Academic Plan - 1 College/School/Department: Communication Disorders Academic Plan 2012-2017 I. Introduction State your department/school/college mission statement. The mission of the Department of Communication Disorders at Texas State University is to produce master’s level speech-language pathologists who meet all requirements for the Certificate of Clinical Competence in Speech-Language Pathology from the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA). In addition, we strive to provide undergraduate students with the academic background enabling them to successfully enter graduate education in Communication Disorders. To accomplish this mission, the department must (1) maintain Council of Academic Accreditation (CAA) standards of accreditation in the academic and clinical education of its graduate students (2) maintain high standards in the clinical services it provides and (3) encourage the development of new knowledge through faculty and student research activities. Outline briefly your “vision” for the 2012-2017 planning cycle. The Department of Communication Disorders at Texas State University aspires to be the premiere institution across the nation for producing certified and licensed speech-language pathology graduates. Academic Plan - 2 Using University goals and initiatives as a guide, list and briefly describe your top five priorities for the 2012-2017 planning cycle and indicate the university initiative/goal to which the unit’s initiative is linked. 1. Increase faculty salaries to compete with today’s market in an effort to retain highly qualified academic and clinical faculty (Goal 1/Initiative 1.1). 2. Increase number of staff to support the department’s infrastructure to support an increase in faculty productivity by adding an Administrative Assistant II, Graduate Admission’s Coordinator, Statistician/Budget Specialist and a departmental person for instructional technology needs (Goal 5/ Initiative 5.2) 3. In an effort to accommodate the current faculty and additional faculty/staff hires, there is a need for additional clinical, laboratory, and research space (Goal 5/Initiative 5.2) 4. Continue expanding the cognates offered within the department and engage in a feasibility study to develop a clinical or research doctoral program in speech-language pathology (Goal 2/ Initiative 2.1) 5. Provide opportunities for students to study abroad (Goal 2/Initiative 2.5) Based on unit goals, list the number of new (not replacement) faculty lines you plan to request in the 2012-2013 academic year and in the remaining 2-5 years. Academic Plan - 3 New Faculty Lines for 2012-2013: 1) One Lecturer/Audiologist 2) One tenure-track faculty member with expertise in neurogenics New Staff Lines for 2012-2013: 1) Academic Administrative Assistant II 2) Upgrade Clinic Administrative Assistant II position to a III 3) Addition of four graduate assistantships New Faculty Lines for 2 to 5 years: 1) One Program Faculty (Bilingual Speech Pathologist) 2) One Graduate Admissions Coordinator 3) One IT person 4) One Statistician/Budget Specialist Based on unit initiatives outlined in your plan, estimate the total amount of new funding that your unit will realistically need in the 2012-2013 academic year and in the remaining 2-5 years. Academic Plan - 4 Additional funding needed for the 2012-2013 academic year is $241,744. Additional funding needed for the next 2 to five years is $474,304 The funding needed for just current maintenance of the program is $695,892 including the addition of $50,000 to replace outdated audiology equipment and the three program faculty lines. State the facilities (e.g. offices, research and lab space, classrooms) that will be required for anticipated growth and new initiatives. Academic Plan - 5 The Department of Communication Disorders will require the additional facilities to accommodate growth and new initiatives: 1) Space in the Academic Unit to support an Administrative Assistant II 2) Five offices to house the two Bilingual Program Faculty, 1 Graduate Admissions Coordinator, 1 Statistician/Budget Specialist and one tenure-track faculty member 3) Ten additional therapy rooms in the Speech-Language-Hearing Clinic to accommodate the new specialty clinics (Fluency, Mexico, etc) 4) Three research labs to accommodate the current faculty members’ growing research agendas and increased need for undergraduate and graduate students assisting with the research activities 5) Need a classroom to hold up to 70 students Academic Plan - 6 II. Process Describe, in a brief paragraph, the process used to develop your plan, including the nature and extent of faculty involvement. The unit’s strategic plan was designed by the faculty and staff of the department with input from the undergraduate and graduate student representatives. The faculty began with the previous strategic plan, the University/CHP Progress Plan, the CAA recommendations from the reaccreditation process, the current 2008 CAA standards, the mission statements and goals for Texas State University, College of Health Professions, and Department of Communication Disorders. Using those as a basis, the faculty engaged in changes to address both programmatic, faculty, and student needs. Current professional practices and the needs of professionals within the Central Texas area and the state were also considered and incorporated. These needs were integrated with the College of Health Professions and Texas State University’s vision and mission. A strategic plan that was aggressive but achievable within the next five years was designed. The CDIS goals and timeframes listed will be reviewed every year during the annual Faculty Retreat held during the summer to determine progress. Academic Plan - 7 College/School/Department: Communication Disorders Academic Plan 2012-2017 III. Program Maintenance Maintenance Need Reason for Need Cost Result of Funding Audiology Equipment Equipment has not been updated in 10 years and will need to be replaced quickly if it becomes inoperable $50,000 Continued provision of audiological services in the SpeechLanguage-Hearing Clinic Continued funding for three program faculty members Maintenance of the current budget including M & O, Faculty and Staff Salaries, Research M & O, Distance Education Funds, and Speech-Language-Hearing Clinic budget In an effort to maintain the current $141,579 graduate enrollment as well as the quality of clinical supervision, we must continue to maintain the same number of clinical faculty in the department. In order to maintain the current $554,263 graduate, graduate non-degree seeking, and undergraduate students, we must continue to receive the funding awarded to us for this current fiscal year. Continuation of quality clinical education of our graduate