Population Ecology

Campbell & Reece Chapter 53
Population Ecology
the study of populations in relation to their
Dynamic Biologic Processes that
Influence Population Density
Population: is a group of individuals of a
single species living in same generral area
 Members
of a population rely on same resources
& are influenced by same environmental factors
 They are likely to interact & breed with each
often described by their boundaries & #s
boundaries may be natural ones or
ecologists may arbitrarily define them
Population Density
# of individuals per unit area or volume
the pattern of spacing among individuals
w/in boundaries of the population
Mark-Recapture Method
way to determine population size:
ecologists cannot count all individuals in a
population if organisms move too quickly or
are hidden from view
Technique: capture a random sample of
individuals & “mark” & then release them.
Some species can be identified w/out
physically capturing them: dolphin, whale
Mark-Recapture Method
Population Dynamics
Population density
is not a static
Patterns of Dispersion
Patterns of Dispersion: Clumped
*most common
plants & fungi clumped where soil conditions
& other environmental factors favor
germination & growth
animal clumping may have to do with being
successful in some way:
 Mayflies
swarm in great #s which increases their
chances of mating (only have ~2 days)
 Wolf pack more likely to kill a moose or deer than a
single wolf
Mayfly Swarm
Patterns of Dispersion: Uniform
may result from direct interactions between
individuals in a population
some plants secrete chemicals that inhibit
germination & & growth of nearby
individuals that could compete for
animals that show territoriality are spaced
apart: often as result of antagonistic
Patterns of Dispersion: Random
unpredictable spacing
1 individual’s position is unrelated to other
study of the vital statistics of a population
& how it changes over time
especially important are birth rates & death
Life Table
age-specific summaries of the survival
pattern of a population
construct one by following the fate of a
cohort: a group of individuals of the same
age, from birth until all of them are dead
Life Table of Belding’s Ground
Survivorship Curves
a graphic method of representing some of
the data in a life table
plots proportion or #s in a cohort still alive
at each age
Idealized Survivorship Curves
Type I Curve
flat @ first reflecting low death rate
during early & middle life
then steep drop as death rate increases
with increasing age
typical curve for large mammals that
produce few young but take good care of
Type III Curve
drops sharply at start reflecting high death
rate among the young
flattens out as death rate for those
individuals that make it out of early life
typical for species that produce many
offspring but provide little or no care for
 fishes,
Type II Curve
have a constant death rate
typical of rodents, some invertebrates,
some lizards, & some annuals
Survivorship Curves
not all species fall into 1 of the 3 types
some invertebrates have a “stair-step”
pattern: more vulnerable during periods
when molting, less vulnerable when not
Reproductive Rates
Demographers tend to just look @ #s of
females & how many female offspring they
simplest way to describe the reproductive
pattern of a population is to ask how
reproductive output varies with the age of
Reproductive Table
aka a fertility schedule
an age-specific summary of the
reproductive rates in a population
constructed by measuring reproductive
output of a cohort from birth to death
Natural Selection
favors traits that improve an organism’s
chances of survival & reproductive success
every species has trade-offs between
survival & traits such as frequency of
reproduction, # of offspring
traits that affect an organism’s schedule of
reproduction & survival make up its life
Life Histories
are very divers but exhibit patterns in the
have 3 basic variables:
when reproduction begins
how often the organism reproduces
how many offspring produced during each
reproductive episode
Big-Bang Reproduction
1 individual
reproduces large #
of offspring then
die: called
produce only a few offspring during
repeated reproductive episodes
Semelparity or Iteroparity?
Which is better?
Critical factor is survival of offspring:
*when survival of offspring is low as in
highly variable or unpredictable
environments, semelparity is favored
*dependable environments where
competition of resources is fierce favors
Limited Resources
means Trade-Offs
sometimes see trade-offs between survival
& reproduction when resources are limited
example: red deer females have higher
mortality in winters following summers in
which they reproduce
Species whose Young have High
Mortality Rates
often produce large #s of relatively small
example: plants that colonize disturbed
environments usually produce many small
seeds  only a few reach suitable habitat
 smaller
seeds allow them to be carried farther
Parental Investment Increases
Survival of Offspring
example: oak, walnut, & coconut trees have
large seeds with large store of nrg &
nutrients to help seedlings become
example: primates provide an extended
period of parental care
Population Growth
All populations have a tremendous capacity
for growth
Unlimited increase does not occur
indefinitely for any species, in lab or in
Exponential Model
of Population Growth
unlimited growth does not occur for long in
nature but it is assumed to be true in this
Δ population = (# births + # immigrants ) (# deaths + # emigrants)
 Or, ignoring immigration & emigration:
Δ N/Δt = B - D
Exponential Model
now use average #s of births & deaths per
individual during a specified period of time
If there are 34 births per year in a
population of 1,000 then the annual per
capita birth rate is 34/1,000 = 0.034 = b
Exponential Growth Equation
ΔN/dt = TMax N: represents a population’s
potential growth in an unlimited environment
where TMax is the maximum per capita rate of
increase & N is the # of individuals in the
Exponential Growth
Exponential Model
Logistic Model
in nature, as any population density
increases: each individual has access to
fewer resources
eventually, there is a limit to the # of
individuals that can occupy a habitat
Carrying Capacity: (K) the maximum
population size that a particular
environment can sustain
Carrying Capacity
varies over space & time with the abundance
of limiting resources:
 Energy
 Shelter
 Refuge
from predators
 Nutrients
 Water
 Suitable nesting sites
Carrying Capacity
per capita birth rate decreases if there are
not enough nutrients for adults to maintain
themselves or if disease or parasitism
increases with density
per capita death rate increases for same
either way: results in lower per capita rate
of increase
Logistic Growth Model
per capita rate of increase approaches 0 as
the carrying capacity is reached
Logistic Growth Equation
Logistic Model
fits few real populations perfectly, but it is
useful for estimating possible growth
Life History Traits are Products
of Natural Selection
traits that affect an organism’s schedule of
reproduction & survival make up its:
life history:
main variables:
age @ 1st reproduction
how often the organism reproduces
# offspring produced/ reproductive episode
Semelparous Organisms
reproduce once & die
aka “big-bang”
Iteroparous Organisms
produce offspring repeatedly
Semelparous vs. Iteroparous?
2 critical factors:
survival rate of offspring
low chance survival where environment
variable or unpredictable: semelparity
likelihood adult will survive to reproduce
adults less likely to survive: semelparity
“Trade-Offs” & Life Histories
trade-offs between reproduction & life
selective pressures influence the trade-off
between # & size of offspring
 Plants:
 those
that colonize disturbed environments have
small seeds…only few reach suitable habitat
 Animals:
 those
with high predation rate have larger #s
offspring (quail, mice, sardines)
other species put large investment to insure
survival of offspring
 trees
with large seeds (walnut, brazil nut)
provide nutrients that increases offspring’s
chances of survival
K-Selection/ R-Selection
selection for traits sensitive to population
density & are favored @ high densities is
known as K-selection = density dependent
selection for traits that maximize
reproductive success in low density
environments is called r-selection
Density-Dependent Factors
refers to any characteristic that varies
with population density
birth or death rate changes based on
population density
 often
because water &/or nutrients become
Density-Independent Factors
any characteristic not affected by ppulation
birth & death rates stable no matter what
the population density is
Determining Equilibrium for
Population Density
red line = densityindependent death
blue line = densitydependent birth
junction =
equilibrium density
Mechanisms of DensityDependent Population Regulation
w/out some type of (-) feedback between
population density & rates of birth & death:
a population would never stop growing
Mechanisms of DensityDependent Regulation
1. Competition for
competing for
nutrients & other
resources decreases
the birth rate
 farmers add
fertilizer to reduce
competition for
Mechanisms of DensityDependent Regulation
2. Predation
 as # prey increases
a predator may
develop preference
for that species
Mechanisms of DensityDependent Regulation
3. Toxic Wastes
 Brewer’s Yeast
used to convert
carbohydrates to
ethanol in winemaking but
anything > 13%
alcohol it toxic to
the yeast
Mechanisms of DensityDependent Regulation
4. Intrinsic Factors
 some species experience increased death
rate * decreased birth rate when population
density reaches certain point even when
there is sufficient nutrients
 white-footed
mice: immune system altered 
more deaths & reproductive maturity delayed
 fewer births when certain density reached
Mechanisms of DensityDependent Regulation
5. Territoriality
 when space becomes
resource competing for
it can limit population
 maintaining a territory
insures there will be
enough food to live &
Mechanisms of DensityDependent Regulation
6. Disease
 if transmission rate
depends on certain
level of crowding
then it is densitydependent
 respiratory viruses
spread thru air: is
more easily spread in
large cities than in
rural areas
Mechanisms of DensityDependent Regulation
7. Population Dynamics
 the normal fluctuations in population size
from yr to yr
Mechanisms of DensityDependent Regulation
8. Stability & Fluctuation
 because changing environmental conditions
disrupt populations, they all experience size
when a population becomes crowded &
resource competition increases often
emigration #s increase
example: when slime mold resources become
scarce some single celled individuals group
together (amoeba group) a & form a slug
form when a # of local populations are
local populations in a metapopulation can be
thought of as occupying discrete patches of
suitable habitat in a sea of unsuitable places
Human Population Growth
since ~ 1650 has been growing exponentially
w/in last 55 yrs rate of growth has fallen
by nearly ½
predictions: rate will continue to decline
until ~2050 & reach equilibrium ~2100
Human Population Growth
Demographic Transition
movement from high birth rate & high death
rate  low birth rate, low death rate
occurred in human population with industrial
Age Structure
relative # of individuals of each age
use “pyramids”
USA: #s fairly steady except for “baby
boomers”: increased birth rate that
followed up to 20 yrs after WWII
Age Structure: Rapid Growth
skewed toward
more young
ex: Afghanistan,
Age Structure: Slow Growth
fairly steady
growth over time
can be do to steady
birth rate or
falling birth rate +
steady increase in
ex: USA
Age-Structure: No Growth
smaller base: #s
under reproductive
age are underrepresented
ex: Italy, Germany
Infant Mortality
Life Expectancy
Infant Mortality = # of infant deaths per
1,000 live births
Life Expectancy @ birth = predicted
average length of life
both vary widely among human populations
if infant mortality high parents may choose
to have more children to increase odds some
will reach adulthood
Comparing Industrialized &
Developing Nations
Global Carrying Capacity
is uncertain
has changed over time due to advances in
Ecological Footprint
is the aggregate land & water area needed
to produce all the resources a person or
group of people consume & to absorb their
it‘s 1 measure of how close we are to Earth’s
carrying capacity
We‘re using many of Earth’s resources in
unsustainable manner
Annual per capita Energy Use