CS465/665: Analysis of Algorithms

CPE 470-670: Autonomous Mobile Robots
Fall 2014
Instructor: Monica Nicolescu
E-mail: monica@cse.unr.edu
Office: SEM 239
Phone: (775) 784-1687
Office hours: Tuesday 11:00am-noon, 1-2pm
Class webpage: http://www.cse.unr.edu/~monica/Courses/CPE470-670
Meeting time and place
Lectures: Monday: 9:30-10:45am (SEM 344)
Labs: Wednesday: 9:30-10:45am (LME 321)
Required Textbook
The Robotics Primer, 2001. Author: Maja Matarić.
Robotic Explorations: An Introduction to Engineering Through Design, 2001. Author:
Fred G. Martin.
Course description
This is a hands-on course on introduction to robotics, relying on the use of LEGObased robots. The course will present the basic concepts in robotics, such as sensors,
actuators, and will describe the most important approaches to robot control.
Students will have the opportunity to apply the concepts covered during the lectures
in the laboratory sessions, by constructing their own robots and developing
controllers for various robotic tasks. The class will have a lecture and a laboratory
component. Each week, the lectures will be held on Tuesdays, and the laboratory
sessions will be held on Thursdays. More details regarding the lectures and the
laboratory sessions will be posted on the web page soon.
CS 302 with a C or better.
Introduction, brief history of robotics, robot components
Effectors and actuators
Sensors, basic sensors
Sensors, complex sensors
Feedback control
Control architectures
Reactive control
Hybrid control
Behavior based control
Behavior coordination
Emergent behavior
Assignments and grading
Evaluation for this class will be based on your performance during the laboratory sessions,
homework, two mid-term exams and a final project. Regular participation in the laboratory
sessions is required. If you are unable to attend a lab session you must inform me in advance.
Grading policy (tentative, subject to change):
Exam (1):
Exam (2):
Laboratory sessions:
Final project:
Late policy: No late submissions will be accepted.
Exam policy: Permission to take exams on other dates than scheduled will not be given, except
for extreme medical emergencies.
Academic integrity: Students are encouraged to study together, however each student must
individually prepare his/her solutions. Cheating or plagiarism are not permitted and will be
sanctioned according with the UNR policy on Academic Standards. You should carefully read the
section on Academic Dishonesty found in the UNR Student Handbook (copies of this section are
on-line). Your continued enrollment in this course implies that you have read it, and that you
subscribe to the principles stated therein.
Audio, video recording: Surreptitious or covert video-taping of class or unauthorized
audio recording of class is prohibited by law and by Board of Regents policy. This
class may be videotaped or audio recorded only with the written permission of the
instructor. In order to accommodate students with disabilities, some students may
be given permission to record class lectures and discussions. Therefore, students
should understand that their comments during class may be recorded.
Disability Services: Any student with a disability needing academic adjustments or
accommodations is requested to speak with me or the Disability Resource Center
(Thompson Building, Suite 101) as soon as possible to arrange for appropriate
Academic Success Services: Your student fees cover usage of the Math Center (784443
www.unr.edu/tutoring-center), and University Writing Center (784-6030 or
http://www.unr.edu/writing-center). These centers support your classroom learning;
it is your responsibility to take advantage of their services. Keep in mind that seeking
help outside of class is the sign a a responsible and successful student.
Course Outcomes
Criterion 3
Course Outcomes
Students are capable to design robotic
systems that have certain mechanical
and computational requirements
Lab reports
Students have the ability to function on
multi-disciplinary teams
Lab reports
Students have the ability to identify,
formulate and solve complex robotics
Final project
Students gain a broad education
necessary to understand the impact of
digital technologies in a global and
societal context
Midterm and
homework assignments
ABET Criterion 3 Outcomes:
Our graduates will have achieved:
1. an ability to apply knowledge of computing, mathematics, science, and
2. an ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and
interpret data.
3. an ability to design, implement, and evaluate a computer-based system,
process, component, or program to meet desired needs, within realistic
constraints specific to the field.
4. an ability to function effectively on multi-disciplinary teams.
5. an ability to analyze a problem, and identify, formulate and use the
appropriate computing and engineering requirements for obtaining its
6. an understanding of professional, ethical, legal, security and social issues and
7. an ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences.
8. the broad education necessary to analyze the local and global impact of
computing and engineering solutions on individuals, organizations, and
9. a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in continuing
professional development and life-long learning.
10. a knowledge of contemporary issues.
11. an ability to use current techniques, skills, and tools necessary for computing
and engineering practice.
12. an ability to apply mathematical foundations, algorithmic principles, and
computer science and engineering theory in the modeling and design of
computer-based systems in a way that demonstrates comprehension of the
tradeoffs involved in design choices.
13. an ability to apply design and development principles in the construction of
software systems or computer systems of varying complexity.
Computer Science and Engineering Program Objectives:
Within 3 to 5 years of graduation our graduates will:
1. be employed as computer science or computer engineering professionals
beyond entry level positions or be making satisfactory progress in graduate
2. have peer-recognized expertise together with the ability to articulate that
expertise as computer science or computer engineering professionals.
3. apply good analytic, design, and implementation skills required to formulate
and solve computer science or computer engineering problems.
4. demonstrate that they can function, communicate, collaborate and continue
to learn effectively as ethically and socially responsible computer science or
computer engineering professionals.