Homan Management Philosophy paper LIBR 204

San Jose, California
A Paper Submitted in Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for
LIBR 204: Information Organizations and Management
Judith Homan
School of Library and Information Science
December 2, 2012
As the semester began, I thought I had a grasp on what management entailed. I quickly
discovered that what I learned in my undergraduate studies is outdated. Management has gone
through a gradual evolution; an evolution that has created a hands on approach to management.
Through the course materials, readings, and assignments my thought of management have been
altered. As I begin this philosophy paper, I have not quite stitched together my philosophy of
management; I hope to have a completed one by the end of this paper.
The alteration began as we compared management theories, principles and practices. The
book, Management Basics for Information Professionals by Evans and Ward provided the
personal style of management that put action to my alteration. I was able to learn the different
terminology as I related to managing and the different levels of management. Now that I
understand that no one theory or principle can make up a complete description of management, I
am more comfortable looking at several to begin creating my own style. My style will
continually be adjusted as new trends surface.
The analytical and strategic planning processes and skills allowed me to start altering my
learning process for becoming a better manager. The article by Gosling and Mintzberg, gave me
a big picture view of how it all fits together.
“Collaboration takes the subject beyond the self, into the manager’s network of
relationships. Analysis goes a step beyond that, to the organization; organizations
depend on the systematic decomposition of activities, and that’s what analysis is all
about.” (Gosling & Mintzberg, 2003)
Once I was able to see the how everything fits together I was able to learn the importance of
‘SWOT’ analysis for the college where I currently work. Realizing that once the analysis or
evaluation has been performed, I see how the planning process comes into play. The skills I
need to improve became apparent during the footnote assignment. I chose a topic dealing with
conflict management; I tend to shy away from conflicts or eternalize. Knowing now that I need
to improve this skill will give me the ability to handle conflicts better in the future. The ability to
improve an organization through strategic planning process gives me a sense of control.
Planning a home budget and family activities is very small compared to making a strategic plan
for a library. However, both have similar planning processes and knowing now that there are
both books and articles that will help me to begin the planning process will hopefully make
things easier when it comes time to be a part of the planning team.
The ability to identify the roles and activities of managers and leaders gave me the ability
to layout what I need to work on from my new style of management. Also, learning the
responsibility and roles I need to assume in my future management role. When I started this class
I defined management as guiding the organization by planning, organizing, and teaching team
leaders within the organization. Three months later I realize that there is more than that to the
definition; a lot more. I found in Evans and Wards book a concept that I agree with completely.
“Although a person can learn the basic concepts, principles, functions, and techniques such as
those described by Mintzberg and others, each management situation is unique.” (Evans & Ward,
2007) Being able to grasp all the management concepts, but understanding that each situation is
different for each manager and organization.
No alteration is complete without the ability to perform assessment. Nothing is more
painful than a self assessment. I went into this class with a half hearted thought that my new
year’s resolution was my self assessment. The course readings gave me a better understanding
that assessments are a way to improve not criticize. Daniel Pink’s book Drive helped me see that
motivation is needed to begin assessment; motivations to change, adapt, and improve for the sake
of the organization. Funny thing about this book, even though I live in Memphis, TN the head
quarters for Fed Ex I had never noticed the arrow in the logo. This showed me I needed to assess
my ability to view details and actually paying attention to details.
The experience I received while working with my group and the follow-up group
dynamics report helped me see the different views on management and leadership. The
collaboration project helped to see how one group could come together to create a joint report. I
really enjoyed working with the groups, being able to see how different people work and how we
can feed off each other to complete a task. This was not only a fun but rewarding assignment. I
was able to see and appreciate different personalities and styles can blend together, with each
member adjusting their styles to complete a common goal. I am glad I took this class my first
semester of graduate school; the information I learned will be helpful in future group
Looking at diversity issues in the workplace and getting ideas on how to approach these
issues will be valuable tools to use in any position currently held or in future endeavors. I was
able to tie a current situation with the journal entry worldly. This journal entry made me aware of
the fact that diversity issues need to be dealt with no matter what my level of management. I
learned diversity is not limited by handicaps, language, cultures, but it also includes personalities
and sexes. Wagner and Harter’s book, 12 had great information. Management has to have an
understanding of how to handle diverse situations in one’s own management situation.
Going through the career center provided by San Jose State University was extremely
helpful in preparing my resumes and getting other career development tips gave me confidence
in working on future job applications. I have worked at my current location for 16 years; going
back and looking at my resume gave me an idea of how far I have come over these years. Just
like my view of management has evolved so has my resume. The SJSU career center provided
much needed information on resume writing, creating a cover letter, and seeking jobs. This will
be a resource that I will continue to access as I continue with my schooling. I am thankful that
this is part of this course curriculum.
The assignments that dealt with writing helped me work on writing APA style. The
feedback you provided was useful and encouraging. I was used to writing in MLA style, but
after looking at the difference between the two I see how APA prepares users for writing for
publication. While I am still not confident with my writing abilities, I know that the feedback
you provided has been beneficial. Maybe one day I will write an article on the changing roles of
library management.
As I have come to the end of my reflections on this class, my alternations are nearing
completion. My philosophy of management is to manage your employees as you want to be
managed. This means to be willing to listen, to adapt, to encourage, to teach, to learn, to plan, to
organize, and finally to assess each unique management situation. While this may not be my
final adjustment on my philosophy of management, this class has opened my eyes to new ideas
and practices as a manager. I am excited about putting into practice my newly learned knowledge
of management.
Evans, G. E., & Ward, P. L. (2007). Management Basics for Information Professionals (2 nd
ed.). New York: Neal-Schuman Publishers, Inc.
Gosling, J., & Mintzberg, H. (2003). The five minds of a manager. Harvard Business Review,
81(11), 54-63.
Pink, D. H. (2009). Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us. New York:
Riverhead Books.
Wagner, R., & Harter, J. K. (2006). 12: The Elements of Great Managing. New York: Gallup