students Maintenance of current program Academic Plan - 8 College/School/Department: Communication Disorders Academic Plan 2012-2017 IV. Planning Categories 1 2-5 New Resources Source of Dept. Initiative yr years Required Cost Resources University Goal 1: Promote academic quality by building and supporting a distinguished faculty. Increase academic and clinical faculty salaries in an effort to retain the current academic and CDIS clinical faculty X Current faculty $18,203 Administration Employ one full- time audiologist in an effort to accommodate the $47,193 increased number of (Salary) undergraduate and 1 lecturer Office-To graduate students position and 1 Be CDIS needing audiology courses X office Determined Administration Require additional office, 3 faculty classroom, clinical and offices; three research lab space to research labs; accommodate the current 10 additional undergraduate and therapy rooms graduate class sizes as for the Speechwell as faculty research LanguageTo Be To Be CDIS programs X Hearing Clinic Determined Determined Maintain national accreditation by the Council of Academic Accreditation in Audiology and Speech-Language Existing faculty CDIS Pathology X and staff $0 N/A CDIS Provide assigned time for X Funds for $20,000 Administration Assessment Criteria University Initiative Retention of academic and clinical faculty 1.1 Workload for the current senior lecturer (audiologist) will be more equitable 1.2 Addition of specialty clinics offered in the Speech-LanguageHearing Clinic and increase in scholarly productivity 1.4 Approval of yearly annual reports by the CAA 1.5 Increase in submission of 1.6 Academic Plan - 9 grant proposal development replacement of external grant proposals faculty on assigned time Goal 2: Provide opportunities for a public university education and contribute to economic and cultural development. Workload release of 25% Engage in a feasibility for person study for the Ph.D. or the completing the Completion of the CDIS Clinical Doctorate in SLP X feasibility study $16,319 CDIS feasibility studies Addition of a tenure- track faculty line and another program faculty Addition of specialty line for one certificate programs bilingual $55,462 Offering of a certificate including but not limited speech$47,193 in Bilingual Speechto the following: Bilingual language (OfficesLanguage Pathology and CDIS & Gerontology X pathologist TBD) Administration Gerontology Addition of four full-time Additional graduate graduate Increase from 2 CDIS assistantships X assistantships $78,912 Graduate College assistantships to 4 Development and implementation of the Summer Programming for Materials for Successful summer families from Mexico and implementation Departmental programming for families CDIS the U.S X of the project $10,000 Accounts from Mexico and the U.S. Increase numbers of students involved in Existing faculty More students enrolling CDIS research opportunities X and staff $0 N/A in CDIS 4301 Establishment of two Develop and implement faculty-led study abroad two faculty-led study Existing faculty Study Abroad programs with 4 faculty CDIS abroad programs X and staff $20,000 Fees members participating 2.1 2.1 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.5 Academic Plan - 10 Pursue opportunities to 25% workload add distance learning release for courses according to interested CDIS faculty interest X faculty $16,319 CDIS Engage in a feasibility study for an on-line 25% workload undergraduate or masters release for CDIS program X faculty member $16,319 CDIS Goal 3: Provide a premier student-centered, educational experience that fosters retention and success. 25% Workload release for Develop a CDIS Honors interested CDIS Course X faculty $16, 319 CDIS Existing faculty and addition of 1 program faculty member to provide Improve the departmental statistical infrastructure to support consulting and an Increase in scholarly budget CDIS activities X expertise $60,000 Administration Continue to maintain CAA accreditation and refine SACS student learning CDIS outcomes X Existing faculty $0 CDIS Develop an endowed scholarship from alumni by increasing social media Current faculty Alumni/University CDIS presence X and staff $25,000 Advancement Implement an electronic $100,000 health record in the (cost of Speech-Language-Hearing Current faculty hardware CDIS Clinic X and staff and Administration Addition of one more distance learning course either at the undergraduate or graduate level 2.8 Completion of the feasibility study 2.8 Development and offering of 1 CDIS Honor’s course 3.3 Increase in the number of yearly publications by faculty 3.7 Maintenance of accreditation 3.7 Offer two scholarships to students 3.8 Successful implementation of the electronic health record 3.9 Academic Plan - 11 software) Goal 4: Enrich our learning and working environment by attracting and supporting a more diverse faculty, staff, and student body. Continue to strengthen the current cognates (Bilingual, Autism, Fluency) and add the Neurogenic and Voice Current faculty Continued development CDIS Cognates X and staff $0 N/A of cognates 4.3 Continue to integrate the Faculty, staff and the CDIS Diversity Action Plan students report a more and continuation of a CDIS Current faculty enriched learning and CDIS Diversity Week X and staff $20,000 CDIS working environment 4.3 Goal 5: Develop and manage human, financial, physical and technological resources effectively, efficiently, and ethically to support the university's mission. With addition of an Recruitment of a full-time electronic health record, technology person to current clinic labs, support the Speechincreased HIPAA Language-Hearing Clinic regulations, and research and research lab lab needs, this expertise CDIS technological needs X 1 staff position $50,000 Administration is needed 5.2 Addition of an Administrative Assistant II to support the increased More equitable workload workload for the for the current Administrative Assistant 1 staff position Administrative Assistant CDIS III X and 1 office $32,436 Administration III 5.2 Employ an Employment of an Undergraduate/Graduate Undergraduate/Graduate Admission’s Coordinator Admissions Coordinator to handle the Graduate to accommodate the Non-Degree Seeking present significant Students and traditional increase in both graduate students as well 1 office and 1 Salary of undergraduate and CDIS as the CDIS X staff position $31,373 Administration graduate applications 5.2 Academic Plan - 12 undergraduate majors CDIS Upgrade Administrative Assistant II to a III in the Speech-Language-Hearing Clinic X None $35,000 Administration With addition of an electronic health record in the clinic and the addition of specialty clinics, more expertise is needed in this position 5.2