REPRODUCTION IN MICROORGANISMS Vonetta Clarke-Hart Marta Siemiginowski Reproduction In Microorganisms Lesson Outline Day 1: Lesson Day House Keeping/Attendance Recall activity through Q&A session - what are microorganisms? - where can they live? - are they all bad for us? why? Go through PowerPoint Presentation Evaluation will be on going and based on comprehension today Expectations met: • C3.4 explain the different methods of reproduction in various types of bacteria, viruses, and fungi Reproduction In Microorganisms Lesson Outline con’t Day 2: Skit Day Students will be split into groups of 4 and will be assigned a type of microorganism and their reproduction. They will come up with a skit/presentation/riddle on what type of microorganism they are without saying it. The class will guess who they are. Students will be evaluated on a one paragraph response explaining their skit, any metaphors they used, and whether they found this activity worth while. Expectation Met: • C2.1 use appropriate terminology related to microbiology, including, but not limited to: fission, conjugation, phage, dormancy, morphology, mycelium, spore, pathogen, and plasmid Reproduction In Microorganisms Lesson Outline con’t Day 3: Gizmo Computer library day where students will be working on the reproduction of different microorganisms gizmo. Browse Gizmo-> Browse by province Ontario 11th Grade Biology College Prep Microbiology C3.5 (workbook and answers can be downloaded from here) Students will be evaluated on the workbook provided. Expectation met: C.3.5: describe how different viruses, bacteria, and fungi can affect host organisms, and how those effects are normally treated or prevented (e.g., hepatitis viruses can damage the liver, but vaccinations can prevent infections; streptococcus bacteria can cause respiratory infections, which are treated with antibiotics; ringworm is a fungal infection of the skin, treated with fungicides) Rubric for written paragraph Category Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Commmunication Students communicated with no clarity, were unable to explain the concept and any metaphors used. Students communicated with little clarity, were able to slightly explain the concept and any metaphors used. Students communicated with clarity, were able to explain the concept and metaphors used. Students communicated with great clarity, is able to explain the concept and metaphors used. Few grammatical errors in written work. No grammatical errors in written work. Students were able to apply concept learned in class to task at hand with a few problems. Students were able to apply concept learned in class to task at hand with no problems. /5 Many grammatical errors in written work. Making Connection /5 Students were unable to apply concept learned in class to task at hand with no problems. Many grammatical errors in written work. Students were able to apply concept learned in class to task at hand with many problems. Misconceptions • Students confuse the different types of reproductions and the • • • • stages All microorganisms reproduce via lyctic/lysogenic cycle All microorganisms are non- living All microorganisms are harmful When we are healthy our bodies are free of any and all microorganisms REPRODUCTION IN MICROORGANISMS Recall: Microorganisms are: • very tiny one-celled organisms • found in all living things, plants and animal • can live in the air, on land, and in fresh or salt water environments • some are pathogenic (harmful and causes diseases), but some are needed for survival Types of Reproduction • process of generating offspring • two types: • Sexual: two cells, one from each parent, to form a new organism • Asexual: cells from only one parent are used, offspring are identical • microorganisms can reproduce sexually and asexually Sexual Reproduction • index.php%3Fl%3D6&usg=__bUlRNX_VkJgjxBa9q3eb3oW4hmI=&h=217&w=294&sz=9&hl=en&start=21&zoom=0&tbnid=eoD Gjl81SQmrMM:&tbnh=85&tbnw=115&ei=ShEfTojnD8_ogQeB_IWUAw&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dsexual%2Breproduction%26hl 15&tx=71&ty=62&page=2&ndsp=21&ved=1t:429,r:3,s:21&biw=1366&bih=587 Asexual Reproduction • html&usg=__RmKAQx_0534lovRE8psFizoxZ9g=&h=630&w=730&sz=45&hl=en&start=0&zoom=1&tbnid=Dtc3BdybdZSR3M:&tbnh=137&tbnw=159&ei=jhEfTqDlGsiSgQfQxcC2Aw&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dasexual%2Breproduction%,r:13,s:0&tx=64&ty=60 Archae and Bacteria • Two ways to reproduce 1. Binary Fission (asexual reproduction) 2. Conjugation (sexual reproduction) Archae and Bacteria con’t 1. Binary Fission (asexual) • Single DNA reproduces • Produces a cross wall which divides the cell into two Archae and Bacteria con’t 2. Conjugation (sexual) • Makes contact through a sex