endocrine, reproduction, development

Chapter 26: Regulation Part I - The Endocrine System
NEW AIM: How do chemical signals coordinate body functions?
I. Exocrine vs. Endocrine glands
A. Exocrine
- have ducts (tubes made of cells) that carry secretion products to an outside surface
Ex. Sweat (eccrine), sebaceous, mammary, digestive (pancreas, liver, gall bladder), etc…
Remember that the lining of your digestive tract, nephron tubules, etc… are external surfaces
– you do not need to cross any cell layers to get there.
Chapter 26: Regulation Part I - The Endocrine System
AIM: How do chemical signals coordinate body functions?
I. Exocrine vs. Endocrine glands
B. Endocrine
- ductless, hormones secreted into blood
- IMPORTANT: hormones circulate and influence ONLY
cells with receptors for them (target cells)
- >50 known hormones in vertebrates
There are two main types of
hormone secreting cells
1. Endocrine cells, which typically secrete their
hormone in response to a chemical stimulus like a
ligand or an environmental change like high
glucose levels that triggers signal transduction.
2. Neurosecretory cells, which are neurons (wirelike cells that transmit electrical signals) that
secrete hormones. These cells are typically
activated by an electrical signal and use electrical
signals to secrete their hormones. Most are found
in the hypothalamus – the master endocrine organ
Fig. 26.1
Chapter 26: Regulation Part I - The Endocrine System
AIM: How do chemical signals coordinate body functions?
II. The Endocrine System
A. Endocrine glands
B. Chemical regulatory system of body
Ex. Regulates metabolic rate, growth,
maturation, reproduction, blood
glucose, blood calcium, etc…
Nervous system = other regulatory system
of body
Why do we need two regulatory systems?
Endocrine = slower and more prolonged
(long-lasting) effect
Both systems work closely together
Fig. 26.3
Chapter 26: Regulation Part I - The Endocrine System
AIM: How do chemical signals coordinate body functions?
II. The Endocrine System
D. Amino acid based vs. steroid hormones
i. Amino acid based (3 types)
1. amine (modified amino acid) - ex. epinephrine
2. Peptide - ex. gastrin
3. protein hormones - ex. insulin
Chapter 26: Regulation Part I - The Endocrine System
AIM: How do chemical signals coordinate body functions?
II. The Endocrine System
D. Amino acid based vs. steroid hormones
i. Amino acid based (3 types)
1. amine (modified amino acid)
2. Peptide
3. protein hormones
How do amino acid based hormones “talk” to cells?
4. Bind and activate surface receptors
(can’t cross PM)
5. Result: Turn genes On/Off or
activate/deactivate enzymes, etc…
Fig. 26.2
Chapter 26: Regulation Part I - The Endocrine System
AIM: How do chemical signals coordinate body functions?
II. The Endocrine System
D. Amino acid based vs. steroid hormones
ii. Steroid hormone
1. Lipids made from cholesterol
Ex. Testosterone and estrogen
Chapter 26: Regulation Part I - The Endocrine System
AIM: How do chemical signals coordinate body functions?
II. The Endocrine System
D. Amino acid based vs. steroid hormones
ii. Steroid hormone
1. Lipids made from cholesterol
Ex. Testosterone and estrogen
How do steroid hormones “talk” to cells?
2. Cytoplasmic receptor protein
3. Receptor protein usually a
transcription factor
4. Turn genes ON/OFF ONLY
Fig. 26.2
Chapter 26: Regulation Part I - The Endocrine System
AIM: How do chemical signals coordinate body functions?
II. The Endocrine System
D. Amino acid based vs. steroid hormones
Fig. 26.2
Chapter 26: Regulation Part I - The Endocrine System
AIM: How do chemical signals coordinate body functions?
II. The Endocrine System
D. Amino acid based vs. steroid hormones
iii. Exception to the rule
a. Thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3)
- amine hormones
- produced by thyroid
- relatively non-polar, behave like steroids
triiodothyronine (T3)
Chapter 26: Regulation Part I - The Endocrine System
AIM: How do chemical signals coordinate body functions?
II. The Endocrine System
E. Endocrine glands of vertebrates
i. Some have ONLY endocrine
Ex. Thyroid and pituitary
ii. Some also have a non-endocrine
Ex. pancreas
Exocrine = digestive enzymes
Endocrine = insulin release
Fig. 26.3
Chapter 26: Regulation Part I - The Endocrine System
AIM: How do chemical signals coordinate body functions?
II. The Endocrine System
E. Major vertebrate endocrine glands and their hormones
Pg. 521
Chapter 26: Regulation Part I - The Endocrine System
AIM: How do chemical signals coordinate body functions?
II. The Endocrine System
E. Major vertebrate endocrine glands and their hormones
Pg. 521
Chapter 26: Regulation Part I - The Endocrine System
AIM: How do chemical signals coordinate body functions?
II. The Endocrine System
E. Major vertebrate endocrine glands and their hormones
i. Steroid hormones made only by sex
organs (testes and ovaries) and adrenal
glands (specifically the adrenal cortex)
Chapter 26: Regulation Part I - The Endocrine System
AIM: How do chemical signals coordinate body functions?
