ethics 8th grade animal testing - Grade8Religion

Anna Cole. A8b
Question: Is testing on animals ethically justifiable?
Animal Testing
In 1933, mascara called Lash Lure was produced in the United States, which
contained a chemical that could burn skin. Dozens of women went blind because of
that mistake.1 This cosmetic product was not tested.2 Safety testing was required
after this incident and many other tragic malfunctions. The easiest way to test
products safety was on animals. Animals became subject to an array of different
tests, but they were sometimes treated unjustly. In 1966, the Animal Welfare Act
was signed to regulate the care and use of animals in United States laboratories.3
Animal testing is not just beneficial for humans.4 Heartworm medication for
dogs and some other medications for animals have started from animal testing.
Many challenge the use of animal testing in cosmetics, but if one ingredient goes
wrong even cosmetics could be deadly.
Animal testing has saved human lives, but killed millions of animal lives.
Products as diverse as concealer to antibiotics are tested on animals for the good of
mankind, but there are protests for animal rights. There are accusations that the
tests are inhumane and cruel. Also, animal tests are not always accurate, but they
"Why Do Companies Test Cosmetics or Other Products on Animals?" Animal
Research: Finding Cures, Saving Lives. The American Physiological Society, 2010.
Web. 14 Feb. 2012. <>.
2 Ibid
3 "Government and Professional Resources |" Home | United States Department of Agriculture. Web. 12 Feb. 2012.
4 Shandilya, Ranjan. "Animal Testing Pros." Buzzle Web Portal: Intelligent Life on the
Web. Web. 14 Feb. 2012. <>.
are the most reliable tests around. There are other types of tests like growing skin
for cosmetic testing, but animal testing is far more accurate.5
Animal testing activist will not deny that achievements such as the creation of
insulin and some vaccinations have come from animal testing, but good has happened
without animal testing.6 Penicillin and many other cures have come from tests other than
animal tests.7 They argue that humans cannot be tested on without their consent and
animals cannot speak or give their consent, so they should not be tested on.8 These people
may support animal rights even if it does give less opportunity for human growth and
Macrae, Fiona. "Human Skin for Testing Cosmetics Is Grown in the Lab | Mail Online."
Home | Mail Online. Associated Newspapers Ltd, 26 July 2007. Web. 11 Feb. 2012.
6 Cook, Kristina. "Stand Up for Science: Why Animal Research Is Important AND
Needed: A Copy of the Speech I Gave on the February 25th Demonstration." Pro-Test:
Standing up for Science. 4 Apr. 2006. Web. 13 Feb. 2012. <>.
Lin, Doris. "Animal Testing– Why It’s Wrong to Test on Animals." Animal Rights Articles and Blog About Animal Rights. Web. 14 Feb. 2012.
8 Ibid