pilus (bridge) • Materials are exchanged • Last step they separate Archae and Bacteria con’t • com/UNIT%2B7%2B%2BTaxonomy&usg=__t5G_reK05VjganV_uUlgdqU6zRc=&h=425&w=435&sz=42&hl=en&start=67&zoom=1&tbnid=WyUZFQeu3uGafM:&tbnh=131&tbnw=134&ei=JRIfTrSeFJKcgQfj4O2tAw&prev=/s,r:17,s:67&tx=28&ty=102 Archae and Bacteria Con’t If external environment changes too much, an endospore forms (dormant cell)… Protozoa • reproduce by binary fission • Sometimes reproduce by schizogony • a multiple cellular fission • cell's nucleus divides several times before the cell itself divides into multiple new cells • each has its own nuclei • Some protozoans can reproduce sexually • Form sex cells - gametes that fuse together, forming a new organism Schizogney n%26biw%3D1366%26bih%3D587%26tbm%3Disch&um=1&itbs=1&iact=rc&dur=156&page=1&ndsp=21&ved=1t:429,r:0,s:0&tx= 134&ty=51 Fungi • can reproduce both sexually and asexually • asexual reproduction includes binary fission and reproduction by spores • Fungi produce spores that form in a capsule, called a sporangium • When sporangium is mature it opens releasing spores • spores are the reproductive cells of fungi • Each spore cell has a nucleus and dehydrated cytoplasm surrounded by a protective coating • can exist for long time waiting for the right conditions Sporangium JJI1Cs7agDL0UZ3xSIkRlx8=&h=206&w=240&sz=2&hl=en&start=22&zoom=1&tbnid=RpQp2UY8zqzm3M:&tbnh=123&tbnw=147&ei=FRUfTvPBCsfZgAfakI2sAw&prev=/search% 3Fq%3Dsporangium%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26biw%3D1366%26bih%3D587%26tbm%3Disch&um=1&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=534&vpy=298&dur=218&hovh=164&hovw=192& tx=115&ty=86&page=2&ndsp=23&ved=1t:429,r:18,s:22&biw=1366&bih=587 Fungi con’t • Fungi produce sexual and asexual spores • There are no male or female fungi • During sexual reproduction, two mating types, called plus (+) mating type and minus (-) mating type • The plus and minus attract and reproduce • Fungal spores can be found everywhere Viruses • Can reproduce only in a host cell • occurs spontaneously • Viruses mutate easily • makes it difficult to fight some viral diseases because antibodies that worked for one virus do not work for the new one. • Reason people get colds or flu every year. Viruses cont • There are 2 cycles: 1. Lyctic cycle: main method of viral replication; results in the destruction of the infected cell 2. Lysogenic cycle • the virus co-exists with the cell and replicates as part of its DNA • Once a stress factor appears, the lyctic cycle re-starts • Some cells are not destroyed immediately, they stay dorment (sleep) LYCTIC CYCLE (recreate the chart and complete diagrams in your notes) Stage Diagram Stage Description 1 Attach and enter the bacteriaie. Recognize host cell and invade 2 Replicate the RNA/DNA of the bacteriophage 3 Assemble the protein and genetic material of the new bacteriophages. 4 Release of new virus particles. This is called lysis. Application of Bacteria Reproduction Bacteria as… • Recyclers • Saprophytes release digestive enzymes into organic material around them and break them down so that other organisms can use them Bacteria as… • Pollution controllers: • Work through bioremediation • 1989 during an oil spill, fertilizer that would promote growth of the bacteria was sprayed on the shore and sand to consume the polluting hydrocarbons Bacteria as… • Probiotic agents • Means for life • Used to maintain health • May prevent disease Bacteria as… • Industry • Make enzymes that are useful in industrial processes • Industrial fermenters are used to harvest enzymes which are used to produce consumer products Websites Used: • • • • • • • • %3Fl%3D6&usg=__bUlRNX_VkJgjxBa9q3eb3oW4hmI=&h=217&w=294&sz=9&hl=en&start=21&zoom=0&tbnid=eoDGjl81SQmrMM:&tb nh=85&tbnw=115&ei=ShEfTojnD8_ogQeB_IWUAw&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dsexual%2Breproduction%26hl%3Den%26rls%3Dcom.micro soft:en-ca:IESearchBox%26biw%3D1366%26bih%3D587%26tbm%3Disch&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=724&vpy=187&dur=47&hovh=85&hovw=115&tx=71 &ty=62&page=2&ndsp=21&ved=1t:429,r:3,s:21&biw=1366&bih=587 ary%252Bfission.jpg&imgrefurl= oxZ9g=&h=630&w=730&sz=45&hl=en&start=0&zoom=1&tbnid=Dtc3BdybdZSR3M:&tbnh=137&tbnw=159&ei=jhEfTqDlGsiSgQfQxcC2A w&prev=/,r:13,s:0&tx=64& ty=60 _Conjugation_1.jpg&imgrefurl= fM:&tbnh=131&tbnw=134&ei=JRIfTrSeFJKcgQfj4O2tAw&prev=/ n-ca:IESearchBox%26biw%3D1366%26bih%3D587%26tbm%3Disch&itbs=1&iact=rc&dur=78&page=4&ndsp=22&ved=1t:429,r:17,s:67&tx=2 8&ty=102 6biw%3D1366%26bih%3D587%26tbm%3Disch&um=1&itbs=1&iact=rc&dur=156&page=1&ndsp=21&ved=1t:429,r:0,s:0&tx=134&ty=5 1 6biw%3D1366%26bih%3D587%26tbm%3Disch&um=1&itbs=1&iact=rc&dur=156&page=1&ndsp=21&ved=1t:429,r:0,s:0&tx=134&ty=5