Newton's Laws Flashcards

Newton’s Laws Flashcards
When an object is at rest, the forces
acting upon it are
a. Balanced
When an object accelerates, the forces
acting on it are
a. Unbalanced
An object in motion stays in motion
until acted upon by an outside force
a. Newton’s First Law
An object at rest stays at rest until
acted upon by an outside force
a. Newton’s First Law
The tendency of an object to remain in
motion or at rest is called
a. Inertia
Newton’s second law states that
a. Force equals mass times acceleration
For every force, there is an equal and
opposite force
a. Newton’s third law
Newton’s First Law is nicknamed
a. The law of inertia
Newton’s third law is nicknamed
a. The law of action and reaction
10. If you push against a wall, the wall will
push back against you with
a. An equal and opposite force
11. A passenger in a car that suddenly
stops will
a. Continue moving forward
12. Force equals
a. Mass times acceleration
13. Mass equals
a. Force divided by acceleration
14. Acceleration equals
a. Force divided by mass
15. Which of Newton’s laws makes it
possible for us to push against the ground
and walk?
a. Newton’s Third Law
16. Which law makes it possible for a space
shuttle to travel through space without
a. Newton’s First Law
17. Which law makes it possible for a small
football player to hit with a lot of force?
a. Newton’s 2nd Law
18. Which law allows a golf ball to remain
on a tee until its hit?
a. Newton’s First Law
19. Which law causes a boxer’s hand to
hurt if he strikes an opponent’s forehead?
a. Newton’s Third Law
20. What forces are acting upon a ball
thrown into the air.
a. Gravity, air resistance