II. The Endocrine System
F. The hypothalamus
i. Part of brain
ii. Master control center of endocrine system
iii. Connects nervous system to endocrine system
- receives info from nerves about internal and external environment
iv. Closely tied to pituitary gland – in fact, the posterior
pituitary is made of cells that extend from the hypothalamus
Fig. 26.4
Chapter 26: Regulation Part I - The Endocrine System
AIM: How do chemical signals coordinate body functions?
II. The Endocrine System
F. The Pituitary
i. Two parts
1. Posterior lobe (posterior pituitary)
- composed of nervous tissue (extension of hypothalamus)
- Made of neurosecretory cells
- stores and secretes hormones made in hypothalamus
Fig. 26.4
Chapter 26: Regulation Part I - The Endocrine System
AIM: How do chemical signals coordinate body functions?
II. The Endocrine System
F. The Pituitary
i. Two parts
2. Anterior lobe (anterior pituitary)
a. composed of NON-nervous glandular tissue (endocrine cells)
b. synthesizes own hormones, most control other endocrine glands
c. hormone release controlled by…Hypothalamus hormones
Fig. 26.4
Chapter 26: Regulation Part I - The Endocrine System
NEW AIM: How do chemical signals coordinate body functions?
II. The Endocrine System
F. The Pituitary
i. Two parts
2. Anterior lobe (anterior pituitary)
a. composed of NON-nervous glandular tissue
b. synthesizes own hormones, most control other endocrine glands
c. hormone release controlled by…Hypothalamus hormones
- Hypothalamus hormones that control AP
1. Releasing hormones
- Bunch of different hormones that signal AP to
release a certain hormone
2. Inhibiting hormones
- Bunch of different hormones that signal AP to
stop releasing a certain hormone
Chapter 26: Regulation Part I - The Endocrine System
NEW AIM: How do chemical signals coordinate body functions?
II. The Endocrine System
G. Example you need to know: Hypothalamus and AP interaction (Example)
1. cold external temperature
2. Hypothalmus secretes TRH into blood
TRH = TSH releasing hormone
3. TRH stimulates AP to secrete TSH
(thyroid stimulating hormone) into blood
4. TSH stimulates thyroid to secrete the
hormone thyroxine (T4) into the blood
5. Thyroxine (T4) binds to thyroxine
receptors, which are found on most cells
instructing them to increases metabolic
rate of body cells – heat generated
6. Thyroxine (T4) and TSH inhibit
hypothalamus from secreting TRH
(hypothalamus regulates body temp through thyroid)
Hypothalamus hormones
Fig. 26.4
Chapter 26: Regulation Part I - The Endocrine System
NEW AIM: How do chemical signals coordinate body functions?
II. The Endocrine System
Fig. 26.4
Hmm..what kind of receptor TRH binds to?
Hypothalamus hormones
Chapter 26: Regulation Part I - The Endocrine System
NEW AIM: How do chemical signals coordinate body functions?
II. The Endocrine System
G. Example you need to know: Hypothalamus and AP interaction (Example)
1. cold external temperature
2. Hypothalmus secretes TRH into blood
TRH = TSH releasing hormone
3. TRH stimulates AP to secrete TSH
(thyroid stimulating hormone) into blood
4. TSH stimulates thyroid to secrete the
hormone thyroxine (T4) into the blood
5. Thyroxine (T4) binds to thyroxine
receptors, which are found on most cells
instructing them to increases metabolic
rate of body cells – heat generated
6. Thyroxine (T4) and TSH inhibit
hypothalamus from secreting TRH
(hypothalamus regulates body temp through thyroid)
Chapter 26: Regulation Part I - The Endocrine System
NEW AIM: How do chemical signals coordinate body functions?
II. The Endocrine System
H. The Hypothalamus and Posterior pituitary (PP)
i. REMINDER: hormones made in hypothalamus
and stored/released in PP
ii. Neurosecretory cells extend into PP where
they secrete hormone into blood
1. oxytocin
- causes uterine muscles to contract
during child birth – polypeptide hormone
Target organs
(the organs
targeted by the
It is typically administered intravenously
immediately after child birth as well to keep the
contractions going to make sure the placenta
comes out / is delivered.
- mammary glands to pump milk
2. ADH (antidiuretic hormone or vasopressin)
- Target organs are kidneys - reabsorb water
from collecting duct of nephrons
- Polypeptide hormone, see excretory system
Fig. 26.5
Chapter 26: Regulation Part I - The Endocrine System
NEW AIM: How do chemical signals coordinate body functions?
II. The Endocrine System
I. The Hypothalamus and Anterior
pituitary (AP)
- neurosecretory cells of hypothalamus
secrete RH or IH (releasing hormone / inhibitory hormone)
- blood carries RH/IH to AP to control hormone
secretion – each hormone released by AP is
contolled by a different RH/IH
1. Hormones from AP that control other
endocrine glands:
TSH - thyroid stimulating hormone
ACTH - adrenocorticotropic hormone
FSH - follicle stimulating hormone
LH - luteinizing hormone
2. Other hormones
GH - growth hormone
PRL - prolactin
Endorphins (endogenous morphine)
Fig. 26.5
Chapter 26: Regulation Part I - The Endocrine System
NEW AIM: How do chemical signals coordinate body functions?
