nouns - Parma City School District



Geschke/English IV

Grammar Unit-- Nouns


• A noun is a word used to name a person, place, thing or idea

Geschke/English IV

Grammar Unit-- Nouns

Types of Nouns

• Proper Noun

– Names a particular person, place, or thing

– Examples

• Cleveland

• William Shakespeare

• President Bush

• ***Proper Nouns are capitalized

Geschke/English IV

Grammar Unit-- Nouns

Types of Nouns

• Common Noun

– Names a class of things

– Examples

• desk

• city

• computer

• Common Nouns are not capitalized

Geschke/English IV

Grammar Unit-- Nouns

Types of Nouns

• Compound Noun

– Made up of two or more words put together to form a single noun

• Some are written as one word

– basketball

• Some are written as two or more words

– car pool

– pool table

• Some are written with hyphens

– mother-in-law

Geschke/English IV

Grammar Unit-- Nouns


• On a separate sheet of paper, please rewrite the following sentences.

Number your paper 1-30 and write down all the nouns in the sentences.

The number in parenthesis tells you how many nouns are in that sentence.

Geschke/English IV

Grammar Unit-- Nouns

1. Earlier this week, the Browns traded

Braylon Edwards to the Jets. (1-4)

2. The trade really didn’t surprise me, considering Mangini wants to clean house. (5-7)

3. Last night, Braylon Edwards played his first game for the Jets on Monday

Night Football. (8-12)

4. In Cleveland, Edwards was known for his drops. (13-15)

Geschke/English IV

Grammar Unit-- Nouns

5. Sure enough, his first catch last night was a touchdown pass from

Mark Sanchez. (16-19)

6. My wife flipped out after he caught that ball. (20-21)

7. She jumped up from the couch, threw her glass at the television and yelled, “Why couldn’t he do that in

Cleveland?” (22-25)

Geschke/English IV

Grammar Unit-- Nouns

8. I told her to sit down on a chair and relax because it was only a game. (26-


9. She slowly turned and her eyes focused on my face. (28-29)

10. I quickly ran up the stairs because I am afraid of her. (30)

Geschke/English IV

Grammar Unit-- Nouns
