Teacher name date Unit 3: To Kill a Mockingbird Periods 2, 3 Week-At-A-Glance Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday LDC Day 14 Lesson Objective: SWBAT evaluate Atticus’ use of rhetorical appeals in To Kill A Mockingbird Chapter 17. RL.9-10.1 RL.9-10.2 RL.9-10.6 Aligned MMCRS Bold – primary standard Italics: supporting standards Assessment (sample task): Response paragraph Homework collected none Materials Needed Snapshot schedule To Kill A Mockingbird Excerpt of pp. 222-238 (10 min) warm up and objective (10 min) guided reading (25 min) group analysis (15 min) reflection and share out (5 min) closing Rhetorical Devices wksheet Document camera Detailed Lesson Plan Teacher Actions (10 min) Warm up and objective Display vocabulary warm up on screen. Direct students to take out vocabulary notes for the week to complete: 1. Brainstorm at least three examples of an activity you prefer to perform DISCREETLY 2. Draw a picture of TURMOIL 3. Would you want to be a DEFENDANT in a trial? Why or why not? Student Actions: As student enters, pick up materials from material station and open notebook to vocabulary practice. Read the directions on the screen and complete questions in day’s vocabulary section. Raise hand to ask questions or peer review as needed for support. If finished early, student should review previous day’s entry. A/M: visual cues, repetition of directions, reduced distractions, graphic organizer Circulate to CFU and review student answers, redirect as needed. Make sure late or absent students sign in and check for missing materials Cold call to CFU warm up. Use thumbs up/thumbs down as needed to engage student evaluation Read objective as directed and copy into day’s log. Objective: Use equity sticks to cold call reading of objective and connection to previous lesson (10 min) guided reading Direct book manager to distribute text if students need from material station. Direct students to review HW chapter 17 pages with a partner: -what happened in the chapter? -which character was the primary speaker? -what lingering questions do you have from the text? Direct studens to turn and talk for 1 minute to review questions. Teacher circulate to CFU. Turn to chapter 17 and complete turn and talk as directed. If student did not complete reading, should ask partner for key answers and be ready to share out. Share out when called on as directed A/M: visual cues, repetition of directions, reduced distractions Direct students to page ___ and read aloud first paragraph of Atticus’ speech. Students should follow along in book or photocopied text and look for any reasons Atticus gives for a not guilty verdict. Mark any reasons with a star. Teacher model on document camera and CFU with 100% participation (25 min) group analysis Divide students into college reading groups of different levels. On board, assign each student in group a specific paragraph/section of the text: Students follow along with read aloud to annotate for reasons they see or to copy teacher markings. As directed, student may read instead of teacher A/M: visual cues, repetition of directions Move into college reading groups as directed and determine section of text based on assignment on the board. Student 1 – section ____ Student 2 – section ____ Student 3 – section ____ Student 4 – section ____ Direct students to repeat activity from read aloud individually, marking with a star any reasons/arguments/appeals they find individually in the text. Circulate to monitor progress or push thinking Read section individually and fill in graphic organizer with summary/direct citation of evidence. Peer review or question teacher as needed. CFU as needed: Have students of similar sections move into groups to review type of appeal used. Circulate to CFU and monitor group discussion. Move into groups of same section to review type of appeal used. Peer review or ask teacher as needed Once students have finished reviewing their section, direct groups to list/summarize each reason on graphic organizer and evaluate effectiveness of each appeal based on group collaboration. Add to individual graphic organizer. Teacher circulates to push group thinking and review content as needed. Collaborate with group members to identify effectiveness of appeal used. Add learning to individual graphic organizer and peer review to CFU.. (15 min) Reflection Direct students to move back to individual seats. Review the audience of Atticus’ speech (jury members) and purpose (to get a not guilty verdict for Tom). Complete reflection independently. Peer review or ask teacher to CFU. Question: Which TYPE of appeal would resonate most with you as a juror? Why? Which specific example from Atticus’ closing argument did you find most effective? Which example did you find unconvincing? Use at least two pieces of evidence from the text to support