Chemical Kinetics Chapter 13 1 Chemical Kinetics • Kinetics is the study of how fast chemical reactions occur and how they occur. • There are 4 important factors which affect rates of reactions: – – – – reactant concentration temperature catalyst surface area • Goal: to understand chemical reactions at the molecular level. 2 Reaction Rates • Speed of a reaction (rxn) is measured by the change in concentration with time. • For a rxn A → B change in the number of moles of B Average rate change in time moles of B final mol B - initial mol B = t t • Suppose A reacts to form B. Let us begin with 1.00 mol A (and no B). 3 Reaction Rates – At t = 0 (time zero) there is 1.00 mol A (100 red spheres) and no B present. – At t = 20 min, there is 0.54 mol A and 0.46 mol B. – At t = 40 min, there is 0.30 mol A and 0.70 mol B. – Eventually, there will be no more A left, and only B will be present. 4 Reaction Rates 5 Reaction Rates 6 Reaction Rates • We can use this data to find the average rate: moles of B Average rate t moles of B at t 10 moles of B at t 0 10 min - 0 min 0.26 mol - 0 mol 0.026 mol/min 10 min - 0 min 7 Chemical Kinetics Reaction Rates • For the rxn A →B there are two ways of measuring rate: – the speed at which the products appear (i.e. change in moles of B per unit time), or – the speed at which the reactants disappear (i.e. the change in moles of A per unit time). -(mol A) Ave rate = t – Note the minus sign! This reminds us that the rate is being expressed as the disappearance of a reactant. 8 Rates in Terms of Concentrations • Most of the time, we will determine the rate of a rxn by monitoring a change in concentration of a reactant or product. • Molarity is the most useful unit for rxn rates although pressure is used for gases. Since volume is usually constant, molarity (or pressure) and moles are directly proportional. 9 Rates in Terms of Concentrations • Consider: C4H9Cl(aq) + H2O(l) →C4H9OH(aq) + HCl(aq) • We can calculate the average rate in terms of the disappearance of C4H9Cl. • The units for average rate are mol/L•s or M/s. • The average rate decreases with time as C4H9Cl disappears. 10 Rates in Terms of Concentrations C4H9Cl(aq) + H2O(l) → C4H9OH(aq) + HCl(aq) 11 Rates in Terms of Concentrations • We now plot [C4H9Cl] versus time. • The rate at any instant in time is called the instantaneous rate. • The instantaneous rate is the slope of the straight line tangent to the curve at that instant. • Instantaneous rate is different from average rate. • Note: The instantaneous rate is usually just called the rate, unless otherwise specified. 12 Rates in Terms of Concentrations 13 Reaction Rates and Stoichiometry • For the rxn C4H9Cl(aq) + H2O(l) → C4H9OH(aq) + HCl(aq) we know C4H 9Cl C4H 9OH Rate t t • What if the stoichiometric relationships aren’t 1:1? 2HI(g) → H2(g) + I2(g) • The HI:H2 ratio and the HI:I2 ratio are both 2:1! 14 Reaction Rates and Stoichiometry 2HI(g) →H2(g) + I2(g) • It should be clear that as HI is consumed (or disappears), only half as much H2 (and I2) is produced or appears. • So the rate of disappearance of HI is twice the rate of appearance of H2 (and I2). rateHI = 2rateH2 OR rateH2 = 0.5rateHI 15 Reaction Rates and Stoichiometry • We now have 2 different rates for the same rxn. • These rates are related by the balanced equation stoichiometry. • We commonly talk in terms of the rxn rate, or the rate of the rxn, not just in terms of the rate of appearance of a product or the rate of disappearance of a product. 16 Reaction Rates and Stoichiometry • The rxn rate, or called just the rate, may be expressed as: -1 HI H 2 I2 rate = = = 2 t t t • Or we can write it more generally as: raterxn = rateH2 = rateI2 = 0.5rateHI 17 Reaction Rates and Stoichiometry • In general for the rxn: aA + bB → cC + dD • The overall rxn rate may be expressed as: 1 A 1 B 1 C 1 D Rate a t b t c t d t • Or in nonmathematical terms: 1 1 1 1 rate = rateA = rateB = rateC = rateD a b c d 18 Reaction Rates and Stoichiometry • Be careful! • Experiments are conducted in terms of the rates of appearance/disappearance of a product/reactant. • These rates may then be converted to rxn rates using the balanced equation. • Read problems carefully so you know what you are given! • If it is not specified, it is by default a rxn rate. 19 The Dependence of Rate on Concentration • In general, rates: – Increase when reactant [ ] are increased. – Decrease when product [ ] are increased. • We often examine the effects of concentration on a rxn rate by measuring how the rxn rate at the beginning of a rxn depends on concentration. • The instantaneous rxn rate at the start of a rxn is called the initial rate. 20 The Dependence of Rate on Concentration • Let’s look at the following rxn: NH4+(aq) + NO2-(aq) →N2(g) + 2H2O(l) • The initial rate is the instantaneous rate at t = 0. (You get the initial rate from a graph.) • We find the initial rate for various initial concentrations of each reactant; for this rxn, NH4+ and NO2-. 21 Finding Initial Rate 22 The Dependence of Rate on Concentration 23 The Dependence of Rate on Concentration • As [NH4+] doubles, with [NO2-] constant, the rate doubles. • So the rate is proportional to [NH4+] • As [NO2-] doubles, with [NH4+] constant, the rate doubles. • So the rate is proportional to [NO2-] • We conclude that the rate ∝ [NH4+] and to [NO2-]. 24 The Dependence of Rate on Concentration • The overall concentration dependence of the rxn rate is given in a rate law or rate expression. • For this example, the rate law is: Rate = k[NH4+][ NO2-] • k is the rate constant and is constant except for a change in temperature. 25 The Dependence of Rate on Concentration • So what is a rate law? • It is a mathematical description of how the concentration of a reactant affects the rate of the rxn. • After we determine the rate law and k for a rxn, we can then use this info to calculate initial rates or concentrations for any initial reactant concentrations. 26 Reaction Order • For a general reaction with rate law Rate = k[reactant 1]m[reactant 2]n, we say the reaction is mth order in reactant 1 and nth order in reactant 2. • The overall rxn order is m + n + …. • The rxn orders (values of the exponents) must be determined experimentally. They are not necessarily related to stoichiometry. • Rxn orders of 0, 1, and 2 are common (0th, 1st, and 2nd orders). • But negative and fractional rxn orders are possible. 27 Reaction Order • For the rxn: NH4+(aq) + NO2-(aq) → N2(g) + 2H2O(l) • The rxn has been experimentally found to be 1st order in NH4+ and 1st in NO2-. • The overall rxn order is 2. • So, the rate law is: Rate = k[NH4+][ NO2-]. 28 Units of k, the Rate Constant • The units of the rate constant, k, depend on the overall rxn order. • For example, for a rxn with a rxn order of 2, the k units are: Units of rate = (units of rate constant)(units of concentration)2 • Or: rate constant units = units of rate units of concentration 2 M 1 rate constant units = = M -1s-1 M Ms The time unit s could be any other time unit, depends on rxn s = 2 29 Using Initial Rates to Determine Rate Laws • To determine the rate law, we observe the effect of changing initial concentrations. • For the general rxn: aA + bB → cC + dD • The rate law is: Rate = k[A]m[B]n 30 Using Initial Rates to Determine Rate Laws • Mathematically, we compare the rates of 2 or more experiments, which are conducted at different reactant concentrations. k A 2 B2 A 2 B2 A 2 B 2 rate2 = m n = m n = B rate1 A k A 1 B1 A B 1 1 1 1 m n m n m n • Solving this gives us the exponents, which gives us the rxn order. • Once the exponents are known, k may be calculated. • We then know the complete rate law! 31 Using Initial Rates to Determine Rate Laws • A rxn is zero order in a reactant if the change in concentration of that reactant produces no effect. • A rxn is first order if doubling the concentration causes the rate to double. • A rxn is second order if doubling the concentration results in a 22 increase in rate. • A rxn is nth order if doubling the concentration causes an 2n increase in rate. • Note that the rate, not the rate constant, depends on concentration. 32 • Example for rxn A + B → C: Exp # [A] [B] Initial rate (M/s) 1 0.100 0.100 4.0x10-5 2 0.100 0.200 4.0x10-5 3 0.200 0.100 16.0x10-5 4 0.400 0.400 5 0.100 2.0x10-5 • Find a) rate law; b) k; and c) fill in the blanks. 33