INSTRUCTIONS: This document provides the lesson plan for the capability listed above. This
lesson plan must be used in conjunction with the associated capability user manuals.
TITLE: Aspen 2000DM Reverse Osmosis Water Purification Unit (ROWPU)
Prerequisite Lesson(s): N/A
Task(s) Taught or Supported:
Task #
Task Title
Understand Aspen 2000DM features, capabilities, and system overview
Select site for Aspen 2000DM emplacement
Transport Aspen 2000DM and Support Case using Aspen pull around kit
Conduct Preventive Maintenance, Checks, and Services (PMCS) and Cleaning
Conduct Anchor Deployment and Retrieval
Conduct system setup of Aspen 2000DM (Still water)
Conduct system setup of Aspen 2000DM (Rough water)
Conduct system setup of Aspen 2000DM (Well Deployment)
Conduct Initial Startup of Aspen 2000DM
Monitor Operations of Aspen 2000DM in General Conditions
Conduct Pre-filter Maintenance and Replacement
Conduct Aspen 2000DM stop, flush, shutdown, and restart
Conduct Troubleshooting
Prepare System for transport and short term storage
Conduct emergency operations procedures
Conduct Emergency flush procedures
Conduct system disinfection
Conduct system storage (Fresh Water Feed)
Conduct system storage (Salt Water Feed)
Conduct system storage (Freezing Weather)
Conduct emergency storage procedures
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Task #
Task Title
Conduct Ultraviolet Post-sterilizer maintenance
Conduct Reverse Osmosis Membrane Cleaning
Conduct Electronics Control Drawer Maintenance and Replacement
Conduct System Breakdown
Conduct Emergency System Breakdown
Task(s) Reinforced: N/A
Academic Hours for this Lesson:
Note 1: Time is shown in Hours:Minutes
Note 2: 1 academic hour = 50 minutes and does not include “break” time. 1:40 represents a 50minute academic hour and an additional 40 minutes.
1.5. Testing:
Consult check on learning at the end of each activity. Students will demonstrate accomplishment
of the TLO by successfully performing Learning Step/Activity without instructor guidance.
Security Clearance/Access: UNCLASSIFIED
Aspen 2000DM Reverse Osmosis Water
Purification System Operation Manual
January 10, 2011
Additional Information:
Student Study Assignments:
Following the first day of training, the instructor will assign a primary student leader for the
system. This student will study the manual at the end of day one and will serve as the primary
instructor on day two.
Instructor Requirements:
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Instructor shall have received 2 days of train-the-trainer training and should be able to
successfully demonstrate the tasks associated to the lesson plan without vendor
Preferred: E-4 and above
Preferred: A person experienced with water purification systems
1.10. Additional Support Personnel Requirements:
Eight (8) persons are required to carry the Aspen 2000DM ROWPU.
Six (6) persons are required to carry the Aspen 2000DM Support Case (loaded).
Four (4) persons are required to upright the Aspen 2000DM ROWPU.
A minimum of two personnel are required to operate the Aspen 2000DM for safety.
Ensure the appropriate number of persons is available if lifting and maneuvering the kit.
1.11. Equipment Required:
Aspen 2000DM ROWPU
Aspen 2000DM Support Case with contents
Water Source (see Range Requirements)
Power Source (24/28 VDC, 90/260 VAC 50-60 Hz, Single Phase,
Chlorine Bleach
1 EA
¼ Cup
1.12. Materials Required:
1.12.1. Instructor Materials: Lesson Plan, Aspen 2000DM Operation Manual, paper for
notes, writing instrument
1.12.2. Student Materials: Aspen 2000DM Operation Manual, paper for notes, writing
1.13. Classroom Training Area and Range Requirements:
A formal classroom facility is not required. However, a covered area is recommended to
limit exposure of personnel and equipment to the elements.
A water source is required for the operations portion of training. Water source should be
sufficient to cover the inlet filter and contain a minimum of 25 gallons (if recirculating
the water).
Consult local regulations related to the discharge of reject water
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A flat area to place the kit upright and level between six (6) to twenty (20) feet from the
feed water source.
1.14. Instructional Guidance:
Before presenting this lesson, instructors must thoroughly prepare by studying this lesson and
identified reference material.
Instructors should maximize the use of consumables by limiting the use of new materials during
training. For example, during the replacement of pre-filter training, instructors and students
should simulate the replacement of the filters using the existing filters in the system instead of
using new filters.
Training should be conducted in a crawl-walk-run methodology.
Crawl: Instructor led with instructor and students executing the tasks (Day 1 for 4 hours)
Walk: Student led with instructor guidance; students only executing the tasks (Day 1 for
4 hours)
Run: Student led and students only executing the tasks. Instructor provides oversight
and interjects for safety concerns or when activities of students will damage the
equipment (Day 2 – 2 hours per iteration)
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Method of Instruction: Briefing, Classroom
Instructor to student ratio is 1 : 8
Time of instruction (minutes): 5
Media Format: None
Motivator: Utilization of the equipment to support the operator’s mission set.
2.2 Terminal Learning Objective (TLO):
Note: Inform the students of the following terminal learning objective requirements.
At the completion of this lesson, the student will:
ACTION/TASK: Be able to maneuver, set-up, operate, breakdown, store, and maintain the
Aspen 2000DM ROWPU
Given an Aspen 2000DM and Support Case with contents, Aspen 2000DM
Operations Manual, a water source, and the correct number of personnel to
maneuver and operate the kit
Properly maneuver, set-up, operate, breakdown, store, and maintain the
Aspen 2000DM ROWPU using the procedures and troubleshooting guide.
Safety Requirements:
Ensure the appropriate number of personnel are available to maneuver and operate the kit
Always use the buddy system when working around water
Wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE)
Review safety information in the Aspen 2000DM ROWPU manual
Review the Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for the system
Risk Assessment Level: MEDIUM (Due to muscular stress from lifting the Aspen
Environmental Considerations:
 Greater than 32 F (O C) to less than or equal to 120 F (49 C)
 Do not execute outdoors in lightning conditions
Instructional Lead-In
Good _____. I am ____ . Over the next two days, I will provide you training on the Aspen
2000DM Reverse Osmosis Water Purification Unit (ROWPU). The Aspen 2000DM is a
component of the Pre-positioned Expeditionary Kit (PEAK) and provides the capability to
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rapidly deploy and operate a water purification capability. We will execute the training utilizing
the crawl-walk-run principle. During the Crawl phase, I will lead you through the tasks to
maneuver, set-up, operate, breakdown, store, and maintain the Aspen 2000DM ROWPU. During
the Walk phase, I will appoint a student leader from the group to conduct the tasks with me
providing limited guidance. During the Run phase, I will assign a new student leader and you
will be responsible for executing the tasks without guidance from me. Proper execution of the
tasks in the run phase will result in completion of the training. It is expected that you will utilize
this training to maintain proficiency on the Aspen 2000DM.
* Provide a safety summary to the students during each task
* Read the TLO to the students
* Orient the students to the materials including the structure of the operations manual
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Tasks and Activities
Task # W01-0001: Understand Aspen 2000DM features, capabilities, and perform
system overview
Method of Instruction: Briefing, Classroom
Time of instruction (minutes): 30
References: Aspen 2000DM Operation Manual, Pages 3-5, 12-13, 56, 68, 71-72
Materials: Aspen 2000DM and Support Case with contents; Aspen 2000DM manual
Understand Aspen 2000DM features, capabilities, and system overview
Given the Aspen 2000DM with Support Case with contents and the
Aspen 2000DM Operation Manual in a classroom environment
Understand and be able to explain the features and capabilities of the
Aspen 2000DM and be able to identify the components of the system
Safety Requirements: Instructor should receive assistance from the required number of
personnel to place wheels on Aspen 2000DM and place it on its back.
Risk Assessment Level: LOW
Environmental Considerations: Consider weather and temperature when conducting training.
Instructional Lead-in: This lesson will provide you with an understanding of the system
specifications and capabilities and enable you to properly identify the system components and
contents of the support case.
Performance Steps:
Provide System Function Description (Page 3)
Provide Orientation to the user manual
Describe Design and Features (Page 4)
Describe Specifications (Page 5 and 72)
Provide System Overview (Pages 12-13) utilizing the Aspen 2000DM lying on its back
with wheels attached to allow multiple personnel to view the equipment.
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6. Conduct orientation of pumping system (Page 56) with the 50 and 3 micron Filters
removed. Equipment should be lying on its back with wheels attached to allow multiple
personnel to view the equipment.
