APPLICATION FORM To the STEERING COMMITTEE EUROFACE PROJECT Title:............................................................................................................................................. Name:.......................................................................................................................................... Organisation:.............................................................................................................................. Address: ..................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... Tel:............................................................................................................................................... Fax:................................................................................................................................................ Email:........................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................... Proposal Title:................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... Brief description of the proposal (objectives, scientific rationale, methodology, sampling scheme and schedule, expected contribution to the Project, max 1 page) Please return this form together with the joint Agreement duly signed at least 3 months before experiment starts: EUROFACE Project, Steering Committee Scientific Secretariat Attn: dr. Carlo Calfapietra Email: Fax: (+39 0761) 357389 General Conditions for the access to the EUROFACE experimental site and for the use of sampled material These conditions regulate the access to the infrastructure for scientists not included in the EUROFACE project Consortium and for any additional research activities not included in the DOW, according to the Part B of the Annex II “General Conditions” of the EC-Contract - Rules relating to intellectual and industrial property, publicity and confidentiality. The access to the infrastructure and the use of any sampled material should be authorised by the Steering Committee, after an evaluation of a scientific proposal submitted according to the attached official “application form”. At the end of each application form the scientific responsible of the proposal must sign the following specific acceptance of agreement. On applying for a research activity at the EUROFACE infrastructure the interested scientist agrees to accept the following specific conditions: The research activity should be coordinated with the EUROFACE groups involved in the same Work Package of interest for the present research, according to the decision of the Steering Committee; At the end of the research activity, or on annual basis for activities longer than one year, a report will be submitted to the Steering Committee; this report should include a list of main results; The Steering Committee may require more specific information about these results, as average data, to be included in the EUROFACE data-base in order to inform the scientific community about the progress of the research activities at the EUROFACE experimental site; in that case the researcher that has conducted the research work and collected the experimental data will be clearly cited in the database while his intellectual property and rights will be guaranteed; Each publication issued from experiments conducted through the utilization of either the EUROFACE infrastructure or its experimental material should acknowledge the EUROFACE project, according to a statement that will communicated by the Project Coordinator; a copy of the publication should then be sent to the Coordinator; Any type of public presentation of the research conducted at the EUROFACE experimental site, should include the acknowledgements to the EUROFACE project, according to a statement that will communicated by the Project Coordinator; a communication of the nature of the event and of the results presented should be sent to the Coordinator. I agree to accept the above General Conditions as implemented by the EUROFACE Steering Committee, Date: Signature: