Chapter 32 Objectives Starr Taggart 14-15

AP Biology 14-15
Chapter 32 Neural Control Objectives: Starr Taggart
Name: _____________________________________
1. Contrast invertebrate (cnidarian, flatworm, and insect) and vertebrate nervous
2. Outline the divisions of the vertebrate nervous system.
3. List and describe 3 major parts of a neuron and explain the function of each.
4. Explain how neurons can be classified by function.
5. Describe the properties of the neuron plasma membrane. Include the distribution of
the invisible array of proteins, ions, and other molecules in a neuron at rest
6. Explain resting potential and list 4 factors that contribute to the maintenance of
resting potential.
7. Describe the characteristics of an action potential and explain the role membrane
permeability changes and ion gates play in the generation of an action potential.
8. Explain why an action potential only moves in a forward direction.
9. Diagram a nerve impulse showing information conducted along a motor neuron, then
transmitted across a synapse to a muscle cell and describe how a neurotransmitter is
released by pre-synaptic cells, how it moves across the synaptic cleft, and how it
interacts with the receptors on the post-synaptic membrane.
10. Describe the function of Ach and how and the effect of nerve gases and toxins on
11. How are excitatory and inhibitory signals different?
12. List the major neurotransmitters and their effects.
13. Describe how a neurotransmitter (Ach) has a different effect depending upon what
cell type it binds to.
14. Draw a T-chart to show differences between the nervous system and the endocrine
15. Describe how epinephrine has a different effect depending upon what cell type it binds
16. Name the different types of chemical messengers (paracrine, autocrine, etc.) and give
their basic functions.
17. Give an example of a second messenger.
18. Distinguish between the functions of the autonomic nervous system and the somatic
nervous system. Distinguish the differences between the sympathetic and
parasympathetic divisions. Which division is activated in the fight or flight response?
19. Distinguish between white matter and gray matter
20. Distinguish between sensory (afferent) and motor (efferent) nerves
21. Define reflex then draw and describe the pathway of a simple spinal reflex
22. Describe the major trends in the evolution of the vertebrate brain
23. List the major components of the central nervous system
24. Describe the functions of the ventricles and the blood brain barrier.
25. Describe the functions of the major structures of the human brain and identify in the
brain diagram
medulla oblongata
corpus callosum
26. Describe the cerebral cortex.
27. Define lateralization and describe the role of the corpus callosum
28. Distinguish between the primary cortex and the primary somatosensory cortex.
29. Describe the functioning of the limbic system, distinguishing between short-term and
long-term memory.
30. Using a flowchart, outline a possible memory pathway in the brain
31. Describe the types and functions of neuroglia (supporting cells of the nervous system).
32. Describe the etiology of the following neurological diseases; multiple sclerosis, GuillainBarre syndrome, Alzheimer’s disease, depression, and brain tumors.