7. Layout the support case equipment prior to the lesson. Provide orientation and describe
to support case contents (Page 71) with equipment laid out
Evaluation Preparation: Evaluate this task at the end of Operate Communications Equipment
Notify student that he/she will be evaluated on his/her ability to successfully explain the features
and capabilities of the Aspen 2000DM and be able to identify the components of the system
Check on Learning:
Testing Requirement: Determine if students have learned the material presented bya) Solicit student questions and explanations
b) Ask students to properly identify parts of the Aspen 2000DM and it support
c) Ask students to describe the capabilities and limitations of the system
d) Ask students to locate areas within the Aspen 2000DM user manual
e) PASS/FAIL: Students understand and are able to explain the features and capabilities
of the Aspen 2000DM and be able to identify the components of the system correctly without
instructor guidance.
Feedback: Provide immediate feedback in context to the material presented and
correcting student misunderstanding.
Requirement: Provide remedial training as needed.
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Task # W01-0002: Select site for Aspen 2000DM emplacement
Method of Instruction: Briefing and Hands-on
Time of instruction (minutes): 10
References: Aspen 2000DM Operation Manual, Pages 5 and 18
Materials: Aspen 2000DM and Support Case with contents; Aspen 2000DM manual
Select site for Aspen 2000DM emplacement
Complete Task# W01-0002. Given the Aspen 2000DM with Support
Case with contents and the Aspen 2000DM Operation Manual and
instructions to emplace the system
Understand and be able to emplace the Aspen 2000DM
Safety Requirements: Instructor and students should take care when walking terrain to avoid
tripping hazards. The buddy system is required when reviewing areas near a water source.
Risk Assessment Level: LOW
Environmental Considerations: None
Instructional Lead-in: Selecting the proper site for the Aspen 2000DM will enable you to
maximize the capabilities of the system and better support the mission.
Instructor Discussion:
1. Review warnings, cautions, and safety considerations
2. Instructor walks terrain with the students
3. Select a water source that is as clean and saline free to maximize output and minimize the
sustainment and maintenance of the system
4. Select a flat area next to the feed water source
5. Select a water source able to sustain the input needs of the system
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6. Determine a safe method to maneuver the system to the water source
7. Place unit six (6) to twenty (20) feet from feed water source. Note: Unit may be up to 40
feet from water source; however little to no incline is required to operate properly.
Vertical pull capability is 15ft
8. Pull capability is affected by length of input line and incline of the terrain
9. Take into account tidal flows when emplacing the water kit
10. Look and listen for system distress – Look at feed pressure; Listen for irregular sounds.
Evaluation Preparation: Evaluate this task at the end of Operate Communications Equipment
Notify student that he/she will be evaluated on his/her ability to properly identify a site to
emplace the Aspen 2000DM.
Check on Learning:
Testing Requirement: Determine if students have learned the material presented bya) Soliciting student questions and explanations
b) Ask students to identify the criteria for site selection
c) Ask students to review several sites and determine the best placement of the system
d) PASS/FAIL: Students properly identify a site to emplace the Aspen 2000DM without
instructor assistance.
Feedback: Provide immediate feedback in context to the material presented and
correcting student misunderstanding.
Requirement: Provide remedial training as needed.
Task # W01-0003: Transport Aspen 2000DM and Support Case using the Aspen pull
around kit
Method of Instruction: Briefing and Hands-on
Time of instruction (minutes): 20
References: Aspen 2000DM Operation Manual, Page 68
Materials: Aspen 2000DM and Support Case with contents; Aspen 2000DM manual
Transport the Aspen 2000DM and its support case
Given the Aspen 2000DM with Support Case with contents
Properly lift the Aspen 2000DM and Support Case and prepare the kit
for transport
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Safety Requirements: Ensure proper number of personnel lift and maneuver the kit and its
support case. Take care when lifting and maneuvering the kit to avoid injury from the kit falling
or being placed on students.
Risk Assessment Level: MEDIUM
Environmental Considerations: NONE
Instructional Lead-in: Lifting and maneuvering the Aspen 2000DM and its support case is a
team effort. Not following the proper procedures will result in injury and/or damage to the
equipment. DO NOT lift the kit more than 3 feet off the ground without a resting platform to
assist in the lift.
WARNING: The Aspen 2000DM Support Case has been retrofitted with wheel and pull
around brackets. DO NOT attempt to stack the Support Case on the ROWPU. Damage to
equipment and severe injury to personnel may occur.
Performance Steps:
1. Review warnings, cautions, and safety considerations
2. Lift/unload the Aspen 2000DM using eight (8) personnel
3. Lift/unload the Aspen 2000DM Support Case using the appropriate number of personnel
4. Unload wheels and pull around kit from Support Case
5. Install pull around option on Aspen 2000DM ROWPU (Page 68)
6. Conduct pull around
7. Uninstall pull around option from Aspen 2000DM ROWPU (Page 68)
8. Install pull around option on Aspen 2000DM Support Case (Page 68)
9. Conduct pull around
10. Uninstall pull around option from Aspen 2000DM Support Case (Page 68)
Evaluation Preparation: Evaluate this task at the end of Operate Communications Equipment
Notify student that he/she will be evaluated on his/her ability to properly lift, prepare for
maneuvering, and maneuver the Aspen 2000DM and its support case.
Check on Learning:
Testing Requirement: Determine if students have learned the material presented bya) Soliciting student questions and explanations
b) Ask students to state how to safely lift and maneuvering the Aspen 2000DM and its
support case
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c) Ask students to demonstrate the lifting and maneuvering of the ROWPU and the
support case
d) Correct any concerns and safety violations
e) PASS/FAIL: Students properly lift the Aspen 2000DM and Support Case and prepare
the kit for transport without instructor assistance.
Feedback: Provide immediate feedback in context to the material presented and
correcting student misunderstanding.
Requirement: Provide remedial training as needed.
Task # W01-0004: Conduct Preventive Maintenance, Checks and Services (PMCS)
and Cleaning
Method of Instruction: Briefing and Hands-on
Time of instruction (minutes): 20
References: Aspen 2000DM Operation Manual, Page 42
Materials: Aspen 2000DM and Support Case with contents; Aspen 2000DM manual
Conduct PMCS and Cleaning
Completed Task # W01-0001, 2, 3. Given the Aspen 2000DM and
Support Case with contents and the Aspen 2000DM Operation Manual
Properly demonstrate PMCS and cleaning of the Aspen 2000DM
Safety Requirements: Wear Personal Protective Equipment (gloves) when coming into contact
water in the system and from water sources of unknown quality.
Risk Assessment Level: LOW
Environmental Considerations: PMCS should be conducted under a shelter or in calm
weather. Cleaning of the Interior and removal and cleaning of the ECD should be conducted
under shelter and in calm weather. Avoid opening the ECD in dusty environments.
Instructional Lead-in: Keeping your Aspen 2000DM clean will enable you to better see areas
of concern and address them early. Proper preventive maintenance of the Aspen 2000DM will
enable your Aspen 2000DM to be operational when your mission requires it.
Performance Steps:
1. Open the Aspen 2000DM
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2. Address each service item, the interval, and the procedure showing the students the
location of the item, the proper service equipment (e.g., wrench), and the part in the
support case.
3. Do not conduct the actual PMCS procedure unless necessary for operation or service is
4. Demonstrate how to clean exterior of system
5. Demonstrate how to clean the interior of the system
Evaluation Preparation: Evaluate this task at the end of Operate Communications Equipment
Notify student that he/she will be evaluated on his/her ability to demonstrate the PMCS service
items, intervals, and procedures and ability to properly clean the system.
Check on Learning:
Testing Requirement: Determine if students have learned the material presented bya) Soliciting student questions and explanations
b) Ask students to explain the components, equipment, and parts necessary to conduct
c) Ask students to identify any safety concerns
d) Ask students to explain the cleaning of the interior and exterior of the system.
e) PASS/FAIL: Students demonstrate the PMCS service items, intervals, and procedures
and ability to properly clean the system without instructor assistance.
Feedback: Provide immediate feedback in context to the material presented and
correcting student misunderstanding.
Requirement: Provide remedial training as needed.
Task # W01-0005: Conduct Anchor Deployment and Retrieval
Method of Instruction: Hands-on
Time of instruction (minutes): 30
References: Aspen 2000DM Operation Manual, Pages 24-27
Materials: Aspen 2000DM and Support Case with contents; Aspen 2000DM manual
Conduct anchor deployment and retrieval
Complete Tasks # W01-0001, 2, 3, 4. Given the Aspen 2000DM
anchor (open and rough water), anchor line and pulley, zip ties, and
anchor stake
Properly the deployment and retrieval of the Aspen 2000DM anchor
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Safety Requirements: Be aware of surroundings and personnel when deploying the anchor as
injury may occur from being hit by anchor. When deploying in the water, a buddy system is
required. Wear gloves when working with water from sources of unknown or poor quality.
