synapse Junction where the axon terminal of the PRESYNAPTIC neuron meets the dendrites of the POSTSYNAPTIC neuron The two neurons don’t actually touch ◦ Synaptic Cleft- gap between adjacent neurons Schwann Cells Envelopes and rotates around an axon Most of the cell cytoplasm is toward the outside of the cell ◦ Neurilemma Tight coil of plasma membrane closest to the axon ◦ Myelin Sheath Nodes of Ranvier ◦ Gaps in the myelin sheath along the axon Neuron Cell Body Location Most are found in the CNS ◦ Nuclei- clusters of cell bodies in the CNS ◦ Tracts- bundles of nerve fibers running through the CNS Ganglia- collections of cell bodies in the PNS ◦ Nerves- bundles of nerve fibers running through the PNS Neuron Classification Sensory Neurons ◦ Carry impulses from sensory receptors TO the CNS ◦ AKA Afferent Neurons ◦ Cell body is found in ganglion outside the CNS ◦ What are Sensory Receptors? Found in cutaneous sense organs Sense touch, pressure, pain, temperature Proprioceptors detect stretch or tension in skeletal muscles, their tendons, and joints Neuron Classification Motor Neuron ◦ Carries impulses from the CNS to the body ◦ AKA Efferent Neuron ◦ Cell body of the neuron is found in the CNS Neuron Classification Interneurons or Association Neurons ◦ Small neuron that is always located in the CNS whose job is to connect the sensory and motor neurons to complete the pathway Structural Classification of Neurons Based on the number of processes extending from the cell body of the neuron 3 Types: ◦ Multipolar neuron- many extensions from the cell body ◦ Bipolar neuron- one axon and one dedrite ◦ Unipolar neuron- one short single process leaving the cell body Structural Classification of Neurons What do neurons do? Irritability- ability to respond to a stimuli and convert it into a nerve impulse Conductivity- ability to transmit an impulse to other neurons, muscles, or glands Nerve Impulse Video chapter14/animation__the_nerve_impuls e.html Nerve Impulse Membrane of a resting (inactive) neuron is polarized ◦ Fewer positive ions inside the cell than outside ◦ Major + ions that are in the cell are K+ ◦ Major + ions outside the cell are Na+ Voltmeter = -70 mV Nerve Impulse When stimuli (light, sound, touch, or neurotransmitters released from another neuron) excite a neuron, sodium channels open in the membrane allowing an inward rush of Na+ Depolarization- change in polarity of the membrane ◦ Locally, the inside is more + and the outside is less + All or none response: Only if the stimulus is strong enough and the Na+ influx is great enough, will the neuron transmit an impulse (message) Nerve Impulse If signal is strong enough, an action potential (nerve impulse) is generated Action potential propagates over the entire axon K+ ions rush out of the neuron after Na+ rush in, repolarizing the membrane ◦ Restores electrical conditions to the resting state (more - on the inside) Sodium-Potassium pump then restore the neuron to the initial concentrations of Na+ and K+ 5 Step Nerve Impulse 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Resting membrane potential is more – inside the cell than outside with more K+ inside the cell and more Na+ outside the cell Stimulus opens Na+ channels, allowing influx of Na+ in cell initiating local depolarization Generates action potential which travels down the axon Repolarization by K+ channels allowing K+ to leave the cell, making the inside of the cell more - than the outside Na+/K+ pump restores ion concentrations to more K+ in cell and more Na+ outside of the cell Nerve Impulse What happens when the action potential reaches the axon terminals? Ca2+ ions rush into the axon terminal of the presynaptic neuron, causing tiny vesicles containing neurotransmitters to be released into the synaptic cleft Neurotransmitters then bind to the receptors on the dendrites of the postsynaptic neuron If enough neurotransmitters bind to the dendrites, an action potential will result Electrochemical Event ACT IT OUT! chapter14/animation__the_nerve_impuls e.html Represent the membrane, Na+ and K+ ions, Na+ and K+ channels, Na/K pump How does myelin sheath increase the speed of a nerve impulse? Saltatory conduction 8LuI Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Antibodies specific for protein in myelin sheath Damaged myelin forms scar tissue forming hard plaque or sclerosis Neurons are shortcircuited and damaged Myelination Begins the 14th week of development Continues into adolescense Deficiencies in nutrients can impair myelination Demyelination occurs with age Sodium Channel Blockers If you block a sodium channel and the sodium cannot get into the neuron cell… what will happen? Does not allow neurons to transmit nerve impulses Paralysis due to loss of nerve function TTX (tetrodotoxin) Anesthetics Treat cardiac arythmias Anti-epileptic drugs Neurotoxins TTX (tetrodotoxin) Too large to pass through the blood brain barrier so often does not affect mental function Binds to Na+ channels, preventing Na+ from generating an action potential Paralysis, slowed heart rate, slowed respiration Potassium Channel Blockers Prolong depolarization Use for heart problems