Niles West-Isono-Trivedi-Neg-Blake

1st off
COUNTER-ADVOCACY TEXT: Kris Trivedi and Lia Isono advocate to establish a bilateral
partnership with the government of Mexico against human trafficking.
State Action co-opts solvency of their movement
Fox 91 (Dennis Fox, Emeritus Associate Professor, Legal Studies University of Illinois at Springfield. 1991 "Law
Against Social Change"
Third, and most important, the very success of legal solutions makes things worse
are not capable of being good unless we are forced to be good.
Using the state for a feminist movement coops solvency; the state is based on
masculinity and produces masculine policies
Jones professor of international studies at the Center for Research and Teaching in Economics (CIDE) in Mexico City 1996 Adam Review of
International Studies Cambridge Journals Online d/a 7/12/10
The Realist assumption of the state: The classical paradigm places primary emphasis on the
. Coercive, legitimated, and epistemic, it is the regime.'17
The Aff by pretending to be tools of the higher power of the state open themselves up
to evil- accepting personal responsibility prevents violence
Zupancic 2000 (Alenka, Researcher, Institute of Philosophy, Ljubljana, Ethics of the Real: Kant and Lacan,
March, pg.96-97)
Another problem still remains, however: the question of the possibility of (performing
occur as something that is 'essentially a by-product of our actions.
2nd off
A. Interpretation – “economic engagement” means the aff must be an exclusively
economic action – it cannot encompass broader forms of engagement
Jakstaite, 10 - Doctoral Candidate Vytautas Magnus University Faculty of Political Sciences and
BALTIC JOURNAL OF LAW & POLITICS VOLUME 3, NUMBER 2 (2010), DOI: 10.2478/v10076-010-0015-7)
The approach to engagement as economic engagement focuses exclusively on economic instruments of
foreign policy
other types of engagement, such as the conditional-unconditional economic engagement.
Economic engagement is long-term strategy for promoting structural linkage between
two economies
Mastanduno, 1 – professor of Government at Dartmouth College (Michael, “Economic Engagement
Strategies: Theory and Practice”
The basic causal logic of economic engagement, and the emphasis on domestic politics,
chain runs from economic interdependence through domestic political change to foreign policy
B. Violation – the affirmative does not use economic instruments to promote a
structural linkage between two economies
C. Voting issue –
1. Limits – they explode the topic – blurring the lines between economic and other
forms of engagement makes any positive interaction with another country topical. It’s
impossible to predict or prepare
2. Ground – the economic limit is vital to critiques of economics, trade disads, and
non-economic counterplans
3. CI
3rd off
Movements against neoliberalism are growing in Latin America – but the plan
increases neoliberal control in the region. That crushes indigenous cultures and the
environment which means that the only way to solve is a de-linking.
Harris 8 (Richard L Harris: Professor of Global Studies at California State University, Monterey Bay;
Managing Editor of the Journal of Developing Societies (SAGE India); and Coordi- nating Editor of Latin
American Perspectives (SAGE USA). “Latin America’s Response to Neoliberalism and Globalization,”
The economic, political and social development of the Latin American and Caribbean countries is
model of uneven and inequitable development that has pillaged most of the region.
You have an ethical obligation to reject neoliberalism. Utilitarian rationality cannot
account for the degraded life chances of billions because capital makes its victims
Daly 2004 Glyn. Lecturer in International Studies at the University College Northampton.
Conversations with Žižek. 14-19
For Žižek it is imperative that we cut through this Gordian knot of postmodern protocol
that, like Žižek’s own thought, exhorts us to risk the impossible.
Reject the 1AC and its hegemonic knowledge production in favor of alternatives to
knowledge production. That’s enough to re-politicize the political sphere and solve the
impact to the K.
Sheppard and Leitner 9 (Eric Sheppard, PhD, geographer and Regents Professor of Economic
geography at the University of Minnesota, Helga Leitner “ Quo vadis neoliberalism? The remaking of
global capitalist governance after the Washington Consensus,”
We have argued that the shifting global governance discourses directed toward the third world since
economic and cultural subordination” (Fraser, 1997, p. 28).
4th off
Obama’s PC is holding off sanctions now – but failure guarantees Iran prolif and war
with Iran
Sargent 12/19 (Greg, columnist for the Washington Post. “White House to Senate Dems: Your Iran
sanctions bill makes war more likely”
With Senate Dems increasingly likely to introduce and even vote on a bill imposing new
it would put the prospects of a long term diplomatic breakthrough in doubt.
Human trafficking aid is ineffective and unpopular in congress
Seelke 13 (Clare Ribando Seelke; Specialist in Latin American Affairs; January 29, 2013; “Mexico and
the 112th Congress”; Congressional Research Service;
Many Mexican law enforcement activities with respect to combating alien smuggling and human
trafficking receive
Members of Congress may be reluctant to invest more resources in such programs.