II. The Endocrine System
I. The Hypothalamus and Anterior
pituitary (AP)
- neurosecretory cells of hypothalamus
secrete RH or IH (releasing hormone / inhibitory hormone)
2. Other hormones
GH - growth hormone
PRL - prolactin
Human Growth Hormone (hGH) is a protein.
It targets many cells and stimulates growth of
these cells as well as mitotic division. As you
might have hypothesized, levels of GH in the
blood fall off with age.
Fig. 26.5
Chapter 26: Regulation Part I - The Endocrine System
NEW AIM: How do chemical signals coordinate body functions?
II. The Endocrine System
I. The Hypothalamus and Anterior
pituitary (AP)
- neurosecretory cells of hypothalamus
secrete RH or IH (releasing hormone / inhibitory hormone)
2. Other hormones
GH - growth hormone
PRL - prolactin
Prolactin is a protein as well. It promotes
lactation (production of milk) in females.
Fig. 26.5
Chapter 26: Regulation Part I - The Endocrine System
NEW AIM: How do chemical signals coordinate body functions?
II. The Endocrine System
I. The Hypothalamus and Anterior
pituitary (AP)
- neurosecretory cells of hypothalamus
secrete RH or IH (releasing hormone / inhibitory hormone)
2. Other hormones
GH - growth hormone
PRL - prolactin
Beta-endorphin: A 31 amino acid polypeptide.
Endorphins are neurotransmitters, which
means they talk to neurons and tell them to fire
or not to fire. We will discuss this in detail with
the nervous system. In general, endorphins
are released during exercise, excitement, and
pain and bring about feelings of well being and
pain reduction similar to morphine (endo –
form within, orphin – morphine = endorphine)
Fig. 26.5
Chapter 26: Regulation Part I - The Endocrine System
AIM: How do chemical signals coordinate body functions?
II. The Endocrine System
J. Thyroid
1. located just below larynx
2. Hormones produced (amine)
- Thyroxine T4
- Triidodthyronine T3
triiodothyronine (T3)
Both contain iodine
Fig. 26.3
Chapter 26: Regulation Part I - The Endocrine System
AIM: How do chemical signals coordinate body functions?
II. The Endocrine System
J. Thyroid
1. located just below larynx
2. Hormones produced (amine)
- Thyroxine T4
- Triidodthyronine T3
triiodothyronine (T3)
Both contain iodine
Remember the Goiter - lack of iodine in diet – causes thyroid to swell
like a balloon as it tries to make T3 and T4 under excessive TSH
Fig. 26.6A
Chapter 26: Regulation Part I - The Endocrine System
AIM: How do chemical signals coordinate body functions?
Fig. 26.6
II. The Endocrine System
J. Thyroid
1. located just below larynx
2. Hormones produced (amine)
- Thyroxine T4
- Triidodthyronine T3
Goiter - lack of iodine in diet
Why a goiter forms
Chapter 26: Regulation Part I - The Endocrine System
AIM: How do chemical signals coordinate body functions?
Fig. 26.6
II. The Endocrine System
J. Thyroid
1. located just below larynx
2. Hormones produced (amine)
- Thyroxine T4
- Triidodthyronine T3
Iodized salt
Goiter - lack of iodine in diet
Why a goiter forms
Chapter 26: Regulation Part I - The Endocrine System
AIM: How do chemical signals coordinate body functions?
II. The Endocrine System
2. Blood calcium homeostasis (10mg/100ml)
A. Some uses of calcium
i. Help neurons to transmit signals
ii. Muscle contraction
iii. Blood clotting (coagulation)
iv. Cotransport across PM
v. IP3 regulated cell signalling
Cotransport occurs when a cell uses energy to
actively pump a substance like Ca++ or H+ across a
membrane resulting in an electrochemical gradient
similar to the pumping of H+ into the intermembrane
space of the mitochondria or into the thylakoid disk.
When the substance diffuses back passively, the
energy is used to transport another molecule with it
from low to high concentration (active) – therefore
your link facilitated diffusion with active transport.
Chapter 26: Regulation Part I - The Endocrine System
AIM: How do chemical signals coordinate body functions?
II. The Endocrine System
2. Blood calcium homeostasis (10mg/100ml)
A. Some uses of calcium
i. Help neurons to transmit signals
ii. Muscle contraction
iii. Blood clotting (coagulation)
iv. Cotransport across PM
v. IP3 regulated cell signalling
Chapter 26: Regulation Part I - The Endocrine System
AIM: How do chemical signals coordinate body functions?
II. The Endocrine System
2. Blood calcium homeostasis
(10mg/100ml in blood normally)
C. Hormones involved
i. Calcitonin (calcium in)
- secreted by thyroid
- lower blood Ca++
It is a polypeptide:
Fig. 26.3
Chapter 26: Regulation Part I - The Endocrine System
AIM: How do chemical signals coordinate body functions?
II. The Endocrine System
2. Blood calcium homeostasis (10mg/100ml)
C. Hormones involved
i. Calcitonin (calcium in)
- secreted by thyroid
- lowers blood Ca++
ii. Parathyroid hormone (PTH)
- secreted by parathyroid glands
- raises blood Ca++
PTH (protein)
Fig. 26.3
Chapter 26: Regulation Part I - The Endocrine System
AIM: How do chemical signals coordinate body functions?
