Ryerson University Tri-Mentoring Program Leadership

Ryerson University Tri-Mentoring Program
Leadership Conference Steering Committee
Abstract: This document breaks down a proposed steering committee structure for the Ryerson
University Tri-Mentoring Program Leadership Conference. The steering committee focuses on executive
student led positions that organize, plan & implement aspects of the conference.
Chair: one senior student with experience leading a conferences and who are committed to ensuring
that all major deliverables are completed on time. The chair will hold all core committees members to
being accountable in achieving their goals and oversees and helps set the direction of the conference.
- Responsible for setting the agenda and chairing steering committee meetings with the executive team
- Sets the direction, vision & theme for the overall conference in consultation with the executive team
- Acts as the face of the conference when attending funding & partnership presentations
- Keeps the executive team on track with conference timelines so goals are accomplished on target
- Consults with staff advisors when guidance is needed around conference administration
- Dedicates 5 – 10 hours a week towards the organization of the conference
Project Manager: one senior student with a strong leadership ability to manage the overall logistics of
the leadership conference within all committees. The project manager will be responsible for creating a
conference timeline for all committees and will ensure that timelines are being executed properly. The
project manager will connect all VPs to ensure all goals & directions are met accordingly.
- Responsible for ensuring that timelines of all committees goals are being executed by deadlines
- Aids in helping co chairs & executive team achieve the vision & direction for the conference
- Sits on the steering committee & reports to the executive team on the progress of conference logistics
- Works with staff advisors regarding when to complete logistical requests that requires full time staff
- Liaises with the staff advisors when guidance is needed around conference administration
- Dedicates 5 – 10 hours a week towards the organization of the conference
Administrative Assistant: one student responsible for assisting the communications, logistics and
meeting schedule between the various committees. The administrative assistant will help execute all
deliverables assigned by the chairs & project manager that are necessary to the development of the
Leadership Conference. They will also ensure that all procedures & communications are correctly,
promptly, and professionally carried out.
- Responsible for communication of information in regards to steering committee meetings
- Coordinates executive team availabilities to host steering committee meetings
- Sends weekly updates to the executive team on timelines & conference administration
- Sits on the steering committee, takes minutes & prioritizes action items for the project manager
- Liaises with the staff advisors when guidance is needed around the communication of the conference
- Dedicates 5 – 10 hours a week towards the administration of the conference logistics
Logistics & Events Committee
Vice President Logistics & Events: one student who can lead the organizing and detailing of event
logistics from the conference registration to social events. Will lead the logistics & events committee to
help plan the coordination of the leadership conference events and activities.
- Responsible for leading the logistics & events committee to achieve goals set out by executive team
- Organizes and coordinates the conference event logistics for keynotes, socials & workshops
- Creates the delivery & implementation of the events for the conference from setup to takedown
- Works along side the project manager to ensure that timelines are being met
- Liaises with the co chairs when guidance is needed around event planning and logistics
- Dedicates 5 – 10 hours a week towards the event coordination of the conference
Programming Committee
Vice President Programming: one student who can create and detail the content that is being provided
at the leadership conference from delegate packages to presentation topics. Will lead the programming
committee in coordinating all keynotes and workshops to ensure the content maintains the overall
direction of the conference.
- Responsible for leading the programming committee to achieve the goals set by the executive team
- Coordinates the content and outreaches to speakers for both keynote & peer workshops
- Creates the content to add to leadership conference packages for delegates
- Liaises with the marketing committee to aid with the creation of delegate packages
- Works alongside project manager to ensure that timelines are being met
- Dedicates 5 – 10 hours a week towards the planning of programming for the conference
Marketing & Promotions Committee
Vice President Marketing: one student who will be responsible for overseeing all the marketing,
promotions and branding for the leadership conference. Will lead the marketing & promotion
committee in outreaching to Tri-Mentoring Program students & helping to build awareness of the
conference to the Ryerson community through social media, print and word of mouth.
- Responsible for leading the marketing & promotions committee to achieve goals set by the executive
- Coordinates all marketing, promotions and outreach of the leadership conference brand
- Creates the branding for the conference along with the promotion of information to delegates
- Liaises with the executive team in order to ensure that information & content is being delivered
- Works alongside project manager to ensure that timelines are being met
- Dedicates 5 – 10 hours a week towards the marketing and promotions for the conference
Finance Committee
Vice President Finance: one student skilled in finance who will help project the actual costs and oversee
the financial management of the budget for the leadership conference. Will lead the finance committee
in overseeing all the event costs for the conference. VP Finance is also responsible for creating
innovative ways with the committee to managing the fundraising and sponsorship.
- Responsible for leading the finance committee in achieving the goals set out by the executive team
- Balances the overall conference budget and keeps the committee on track with spending
- Takes on the proactive role of fundraising with sponsors and grants for the conference
- Creates a sponsorship package to strategically align external organizations that share values
- Works alongside project manager to ensure that timelines are being met
- Dedicates 5 – 10 hours a week towards the financial operations of the conference
Public Relations Committee
Vice President Public Relations: one student skilled in relationship building both with organizations
internal and external to Ryerson University. The VP public relations will liaise with the Ryerson
community, other universities and colleges and community partners. Will lead the public relations
committee who will be working closely with marketing team in creating and implementing a strong
campaign that targets the public and will help gain the support and interest for the conference.
- Responsible for leading the public relations committee in achieving the goals set out by the executive
- Acts as the liaison between external and internal organizations sending delegates to the conference
- Help coordinate volunteers for the conference as required by the various committees
- Communicate with media & organizations around the vision of the conference
- Works alongside the Project Manager to ensure that timelines are being met
- Dedicate 5 – 10 hours a week towards the building value of the conference with different communities
Staff Advisors
Staff Advisors will consist of one Mentoring Officer & one Program Facilitator from the Tri-Mentoring
Program. They will become an instrumental component in creating an environment that encourages,
supports, and guides all positions to successfully achieve their goals, and the goals of the leadership
conference. Staff Advisors will also serve as the recruitment and selection committee for ensuring all
positions are filled accordingly.
- Act as advisors to the Co Chairs and Project Manager
- Help guide the executive team in the coordination of the conference
- Liaise between the student executive team and upper administration
- Sign off & act on documentation / request that requires full time staff personnel to handle