Risk Assessment Level: LOW
Environmental Considerations: Do not deploy near water during lightening.
Instructional Lead-in: Proper deployment of the anchor will enable you to deploy the float
cross in a location that provides sufficient water for the operation of the kit. Proper retrieval of
the anchor will prevent the loss and/or damage of the kit.
Performance Steps:
1. Review warnings, cautions, and safety considerations
2. Layout and discuss the parts of the anchor system and when to use different components
of the anchor system
3. Demonstrate how to unfold the bar anchor
4. Demonstrate how to prepare the rough water folding anchor (Page 26). NOTE: Stress the
importance of the zip tie arrangement)
5. Instructor demonstrates on land how to deploy the rough water anchor (Page 24)
6. Instructor demonstrates on land how to retrieve the rough water anchor (page 24). Ask a
student to stand on the rough water anchor in order to demonstrate the breaking of the zip
7. Students demonstrate on land the deployment and retrieval of the rough water anchor.
8. Discuss deployment in a shallow well
9. Discuss locations to tie off the anchor
Evaluation Preparation: Evaluate this task at the end of Operate Communications Equipment
Notify student that he/she will be evaluated on his/her ability to determine when to use the
components of the anchor system and to properly deploy and retrieve the anchor.
Check on Learning:
Testing Requirement: Determine if students have learned the material presented bya) Soliciting student questions and explanations
b) Ask the students to identify when to use the different components of the anchor
c) Ask two students to demonstrate proper deployment of the anchor system
d) Ask the students to demonstrate proper retrieval of the anchor system
e) Ask the students to identify safety concerns.
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f) Pass/Fail: Students properly deploy and retrieve the anchor without the assistance of
the instructor.
Feedback: Provide immediate feedback in context to the material presented and
correcting student misunderstanding.
Requirement: Provide remedial training as needed.
Task # W01-0006: Conduct system setup of Aspen 2000DM (Still water)
Method of Instruction: Hands-on
Time of instruction (minutes): 20
References: Aspen 2000DM Operation Manual, Pages 18, 22-23, 24
Materials: Aspen 2000DM and Support Case with contents; Aspen 2000DM manual
Conduct system setup of the Aspen 2000DM in Still water
Complete Tasks W01-0001, 2, 3, 4, 5. Given the Aspen 2000DM and
Support Case with contents, the Aspen 2000DM Operation Manual, and
open water source.
Properly conduct system setup of the Aspen 2000DM ROWPU for open
water deployment
Safety Requirements: Use the buddy system when working around water sources. Use rubber
gloves when working with water sources of unknown or poor quality. Use caution when
connecting the system to a power source – improper connection or incorrect power type may
cause damage to equipment and/or injury to personnel. Use proper lifting procedures when
maneuvering and lifting the Aspen 2000DM and its support case.
Risk Assessment Level: LOW
Environmental Considerations: Do not conduct training outside during lightning or threat of
Instructional Lead-in: In this lesson, you will learn how to setup the system using an open
water source such as a lake, pond, or pool.
NOTE: This training is not required if conducting Tasks # W01-0007 or W01-0008. Advise
trainees of the differences in setup.
Performance Steps:
With the aid of the students…
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Review warnings, cautions, and safety considerations
Conduct System Setup Tasks 1- 5 (Page 18)
Discuss the importance of the chlorine pre-filter and when to use it.
Conduct Inlet Strainer/Float Cross Assembly (Page 22)
Conduct System Setup Tasks 6-7 (Page 18)
Conduct anchor deployment using the lead bar anchor (Page 24) into a feed water source
Conduct System Setup Tasks 8-12 (Page 18)
Demonstrate how to verify proper connections and setup
If not conducting Tasks W01-0007 and 8, advise students on the differences in setup.
Evaluation Preparation: Evaluate this task at the end of Operate Communications Equipment
Notify student that he/she will be evaluated on his/her ability to properly setup the Aspen
2000DM for open water deployment and the differences in setup if using a different water
Check on Learning:
Testing Requirement: Determine if students have learned the material presented bya) Soliciting student questions and explanations
b) Ask students to identify potential safety concerns and mitigation strategies
c) Assign a student leader and ask the student leader to conduct the system setup
d) Pass/Fail: Students properly setup prior to operations without the assistance of the
Feedback: Provide immediate feedback in context to the material presented and
correcting student misunderstanding.
Requirement: Provide remedial training as needed.
Task # W01-0007: Conduct system setup of Aspen 2000DM (Rough water)
Method of Instruction: Hands-on
Time of instruction (minutes): 20
References: Aspen 2000DM Operation Manual, Pages 18, 22-23, 24
Materials: Aspen 2000DM and Support Case with contents; Aspen 2000DM manual
Conduct system setup of the Aspen 2000DM in rough water
Complete Tasks W01-0001, 2, 3, 4, 5. Given the Aspen 2000DM and
Support Case with contents, the Aspen 2000DM Operation Manual, and
a rough water source.
Properly conduct system setup of the Aspen 2000DM ROWPU for
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rough water deployment
Safety Requirements: Use the buddy system when working around water sources. Use rubber
gloves when working with water sources of unknown or poor quality. Use caution when
connecting the system to a power source – improper connection or incorrect power type may
cause damage to equipment and/or injury to personnel. Use proper lifting procedures when
maneuvering and lifting the Aspen 2000DM and its support case.
Risk Assessment Level: LOW
Environmental Considerations: Do not conduct training outside during lightning or threat of
Instructional Lead-in: In this lesson, you will learn how to setup the system using an rough
water source such as a stream, an ocean, or a tidal flow.
NOTE: This training is not required if conducting Tasks # W01-0006 or W01-0008. Advise
trainees of the differences in setup.
Performance Steps:
With the aid of the students…
1. Review warnings, cautions, and safety considerations
2. Conduct System Setup Tasks 1- 5 (Page 18)
3. Discuss the importance of the chlorine pre-filter and when to use it.
4. Conduct Inlet Strainer/Float Cross Assembly (Page 22)
5. Conduct System Setup Tasks 6-7 (Page 18)
6. Conduct anchor deployment using the rough water anchor (Page 24) into a feed water
source (NOTE: The use of the rough water anchor may be beneficial on open water
sources if the bar anchor will not set.)
7. Conduct System Setup Tasks 8-12 (Page 18)
8. Demonstrate how to verify proper connections and setup
9. If not conducting Tasks W01-0006 and 8, advise students on the differences in setup.
Evaluation Preparation: Evaluate this task at the end of Operate Communications Equipment
Notify student that he/she will be evaluated on his/her ability to properly setup the Aspen
2000DM for rough water deployment and the differences in setup if using a different water
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Check on Learning:
Testing Requirement: Determine if students have learned the material presented bya) Soliciting student questions and explanations
b) Ask students to identify potential safety concerns and mitigation strategies
c) Assign a student leader and ask the student leader to conduct the system setup
d) Pass/Fail: Students properly setup prior to operations without the assistance of the
Feedback: Provide immediate feedback in context to the material presented and
correcting student misunderstanding.
Requirement: Provide remedial training as needed.
Task # W01-0008: Conduct system setup of Aspen 2000DM (Well Deployment)
Method of Instruction: Hands-on
Time of instruction (minutes): 20
References: Aspen 2000DM Operation Manual, Pages 18, 22-23, 24
Materials: Aspen 2000DM and Support Case with contents; Aspen 2000DM manual
Conduct system setup of the Aspen 2000DM in a well
Complete Tasks W01-0001, 2, 3, 4, 5. Given the Aspen 2000DM and
Support Case with contents, the Aspen 2000DM Operation Manual, and
a well water source.
Properly conduct system setup of the Aspen 2000DM ROWPU for well
water deployment
Safety Requirements: Use the buddy system when working around water sources. Use rubber
gloves when working with water sources of unknown or poor quality. Use caution when
connecting the system to a power source – improper connection or incorrect power type may
cause damage to equipment and/or injury to personnel. Use proper lifting procedures when
maneuvering and lifting the Aspen 2000DM and its support case.
Risk Assessment Level: LOW
Environmental Considerations: Do not conduct training outside during lightning or threat of
Instructional Lead-in: In this lesson, you will learn how to setup the system using an rough
water source such as a stream, an ocean, or a tidal flow.
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NOTE: This training is not required if conducting Tasks # W01-0006 or W01-0007. Advise
trainees of the differences in setup.
