_\|/_ The Griffith PRO-Teaching Project Sharing Ideas to Develop Capabilities Steve Drew Christopher Klopper Health Group • What are we talking about? – Embedding developmental forms of peer observation of teaching Steve Drew Christopher Klopper Your colleagues said: What aspects of the peer review of teaching process do you think worked well? • • • • The relaxed and informal process. Getting to meet other academics Observing colleagues teaching The constructive feedback What did you take away from your experience with PROTeaching? • • • • That I am actually a good teacher !!! How I can improve my teaching Meeting other academics Observing colleagues teaching and seeing what the student sees Steve Drew Christopher Klopper Activity – Time to Observe! • What do you think worked well? • What do you think didn’t work well? • What do you think could be done differently/be changed? Steve Drew Christopher Klopper What is PRO-Teaching about? • Peer observation of teaching as a supplement to student evaluation • Developmental & supportive collaboration NOT summative evaluation • Different observation models to suit different academic needs • Embedding quality processes and creating a supportive culture of academic development Steve Drew Christopher Klopper _\|/_ The Griffith PRO-Teaching Project Overview withIdeas Peer Review Observation of Teaching Sharing toandDevelop Capabilities The Griffith PRO-Teaching project uses a developmental form of peer observation (review) of teaching that creates a collaborative and supportive atmosphere for staff to discuss and share ideas around teaching practice. Using a structured approach, data is collected from a range of sources to build evidence of teaching quality that may complement or contrast with the standard Student Evaluation of Teaching (SET) questionnaires that are currently the major determinant of teaching quality. Triangulated Data Sources At each observation session SETs and student learning outcomes (minute tests) are Briefing Multiple perspectives provide a triangulated data set from which validated evidence can be built. Observation Start here Find a peer from your discipline and attend an experiential workshop on peerobservation Data cloud #1 – Teacher’s self-assessment – reflections on teaching in observed sessions | Observation Debriefing Data cloud #2 – Discipline peer’s observations of teaching Outcomes and Outputs Evidence is collated and presented in a comprehensive report with a range of supporting documents. All data belongs to academics involved and nothing is shared beyond the observation triad (The process has ethics approval ). Second Observation Data cloud #4 – Students’ evaluations of teaching & learning outcome tests from observed sessions Data cloud #3 – L&T expert (external) peer’s observations of teaching Briefing | Reports & analysis of evidence First Observation collected for that particular session. The staff member being observed first relates their own reflections on that session. Then, observation notes from a discipline based observer and an L&T expert observer provide two diverse peer perspectives. | | Debriefing Chat and Change The part that all staff love is the chat at the end of each observation session where reflection is validated, strengths are recognized, and ideas for development are discussed and agreed. Staff use peer feedback to guide changes to practice in the following sessions. Staff have used evidence from the project to support applications for promotion, job applications, Griffith Awards for Excellence in Teaching, ALTC Awards, and potentially to complement evidence for confirmation of appointment. Impact Rest here In 3 semesters, 75 academics have taken part in100 observations; 32 from Science, Engineering or Technology disciplines. Most had never engaged in peer observation before. All relate positive outcomes and offer constructive feedback. Why it is good to take part • Advanced teacher – Evidence for grants, awards, promotions; service • Discipline focused academic – Evidence for staff review, communities of teaching practice, development ideas • Would like mentor assistance – Ideas on design, increasing course and teaching effectiveness, help to address student issues Steve Drew Christopher Klopper Hard evidence As an outcome of a 2 year, level 2 GGLT project to develop PRO-Teaching within SEET 2010-2011 more than 70% of staff undertaking peer observations showed improvements in their SETs and SECs in the courses involved. Is this something that your school would like to invest in? Steve Drew Christopher Klopper Activity – Time to Debrief! • What worked? • What didn’t? • What would you do differently? Steve Drew Christopher Klopper How to get involved and who to contact • Create a dyad with a trusted colleague • Work out what course(s) and times you would like to open classes to observers • Send an email to your local PRO-Teaching Administrator, Debbie Amsler • We will organize a training session and get you started Steve Drew Christopher Klopper