II. The Endocrine System
2. Blood calcium homeostasis (10mg/100ml)
C. Hormones involved
i. Calcitonin
- secreted by thyroid
- lower blood Ca++
ii. Parathyroid hormone (PTH)
- secreted by parathyroid
- raises blood Ca++
**These are antagonistic hormones
(opposite effects)
Fig. 26.3
Chapter 26: Regulation Part I - The Endocrine System
AIM: How do chemical signals coordinate body functions?
II. The Endocrine System
2. Blood calcium homeostasis (10mg/100ml)
C. Hormones involved
i. Calcitonin
- secreted by thyroid
- lower blood Ca++
ii. Parathyroid hormone (PTH)
- secreted by parathyroid
- raises blood Ca++
**These are antagonistic hormones
(opposite effects)
four embedded in thyroid
Chapter 26: Regulation Part I - The Endocrine System
AIM: How do chemical signals coordinate body functions?
Fig. 26.7
II. The Endocrine System
2. Blood calcium homeostasis (10mg/100ml)
D. Mechanism of action
i. Calcitonin targets:
- bone, kidneys
ii. PTH targets:
- intestines, bone, kidneys
IMPORTANT: What you need to realize is that
the levels are ALWAYS fluctuating up and down
like a sinusoidal wave. This is a hallmark of
feedback. It never stays at 10mg/100ml and this
goes for the concentration of anything in your
body like protein levels in a cell or blood
glucose…. Nothing is static, everything is
four embedded in thyroid
Chapter 26: Regulation Part I - The Endocrine System
AIM: How do chemical signals coordinate body functions?
II. The Endocrine System
2. Blood calcium homeostasis (10mg/100ml)
Fig. 26.7
Chapter 26: Regulation Part I - The Endocrine System
AIM: How do chemical signals coordinate body functions?
II. The Endocrine System
3. Blood glucose regulation (90mg/100ml)
B. Pancreas
i. Endocrine and exocrine gland
Fig. 26.3
Chapter 26: Regulation Part I - The Endocrine System
AIM: How do chemical signals coordinate body functions?
II. The Endocrine System
3. Blood glucose regulation (90mg/100ml)
B. Pancreas
i. Endocrine and exocrine gland
ii Islets of Langerhan
- endocrine portion
- made of alpha (α) and beta (β) cells
Chapter 26: Regulation Part I - The Endocrine System
AIM: How do chemical signals coordinate body functions?
II. The Endocrine System
3. Blood glucose regulation (90mg/100ml)
C. Hormones involved
i. insulin
- produced by beta cells
- lowers blood glucose
ii. glucagon
- produced by alpha cells
- raises blood glucose
- Glucose is gone (glucagon…get it?)
**These are antagonistic hormones
(opposite effects)
Chapter 26: Regulation Part I - The Endocrine System
AIM: How do chemical signals coordinate body functions?
II. The Endocrine System
3. Blood glucose regulation (90mg/100ml)
D. Mechanism of action
i. Insulin targets:
- liver, body cells (fat cells,
muscle cells)
ii. Glucagon targets:
- liver
Hyperglycemia vs. Hypoglycemia
Fig. 26.8
Chapter 26: Regulation Part I - The Endocrine System
AIM: How do chemical signals coordinate body functions?
II. The Endocrine System
3. Blood glucose regulation (90mg/100ml)
D. Mechanism of action
You eat a candy bar or anything with carbs
and your blood sugar raises above
90mg/100ml. Proteins on the surface of
pancreatic beta cells located in the Islets of
Langerhan signal the beta cells to secrete
insulin (take glucose in) into the blood.
Insulin circulates and binds to insulin
receptors on hepatic (liver) cell, adipocytes
(fat cells), and myocytes (muscle cells).
Signal transduction occurs and the cells
send glucose transporter proteins to their
membranes. Glucose enters by facilitated
diffusion and is converted to glycogen in liver
and muscle, and to triglycerides in
adipocytes. The blood sugar levels drop
causing the beta cells to stop secreting
Fig. 26.8
Chapter 26: Regulation Part I - The Endocrine System
AIM: How do chemical signals coordinate body functions?
II. The Endocrine System
3. Blood glucose regulation (90mg/100ml)
D. Mechanism of action
When they fall too low, the proteins on the
surface of pancreatic alpha cells also located
within the Islets of Langerhan send a signal
into the alpha cells causing them to secrete
glucagon (glucose is gone) into the blood.
Glucagon will circulate and bind to glucagon
receptors located on hepatocytes and
adipocytes causing them to breakdown
glycogen and release glucose. Why would
you not signal the myocytes to release
glucose? Because the muscles always need
the glucose to make ATP so they can
contract. Muscles do not store it for the body,
they store it for themselves. The blood sugar
levels rise causing the alpha cells to stop
secreting glucagon.
Fig. 26.8
Chapter 26: Regulation Part I - The Endocrine System
AIM: How do chemical signals coordinate body functions?