Performance Steps:
With the aid of the students…
1. Review warnings and cautions
2. Conduct System Setup Tasks 1- 5 (Page 18)
3. Discuss the importance of the chlorine pre-filter and when to use it.
4. Conduct Inlet Strainer/Float Cross Assembly (Page 22-23)
5. Conduct System Setup Tasks 6-7 (Page 18)
6. Conduct anchor deployment using the bar anchor (Page 24) into a feed water source
7. Remind students of the 15ft vertical pull limit of the Aspen 2000DM
8. Conduct System Setup Tasks 8-12 (Page 18)
9. Demonstrate how to verify proper connections and setup
10. If not conducting Tasks W01-0006 and 8, advise students on the differences in setup.
11. Continue to Task # W01-0009
Evaluation Preparation: Evaluate this task at the end of Operate Communications Equipment
Notify student that he/she will be evaluated on his/her ability to properly setup the Aspen
2000DM for well water deployment and the differences in setup if using a different water source.
Check on Learning:
Testing Requirement: Determine if students have learned the material presented bya) Soliciting student questions and explanations
b) Ask students to identify potential safety concerns and mitigation strategies
c) Assign a student leader and ask the student leader to conduct the system setup
d) Pass/Fail: Students perform proper setup prior to operations without the assistance of
the instructor.
Feedback: Provide immediate feedback in context to the material presented and
correcting student misunderstanding.
Requirement: Provide remedial training as needed.
Task # W01-0009: Conduct Initial Start-up of Aspen 2000DM
Method of Instruction: Hands-on
Time of instruction (minutes): 40
References: Aspen 2000DM Operation Manual, Pages 14 and 28
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Materials: Aspen 2000DM and Support Case with contents; Aspen 2000DM manual
Conduct initial startup and operation of the Aspen 2000DM
Complete Tasks # W01-0001 through W01-0009; Given a properly
setup Aspen 2000DM ROWPU with power source and water source
Properly place the Aspen 2000DM into operation
Safety Requirements: Review warnings and cautions associated with the Aspen 2000DM
initial startup and operation. Utilize PPE (rubber gloves) when working with water sources of
unknown and/or poor quality. DO NOT purge storage chemical into the feed water source.
Utilize the buddy system when working around water.
Risk Assessment Level: LOW
Environmental Considerations: Do not conduct in lightning conditions if overhead shelter is
not utilized.
Instructional Lead-in: In this lesson, you will learn how to properly start-up the Aspen
2000DM. The sequence of the start-up and the actions taken by the Aspen 2000DM are
important to the proper operation of the system and prevention of damage to the equipment and
injury to personnel.
Performance Steps:
1. Review warnings, cautions, and safety considerations
2. Refer students to page 14 for Controller operation.
3. Instructor conducts steps 1-3 on page 24.
4. Explain the importance of the purge cycle and proper disposal of the purge fluid.
5. Demonstrate how to check gauges for proper operation of the system
6. Let system purge (take break or conduct remedial training)
7. After purge is complete, conduct steps 4-8 on page 24.
8. During product purge (step 5), conduct Task W01-0010. DO NOT bypass the purge
mode until system begins making potable water.
9. Discuss monitoring the system for leaks
10. Discuss operations in different weather conditions and dusty and salty environments.
11. Stop system after making potable water.
Evaluation Preparation: Evaluate this task at the end of Operate Communications Equipment
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Notify student that he/she will be evaluated on his/her ability to properly conduct and monitor
the proper start-up of the Aspen 2000DM.
Check on Learning:
Testing Requirement: Determine if students have learned the material presented bya) Soliciting student questions and explanations
b) Ask students to identify safety concerns and mitigation strategies
c) PASS/FAIL: Students properly start-up system and conduct system checks without the
assistance of the instructor.
Feedback: Provide immediate feedback in context to the material presented and
correcting student misunderstanding.
Requirement: Provide remedial training as needed.
3.10 Task # W01-0010: Monitoring Operation Aspen 2000DM in General Conditions
Method of Instruction: Hands-on and Briefing
Time of instruction (minutes): 10
References: Aspen 2000DM Operation Manual, Page 29 and
Materials: Aspen 2000DM and Support Case with contents; Aspen 2000DM manual
Monitor operation of the Aspen 2000DM in general conditions
Complete Tasks # W01-0001 through -0008. Task may be done after
Task W01-0009 or during Task W01-0009 to optimize time available.
Aspen 2000DM ROWPU is in operation in general conditions.
Properly monitor the operation of the Aspen 2000DM
Safety Requirements: Utilize the buddy system when working around water.
Risk Assessment Level: LOW
Environmental Considerations: None.
Instructional Lead-in: Generally, the Aspen 2000DM requires little operator attention during
the run phase. However, operators should conduct periodic checks of the system to ensure proper
Performance Steps:
1. Have students open their manuals to page 29.
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2. Review the information on page 29 illustrating on the system where the items may be
Evaluation Preparation: Evaluate this task at the end of Operate Communications Equipment
Notify student that he/she will be evaluated on his/her ability to properly monitor the system
during general operation.
Check on Learning:
Testing Requirement: Determine if students have learned the material presented bya) Soliciting student questions and explanations
b) Ask students questions relating to the items on page 29
c) Ask students to conduct checks on filter condition and power voltage.
Feedback: Provide immediate feedback in context to the material presented and
correcting student misunderstanding.
Requirement: Provide remedial training as needed.
3.11 Task # W01-0011: Conduct Pre-filter Maintenance and Replacement
Method of Instruction: Hands-on
Time of instruction (minutes): 20
References: Aspen 2000DM Operation Manual, Pages 30-31
Materials: Aspen 2000DM and Support Case with contents; Aspen 2000DM manual
Conduct Pre-filter Maintenance and Replacement
Complete Tasks # W01-0001 through -0011. Aspen 2000DM pre-filters
require replacement and/or maintenance. Replacement filters are on
Properly determine when maintenance is required, identify the filter
types, and conduct pre-filter maintenance or replacement
Safety Requirements: Utilize PPE (rubber gloves) when conducting pre-filter maintenance and
replacement. Utilize the buddy system when working around water
Risk Assessment Level: LOW
Environmental Considerations: Do not conduct during lightning unless sheltered.
Page 22 of 46
Instructional Lead-in: Proper maintenance of the Aspen 2000DM will extend the life of the
pre-filters and the system, and it will improve the ability of the system to provide higher
quantities of potable water.
Performance Steps:
1. Discuss the importance of pre-filter maintenance
2. Discuss how to identify the three types of filters (chlorine, 3-micron, and 50 micron)
3. Discuss filter life and how to monitor
4. Discuss safety concerns and mitigations
5. Discuss warnings and cautions
6. Discuss proper way to inspect filters
7. Demonstrate Filter Replacement and Cleaning tasks. NOTE: Do not replace filters
unless necessary in order to minimize the use of materials.)
Evaluation Preparation: Evaluate this task at the end of Operate Communications Equipment
Notify student that he/she will be evaluated on his/her ability to properly identify the filter types,
determine when filter maintenance is required, and conduct pre-filter replacement, maintenance,
and cleaning.
Check on Learning:
Testing Requirement: Determine if students have learned the material presented bya) Soliciting student questions and explanations
b) Ask students to identify safety concerns and mitigation strategies
c) Ask students to identify the three types of filters
d) Ask students to discuss causes of variations in filter life
e) Ask students to perform pre-filter replacement, maintenance, and cleaning
f) PASS/FAIL: Students properly conduct pre-filter replacement, maintenance, and
cleaning without the assistance of the instructor.
Feedback: Provide immediate feedback in context to the material presented and
correcting student misunderstanding.
Requirement: Provide remedial training as needed.
3.12 Task # W01-0012: Conduct Aspen 2000DM stop, flush, shutdown, and restart
Method of Instruction: Hands-on
Time of instruction (minutes): 20
References: Aspen 2000DM Operation Manual, Page 32
Materials: Aspen 2000DM and Support Case with contents; Aspen 2000DM
Page 23 of 46
Conduct Aspen 2000DM stop, flush, shutdown, and restart
Aspen 2000DM has been in operation for several hours and is to be shut
down for an extended period of time without moving the kit.
Properly conduct system stop, flush, shutdown, and restart procedures.
Safety Requirements: Utilize the buddy system when working around water. Utilize PPE
(rubber gloves) when conducting pre-filter maintenance and replacement.
Risk Assessment Level: LOW
Environmental Considerations: Do not conduct during lightning unless sheltered
Instructional Lead-in: During operations, you may want to stop production of water or flush
the system without restarting the full purge process. In this lesson, you will learn how to conduct
a normal stop, perform a flush, and shutdown and restart the system without executing a full
Performance Steps:
1. Discuss when an operator would perform these actions.
2. Discuss safety concerns and mitigations
3. Discuss warnings and cautions
4. Discuss the importance of logging system performance
5. Conduct normal stop steps
6. Restart system using purge bypass
7. Conduct flush steps (NOTE: You do not need to conduct a full flush.)
8. Conduct overnight shutdown procedures including the retrieval of the float cross.
9. Conduct restart after overnight shutdown
Evaluation Preparation: Evaluate this task at the end of Operate Communications Equipment
Notify student that he/she will be evaluated on his/her ability to properly conduct Aspen
2000DM stop, flush, shutdown, and restart.