Obama will need to keep spending PC to stop sanctions
LA Times 12/10 (“Congress assails Iran nuclear deal, but one bid for sanctions falters”,0,4356317.story#axzz2nJiRdgWp)
WASHINGTON — Secretary of State John F. Kerry faced sharp complaints from House lawmakers
said. "We're at one of those really hinge points in history."
Global nuclear war in a month if talks fail – US sanctions will wreck diplomacy
Press TV 11/13 “Global nuclear conflict between US, Russia, China likely if Iran talks fail”,
A global conflict between the US, Russia, and China is likely in the
taking away sanctions. We are not rolling them back," Psaki added.
Preventing nuclear war is the absolute prerequisite to positive peace
Folk 78 Professor of Religious and Peace Studies at Bethany College, 78 [Jerry, “Peace Educations –
Peace Studies: Towards an Integrated Approach,” Peace & Change, volume V, number 1, Spring, p. 58]
Those proponents of the positive peace approach who reject out of hand the work of
who view the field essentially from the point of view of negative peace.
Even if objective truth is impossible we can recognize the contingent utility of risk
Aven ‘3(Terje, U. Stavanger, Foundations of Risk Analysis A Knowledge and Decision-Oriented Perspective,
Many social scientists have criticized traditional engineering risk assessments. We mention Beck (1992
for it. The aim of this book is partly to provide one.
Their arguments fundamentally depend on risk analysis – they just implicitly assume
there’s no real risk to the plan because they think probability is low.
Campbell and Currie, 06 - University of Nottingham, UK (Scott and Greg, “Against Beck: In Defence of Risk Analysis,” Philosophy of the Social Science, June)GZ
The second claim is that some potential events have such an enormously high level of
analysis in order to make a complaint against the practise of risk analysis.
Risks must always be evaluated – risk analysis has always existed and should not be
solely confined to modern society
Campbell and Currie, 06 - University of Nottingham, UK (Scott and Greg, “Against Beck: In Defence of Risk Analysis,” Philosophy of the Social Science, June)GZ
Since the early 1990s, the German sociologist Ulrich Beck has dominated discussion of risk
of dying from toxins is greater now than it was 300 years ago.
Even deontological theories have to evaluate consequences to determine morality –
utility is best.
Hoekma -86 (Rights & Wrongs, St. Olaf, p 79)
than any alternative based on goals/But a great deal depends on the particular
brought about by an action frequently has an important place in moral judgment.
Bad consequences can check out imperatives to help others – these imperative ignore
the option of partially fulfilling our duty.
Slote '85 (Common-Sense Morality and Consequcntialism. Michael. Prof, of Philosophy, p. 82)
The fact of widespread human suffering makes a moral claim us not only from the
benevolence should be drawn have featured time and time again in ethical discussions.
Utilitarianism inevitable even in deontological frameworks
Green 02
(Assistant Professor Department of Psychology Harvard University, Joshua, November
2002 "The Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Truth About Morality And What To Do
About It", 314)
Some people who talk of balancing rights may think there is an algorithm for deciding
represents is either dogmatic in an esoteric sort of way or covertly consequentialist.
Evaluate consequences – allowing violence for the sake of moral purity is evil
Isaac 2 (Jeffrey C., Professor of Political Science – Indiana-Bloomington, Director – Center for the Study
of Democracy and Public Life, Ph.D. – Yale, Dissent Magazine, 49(2), “Ends, Means, and Politics”, Spring,
As writers such as Niccolo Machiavelli, Max Weber, Reinhold Niebuhr, and Hannah
not true believers. It promotes arrogance. And it undermines political effectiveness.
Even if we lose the util debate - the nature of human existence makes
consequentialism inevitable
Ratner 84 (Leonard G. Ratner, professor of law at USC, Hofstra Law Journal, 12 Hofstra L. Rev. 723,
spring, 1984)
All systems of morality, however transcendental, rest ultimately on utilitarian self interest (
-- in short, by the ultimate self interest -- of the individual.
Utilitarianism is the only way to access morality. Sacrifice in the name of preserving
rights destroys any hope of future generations attaining other values.
Nye 86 (Joseph S. 1986; Phd Political Science Harvard. University; Served as Assistant Secretary of
Defense for International Security Affairs; “Nuclear Ethics” pg. 45-46)
Is there any end that could justify a nuclear war that threatens the survival of
of that risk is a justifiable topic of both prudential and moral reasoning.
Utilitarianism is the only moral framework and alternatives are inevitability selfcontradictory
Nye 86
(Joseph S. 1986; Phd Political Science Harvard. University; Served as Assistant Secretary
of Defense for International Security Affairs; “Nuclear Ethics” pg. 18-19)
The significance and the limits of the two broad traditions can be captured by contemplating
bear a heavier burden of proof in the nuclear age than ever before.