II. The Endocrine System
3. Blood glucose regulation (90mg/100ml)
E. disorders
i. Diabetes mellitus
a. body cells do not absorb glucose (blood glucose high)
b. affects 5 out of 100 in US
c. 350,000 die from disease/year
d. Two types
1. Type I insulin dependent (early onset)
- autoimmune disease against beta cells
- don’t produce enough insulin
Insulin pump attached to user
- develops before age 15 typically
- insulin injection required
- genetically engineered (human insulin gene
put into a plasmid and inserted into bacteria)
Chapter 26: Regulation Part I - The Endocrine System
AIM: How do chemical signals coordinate body functions?
II. The Endocrine System
3. Blood glucose regulation (90mg/100ml)
E. disorders
i. Diabetes mellitus
a. body cells do not absorb glucose (blood glucose high)
b. affects 5 out of 100 in US
c. 350,000 die from disease/year
d. Two types
1. Type II NON-insulin dependent (late or adult onset)
- faulty/missing insulin receptors on cells
- Insulin is being made just not being “seen”
- 90% of US cases are Type II
- typically develops after 40
- Treatment
- control sugar intake (diet)
- drugs that reduce glucose levels
Chapter 26: Regulation Part I - The Endocrine System
AIM: How do chemical signals coordinate body functions?
II. The Endocrine System
3. Blood glucose regulation (90mg/100ml)
E. disorders
i. Diabetes mellitus
a. body cells do not absorb glucose (blood glucose high)
b. affects 5 out of 100 in US
c. 350,000 die from disease/year
d. Two types
1. Type II NON-insulin dependent (late or adult onset)
i. Cause
- Genetic predisposition combined with environmental triggers like
obesity, hypertension, elevated cholesterol, high fat diets and inactive
ii. Treatment
- Managed by exercise and diet management
Chapter 26: Regulation Part I - The Endocrine System
AIM: How do chemical signals coordinate body functions?
II. The Endocrine System
3. Blood glucose regulation (90mg/100ml)
E. disorders
i. Diabetes mellitus
a. body cells do not absorb glucose (hyperglycemia = blood glucose high)
b. affects 5 out of 100 in US
c. 350,000 die from disease/year
d. Type I and Type II
e. Result
- Cells don’t take up glucose resulting in high blood
glucose levels, burn fat/proteins instead
- Glucose seen in urine because kidneys can’t
take it out of the proximal tubule quick enough
- High glucose levels cause
Fig. 26.8
Chapter 26: Regulation Part I - The Endocrine System
AIM: How do chemical signals coordinate body functions?
Chapter 25: Control of
the Internal Environment
AIM: How do organisms deal with metabolic waste?
III. Human Excretory System
C. How does the kidney extract filtrate?
1. The Nephron
i. Functional unit of the kidney (tiny filtering unit)
ii. ~1,000,000 per kidney
iii. Each extracts tiny amount of filtrate
Fig. 25.9
Chapter 25: Control of
the Internal Environment
AIM: How do organisms deal with metabolic waste?
III. Human Excretory System
C. How does the kidney
extract filtrate?
1. The Nephron
- Flow chart through nephron
Fig. 25.9
Chapter 25: Control of
the Internal Environment
AIM: How do organisms deal with metabolic waste?
III. Human Excretory System
C. nephron
Urine is produced in 4 major processes
Fig. 25.10
IMPORTANT: Water, urea, salts, monomers, toxins, etc… are forced out of the glomerulus
capillaries by high blood pressure into Bowman’s capsule and enter the nephron tubule nonselectively. The only selective filter is the size of the molecule. Glucose and smaller enters
automatically. The kidney can only control what is taken back (reabsorbed) into the blood, NOT
what goes into Bowman’s and the nephron tubule!!
Chapter 25: Control of
the Internal Environment
AIM: How do organisms deal with metabolic waste?
III. Human Excretory System
C. nephron
The proximal tubule of the kidney cannot take in the excess
glucose fast enough. High glucose in tubule means low
water potential…water enters the tubule and leaves body!!
Excessive urination and thirst with diabetes.
Fig. 25.11
Chapter 26: Regulation Part I - The Endocrine System
AIM: How do chemical signals coordinate body functions?
II. The Endocrine System
3. Blood glucose regulation (90mg/100ml)
E. disorders
i. Diabetes mellitus
Fig. 26.9
Chapter 26: Regulation Part I - The Endocrine System
AIM: How do chemical signals coordinate body functions?
II. The Endocrine System
4. Mobilizing response to stress
A. Adrenal glands (two)
i. On top of each kidney – kidney hat
ii. Secrete hormones involved in the organisms
response to physical and/or emotional stress
iii. Two glands in one
Fig. 26.10
Fig. 26.3
Chapter 26: Regulation Part I - The Endocrine System
AIM: How do chemical signals coordinate body functions?
II. The Endocrine System
4. Mobilizing response to stress
A. Adrenal glands (two)
Fig. 26.10
Chapter 26: Regulation Part I - The Endocrine System
AIM: How do chemical signals coordinate body functions?
II. The Endocrine System
5. Sex hormones
A. gonads
i. sex glands
- ovaries and testes
- secrete hormones in addition to gamete production
Fig. 27.2
Fig. 27.3
Chapter 26: Regulation Part I - The Endocrine System
AIM: How do chemical signals coordinate body functions?
II. The Endocrine System
4. Sex hormones
A. gonads
i. sex glands
- ovaries and testes
- secrete hormones in addition to gamete production
ii. Sex hormones (3 categories) - all present in males AND females at different levels.