Check on Learning:
Testing Requirement: Determine if students have learned the material presented bya) Soliciting student questions and explanations
b) Ask students to describe safety concerns and mitigations and discuss warnings and
c) Ask students to conduct normal stop procedures
Page 24 of 46
d) Ask students to Restart system using purge bypass
e) Ask students to Conduct flush steps (NOTE: You do not need to conduct a full flush.)
f) Ask students to Conduct overnight shutdown procedures including the retrieval of the
float cross.
g) Ask students to Conduct restart after overnight shutdown
h) PASS/FAIL: Students properly conduct Aspen 2000DM stop, flush, shutdown, and
restart without instructor assistance.
Feedback: Provide immediate feedback in context to the material presented and
correcting student misunderstanding.
Requirement: Provide remedial training as needed.
3.13 Task # W01-0013: Conduct Troubleshooting
Method of Instruction: Briefing and Hands-on
Time of instruction (minutes): 20
References: Aspen 2000DM Operation Manual, Pages 17 and 69
Materials: Aspen 2000DM and Support Case with contents; Aspen 2000DM Operation
Conduct troubleshooting
Successful completion of Tasks W01-0001 through -0012. Given the
Aspen 2000DM and Support Case with contents and the Aspen 2000DM
Operation Manual
Properly diagnose faults using the Alarm Menu and the Troubleshooting
Safety Requirements: Utilize appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).
Risk Assessment Level: LOW
Environmental Considerations: Do not conduct in lightning conditions unless sheltered.
Instructional Lead-in: Having conducted system orientation, setup, start-up, and operation, it is
important to understand how to troubleshoot faults and alarms using the control panel and the
troubleshooting guide.
Performance Steps:
1. Orient students to the Alarm Menu (page 17) and the Troubleshooting guide (page 69)
2. Discuss the alarm menu and fault descriptions
Page 25 of 46
3. Discuss the troubleshooting guide and procedures
4. Discuss how to contact tech support if unable to determine and resolve the fault
Evaluation Preparation: Evaluate this task at the end of Operate Communications Equipment
Notify student that he/she will be evaluated on his/her ability to properly utilize the alarm menu
and troubleshooting guide to determine the fault and rectify the concern.
Check on Learning:
Testing Requirement: Determine if students have learned the material presented bya) Soliciting student questions and explanations
b) Ask students questions related to the alarm menu and the troubleshooting guide
(minimum of 3 faults)
c) Ask students to notionally “conduct” a troubleshooting procedure and proper
d) Ask students how to contact technical support.
d) PASS/FAIL: Students properly diagnose the cause and describe the process to remedy
the cause without instructor assistance.
Feedback: Provide immediate feedback in context to the material presented and
correcting student misunderstanding.
Requirement: Provide remedial training as needed.
Page 26 of 46
3.14 Task # W01-0014: Prepare System for transport and short term storage
Method of Instruction: Hands-on
Time of instruction (minutes): 30
References: Aspen 2000DM Operation Manual, Page 33
Materials: Aspen 2000DM and Support Case with contents; Aspen 2000DM manual
Prepare system for transport and short term storage
Aspen 2000DM is to be stored for up to 5 days in non-freezing
conditions and moved to a new location.
Properly prepare the system for transport and short term storage.
Safety Requirements: Utilize the proper number of personnel to maneuver the system.
Risk Assessment Level: LOW
Environmental Considerations: Do not conduct during lightning unless sheltered
Instructional Lead-in: During a mission, the Aspen 2000DM may need to be moved to a
different location such as during a planned movement or to maintain contact with the water from
tidal flow variations. In this lesson, you will learn how to prepare the system for short term
transport and storage.
Performance Steps:
1. Discuss when to perform this task
2. Discuss safety concerns and mitigations
3. Discuss warnings and cautions
4. With assistance from the students, conduct steps 1-6
5. Determine whether to conduct step 7: Restart after overnight shutdown (Task # W010012) or conduct step 8: System Breakdown (Task # W01-0025)
Evaluation Preparation: Evaluate this task at the end of Operate Communications Equipment
Notify student that he/she will be evaluated on his/her ability to properly prepare system for
transport and short term storage
Check on Learning:
Testing Requirement: Determine if students have learned the material presented byPage 27 of 46
a) Soliciting student questions and explanations
b) Ask students to describe safety concerns and mitigations and discuss warnings and
c) Ask students to describe when this task is appropriate
d) Ask students to prepare the system for transport and short term storage.
e) PASS/FAIL: Students to prepare the system for transport and short term storage
without the assistance of the instructor.
Feedback: Provide immediate feedback in context to the material presented and
correcting student misunderstanding.
Requirement: Provide remedial training as needed.
3.15 Task # W01-0015: Conduct Emergency Operations procedures
Method of Instruction: Hands-on
Time of instruction (minutes): 20
References: Aspen 2000DM Operation Manual, Page 34
Materials: Aspen 2000DM and Support Case with contents; Aspen 2000DM manual
Conduct emergency operations procedures
Successfully complete Tasks W01-0001 through -0008 and -00013.
System is setup. Main power is on but the 2000DM does not start with
START or AUTO RUN. A problem with the ECD is suspected.
Operation is required.
Properly execute Emergency Operations procedures and understand
implications of Emergency Operations
Safety Requirements: Operation of the kit in Emergency Procedures bypasses safety and
alarms. System must be monitored continuously during operations.
Risk Assessment Level: LOW
Environmental Considerations: Do not conduct during lightning unless sheltered
Instructional Lead-in: Read the content at the top of page 34.
Performance Steps:
1. Discuss warnings when operating the system in emergency configuration
Page 28 of 46
2. Demonstrate how to properly bypass the product diversion valve – allow students to view
each step of the process.
3. Instruct students to disconnect the potable hose from the water storage system to avoid
contamination of potable water in the storage system
4. Conduct steps 2-4
5. Conduct step 5 for several minutes (10 minutes is not necessary for the training)
6. Test water with the salinity sensor and instruct students on the meaning of the numbers
7. Conduct step 6 if water is suitable
8. Instruct students on the necessity to have water tested by preventive medical
professionals or a senior NCO
Evaluation Preparation: Evaluate this task at the end of Operate Communications Equipment
Notify student that he/she will be evaluated on his/her ability to properly execute Emergency
Operations procedures and understand the implications of Emergency Operations
Check on Learning:
Testing Requirement: Determine if students have learned the material presented bya) Soliciting student questions and explanations
b) Ask students to identify the precautions and operator requirements with using the
system in emergency operation conditions.
c) Ask students to conduct emergency operations
d) PASS/FAIL: Students properly execute Emergency Operations procedures and
understand implications of Emergency Operations without the assistance of the instructor.
Feedback: Provide immediate feedback in context to the material presented and
correcting student misunderstanding.
Requirement: Provide remedial training as needed.
3.16 Task # W01-0016: Conduct emergency flush procedures
Method of Instruction: Hands-on
Time of instruction (minutes): 10
References: Aspen 2000DM Operation Manual, Page 35
Materials: Aspen 2000DM and Support Case with contents; Aspen 2000DM manual
Conduct Emergency Flush Procedures
System will not flush using the control drawer buttons. Main power is
on but the 2000DM does not flush. A problem with the ECD is
Page 29 of 46
suspected. A flush is required.
Properly execute Emergency Flush Operations procedures and
understand implications of Emergency Operations
Safety Requirements: Operation of the kit in Emergency Procedures bypasses safety and
alarms. System must be monitored continuously during operations.
Risk Assessment Level: LOW
Environmental Considerations: Do not conduct during lightning unless sheltered
Instructional Lead-in: Emergency flush is conducted when the flush tank is full, but the
FLUSH button on the controller is inoperable. As a reminder, the flush process does not move
water through the filters, so a potable bypass is not required unless you are refilling the tank
through emergency operation procedures.
Performance Steps:
1. Review concept of the Flush
2. Remind students that there are no alarms or safety shutdowns in Emergency Flush
therefore the students will need to continuously observe for completion of the flush and
any irregularities.
3. Follow steps 1-3 (NOTE: A full flush is not required – demonstration is sufficient)
4. If conducting the emergency flush following Task # W01-0015, then conduct step 4.
5. If conducting the emergency flush during normal operations, then refill the flush tank
Evaluation Preparation: Evaluate this task at the end of Operate Communications Equipment
Notify student that he/she will be evaluated on his/her ability to conduct an emergency flush and
understand the implications of Emergency Operations.
