Great Basin Environmental Program Acting Commission Meeting Notes University of Nevada, Reno Reno, NV April 13, 2010 Participants: Rang Narayanan, UNR Stan Johnson, UNR Jodi Stephens, UNR Bob Alverts, UNR Nat Frazer, USU Chuck Gay, USU Kathleen Clarke, Utah Dept. of Ag. and Food Donn Thill, UI Tim Prather, UI David Lile, UC Paul Doescher, OSU John Cantlon, DuPont Action and Discussion Items: Key Action Items: 1) Each State needs to get Commission members appointed this summer. There is more urgency for this given the interest in funding for GBEP. 2) UNR will gather existing by-laws and related governance documents as tool to assist Commission with their upcoming work 3) UNR will complete template on statewide GBEP statistics and get out to members prior to the next conference call. 4) UNR will send electronic copies of Nevada NGO inventory template and draft multi-page color summary document. Suggested changes/additions welcome. 5) Nevada and Utah will complete list of writing team nominees for each of the 6 thematic areas by April 27. 6) Each state is asked to review and provide comments on the draft of 8 page color GBEP brochure by April 20. This document was sent electronically on March 15 as an attachment to the March 2 conference call notes, and hard copies were distributed at the April 13 meeting. 7) 2011 Conference Planning Committee named: Tim Prather, Jodi Stephens, Chuck Gay, Rang/Stan, and Paul Doescher will talk with Larry Curtis about OSU rep. 8) Jodi Stephens will explore dates and places for 2011 conference. 9) Next conference call May 4, 2:00pm pdt 10) June 10 will not work for next meeting. Although we agreed the next meeting would be held on June 10 in Salt Lake City, there are some schedule conflicts with that date. Janet Corty, UNR will work with members to find another date for our Salt Lake meeting. Once determined Utah will provide details on lodging and address for Utah Dept. of Agriculture office. Discussion Items: Update on CABNR situation: Ron Pardini, Rang and Stan gave an overview of the proposed decision to close CABNR. At this point 3 departments are to be retained: nutrition, biochemistry, and natural resources and environmental science. Departments to be closed are resource economics and animal biotechnology, involving over 20 faculty members. The college is required to cut roughly 1/3 of their budget, or $4.5 million. Stakeholders have expressed strong support for CABNR and want to keep the college. Members indicated their willingness to send letters of support to the Provost with copies to Acting Dean Ron Pardini. Champion States Initiative: John Cantlon, DuPont discussed the program and draft resolution involving 4 states: Idaho, Colorado, Montana and Wyoming. He also discussed a draft resolution from the Western Governor’s Association (WGA). Copies of these documents were attached to the minutes of the March 2 conference call. John mentioned that Idaho Governor Otter is the primary lead for invasive species issues in the western states. He noted that Washington and Idaho have the strongest state weed laws in the nation, and that Idaho also has an excellent weed awareness campaign that focuses on “harm”. John recommends that WGA and Champion States Initiative be kept informed of progress on GBEP, including details on specific requests for funding. He mentioned strong interest from the Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies (WAFWA), particularly in connection with measures to reduce weed expansion and protecting sage grouse and to help avoid listing under ESA. Update on DC trip: As noted in the March 2 conference call notes, Nevada had a number of positive meetings in late February. Additional visits are planned for June. Utah had a positive meeting with Luke Johnson on Senator Bennett’s staff Idaho had a positive meeting with Rep. Minnick Oregon had a positive meeting with Nathan Rae on Rep. Walden’s staff Update on State Meetings: Utah noted that the Governor recently formed a Balanced Resource Council, and named Ted Wilson as Director. The new Council members are charged with finding solutions to key resource issues. A meeting will be held in July with new Council members and environmental organizations. The meeting will be used to describe and build support for GBEP. Appointments of Acting Commission members will likely be made after this meeting. Oregon summarized two excellent meetings: one with NGOs and one with state and federal agencies. There were excellent presentations and great interactive discussion. Several participants offered to help on writing teams. Copies of Oregon meeting presentations will be sent to UNR and placed on the GBEP website. Idaho noted three possible dates for their combined NGO/agency meeting: Oct. 5, 6 or 7. The meeting will be held in Boise. An invite list has been drafted. California mentioned they continue with one on one contacts and discussions in the northern part of the state. All have been supportive. The Southern Cal. Extension leader had a heart attack, so no progress in that area yet. California has also contacted Rep. McClintock’s staff and they have expressed interest and support. Their meeting will be in September somewhere on the east side of the state. Nevada noted their Governor has directed all state agencies to work with UNR on GBEP. State agencies are holding a number of meetings and GBEP is part of the agenda. UNR is continuing to work with NGOs on their project inventories. Naming Additional Commission Members: Nevada indicated that members have been identified and agreed to by the Governor. They are drafting letters for appointments. Utah indicated the three members will be: Ted Wilson, Director, Governor’s Balanced Resource Council; Chuck Gay, Associate Director of Extension, USU; and Kathleen Clarke, Utah Dept. of Agriculture and Food. California indicated that several names have been identified, some of whom sit on existing commissions. Larry was not aware of the process that will be followed. Nat Frazer recommended consideration of a colleague, Hughey Johnson, who is a member of the State Wildlife Commission. Idaho shared a letter from Governor Otter naming Gretchen Hyde, Director of Idaho Rangeland Resource Commission as one member. The other Idaho member is Donn Thill, Asst. Director, Idaho Agricultural Experiment Station. Oregon is working on additional members. Stan noted that if possible, appointments to the Commission need to be completed this summer. Statewide GBEP Statistics: California, Idaho and Oregon have provided information to date. Jodi is working on a template and will forward to all members when completed. Nevada NGO Project Inventory Template: Jodi discussed draft template and noted incomplete response from Nevada NGOs. As more details become available, she will complete template and send to all members. Nevada Draft NGO Color Summary Report: Stan reviewed the benefits of this draft document: -- provides NGOs with summary information of their projects -- provides useful marketing tool for NGOs -- provides notoriety with info on the GBEP website -- provides info that can be connected to similar work done by others and opportunities for new partnerships -- demonstrates the scope and kinds of work being done and how funds are being used -- provides basis for how new funds might enhance/expand existing work Nominees for Team Leads/Writing Teams for each of the 6 thematic areas: California, Idaho and Oregon have provided names to date. After team leads and team members are selected UNR will develop a guidance package that includes: expectations, criteria, directions, and a template to follow. Additional nominees are to be sent to UNR by April 27. Teams will be expected to develop for each theme 3-5 projects for each of the following categories: research, on the ground projects, metrics. Teams will likely need at least one face to face meeting. Rang and Stan will develop a draft document, naming teams for consideration and discussion during the May 4 conference call. Team member selections are expected to be made on the May 4 conference call. Website Revisions: Jodi noted that Robert Conrad is periodically updating the website. At some point the website will include a public section and a member section. The OSU meeting presentation power point documents will be placed on the website once received. Review of 8 page GBEP draft color brochure: Stan briefly reviewed the document and Nat Frazer provided comments on the hard copy. Others members are asked to review and provide comments by April 20. Invitation to North American Weed Management Association Meeting: The association has extended an invitation to speak at the subject meeting to be held in Pueblo, CO Sept. 27-30. We are scheduled for a 30 minute presentation on GBEP at 9:30am on Sept. 28. Group recommended Rang, Stan or Larry Curtis make the presentation. UNR will contact Larry to determine his availability. UNR will respond to the conference organizers by April 16. Next Conference Call: Next call will be Tuesday, May 4 2:00pm pdt Next Acting Commission Meeting: June 10 will not work. Although we agreed the next meeting would be held in Salt Lake City on June 10 there are some schedule conflicts with that date. Janet Corty, UNR will work with members to find another date for Salt Lake City. We will meet at the Utah Dept. of Agriculture office and Utah will provide additional details on meeting location address, hotel information, etc. 2011 GBEP Conference: A planning committee was named to help organize the conference: Tim Prather, Jodi Stephens, Chuck Gay, Rang/Stan, and OSU rep. (UNR will contact Larry Curtis). Jodi will work on dates and location. The June meeting will devote time to this issue. Initial Conference Thoughts and Ideas: NOT A TYPICAL CONFERENCE Goals: -- provide overview of GBEP and update on current status and future plans -- obtain buy-in and involvement from state and federal agencies -- develop relationships w/potential partners (funding, projects, etc) -- dedicate a portion of funding to projects that are proposed/developed at conference -- provide a framework and pathway for active involvement of all parties of interest -- cover all 6 thematic areas Outcomes: -- Commission demonstrate leadership by extending invitations and managing conference -- Call to action – ask for commitment to get new work done -- secure funding for future work -- develop solid relationships for GBEP sign-on, funding support, projects -- provide pathway to implement projects -- provide pathway to conduct priority science/research/monitoring Location: Salt Lake City, Reno, Boise? Duration: 1.5 – 2 days # Participants: 300 Participant List: -- politicians -- NGOs -- state agencies -- federal agencies -- county/local govts. -- Tribes -- state Fire Marshalls and similar orgs -- business community (chambers, banking, insurance, high tech, energy, retail, etc) -- other Budget: -- Determine total needs, costs, and revenues -- identify known funding sources -- explore new funding opportunities -- determine registration fee -- identify/secure sponsorships Program elements: -- keynote(s) (Governor, Senator) -- plenary sessions -- breakout sessions -- politician presentations -- NGO presentations -- agency presentations (eg, LCC [scope, funding, links to GBEP, collaborative opportunities] -- academic presentations -- private sector presentations -- overview of GBEP/Commission structure/governance, funding strategy, splits on funding, 6 thematic areas, etc. -- work session on distribution/allocation of existing funds [who wants to buy in? who is interested in competing for funds? who has projects ready to compete? what are the priority projects? -- link with other groups (e.g., Weed Science Society, etc.) -- consider trade fair as part of conference Conference Program Ideas: Day 1- Session 1: -- Political Keynote -- GBEP Overview/Progress Report/Vision for Future -- discussants (NGOs, state agencies, federal agencies, academics, private sector)? Day 1- Session 2 Concurrent sessions: -- 5 State Presentations related to each of the 6 thematic areas --discussants Lunch with speaker Day 1 – Session 3 Concurrent session: -- repeat session 2 Day 1- Session 4 -- Federal and other agency presentations about support for GBEP (e.g. BLM, FS, ARS, ARCS, etc) Evening event with speaker and trade fair? Day 2 – Session 1 -- Plenary Keynote Political Presentation then Concurrent session: -- Panel to address the 3 proposals for each of the 6 thematic areas -- Discussants Day 2- Session 2 Concurrent session: -- NGO initiatives Lunch -- Political presentation Day 2- Session 3 Concurrent session -- Private sector presentation on the 6 themes (e.g., 1 chemical company, 1 seed company, 1 mining company, 1 IPM company, banker?, etc. – how important is GBEP to their business and how they might be involved/contribute) – 10 minute presentations plus Q and A Day 2 –Session 4 -- Wrap up -- Next steps -- Call to action Notes drafted by BA 1-14-10