1. Estrogens
a. High in females compared to androgens
b. Maintain female reproductive system
c. Promote development of female secondary sex characteristics:
- smaller body size, higher pitch voice, breasts, wider hips
Chapter 26: Regulation Part I - The Endocrine System
AIM: How do chemical signals coordinate body functions?
II. The Endocrine System
4. Sex hormones
A. gonads
i. sex glands
- ovaries and testes
- secrete hormones in addition to gamete production
ii. Sex hormones (3 categories) - all present in males AND females at different levels.
2. progestins
a. ex) progesterone
b. Prepare uterus to support the embryo
Chapter 26: Regulation Part I - The Endocrine System
AIM: How do chemical signals coordinate body functions?
II. The Endocrine System
4. Sex hormones
A. gonads
i. sex glands
- ovaries and testes
- secrete hormones in addition to gamete production
ii. Sex hormones (3 categories) - all present in males AND females at different levels.
3. androgens
a. High in males compared to estrogens
- testosterone is the main one
b. Development and maintenance of male reproductive system
c. Promote development of male secondary sex characteristics:
- low-pitched voice, facial hair, large skeletal muscles
Chapter 26: Regulation Part I - The Endocrine System
AIM: How do chemical signals coordinate body functions?
II. The Endocrine System
4. Sex hormones
A. gonads
i. sex glands
- ovaries and testes
- secrete hormones in addition to gamete production
ii. Sex hormones (3 categories) - all present in males AND females at different levels.
- estrogens, progestins, androgens
iii. Regulated by hypothalamus and AP
- FSH and LH
Fig. 26.5
Chapter 26: Regulation Part I - The Endocrine System
AIM: How do chemical signals coordinate body functions?
II. The Endocrine System
4. Sex hormones
B.Steroid Biosynthesis
(just for fun)
Chapter 26: Regulation Part I - The Endocrine System
AIM: How do chemical signals coordinate body functions?
II. The Endocrine System
Chapter 27: Reproduction and Embryonic Development
AIM: How have humans evolved to reproduce?
VI. Human Reproduction
A. Female Anatomy
Fig. 27.2
Chapter 27: Reproduction and Embryonic Development
NEW AIM: How have humans evolved to reproduce?
VI. Human Reproduction
A. Female Anatomy
Fig. 27.2
Chapter 27: Reproduction and Embryonic Development
NEW AIM: How have humans evolved to reproduce?
VI. Human Reproduction
A. Female Anatomy
Corpus luteum
(yellow body)
A follicle containing ovum
Oocyte (immature ovum)
LM or a follicle
Chapter 27: Reproduction and Embryonic Development
AIM: How have humans evolved to reproduce?
Ovarian cycle (top) and menstrual cycle (bottom) must be synchronized…explain why.
Chapter 27: Reproduction and Embryonic Development
AIM: How have humans evolved to reproduce?
VI. Human Reproduction
D. Hormones synchronize cyclical changes in the ovary and ut
iii. Ovarian and menstrual cycles are synchronized
d. Five hormones involved
- RH, FSH, LH, estrogen,
progesterone (page 542)
FSH stimulate follicle to grow and mature
LH causes ovulation and maintains corpus luteum
Estrogen (secreted by follicle)
- Low levels inhibit hypothalamus
- High levels stimulate hypothalamus
- Promote growth of endometrium lining
Estrogen and Progesterone (secreted by corpus luteum)
- Inhibit hypothalamus
- Promote growth of endometrium lining
Fig. 27.5
Chapter 27: Reproduction and Embryonic Development
AIM: How have humans evolved to reproduce?
VI. Human Reproduction
D. Hormones synchronize cyclical changes in the ovary and ut
iii. Ovarian and menstrual cycles are synchronized
e. Ovarian cycle regulation: Preovulation
RH stimulates release of FSH and LH from AP
FSH stims growth of follicle
Follicle secretes estrogen
(as follicle gets bigger, more estrogen is secreted)
Low estrogen at first inhibits hypothalamus, keeps FSH
and LH low (neg. feedback)
Follicle keeps getting bigger, more estrogen secreted
High estrogen now stimulates hypothalamus (pos. feedback)
FSH and LH spike
Fig. 27.5
Chapter 27: Reproduction and Embryonic Development
AIM: How have humans evolved to reproduce?
VI. Human Reproduction
D. Hormones synchronize cyclical changes in the ovary and ut
iii. Ovarian and menstrual cycles are synchronized
f. Ovarian cycle regulation: Ovulation and Postovulation
LH peak stimulates completion of meiosis I (formation of secondary
oocyte), ovulation, development of corpus luteum (CL) – LH also keeps
CL from degenerating (breaking down)
CL secretes high levels of estrogen and progesterone which 1. promote
growth of endometrium 2. shut down (neg. feedback) hypothalamus
FSH and LH levels drop
LH drop results in degeneration of CL. CL basically destroys itself by
secreting progesterone and estrogen
CL stops secreting progesterone and estrogens causing endometrium to break
down and negative feedback to be remove from the hypothalamus…FSH and LH
secreted once again to start another cycle.