Check on Learning:
Testing Requirement: Determine if students have learned the material presented bya) Soliciting student questions and explanations
b) Ask students to describe the conditions for an emergency flush
c) Ask students to describe the precautions when conducting an emergency flush
d) Ask students to conduct an Emergency flush.
e) PASS/FAIL: Students properly conduct an emergency flush and describe the
precautions associated with emergency procedures without the assistance of the instructor.
Page 30 of 46
Feedback: Provide immediate feedback in context to the material presented and
correcting student misunderstanding.
Requirement: Provide remedial training as needed.
3.17 Task # W01-0017: Conduct System Disinfection
Method of Instruction: Hands-on
Time of instruction (minutes): 20
References: Aspen 2000DM Operation Manual, Page 36
Materials: Aspen 2000DM and Support Case with contents; Aspen 2000DM manual
Conduct potable system disinfection
Completed Tasks # W01-0001 through -0008, -0013, and -0015. Aspen
2000DM is being prepared for storage and/or product hoses and tubes
need to be sanitized. Household bleach is on hand.
Properly execute product system disinfection.
Safety Requirements: Utilize PPE (rubber gloves) when working with chlorine bleach. Do not
dispose of chlorine bleach water into the source water.
Risk Assessment Level: LOW
Environmental Considerations: Do not conduct this lesson in lighting conditions unless
Instructional Lead-in: Proper disinfection of the potable side of the Aspen 2000DM is critical
to lowering the probability of microorganism growth during the storage period. Disinfection
should be performed prior to placing the potable hose into a storage tank or distributing water,
when contamination is suspected, and prior to conducting long term system storage tasks.
Performance Steps:
1. Discuss safety requirements
2. Conduct steps 1-7
3. Discuss the importance of not allowing the potable hose ends to touch a “dirty” surface.
4. Inform students of next event. If continuing to Task # W01-0019, -0020, or -0021, fill
another 5 gallon bucket with potable water for use during the storage tasks.
5. Connect the ends of the individual potable hoses together to prevent contamination
Page 31 of 46
6. Move to step 8. Retain the chlorinated water for rinsing other items. Dispose of water
appropriately – not in the source water.
Evaluation Preparation: Evaluate this task at the end of Operate Communications Equipment
Notify student that he/she will be evaluated on his/her ability to understand the sequence of
events when performing product system disinfection and distribution and storage, and properly
execute product system disinfection.
Check on Learning:
Testing Requirement: Determine if students have learned the material presented bya) Soliciting student questions and explanations
b) Ask students about the importance of product system disinfection
c) Ask students when they should disinfect the product system
d) Ask students to conduct product system disinfection
e) PASS/FAIL: Students correctly conduct product system disinfection without the
assistance of the instructor.
Feedback: Provide immediate feedback in context to the material presented and
correcting student misunderstanding.
Requirement: Provide remedial training as needed.
3.18 Task # W01-0018: Conduct system storage (Fresh water)
Method of Instruction: Hands-on
Time of instruction (minutes): 30
References: Aspen 2000DM Operation Manual, Pages 36-37
Materials: Aspen 2000DM and Support Case with contents; Aspen 2000DM
Conduct system storage following fresh water usage
Completed Tasks # W01-0001 through -0018. Given the Aspen
2000DM and Support Case with contents and the Aspen 2000DM
Operation Manual.
Understand and follow safety and operation warnings and cautions.
Properly execute the system storage procedures.
Safety Requirements: Review Warnings and Cautions on pages 36-37. PPE including mask,
goggles, and gloves are required when working with MEMSTOR.
Risk Assessment Level: LOW
Page 32 of 46
Environmental Considerations: Do not conduct this lesson in lighting conditions unless
Instructional Lead-in: Having completed our product system disinfection, we want to place the
system in storage for longer than 5 days and up to 2 years. During the storage procedures, it is
important to heed the warnings and cautions in the manual to avoid damage to the equipment and
injury to personnel.
Performance Steps:
1. Address the warnings and cautions
2. Address safety requirements
3. Review when to conduct system storage and when to replace the storage chemicals
4. Conduct steps 1-15.
5. Explain the importance of not disposing of the storage chemical in the source water.
6. Discuss storing the storage chemical for up to 2 years to use for other storage activities.
7. Conduct step 16 if not conducting training.
8. Conduct step 17 (Task # W01-0025) if not conducting other training.
Evaluation Preparation: Evaluate this task at the end of Operate Communications Equipment
Notify student that he/she will be evaluated on his/her ability to understand and follow the
warnings and cautions and properly execute the steps associated with system storage in fresh
water environments.
Check on Learning:
Testing Requirement: Determine if students have learned the material presented bya) Soliciting student questions and explanations
b) Ask students to describe warnings and cautions and safety requirements
c) Ask students to conduct system storage for fresh water.
d) PASS/FAIL: Students understand and follow safety and operation warnings and
cautions and properly conduct system storage for fresh water without the assistance of the
Feedback: Provide immediate feedback in context to the material presented and
correcting student misunderstanding.
Requirement: Provide remedial training as needed
3.19 Task # W01-0019: Conduct system storage (Salt water)
Page 33 of 46
Method of Instruction: Hands-on
Time of instruction (minutes): 30
References: Aspen 2000DM Operation Manual, Pages 36-40
Materials: Aspen 2000DM and Support Case with contents; Aspen 2000DM
Conduct system storage following salt water usage
Completed Tasks # W01-0001 through -0018. Given the Aspen
2000DM and Support Case with contents and the Aspen 2000DM
Operation Manual.
Understand and follow safety and operation warnings and cautions.
Properly execute the system storage procedures.
Safety Requirements: Review Warnings and Cautions on pages 36-37. PPE including mask,
goggles, and gloves are required when working with MEMSTOR.
WARNING: DO NOT place the water inlet hose directly into the main product water storage
tank. Locate a separate container with at least 20 gallons of potable water.
Risk Assessment Level: LOW
Environmental Considerations: Do not conduct this lesson in lighting conditions unless
Instructional Lead-in: Having completed our product system disinfection, we want to place the
system in storage for longer than 5 days and up to 2 years. During the storage procedures, it is
important to heed the warnings and cautions in the manual to avoid damage to the equipment and
injury to personnel. In this lesson, we will discuss how to place the kit into storage following the
use of a salt water source.
NOTE: If conducting Task # W01-0018 or W01-0020, then inform students of the differences
between this task and the others. Specifically, step 5 of the procedures listed on page 38 of the
Performance Steps:
1. Address the warnings and cautions on page 36.
2. Address safety requirements
3. Have students write in the WARNING provided above.
4. Review when to conduct system storage and when to replace the storage chemicals
5. Conduct steps 1-18.
Page 34 of 46
Explain the importance of not disposing of the storage chemical in the source water.
Discuss storing the storage chemical for up to 2 years to use for other storage activities.
Conduct step 19 (Task # W01-0025) if not conducting other training.
Conduct step 20 if not storing chemical.
Evaluation Preparation: Evaluate this task at the end of Operate Communications Equipment
Notify student that he/she will be evaluated on his/her ability to understand and follow the
warnings and cautions and properly execute the steps associated with system storage in salt water
Check on Learning:
Testing Requirement: Determine if students have learned the material presented bya) Soliciting student questions and explanations
b) Ask students to describe warnings and cautions and safety requirements
c) Ask students to conduct system storage for salt water.
d) PASS/FAIL: Students understand and follow safety and operation warnings and
cautions and properly conduct system storage for salt water without the assistance of the
Feedback: Provide immediate feedback in context to the material presented and
correcting student misunderstanding.
Requirement: Provide remedial training as needed
3.20 Task # W01-0020: Conduct system storage (Freezing water)
Method of Instruction: Hands-on
Time of instruction (minutes): 30
References: Aspen 2000DM Operation Manual, Pages 39-40
Materials: Aspen 2000DM and Support Case with contents; Aspen 2000DM
Conduct system storage in freezing conditions
Completed Tasks # W01-0001 through -0019. Given the Aspen
2000DM and Support Case with contents and the Aspen 2000DM
Operation Manual. Glycerin available.
Understand and follow safety and operation warnings and cautions.
Properly execute the system storage procedures for freezing weather.
Page 35 of 46
Safety Requirements: Review Warnings and Cautions on pages 36-40. PPE including mask,
goggles, and gloves are required when working with MEMSTOR.
