CUPA-HR Call to Action Presentation (Linda Lulli)

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Strategy:
A Call to Action
Fall 2011 Professional Development
December 9, 2011
Our Focus Today
• How Do You Get Started?
– Ways to Get Involved/
– How You Can Make a Difference
Creating Sustainable Change – The Journey
Building Your Plan of Action
Resources/Support from CUPA-HR
Learning From Each Other
A Call to Action
“We must do this work because it is needed now and because
we can.
• It is because we sit at a crossroads in every institution
that every employee comes across that puts us in a
position to take a leadership role and proactively influence
action now.
• The expertise and assistance that HEHR professionals are
best suited to provide differs at different levels within our
institutions, so we must equip ourselves now to provide
the best guidance possible to all employees to make
certain that our institutions achieve their excellence goals
and remain vital well into the future.”
(Andy Brantley, CEO of CUPA-HR)
Beginning the Journey
• Starting the Dialogue at Your Institution
– Defining diversity, equity and inclusion
– What is a “Business Case” for Diversity ?
• Why is it important to build one?
• How can you leverage the Business Case?
• Why Is a Focus on Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
Important Now?
• How Can HR Create Value?
What is Diversity?
• Diversity – Individual differences (e.g.,
personality, learning styles, and life
experiences) and group/social differences
(e.g., race/ethnicity, class, gender, sexual
orientation, country of origin, and ability as
well as cultural, political, religious, or other
affiliations) that can be engaged in the service
of learning.
(Source: Association of American Colleges & Universities )
What is Inclusion?
• Inclusion: The active, intentional, and ongoing
engagement with diversity — in people, in the
curriculum, in the co-curriculum, and in communities
(intellectual, social, cultural, geographical) with
which individuals might connect — in ways that
increase one’s awareness, content knowledge,
cognitive sophistication, and empathic
understanding of the complex ways individuals
interact within [and change] systems and
(Source: Association of American Colleges & Universities –
What is Equity?
• Equity: The creation of opportunities for
historically underrepresented populations to
have equal access to and participate in
educational programs that are capable of
closing the achievement gaps in student
success and completion.
(Source: Association of American Colleges & Universities )
Equity Mindedness
• Refers to the outlook, perspective or mode of
thinking exhibited by practitioners and others
who call attention to patterns of inequity and are
willing to assume personal and institutional
responsibility for the elimination of inequity. This
includes being “color conscious” and noticing
differences in experience among racial or ethnic
groups and being willing to talk about race and
ethnicity as an aspect of equity. Equity
perspectives are evident in actions, language,
problem-framing, problem-solving, and cultural
(Source: Adapted from AAC&U Definition)
Building the Business Case
• Help to build awareness of the business
(educational) case for diversity, inclusion and
cultural competency
– Changing workforce and student demographics
– Diversity and inclusion builds better results
– Creating a learning environment that prepares our
students to be successful in a global society
– Improving employee engagement and
– Enhancing creativity and innovation
Preparing for Our Journey
• Demonstrate leadership in your areas of
influence; build shared responsibility
• We need to be inclusive ourselves
• Surfacing unconscious behaviors through
dialogue/connecting conversations
• Need to understand our own mental models
• Create a course of action – your roadmap
• Transformational change is one step at a time
Evolutionary Path
* Business Integration
& Institutionalization
•Multi-Cultural Collaborations
• Employee Resource Groups
•Community Engagement & Accountability
• Shaping an Inclusive Culture
• Diversity Leadership – An Embedded Mindset
• Mentoring & Coaching Across Differences
•Inclusive Excellence Framework
• Diversity Councils- Building Critical Mass of Champions
• Creating the Business/Educational Case
•Raising Awareness - Diversity Education
• Fostering Dialogue & Acknowledging Our Own Mental Models
(Adapted from Model by Cambridge Hill Partners, Inc..)
Moving Forward – Institution Level
• Defining Where You Are – Current Reality
• Developing A Strategic Framework
– An Inclusive Excellence Model
– Intentional and Integrated Approach
• Community Engagement
– Changing the Way People Are Relating and
Working Together
– Fostering Collective Action/Shared Responsibility
Creating Strategic Value
• Integrating a Focus on Diversity & Inclusion
– Talent Management
– Leadership Development
– Culture Change
– Building An Inclusive Community
• Collaboration and Partnerships
– Cultivating Champions for Change
– Start Within Your Sphere of Influence
Moving Forward – HR Level
• Are you recruiting talent from the populations
of people you would like to see at your
• Are your policies and practices equitable?
• Does your organizational culture include
• Do you assess your campus climate?
• Are you building cultural competency?
Building Commitment & Engagement
• Are there currently leaders in the university
that are advocates for this work or early
adopters that you could leverage to help in
this work?
• Do you have a way to identify those who are
making a positive difference across your
institution and are there currently ways that
you can communicate these efforts more
Your Commitment Statement
• Before you leave today, write down a
commitment statement :
– How will you encourage diversity, equity and inclusion
in your institution?
– How can you create/support workforce-related
diversity and inclusion efforts to advance institutional
excellence on your campus?
• Build an action plan to fulfill your commitment .
• Check periodically on your progress!
How Can CUPA-HR Help You?
• Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee
Survey of member needs
Development of resources/toolkit
Programming /speaker’s library
Corporate partner initiatives/best practices
CUPA-HR Knowledge Center
• What else can we do to help you?