Key Terms (page 340-355) Page 341 Page 341 Page 342 Page 342 Page 343 Page344 Page 345 Page 346 Page 346 Page 346 11-21-10 Opposition to Further Expansion: Many other politicians argued that expanding the United States would cause more conflict over slavery and therefore threaten the stability of our nation Stephen Austin: A young immigrant from Missouri who was the first to establish the first legal settlement in Texas in 1822 San Jacinto: at the battle of San Jacinto, Santa Anna was captured and held prisoners. The American soldiers killed most of the Mexican soldiers as revenge for the executions at Goliad. Under the pressure of the American troops Santa Anna agreed to sign a treaty to give Texas its independence Opposition to Annexation: there was a lot of opposition to allowing more land expansion especially when Texas had an offer to join the Union. This upset mostly the northerners because they did not want a large slave territory and more southern votes in the electoral college Conflict between settlers and Indians: In the 1840s the population of British settlers and Indians in Oregon were beginning to become outnumbered by white American settlers moving westward. The Indians had felt they were a major threat when they had contracted the measles disease which they thought was from the white Americans and had no immunity to it Oregon Trail: about 300,000 migrants between 1840 and 1860 traveled west in the great overland trails. Usually they gathered in depots in Iowa or Missouri where there were hired guides to take them to the west. From there they had to travel 2000 miles west stretching from Independence across the Great Plains and through the South Pass if the Rocky Mountains. From there, migrants would choose to travel north to Oregon or south along the California Trail to the northern California coast Life on the Trail: Life on the trail was different from living at home of course but many traditional American customs of society were recreated for example gender roles. Men would drive and when necessary repair wagons or hunt game and women would cook, clean, wash clothes, and care for children. James K. Polk: James K. Polk had been in the House of Representatives for fourteen years and prior to that he was governor. He had won the election because of his position “that the re-occupation of Oregon and the annexation of Texas at the earliest practicable period are great American measures.”He had set goals for himself when in office; the first however had been completed for him by John Tyler Compromise over Oregon: After Texas had been admitted into the Union Polk offered the British prime minister in Washington to establish the United States- Canadian border at the 19th parallel but he did not accept. There was some talk of war from both sides but nobody wanted war often using the slogan “fifty-four forty or fight” referring to the line where the Americans had hoped to draw the border. Eventually the British government accepted Polk’s offer to the original proposal and the senate approved the treaty on June 15th Texas Boundary in Dispute: The Texans claimed that the western and southern border of Texas was the Rio Grande which included much of what is today New Mexico but the Mexicans claimed the border had been the Nueces River which was north of the Rio Grande. To protect the boundary and Americans in Texas Polk sent a troop under General Zachary Taylor to prevent possible invasion Page 347 Page 347 Page 347 Page 348 Page 348 Page 351 Page 351 Page 351 Page 351 American Interests in California: In California, most of the residents were Indian tribes and about 7000 Mexicans. Over time more American settlers began to emigrate there, first it was maritime traders and captains of Pacific whaling ships in need of supplies or to barter. Next was merchants who established stores and imported merchandise which became a profitable trade between Mexicans and Indians. Lastly came pioneers farmers that traveled from the east Failure of the Slidell Mission: Mexican leaders rejected Slidell’s offer to purchase the disputed land. As soon as Polk heard the news he had ordered the army he had stationed at the Texas- Mexico border to move south from the Nueces River to the Rio Grande. Accounts from a few soldiers say that a group of Mexican soldiers crossed the border and attacked a unit of American soldiers Opposition to War: Polk had told Congress that “War exists by the act of Mexico herself” Congress voted 40 to 2 in the Senate and 174 to 14 in the House. There were many opponents to the war in the United States because some say Polk deliberately maneuvered the country into war, others believe that the hostilities between the Mexicans and Americans are draining resources and attention in the more important issues in the Pacific Northwest Bear Flag Revolution: With no opposition Colonel Stephen W. Kearny was able to capture Santa Fe. He continued on his conquest to California where he encountered a conflict. On site were American settlers, well armed and led by John C. Fremont and the American navy: the so called Bear Flag Revolution. Kearny was able to bring the American forces together and complete his conquest of California by 1846 Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo: President Polk had become concerned of the upcoming election so he had sent a presidential envoy, Nicholas Trist, instead. On February 2, 1848 they had reached an agreement. Mexico agreed to cede California and New Mexico to the United States as well as acknowledge the Rio Grande as the border of Texas. In return the United States would assume any financial claims its new citizens had against Mexico and to pay Mexico $15 million Wilmot Proviso: Representative David Wilmot of Pennsylvania introduced an amendment to the appropriation bill prohibiting slavery in any territory acquired from Mexico. It passed in the House but not in the Senate so it continuously was called up, debated upon, and voted on repeatedly for several years. As this happened the Americans assumed they had equal rights and the right to move “property” Competing Plans: With all the new land and territories being added to the union the conflict of free or slave state still existed. Some proposed the idea of extending the Missouri Compromise line all the way to the Pacific while others felt we should use “squatter sovereignty” which was formerly known as popular sovereignty. This issue continued even after the presidential election Free Soil Party: The Free-Soil party emerged because in the presidential campaign of 1948 Polk was in poor health to run again and the candidates Lewis Cass of Michigan (Democrats) and General Zachary Taylor of Louisiana (Whigs) were not appealing to them so they formed their own political party and nominated a different candidate. At the end of the election although the president was Taylor rather than their candidate, Proviso, they still were able to elect 10 Free-Soilers into Congress Forty-Niners: California migrants known as Forty Niners prepared by abandoning jobs, farms, and families; they boarded ships and flooded the overland trails to travel to the Far West of California Page 352 Page 353 Page 353 Page 354 Page 354 Indian Slavery: the Gold Rush had caused a major labor shortage where there were many opportunities given to people who needed work. Since Indians resembled slaves in all but name, they were sometimes found by “Indian hunters” who hunted and killed thousands of Indians. Sometimes they were used as slaves and were assigned to do “indentured” labor Sectional Conflict over Slavery in the Territories: The balance of free and slave states in 1849 were equal, fifteen each. However with the addition of California into the Union the amount of free and slave states would be unbalanced and the same would happen if the other western states were admitted as well. This led to lots of conflict where the South had states who mentioned succession and each state in the North except one had come up with a resolution to demand prohibition of slavery Clay’s Proposed Solution: Clay had proposed a solution that had many parts. Among the admission of California as a free state, the formation of the territorial governments in all the other lands acquired from Mexico without and restrictions on slavery; the prohibition of slave trade but not on slavery itself in District of Columbia, and a new and more effective fugitive slave law. These resolutions erupted seven months of debate throughout the nation and in Congress. New Leadership: In the place of Henry Clay due to illness, Calhoun due to death, and Webster due to new appointment as Secretary of State were new leaders William H. Seward (49) of New York who oppose the compromise and was more concerned with eliminating slavery than ideals of the Union, Jefferson Davis (42) of Mississippi, and Stephen A. Douglass (37) who was a Democratic senator from Illinois. Temporary Compromise: Clay had break up the “omnibus bill” that was passed by Henry Clay and introduce a series of separate measures to be voted on therefore representatives could vote for the elements of the bill that they like and those they didn’t.