Risk Assessment Level: LOW
Environmental Considerations: Do not conduct this lesson in lighting conditions unless
Instructional Lead-in: Having completed our product system disinfection, we want to place the
system in storage for longer than 5 days and up to 2 years. During the storage procedures, it is
important to heed the warnings and cautions in the manual to avoid damage to the equipment and
injury to personnel. In this lesson, we will discuss how to place the kit into storage if the kit will
be exposed to freezing conditions. Glycerin is not provided with the kit and should be procured
locally or through the vendor.
NOTE: Glycerin is not provided in the support kit and should be procured locally or through the
NOTE: If not conducting the full task, inform students of the differences in this task specifically
step 10.
Performance Steps:
1. Address the warnings and cautions on pages 36-40.
2. Address safety requirements
3. Have students write in the WARNING provided above.
4. Review when to conduct system storage and when to replace the storage chemicals
5. Conduct steps 1-4
6. Discuss when to conduct steps 5 and 6
7. Conduct steps 7-8
8. Conduct steps 9 and 10. Draw student attention to the Antifreeze Mix Chart on page 40.
NOTE: Have students correct the page number on step 10 from page 38 to page 40.
9. Conduct steps 11-21
10. Explain the importance of not disposing of the storage chemical in the source water.
11. Discuss storing the storage chemical for up to 2 years to use for other storage activities.
12. Conduct step 22 (Task # W01-0025) if not conducting other training.
13. Conduct step 23 if not storing chemical.
Evaluation Preparation: Evaluate this task at the end of Operate Communications Equipment
Page 36 of 46
Notify student that he/she will be evaluated on his/her ability to understand and follow the
warnings and cautions and properly execute the steps associated with system storage in freezing
weather storage conditions.
Check on Learning:
Testing Requirement: Determine if students have learned the material presented bya) Soliciting student questions and explanations
b) Ask students to describe warnings and cautions and safety requirements
c) Ask students to describe the differences between a standard storage and freezing
weather storage.
d) Ask students to determine the appropriate amount of glycerin using the chart on page
40 of the manual.
e) Ask students to conduct system storage for freezing storage conditions.
f) PASS/FAIL: Students understand and follow safety and operation warnings and
cautions and properly conduct system storage for freezing storage conditions without the
assistance of the instructor.
Feedback: Provide immediate feedback in context to the material presented and
correcting student misunderstanding.
Requirement: Provide remedial training as needed
3.21 Task # W01-0021: Conduct emergency storage procedures
Method of Instruction: Hands-on
Time of instruction (minutes): 30
References: Aspen 2000DM Operation Manual, Page 35
Materials: Aspen 2000DM and Support Case with contents; Aspen 2000DM manual
Conduct system storage following salt water usage
Completed Tasks # W01-0001 through -0020. Given the Aspen
2000DM and Support Case with contents and the Aspen 2000DM
Operation Manual.
Understand and follow safety and operation warnings and cautions.
Properly execute the system storage procedures.
Safety Requirements: Review Warnings and Cautions on pages 36-40. PPE including mask,
goggles, and gloves are required when working with MEMSTOR.
Risk Assessment Level: LOW
Page 37 of 46
Environmental Considerations: Do not conduct this lesson in lighting conditions unless
Instructional Lead-in: Having completed our product system disinfection, we want to place the
system in storage for longer than 5 days and up to 2 years. During the storage procedures, it is
important to heed the warnings and cautions in the manual to avoid damage to the equipment and
injury to personnel. In this lesson, we will discuss how to place the kit into storage using
emergency procedures. Essentially, you will conduct the same storage operations as per the
fresh, salt, and freezing water tasks, except you will the switches as the primary means of
controlling the system.
NOTE: If conducting Task # W01-0018, -0019, or -0020, then inform students of the differences
between this task and the others.
Performance Steps:
1. Address the warnings and cautions on page 36-40.
2. Address safety requirements
3. Review when to conduct emergency system storage and when to replace the storage
4. Conduct steps 1-16.
5. Explain that students should use the appropriate storage procedure for the type of water
source (fresh or salt) and storage conditions (freezing).
6. Explain the importance of not disposing of the storage chemical in the source water.
7. Discuss storing the storage chemical for up to 2 years to use for other storage activities.
8. Conduct step 17 if not storing chemical.
Evaluation Preparation: Evaluate this task at the end of Operate Communications Equipment
Notify student that he/she will be evaluated on his/her ability to understand and follow the
warnings and cautions and properly execute the steps associated with emergency storage.
Check on Learning:
Testing Requirement: Determine if students have learned the material presented bya) Soliciting student questions and explanations
b) Ask students to describe warnings and cautions and safety requirements
c) Ask students to determine at what step they would conduct a fresh vs. salt storage
procedure and a freezing water procedures.
d) Ask students to conduct system using emergency procedures.
Page 38 of 46
e) PASS/FAIL: Students understand and follow safety and operation warnings and
cautions and properly conduct system storage using emergency procedures without the assistance
of the instructor.
Feedback: Provide immediate feedback in context to the material presented and
correcting student misunderstanding.
Requirement: Provide remedial training as needed
3.22 Task # W01-0022: Conduct Ultraviolet Post-sterilizer maintenance
Method of Instruction: Hands-on
Time of instruction (minutes): 15
References: Aspen 2000DM Operation Manual, Pages 44-45
Materials: Aspen 2000DM and Support Case with contents; Aspen 2000DM
Conduct Ultraviolet Post-sterilizer maintenance
Completed Tasks # W01-0001 through -0008 and -0013. Given the
Aspen 2000DM with Support Case with contents and the Aspen
2000DM Operation Manual.
Safety Requirements: Ensure the power is off to the system prior to conducting this task. Read
all warnings and cautions on pages 44-45 prior to conducting the tasks. Gloves and eye
protection are required when handling the UV bulb and quartz sleeve.
Risk Assessment Level: LOW
Environmental Considerations: Do not conduct this lesson in raining or lighting conditions
unless sheltered
Instructional Lead-in: In this lesson, you will learn how to maintain the ultraviolet poststerilizer. Reverse osmosis membranes remove five major groups of microorganisms: Virus,
bacteria, fungi, algae, and protozoa along with dissolved solids. If a Membrane is compromised,
the UV Post-sterilizer will kill or inactivate all five and is provided as a safety back up. Bulbs
should be changed every 8000 hours of operation or if the UV GOOD light goes out. The UV
Housing is located on the right side of the Unit door. The Support Case contains a replacement
Bulb, Quartz Sleeve, Allen wrench, Lube, Housing Wrench, and Teflon tape.
Performance Steps:
1. Review warnings and cautions
Page 39 of 46
Discuss the use of PPE
Locate and retrieve the allen wrench set from the support case.
Locate and retrieve the spare UV bulb and quartz sleeve from the support case.
Conduct bulb replacement steps 1-3. Stress the importance of disconnecting the power
and conducting steps 1-6 in an area that will limit the loss of parts.
Identify the parts of the UV post-sterilizer
Conduct quartz sleeve cleaning steps 1-4
Reassemble post-sterilizer using steps 4-7 of bulb replacement. NOTE: Do not replace
bulb with new bulb unless necessary from breakage, damage, or non-operational.
Discuss broken quartz sleeve replacement (page 45)
Evaluation Preparation: Evaluate this task at the end of Operate Communications Equipment
Notify student that he/she will be evaluated on his/her ability to properly conduct UV poststerilizer maintenance and replacement.
Check on Learning:
Testing Requirement: Determine if students have learned the material presented bya) Soliciting student questions and explanations
b) Ask students to describe warnings and cautions and safety requirements
c) Ask students to describe when to replace the UV bulb and quartz sleeve
d) Ask students to conduct task (NOTE: Do not replace bulb with new bulb unless
necessary from breakage, damage, or non-operational.
e) PASS/FAIL: Students understand and follow safety and operation warnings and
cautions and properly conduct Ultraviolet Post-sterilizer maintenance without the assistance of
the instructor.
Feedback: Provide immediate feedback in context to the material presented and
correcting student misunderstanding.
Requirement: Provide remedial training as needed
3.23 Task # W01-0023: Conduct Reverse Osmosis Membrane Cleaning
Method of Instruction: Briefing
Time of instruction (minutes): 10
References: Aspen 2000DM Operation Manual, Page 46
Materials: Aspen 2000DM and Support Case with contents; Aspen 2000DM Operation
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Conduct Reverse Osmosis Membrane Cleaning
Completed Tasks W01-0001 through -0008 and -0013. Given the
Aspen 2000DM and a degradation of 15% or more of rated product flow
for the feed water conditions
Properly perform the procedures for the Reverse Osmosis Cleaning and
dispose of
Safety Requirements: Follow warnings and cautions in the manual if conducting the membrane
Risk Assessment Level: LOW
Environmental Considerations: Do not conduct this lesson in lighting conditions unless
Instructional Lead-in: In this lesson we will discuss when and how to clean the Reverse
Osmosis Membranes. We will not conduct the actual cleaning as unnecessary cleaning of the
membranes will damage them.
