Stacie Weatbrook Diversity and Inclusion in the

Creating an Environment of
Inclusion in the Classroom
Stacie Weatbrook FTLC 1000
“I see nothing inconsistent between being proud of oneself
and one’s ancestors and, at the same time, seeing oneself as
first and foremost a member of the commonwealth of all races
and creeds. My potential is more than can be expressed within
the bounds of my race or ethnic identity…. If I had one last
wish, I would ask that all Americans could see themselves that
way, past the barbed-wire fence of race and color.
We are the weaker for these divisions and the stronger when
we can transcend them.”
-Arthur Ashe, Days of Grace (New York:Ballantine Books, 1993) 186.
Share Stories
Appreciating others' stories builds a sense of
community and commonality between
Students and teachers
Students and other students
Students, teachers, and the course outcomes
Freewriting and sharing stories:
Freewrite responses before asking for comments
-freewriting allows students to formulate an answer
rather than being “put on the spot.”
Possible prompts:
-how can you relate what we're learning to what you
already know?
-what has brought you to this class and what do you
hope to learn?
-how will your background be a strength for you in
pursuing your education?
Active Learning Strategies also
Promote Inclusion
Not only do active learning strategies help students
understand the course material better, they also help
the class develop a sense of community and
appreciation for each other.
Active Learning Activities and
Pair Share – students share answers in twos which
encourages equal participation
Fruit Basket – students walk across the room to
share answers with someone they haven't met
Group Work – teacher or student assigned groups
based on interest in a topic rather than who students
Group Field Work – assign groups to observe,
collect data, do interviews outside the classroom
Group Share – with chairs in a circle, each class
member has a chance to share.
"Inclusive education does not give up on slow
learners, on the poor and the most vulnerable, on
people who are differently-abled. Neither does it
discriminate in terms of culture and faith affiliation.
Instead, it capitalizes on the diversity of individual
learners to broaden perspectives and enrich the
learning experience. It is about understanding other
cultures, other faiths, and people who are different
from us, with the aim of achieving greater global
understanding and tolerance, and obtaining peace for
our conflict-plagued world."
– Education for a Peaceful, Just, and Equitable World, Editorial, Manila Bulletin Online
"Inclusion is one of the most important words spoken
with regard to diversity. The leaders of many
organizations and corporations understand that they
must create an inclusive environment in order to ensure
a level of productivity among their employees."
– Dr. Charlita Shelton, President, University of the Rockies
"When you have an environment that is truly inclusive,
individuals feel comfortable being themselves. They
feel more comfortable sharing ideas, and it's through all
these different perspectives that you come up with
– Lynette Chappell-Williams, Associate Vice Pesident of Workforce Diversity and Inclusion,
Cornell University
When a classroom can accept its members and learn
from each other's experiences, the whole adds up to
more than the sum of its parts and