Minutes of meetings

MYPLACE (Memory, Youth, Political Legacy And Civic Engagement)
Grant agreement no: FP7-266831
WP1: Stocktaking and Design
Deliverable 1.3: Management Structures
Martin Price
17th August 2011
Work Package
1.3: Management Structures
Dissemination level
Confidential (Consortium members only)
WP Leaders
Hilary Pilkington
Deliverable Date
Month 4 (September 2011)
MYPLACE: FP7-266831
Deliverable 1.3: Management Structures
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Document history
Version Date
17th Aug 2011
Modified by
First draft pre kick off meeting
High-level Structures
Project Management Team
Team Leaders
Work Package Leaders
Steering Committee
Ethics Sub-Committee
International Advisory Group
Working Groups
Survey Working Group
Policy Working Group
Qualitative Working Group
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MYPLACE is a large-scale integrating project, funded under the European Commission’s Seventh
Framework programme for research. The project is commissioned from a consortium of 16
academic institutions in 14 countries, coordinated by the University of Warwick.
The consortium shall be jointly responsible for the delivery of the project, as specified in the
Grant Agreement (appendix 1) and the Consortium Agreement (appendix 2).
This document sets out the structures by which the MYPLACE project will be governed and
High-level Structures
Diagram 1 shows the over-arching structure and accountability in the MYPLACE consortium.
Solid arrows indicate a line of accountability in the form:
<generic boxes showing person or group x accountable to person or group y>
Team Leaders
Ethics SubCommitee
Advisory Group
EC project officer
WP1 Leader
(Hilary Pilkington)
WP2 Leader
(Anton Popov/
Dusan Deak)
WP3 Leader (Gary
Working Group
WP4 Leader (Gary
Survey Working
Group (SWG)
(Hilary Pilkington)
WP5 Leader
(David Cairns)
WP6 Leader (AiriAlina Allaste)
Working Group
Project Manager
(Martin Price)
WP7 Leader (Phil
WP8 Leader
(Marti Taru/Mick
WP9 Leader (Gary
Working Group
Policy Working
Group (PWG)
Group (VDG)
WP10 Leader
(Hilary Pilkington)
Diagram 1
Dashed lines indicate advisory arrangements, wherein the groups concerned have no formal
accountability within the consortium, but are sources of advice and guidance to the
The Steering Committee is the formal decision making body for the project, with responsibility
for oversight of the work of the other groups and individuals accountable to it, either directly or
Coordinating Institution
As Coordinating Institution, the University of Warwick has responsibility for:
monitoring compliance by consortium partners with their obligations
keeping the address list of Members and other contact persons updated and available
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collecting, reviewing to verify consistency and submitting reports and other deliverables (including
financial statements and related certifications) to the European Commission
transmitting documents (or ensuring the transmission of documents) and information connected
with the project to and between consortium partners.
administering the Community financial contribution and fulfilling the financial tasks described in
Article 7.3 of the Consortium Agreement (appendix 2)
As Coordinating Institution, University of Warwick acts as the intermediary between the
Consortium and the European Commission.
Project Management Team
The Project Coordinator for MYPLACE is Professor Hilary Pilkington. The Project Coordinator shall assist
and facilitate the work of the Steering Committee and the Coordinating Institution in executing the
decisions of the Steering Committee as well as the day-to-day management of the Project. The Project
Coordinator shall act as Chair to the Steering Committee.
The Project Coordinator will be supported by the Project Manager, Martin Price, located at the
University of Warwick. The Project Manager, reporting to the Project Coordinator and the Steering
Committee shall oversee non-scientific elements of the operation of the project, as well as providing
secretariat to the Steering Committee.
Team Leaders
Each partner institution shall have a nominated team leader, as outlined in Annex A to the
Grant Agreement (appendix 1) section 2.1.7. Any proposed change to the named individual in
this role must be notified to the Coordinator and approved by the Steering Committee. The
Team Leader will usually be the institution’s representative on the Steering Committee,
although this role may be delegated.
Work Package Leaders
Each Work Package shall have a named leader or leaders and lead institution or institutions. The work
package leaders are responsible for the design and implementation of the work and deliverables in their
Work Package. These named individuals will be as specified in section 2.1.6 of annex 1 to the Grant
Agreement (appendix 1). Any proposed change to the named individual in this role must be
notified to the Coordinator and approved by the Steering Committee. Work Package Leaders
may be required to attend Steering Committee meetings when appropriate or may be asked to
report via the Coordinator. When in attendance, Work Package Leaders shall not be entitled to
vote (see below).