Performance Steps:
1. Review the safety warnings and cautions
2. Review PPE required
3. Locate and retrieve the necessary materials from the support case
4. Discuss and illustrate the steps 1-15 for conducting the cleaning.
Evaluation Preparation: Evaluate this task at the end of Operate Communications Equipment
Notify student that he/she will be evaluated on his/her ability to understand when to conduct a
reverse osmosis membrane cleaning and how to perform the procedures.
Check on Learning:
Testing Requirement: Determine if students have learned the material presented bya) Soliciting student questions and explanations
b) Ask students to describe when to conduct the cleaning
c) Ask students to discuss the difference between and when to use the KL-1000 and KL2000 cleaners
d) Ask students to notionally demonstrate the steps
e) PASS/FAIL: Students understand when to conduct a reverse osmosis membrane
cleaning and how to perform the procedures without the assistance of the instructor.
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Feedback: Provide immediate feedback in context to the material presented and
correcting student misunderstanding.
Requirement: Provide remedial training as needed
3.24 Task # W01-0024: Conduct Electronic Control Drawer Maintenance and
Method of Instruction: Hands-on
Time of instruction (minutes): 10
References: Aspen 2000DM Operation Manual, Page 53-54
Materials: Aspen 2000DM and Support Case with contents; Aspen 2000DM Operation
Manual, Compressed Air
Conduct Electronic Control Drawer Maintenance and Replacement
Completed Tasks W01-0001 through -0008 and -0013. Given the
Aspen 2000DM and a need to conduct ECD maintenance.
Properly remove, maintain, and install the Aspen 2000DM electronic
control drawer (ECD)
Safety Requirements: Ensure power is off to the system prior to conducting this task.
Risk Assessment Level: LOW
Environmental Considerations: Do not conduct this lesson in raining or lightning conditions
unless sheltered. Limit the exposure of the ECD to high humidity and dusty conditions.
Instructional Lead-in: In this lesson, you will learn how to remove, maintain, and install the
Electronic Control Drawer (ECD) for the Aspen 2000DM. The ECD houses most of the power
and control functions. The front panel is water resistant for operation in rain, but the back is open
for cooling air circulation. The ECD is designed for easy removal for cleaning, replacement, and
plumbing system access. All electrical connections are through two self-aligning multi-pin
connectors on the back of the ECD. You would conduct this task prior to long term storage,
during downtime in a dusty or salty environment, or when you suspect an ECD failure. You are
not authorized to conduct maintenance other than cleaning.
NOTE: Compressed air in not provided in the support case.
Performance Steps:
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Turn off power to the system by disconnecting the plug from the power source.
Review caution at top of page 53.
Conduct Remove steps 1-3 on page 53.
Illustrate how to remove the cover of the ECD and proper cleaning procedures located on
page 54. DO NOT remove ECD cover if silicone sealant is not available.
5. Conduct Install step 4 on page 53.
6. Reconnect power and turn on ECD.
Evaluation Preparation: Evaluate this task at the end of Operate Communications Equipment
Notify student that he/she will be evaluated on his/her ability to properly remove, maintain, and
install the Aspen 2000DM electronic control drawer (ECD).
Check on Learning:
Testing Requirement: Determine if students have learned the material presented bya) Soliciting student questions and explanations
b) Ask students to describe reasons why to conduct ECD removal, maintenance, and
c) Ask students to conduct ECD removal, maintenance, and installation
d) Verify that ECD is operational post –install
e) PASS/FAIL: Students properly conduct ECD removal, maintenance, and installation
without the assistance of the instructor.
Feedback: Provide immediate feedback in context to the material presented and
correcting student misunderstanding.
Requirement: Provide remedial training as needed
3.25 Task # W01-0025: Conduct System Breakdown
Method of Instruction: Hands-on
Time of instruction (minutes): 20
References: Aspen 2000DM Operation Manual, Page 41
Materials: Aspen 2000DM and Support Case with contents; Aspen 2000DM Operation
Conduct system breakdown
Completed Tasks W01-0001 through -0021. Operations are complete
and the system requires movement and/or storage.
Properly breakdown and stow the Aspen 2000DM and its support case
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Safety Requirements: Wear Personal Protective Equipment (gloves) when coming into contact
water in the system and from water sources of unknown quality. Utilize the buddy system when
working around water. Use the proper number of personnel and lift procedures when moving the
WARNING: The Aspen 2000DM Support Case has been retrofitted with wheel and pull
around brackets. DO NOT attempt to stack the Support Case on the ROWPU. Damage to
equipment and severe injury to personnel may occur.
Risk Assessment Level: MEDIUM, if moving the cases. LOW, if not moving the cases.
Environmental Considerations: Do not conduct this lesson in lightning conditions.
Instructional Lead-in: In this lesson, you will learn how to properly breakdown the system for
transport and/or storage. You have already conducted flush, purge, storage, and shutdown
procedures. We will not stack the cases because the PEAK support case is retrofitted with
brackets to ease in movement.
Performance Steps:
1. Discuss warnings and cautions including safety requirements.
2. If step1 is not conducted, perform those tasks.
3. Conduct steps 1-8
4. If attaching the wheels and pull around bar onto the system, install these items first before
placing the system on its back as illustrated in step 9.
5. Have students strike step 10.
6. Conduct step 12 if not completed. Discuss step 12.
Evaluation Preparation: Evaluate this task at the end of Operate Communications Equipment
Notify student that he/she will be evaluated on his/her ability to properly breakdown and stow
the Aspen 2000DM and its support case contents
Check on Learning:
Testing Requirement: Determine if students have learned the material presented bya) Soliciting student questions and explanations
b) Ask students to describe safety considerations when conducting this task
c) Ask students to execute task
d) PASS/FAIL: Students properly breakdown and stow the Aspen 2000DM and its
support case contents without the assistance of the instructor.
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Feedback: Provide immediate feedback in context to the material presented and
correcting student misunderstanding.
Requirement: Provide remedial training as needed
3.26 Task # W01-0025: Conduct Emergency System Breakdown
Method of Instruction: Hands-on
Time of instruction (minutes): 10
References: Aspen 2000DM Operation Manual, Page 41
Materials: Aspen 2000DM and Support Case with contents; Aspen 2000DM Operation
Conduct emergency system breakdown
Completed Tasks W01-0001 through -0021, and -0024. Operations
dictate an immediate breakdown of the system without conducting a
flush, purge, and storage.
Properly breakdown the system in emergency conditions
Safety Requirements: Wear Personal Protective Equipment (gloves) when coming into contact
water in the system and from water sources of unknown quality. Utilize the buddy system when
working around water. Use the proper number of personnel and lift procedures when moving the
WARNING: The Aspen 2000DM Support Case has been retrofitted with wheel and pull
around brackets. DO NOT attempt to stack the Support Case on the ROWPU. Damage to
equipment and severe injury to personnel may occur.
Risk Assessment Level: MEDIUM, if moving the cases. LOW, if not moving the cases.
Environmental Considerations: Do not conduct this lesson in lightning conditions.
Instructional Lead-in: In this lesson, you will learn how to properly breakdown the system for
transport and/or storage in an emergency situation. You have already learned how to operator,
flush, purge, storage, shutdown, and breakdown the system. In this task, you do not have time to
conduct these operations due to external factors. When you reach a safe location or have time,
you should conduct the proper flush, storage and breakdown procedures. We will not execute the
full procedure, but rather discuss the actions that should take place. If this was a real movement,
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we would not stack the cases because the PEAK support case is retrofitted with brackets to ease
in movement.
Performance Steps:
1. Discuss warnings and cautions including safety requirements.
2. Discuss when to conduct this type of task
3. Notionally demonstrate steps 1-9
4. Explain the necessity to remove as much water as possible from the system to avoid
damage during transport.
5. Explain the necessity to properly conduct storage procedures as soon as possible.
Evaluation Preparation: Evaluate this task at the end of Operate Communications Equipment
Notify student that he/she will be evaluated on his/her ability to properly conduct an emergency
breakdown and stow the Aspen 2000DM and its support case contents
Check on Learning:
Testing Requirement: Determine if students have learned the material presented bya) Soliciting student questions and explanations
b) Ask students to describe safety considerations when conducting this task
c) Ask students to illustrate how to complete the task.
d) PASS/FAIL: Students properly breakdown and stow the Aspen 2000DM and its
support case contents without the assistance of the instructor.
Feedback: Provide immediate feedback in context to the material presented and
correcting student misunderstanding.
Requirement: Provide remedial training as needed
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