Fig. 27.5
Chapter 27: Reproduction and Embryonic Development
AIM: How have humans evolved to reproduce?
VI. Human Reproduction
D. Hormones synchronize cyclical changes in the ovary and ut
iii. Ovarian and menstrual cycles are synchronized
g. Menstrual cycle regulation
- controlled by estrogen and progesterone alone
- high levels trigger thickening
- low levels trigger release
Fig. 27.5
Chapter 27: Reproduction and Embryonic Development
AIM: How have humans evolved to reproduce?
VI. Human Reproduction
D. Hormones synchronize cyclical changes in the ovary and ut
iii. Ovarian and menstrual cycles are synchronized
h. What if fertilization occurs?
- embryo (specifically the chorion, which is the
embryonic half of the placenta) will secrete the
hormone HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin)
- HCG acts like LH - maintains
CL regardless of low LH
- CL keeps making
progesterone and estrogen
so endometrium stays intact
Fig. 27.5
Chapter 27: Reproduction and Embryonic Development
AIM: How have humans evolved to reproduce?
VI. Human Reproduction
D. Hormones synchronize cyclical changes in the ovary and ut
iii. Ovarian and menstrual cycles are synchronized
I . How do birth control pills
They can be a combination of progesterone
and estrogen or progesterone-only.
Fig. 27.5
Chapter 27: Reproduction and Embryonic Development
AIM: How have humans evolved to reproduce?
“Plan B”
Emergency Contraceptive
Levonorgestral (second generation progesten)
How do you hypothesize this drug works?
It acts like natural progesterone, inhibits
hypothalamus and prevents LH spike…no
Fig. 27.5
Chapter 27: Reproduction and Embryonic Development
AIM: How have humans evolved to reproduce?
VI. Human Reproduction
E. Fertilization
i. Sperm cell
a. acrosome
- membrane enclosed vesicle
- contains enzymes to help sperm
b. penetrate
Haploid nucleus
c. Absorbs fructose and burns it
for ATP in single spiral
- it’s a long swim
- flagellum needs
ATP to move
Fig. 27.9
Chapter 27: Reproduction and Embryonic Development
AIM: How have humans evolved to reproduce?
VI. Human Reproduction
E. Fertilization
ii. ovum
a. Egg cell
b. Much larger than sperm – an
unfertilized chicken egg (the
one you eat) is a single cell!!
c. Sole provider of
mitochondria (your mitochondrial DNA is
from your mom ONLY)
Largest cell on Earth…the Ostrich egg.
Chapter 27: Reproduction and Embryonic Development
AIM: How have humans evolved to reproduce?
VI. Human Reproduction
E. Fertilization
iii. The process
- egg has 3 barriers that
sperm must to breach
1. Jelly coat
2. Vitelline layer
3. Plasma membrane
Recall gametic isolation
If enzymes are not able to break down jelly coat
or proteins on sperm do not bind to proteins on
vitelline membrane.
Fig. 27.9
Chapter 27: Reproduction and Embryonic Development
AIM: How have humans evolved to reproduce?
VI. Human Reproduction
E. Fertilization
iii. The process
How are other sperm
prevented from entering?
- After sperm nucleus
enters (before fusion):
1. PM becomes impenetrable
to other sperm (<1sec)
2. Vitelline layer hardens and
separates from PM
3. Space b/w PM and vitelline
layer fills w/ fluid
- Vitelline layer now called
fertilization envelope (FE)
- FE blocks any other sperm
Fig. 27.9
Chapter 27: Reproduction and Embryonic Development
AIM: How have humans evolved to reproduce?
VII. Embryonic Development
A. Embryonic Development (4 phases)
i. Cleavage (3 hours)
a. rapid mitosis
b. embryo doesn’t grow
larger, just more cells
c. First results in morula
- solid ball of cells
d. Then forms blastula
- hollow (fluid filled) ball of
- Blastocoel = fluid filled center
Fig. 27.10
Chapter 27: Reproduction and Embryonic Development
AIM: How have humans evolved to reproduce?
Watch the videos
Chapter 27: Reproduction and Embryonic Development
AIM: How have humans evolved to reproduce?
VII. Embryonic Development
A. Embryonic Development (4 phases)
ii. Gastrulation (15 to 20 hours)
a. more mitosis
b. blastula becomes gastrula
(a lot of cell movement = gastrulation)
- Cells sort into three GERM
layers if triploblastic (two if
diploblastic) that differentiate to
all cells of adult
Fig. 27.11
Chapter 27: Reproduction and Embryonic Development
AIM: How have humans evolved to reproduce?
VII. Embryonic Development
A. Embryonic Development (4 phases)
ii. Gastrulation
a. more mitosis
b. blastula becomes gastrula
(a lot of cell movement)
- Cells sorted into three GERM
layers that differentiate to all
1. ectoderm
of adult
Fig. 27.11
- becomes nervous sys. and outer skin
2. endoderm
- becomes inner lining of digestive tract, resp. system
reproductive system, bladder and urethra (epithelial linings)
- becomes liver, pancreas, thyroid, PT, thymus (endocrine)
3. mesoderm
-becomes skeletal, muscular, circulatory, excretory, reproductive systems,
adrenal cortex, notochord (becomes vertebrae in vertebrates).