Focus on discourse trades off with direct action, meaning we must put policy before
reps to have any solvency
Taft-Kaufman 95 (Jill Taft-Kaufman, Speech prof @ CMU, 1995, Southern Comm. Journal, Spring, v. 60,
Iss. 3, “Other Ways”, p pq)
The postmodern passwords of "polyvocality," "Otherness," and "difference," unsupported
through political agendas institutions, agencies, and the budgets that fuel them.,
Gender is not the root cause of war
Hillman 4 (James, psychologist, A Terrible Love of War, pp. 86-87)
To imagine war to be a “man’s thing,” one more example of the
is not the primary cause of war; that cause is the god.
Mexico changed constitution to combat sex trafficking
CNN Wire Staff 11 (CNN Wire Staff, July 14, 2011,
Mexico City (CNN) -- Mexico's president approved several changes to the country's constitution
ship and sell drugs and weapons have added human trafficking to their repertoire.
War makes patriarchy more likely – if we win any risk of an impact that short-circuits
alt solvency
Workman 96 (Thom, Poli Sci @ U of New Brunswick, YCISS Paper no. 31, p. 4, January 1996,
With the loosening of the positivist/Realist hold on international relations and the simultaneous
on the overall role of modern warfare in the reproduction of women's oppression.
No root cause – their kritik is a reductionist attempt at describing a complex system
Kavalski 7 – doctoral training in international politics at Loughborough University (UK), held the Andrew Mellon Fellowship
position at the American Institute for Indian Studies (New Delhi, India), the Killam Postdoctoral position at the Department of
Political Science, University of Alberta (Canada), and research positions at Aalborg University (Denmark) and at the Institute for the
International Law of Peace and Armed Conflict, Ruhr Universität-Bochum (Germany). (Emilian,“The fifth debate and the emergence
of complex
international relations theory: notes on the application
of complexity theory to the study of international life,” Cambridge Review of International Affairs, September 2007, EBSCO)//js
These instances draw attention to the issue of causality in complex systems. Owing to
of international life and the ways in which it constitutes a complex system.
Their attempts to identify a root cause is a result of flawed epistemology
Kavalski 7 – doctoral training in international politics at Loughborough University (UK), held the Andrew Mellon Fellowship
position at the American Institute for Indian Studies (New Delhi, India), the Killam Postdoctoral position at the Department of
Political Science, University of Alberta (Canada), and research positions at Aalborg University (Denmark) and at the Institute for the
International Law of Peace and Armed Conflict, Ruhr Universität-Bochum (Germany). (Emilian,“The fifth debate and the emergence
of complex
international relations theory: notes on the application
of complexity theory to the study of international life,” Cambridge Review of International Affairs, September 2007, EBSCO)//js
In this respect, although most IR scholars would agree that the world of their
components, that relate in systemic ways (in LaPorte 1975, 282).
Patriarchy’s not the root cause
Bell, 6 - senior lecturer – Department of Politics and International Studies @ Cambridge
(Duncan, “Beware of false prophets: biology, human nature and the future of International
Relations theory,” International Affairs 82, 3 p. 493–510)//SMS
Writing in Foreign Affairs in 1998, Francis Fukuyama, tireless promulgator of the ‘
essay unfortunately recur throughout the growing literature on the biology of international politics.
Neither is Masculinity
Ehrenreich 99 – Ph.D Cellular Immunology @ Rockefeller University, author of 21 books,
political activist (Barbara, “Fukuyama’s Follies” [“Men Hate War Too”], 1999, Foreign Affairs
Volume 78, No. 1, January/February,,
If Fukuyama had read just a bit further in the anthropology of war, even
War and Society, that has posed a persistent challenge to the Pentagon.
US alone can’t solve – Napalitano concedes
US Department of Homeland Security 9 (“Readout of Secretary Napolitano’s Discussion of Human
Trafficking at the Danish Institute for International Studies”, Press Release, Nov 3,
Copenhagen, Denmark—Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Janet Napolitano today
with non-governmental organizations to help provide long-term assistance efforts.
Serious problems with feminist studies of violence—individual variance, not
patriarchy, is the root cause
Dutton, Professor of Psychology at the University of British Columbia, 94 (Donald G., “Patriarchy and Wife Assault: the Ecological Fallacy”,
Violence and Victims 9:2, 1994,
A final problem is that structural inequality and patriarchal norms were not associated in this
and sociodemographic assessments of "patriarchal ideology"• reported by Smith (1990).
Feminism will not create global peace – women commit numerous violent atrocities
Pollitt 99 – B.A. Philosophy @ Radcliffe College, M.F.A Writing @ Columbia University,
former columnist @ The New Yorker, NYT, The New Republic, former lecturer @ Harvard, Yale,
and Princeton (Katha, “Fukuyama’s Follies” [“Father Knows Best”], 1999, Foreign Affairs
Volume 78, No. 1, January/February,,
He argues that men are more violent than women. Someday he may provide actual
, psychopathic, glorious, or routine, depending on its social context.