Steering Committee
The Steering Committee is the formal decision-making body for the consortium. In signing the Consortium
Agreement (appendix 2) all parties agree to abide by the decisions of the Steering Committee. The following
decisions shall be taken by the Steering Committee:
Content, finances and intellectual property rights
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Proposals for changes to Annex I of the EC-GA to be agreed by the European Commission
Changes to the Consortium Plan (including the Consortium Budget)
Contractual matters
Approval of ethical procedures
Matter referred to it from other Consortium Bodies as appropriate
Coordination of dissemination activities
Additions to Attachment 1 (Background excluded)
Additions to Attachment 3 (Listed Affiliated Entities)
Additions to Attachment 5 (List of Third Parties)
The Steering Committee will be composed of the following members:
Voting Members
The voting members of the Steering Committee will be one delegate from each partner institution.
UW (Chair)
FSU Jena
Martin Price
Hilary Pilkington
Mariona Ferrer
Klaus Dorre
Alexandra Koranaiou
Anita Stasulane
Jochen Tholen
Elena Omelchenko
Ladislav Machacek
David Cairns
Vesa Puuronen
Carsten Yndigegn
Airi-Alina Allaste
Ben Perasovic
Istvan Muranyi
Gary Pollock
Koba Turmanidze
The nominated representative may appoint a deputy by notification to the Chair, via the Project
Manager, who will be considered to have full voting rights.
Non-voting members
The project manager will attend the meeting and provide secretariat. The project manager will not vote,
unless appropriately deputised by the University of Warwick representative.
Members of the International Advisory Group may also attend and contribute to meetings, but will not
vote on formal decisions.
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Work Package leaders, where these are not nominated representatives of their institution, may also be
invited to attend, but will not vote on formal decisions.
Convening Meetings
The chairperson of the Steering Committee shall give notice in writing of a meeting to each Member of
the Steering Committee as soon as possible and no later than the minimum number of days preceding
the meeting as indicated below.
The chairperson of the Steering Group shall prepare and send each Member of the Steering Committee
a written agenda no later than the minimum number of days preceding the meeting as indicated below.
Any agenda item requiring a decision by the Members must be identified as such on the agenda.
Any Member of the Steering Committee may add an item to the original agenda by written notification
to all of the other Members of that Consortium Body up to the minimum number of days preceding the
meeting as indicated below.
Frequency of meetings
Ordinary Meeting: At least 2 per year, either
physically or virtually.
Extraordinary Meeting: At any time upon written
request of 1/3 of the voting members.
Minimum notice of meetings
Ordinary Meeting: 45 calendar days.
Extraordinary Meeting: 15 calendar days
Sending the agenda
Ordinary Meeting: 21 calendar days.
Extraordinary Meeting: 10 calendar days
Requests to add to the agenda
Ordinary Meeting: 14 calendar days.
Extraordinary Meeting: 7 calendar days
During a meeting the Members of the Steering Committee present or represented can unanimously agree
to add a new item to the original agenda.
Any decision may also be taken without a meeting if the Coordinator circulates to all Members of the
Steering Committee a written document which is then signed (or explicitly agreed to in writing including by
e-mail) by the defined majority (see Article 6.2.3 of the Consortium Agreement – appendix 2) of all
Members of the Consortium Body.
Decisions will only be binding once the relevant part of the Minutes has been accepted.
Voting rules and quorum
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The Steering Committee will be considered “quorate” and its decisions valid if 2/3 of the members are
present or represented.
Each Member of a Consortium Body present or represented in the meeting shall have one vote.
Decisions shall be taken by a majority of the votes.
Veto rights
A Member may only exercise a veto if that member can show that its own work, time for performance,
costs, liabilities, intellectual property rights or other legitimate interests would be severely affected by a
decision of the Steering.
When the decision is foreseen on the original agenda, a Member may veto such a decision during the
meeting only.
When a decision has been taken on a new item added to the agenda before or during the meeting, a
Member may veto such decision during the meeting and within 15 days after the draft minutes of the
meeting are sent.
In case of exercise of veto, the Members of the Steering Committee shall make every effort to resolve the
matter which occasioned the veto to the general satisfaction of all its Members.
Minutes of meetings
The Chair, via the Project Manager, shall produce written minutes of each meeting which shall be the formal
record of all decisions taken. The Project Manager shall send the draft minutes to all Members within 10
calendar days of the meeting.
The minutes shall be considered as accepted if, within 15 calendar days from sending, no Member has
objected in writing to the chairperson with respect to the accuracy of the draft of the minutes.