your response. Pass out individual reflection sheets for students to complete independently. HW assigned: Challenge questions for types of rhetorical devices (LDC worksheet). *A/M indicates accommodations and modifications for student IEP/504 plans English 1 Rhetorical Appeals: To Kill a Mockingbird Types of Appeals: LOGICAL (logos) EMOTIONAL (pathos) Name ___________ ETHICAL/ BUILDS CREDIBILTIY (ethos) Read aloud example: Section Appeal text / summary Type of appeal Justify your label Type of appeal Justify your label Group examples: Read aloud example: Section 2 3 4 5 6 Appeal text / summary Atticus’s Rhetorical Strategies in To Kill a Mockingbird Rhetoric in its simplest form is the art of ___________________ speech or writing. There are different ways a speaker or writer can appeal to his or her ___________________: 1) ____________ (logic or reason); 2) ________________ (emotion); and 3) ______________ (ethics and credibility). Within the three major rhetorical ____________________ just mentioned, there are literally hundreds of ____________________ __________________, dating back to the famous orators Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle. Below is a very short list of rhetorical devices, their definitions, and a brief example of the device in use. • repetition: repetition of a ____________ or _______________ for emphasis. Example: "Mad world! Mad kings! Mad composition!" (King John, II, i) • antithesis: a _________________ or opposition between _________ things. Example: "Not that I loved Caesar less, but that I loved Rome more." (Julius Caesar, III, ii) • hyperbole: ___________________ for _____________________ or for rhetorical effect. Example: “I died laughing.” • irony: (verbal) expression in which words mean the exact ______________________ to what is actually said. Example: Saying “You’re a funny guy” to someone who is clearly not funny. • parallelism: ______________________ of a key word over successive phrases or clauses. Example: “We will have difficult times. We've had difficult times in the past. And we will have difficult times in the future.” Robert F. Kennedy’s Eulogy for Martin Luther King, Jr. (1968) • rhetorical question: a question that is posed for _____________________, not requiring an _______________________. Example: "Art thou mad? Is not the truth the truth?" (Henry IV, Part 1, II, iv) • understatement: deliberately de-______________________ something in order to ___________________ its importance. Example: “The Internet has contributed somewhat to improving communication,” is an understatement. Directions: For each of the following underlined excerpts from Atticus’s speech, identify which rhetorical device is being used and explain how it is used, according to the definitions and examples above. Note: not all devices will be used. An example has been done for you. Example: “What was the evidence of her offense? Tom Robinson, a human being…. What did she do? She tempted a Negro.” Rhetorical device: Use of aporia to emphasize his points, Atticus asks the audience and jury these questions, for which the answers are clear. 1. “We do know in part what Mr. Ewell did: he did what any God-fearing, persevering, respectable, white man would do under the circumstances…” (272). Rhetorical device and explanation: 2. “The defendant is not guilty, but someone in this courtroom is” (271). Rhetorical device and explanation: 3. “confident that you gentlemen would go along with them on the assumption—the evil assumption—that all Negroes lie, that all Negroes are immoral, that all Negro men are not to be trusted around our women” (273). Rhetorical device and explanation: 4. “We know all men are not created equal in the sense some people would have us believe—some people are smarter than others, some people have more opportunity because they’re born with it, some men make more money than others, some ladies make better cakes than others—some people are born gifted beyond the normal scope of most men” (274). Rhetorical device and explanation: 5. “But there is one way in this country in which all men are created equal—there is one human institution that makes a pauper the equal of a Rockefeller, the stupid man the equal of an Einstein, and the ignorant man the equal of any college president” (274). Rhetorical device and explanation: 6. “What did her father do? We don’t know but there is circumstantial evidence…” (272). Rhetorical device and explanation: 7. “There is not a person in this courtroom who has never told a lie, who has never done an immoral thing, and there is no man who has never looked upon a woman without desire” (273). Rhetorical device and explanation: 8. Using Atticus’s entire speech, find one example each of the use of logos, pathos, and ethos. Be sure to indicate which quotation employs which rhetorical device. Written Reflection