Chapter 18: The Evolution of
Animal Diversity
AIM: What major types of animals have evolved?
Animals can be characterized by body plans
4. Protostome vs Deuterostome Development
Chapter 27: Reproduction and Embryonic Development
AIM: How have humans evolved to reproduce?
VII. Embryonic Development
A. Embryonic Development (4 phases)
iii. Neuralation – development of the neural tube from the ec
Neural tube will develop into
brain and spinal cord, while
notochord will become vertebrae
Fig. 27.12
Chapter 27: Reproduction and Embryonic Development
AIM: How have humans evolved to reproduce?
VII. Embryonic Development
A. Embryonic Development (4 phases)
iv. Organ formation (organogenesis) begins after gastrulation
Fig. 27.12
Chapter 27: Reproduction and Embryonic Development
AIM: How have humans evolved to reproduce?
VII. Embryonic Development
A. Embryonic Development (4 phases)
iv. Organ formation (organogenesis) begins after gastrulation
Fig. 27.15
Chapter 27: Reproduction and Embryonic Development
AIM: How have humans evolved to reproduce?
VII. Embryonic Development
B. Embryonic Development in humans (internal development
i. Conception (fertilization) to birth - 38 week (~9 month) gestation pe
- 1 month in mice
- 22 months in elephants
ii. Gestation = pregnancy
Fig. 27.12
Chapter 27: Reproduction and Embryonic Development
AIM: How have humans evolved to reproduce?
VII. Embryonic Development
B. Embryonic Development in humans (internal)
i. Conception (fertilization) to birth - 38 weeks
- 1 month in mice
- 22 months in elephants
ii. Gestation = pregnancy
Fig. 27.12
Chapter 27: Reproduction and Embryonic Development
AIM: How have humans evolved to reproduce?
VII. Embryonic Development
B. Embryonic Development in humans (internal development)
iii. The placenta
a. contains tissue of both mother and fetus
b. Nourishes and feeds fetus
c. Gas exchange
d. Waste disposal
e. There is NO contact b/w
maternal and fetal blood
Fig. 27.12
Chapter 27: Reproduction and Embryonic Development
AIM: How have humans evolved to reproduce?
VII. Embryonic Development
B. Embryonic Development in humans (internal development)
iv. The four extraembryonic (outside the embryo) membr
a. chorion
- the embryo’s half of the placenta
- secretes HCG
- Chorionic villi
- outgrowth of chorion
- contain embryonic blood
- bath in maternal blood of
- site of nutrient, O2, waste,
water, antibody exchange
- alcohol, drugs, chemical from
tobacco smoke, etc… can
cross to fetus
Fig. 27.12
Chapter 27: Reproduction and Embryonic Development
AIM: How have humans evolved to reproduce?
VII. Embryonic Development
B. Embryonic Development in humans (internal development)
iv. The extraembryonic membranes (four)
b. amnion
- membrane that encloses
- amniotic cavity filled with
protective amniotic fluid
c. Yolk sac
- early site for the formation of
blood (nourishment in reptiles
and birds = egg yolk)
d. allantois
- small, part of umbilical
cord/urinary bladder
Fig. 27.12
Chapter 27: Reproduction and Embryonic Development
AIM: How have humans evolved to reproduce?
VII. Embryonic Development
B. Embryonic Development in humans (internal development)
iv. Umbilical cord
- attaches fetus to placenta
- artery and vein
Be able to label…
Fig. 27.12
Chapter 27: Reproduction and Embryonic Development
AIM: How have humans evolved to reproduce?
VII. Embryonic Development
D. External development
i. Development outside females body
b. Terrestrial animals
1. Egg laying
- Reptiles, birds, arthropods
- A few mammals: Duck-billed platypus and echidnas (monotremes)
- fewer eggs produced than aquatic (more likely to survive - parental care)
Chapter 27: Reproduction and Embryonic Development
AIM: How have humans evolved to reproduce?
VII. Embryonic Development
D. External development
i. Development outside females body
b. Terrestrial animals
- Egg laying
- Extraembryonic membranes provide a favorable environment for embryo
What are the requirements of the
growing embryo within the egg?
1. Nutrients for biosynthesis and cell
respiration (ATP).
2. Gas exchange (cell respiration)
3. Waste storage
Be able to label…
Chapter 27: Reproduction and Embryonic Development
AIM: How have humans evolved to reproduce?
VII. Embryonic Development
D. External development
i. Development outside females body
b. Terrestrial animals
- Egg laying (amniotic egg)
- Extraembryonic membranes provide a favorable environment for embryo
1. Amnion (similar to placental mammals)
2. Yolk sac
- surrounds yolk (food supply),
blood vessels transport food to
embryo from yolk
3. allantois
- respiratory membrane
- site of nitrogenous waste (uric acid) storage
4. chorion
- outer membrane separating inner ones from environment, gas exchange
Chapter 27: Reproduction and Embryonic Development
AIM: How have humans evolved to reproduce?
VII. Embryonic Development
D. External development
i. Development outside females body
b. Terrestrial animals
- Egg laying
- Shell
1. Provides protection
2. Hard shells in birds
- 95% Calcium carbonate
3. Many reptiles and all mammals
generally lay soft shell eggs
Soft shell eggs (grass sn