Ethics Sub-Committee (ESC)
The ESC shall be formed at the first meeting of the Steering Committee with members being agreed by the
SC and shall include Prof Hilary Pilkington and IAG member Professor Sue Heath.
The ESC is an official subordinate to the SC and meetings and members shall meet at such times and places
as necessary (including teleconferencing and SKYPE) to perform its duties as set out below.
The remit of the ESC is as follows:
Drawing on University of Warwick and, as appropriate, other best practice of partner institutions, to
draw up and submit for approval to the SC a set of ethical guidelines and procedures for use within
the project. These guidelines will be adhered to by all partners in the project although formal
ethical approval of proposed research will only be required for those partners whose own
institutions do not already enforce a rigorous ethical clearance procedure.
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To monitor and gather applications for ethical clearance submitted to partners’ own institutions to
ensure they meet the project’s own standards.
To receive and approve or require amendments from partners whose own institutions have no
ethical scrutiny procedures or institutions.
To draw up and be responsible for ensuring that all team members engaged in research with
human subjects under the auspices of MYPLACE sign an undertaking form which binds them to the
ethical procedures adopted by the project.
To actively collaborate with WP9 leaders to devise a strategy for providing participants with further
information and access to project findings.
To respond to ethical questions and issues arising in the course of the project.
International Advisory Group
The IAG shall consist of relevant international figures in the field and shall initially consist of:
- Professor Andy Furlong
- Dr Marlène Laruelle
- Ms Marta Medlinska
- Professor Sue Heath
- Ms Catherine Woollard
- Mr David Mazower
Meetings of the IAG shall also be attended by the Project Coordinator, Project Manager and Work Package
The members of the IAG shall be invited to attend meetings of the Steering Committee or other such
Consortium Bodies as necessary.
The IAG consists of a of a small group of international figures in the field, with complementary areas of
expertise central to the project, who will act as an advisory group. They will:
Receive key working documents and reports.
Attend Steering Committee meetings and/or Working Group meetings and conferences.
Comment on specific questions or issues arising during the project proactively or at the
request of the Steering Committee.
Contribute to dissemination and impact activities of the project.
Working Groups
In addition to the above groups, 4 other Working Groups will be convened. These groups will not be
formal decision-making bodies, but will act as forums for discussion on the key intellectual issues in the
various work packages, and will provide guidance to Work Package Leaders and the Steering Committee,
as appropriate. Membership of the working groups will be agreed at the kick-off meeting.
Survey Working Group
The Survey Working Group (SWG) will be formed at the start of the project and will be chaired by Gary
Pollock. It is a technical working group designed to engage actively in detailed questions relating to the
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survey element of the project (WPs3 and 4). Members of this group will have expertise in survey
methods and will contribute to discussion of questionnaire design, sampling, data collection and
analysis. The group will meet regularly as determined by the Chair, either physically (including at
project meetings in months 4, 9, 12 and 24) and virtually as necessary. Group members will be required
also to respond to drafts of documents and questions circulated electronically by the Chair. The SWG
will maintain active dialogue with the Qualitative Working Group (QWG), Policy Working Group (PWG)
and Visual Dissemination Group (VDG) through its Chair, or nominated representative.
Policy Working Group
The Policy Working Group (PWG) will be formed at the start of the project and chaired by the WP8
leaders (Marti Taru and Mick Carpenter). It will consist of leads on WP 8 in each partner institution and
any other nominated members of partner teams. This group will be in regular virtual communication and
meet as determined by the Chair, either physically (including at project meetings in months 4, 9, 12 and
24) and virtually as necessary.
Qualitative Working Group
The Qualitative Working Group (QWG) will be formed at the start of the project and will be chaired by
Hilary Pilkington. It is a technical working group designed to engage actively in detailed questions relating
to qualitative elements of the project (WPs2, 5 and 7). Members of this group will have expertise in
qualitative research methods and will contribute to discussion of interview schedule design, access and
selection of respondents and ethnographic cases and data analysis. The group will meet regularly as
determined by the Chair, either physically (including at project meetings in months 4, 9, 12 and 24) and
virtually as necessary. Group members will also be required to respond to drafts of documents and
questions circulated electronically by the Chair. The QWG will maintain active dialogue with the SWG,
PWG and VDG through its Chair, or nominated representative.
Visual Dissemination Group
The VDG will be formed at the start of the project and chaired by Elena Omel’chenko. It will consist of
representatives from partners interested in developing visual dissemination projects and events. This
group will be in regular virtual communication and meet physically (including at project meetings in
months 4, 9, 12 and 24) and virtually as necessary.
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