AP EUROPEAN HISTORY 4.20 – Britain: The Triumph of Parliament

4.20 – Britain: The Triumph of Parliament
The Restoration, 1660-1688: The Later Stuarts
What three things were “restored” with the Restoration in 1660?
2. How was Charles II different from his father?
3. In what way was Parliament different?
4. What did the English aristocracy (people whose property and status came from the vast
amounts of land they owned) prove that it was more willing to do than aristocratic classes
5. As a result, was its (the English aristocracy’s) “reward”?
6. Who were the Dissenters?
7. What laws and policies were enacted against Dissenters?
8. As a result of laws against Dissenters, what did many middle-class townspeople find it difficult or
impossible to do?
9. What did the Act of Settlement of 1662 do, and who did it make responsible for the care of
“paupers”? (Paupers were people with nothing, unemployed or unemployable)
10. What troublesome impacts upon the poor did the Act of Settlement have?
11. What was the main issue that arose between Parliament and King?
12. How did the English feel about the resurgence of Catholicism in Europe? What did Parliament
think was worse – Dissenters or Catholics?
13. How did King Charles II view Catholicism?
14. When he began to have trouble with Parliament, to whom did King Charles II turn for money,
including the three million livres a year he expected to get for helping to fight the Dutch?
15. What announcement did King Charles II’s brother (and heir), James, make?
16. What did Charles II do in the “Declaration of Indulgence”? (Note – this is NOT the type of
indulgence that Martin Luther had an issue with. This just means “indulged” as in “putting up
17. It was feared that the real aim of this law was to do what?
18. What act did Parliament pass in 1673, and what did it do?
19. What did the “Exclusionists” in Parliament want to do?
20. Those who were most against the King, the “Whigs,” tended to be from what groups in society?
21. Those who were more supportive of the King, the “Tories,” tend to be from groups in society?
(Note: These two rival factions, the Whigs and Tories, were not political parties but they were
foreshadowing the development of political parties.)
The Revolution of 1688
22. What act passed by Parliament did King James II claim he was free to suspend?
23. What position taken by James II solidified the Whigs and Tories in opposition to him?
24. When and why did leading men of both parties (Whigs and Tories) abandon King James II?
25. To whom did Parliament offer the throne?
26. In accepting the English throne, what was William III’s purpose?
27. To what court did King James II flee, and how we he treated there?
28. The 1689 Bill of Rights passed by Parliament enacted what rules?
29. In order to become King, what did William have to accept? How did this change the relationship
between the king and the people?
30. What did the Act of Settlement of 1701 decree?