This STATEMENT OF WORK (“SOW”), effective as of DATE is made pursuant to the Master Services
Agreement dated DATE by and between Dell Corporation Limited trading as Dell SecureWorks with its
registered office address at Dell House, Cain Road, Bracknell, Berkshire RG12 1LF (“Dell SecureWorks”)
and CUSTOMER with its principal place of business located at ADDRESS (“Client”).
1.0 Scope
Dell SecureWorks will deliver a Cyber Incident Response (CIR) project to CUSTOMER with the aim of
discovering, analysing, containing and eradicating targeted threat actor presence in the CUSTOMER
environment. This type of project generally follows the below list of phases however this may change
due to emerging intelligence of the threat:
o Deploy Threat Indicator Scanning agents
o Deploy live network layer monitoring equipment
o Collect historical logs (~60 days of logs)
o Scan hosts with Threat Indicator Scanning agent
o Monitor live network layer equipment
o Analyse Threat Indicator Scanning results
o Analyse live network layer equipment results
o Analyse historical log data
o Analyse any infected hosts identified through other analysis
o Reverse engineer discovered malware
o Identify all discovered points of threat actor access
o Build plan to eradicate threat
o Oversight of the execution of the plan
o Author report
Counter Threat Unit
The CTU Special Operations team who deliver Cyber Incident Response (CIR) and Targeted Threat
Hunting (TTH) projects operate a UK Government approved methodology as part of the Cyber Incident
Response scheme. The CIR scheme approves Incident Response specialists to respond to targeted
threats against networks of national significance, and validates the hunting methodology in use, the
experience of the staff, and the quality of the Threat Intelligence of the vendor.
Locations within Scope of this Proposal
Some work for this engagement may be performed remotely from Dell SecureWorks facilities, as
necessary and appropriate. The scope of this engagement may also include travel to the customer
location in ADDRESS.
Technical Scope
These logs will be reviewed if accessible and sufficient data has been captured to add value to this
Historical Log Assessment:
o Approximately 60 days of the following log data types:
 Proxy
 Firewall
● Endpoint Assessment
o Windows servers and workstations – less than or equal to # systems
o Unix/Linux systems will be reviewed in the network and network log analysis phases,
and further examination at the host level well be performed if necessary.
● Live Network Assessment
o Dell SecureWorks will instrument and inspect up to # Internet connection of up to #
Locations or devices not specifically listed as in scope are out of scope.
Note: If any hosts, facilities or web applications within scope are owned or hosted with a service
provider or other third party, it will be necessary for you to obtain permission from that party before
Dell SecureWorks will perform assessments in writing or through email.
2.0 Statement of Work
Dell SecureWorks has been asked to perform a Cyber Incident Response project, as set forth and
described below, in the Client environment. This service leverages Dell SecureWorks’ proprietary
methodology, expertise and intelligence related to advanced threat actors and their techniques,
tactics and procedures (TTP). Targeted Threat Hunting is specifically designed for clients that need to
understand their exposure to targeted threats, and attempts to identify existing adversary presence or
tradecraft in the client environment. The service will review evidence that may persist in network
infrastructure logs, and analyse endpoint systems and other relevant data stored within the
organisation, to identify indicators of intrusion. When intrusions are identified, the Dell SecureWorks
Counter Threat Unit (CTU) Special Operations team can help plan and execute threat actor
containment and eradication.
Pre-Engagement Planning
Prior to the engagement, the Client will provide the assigned Dell SecureWorks team members with a
completed Targeted Threat Hunting Service Questionnaire and the required supporting documentation,
including host and network architecture information. Dell SecureWorks will work with the client to
identify data necessary to complete the assessment and identify available sources of required data, or
formulate a plan to obtain the required data. This information will be thoroughly reviewed to prepare
the team for the engagement.
Additional equipment (IDS/IPS, etc.) may be required to obtain the necessary data, and in these cases,
Dell SecureWorks will work with the Client to identify options they can implement prior to the
engagement. If additional equipment is required to effectively perform the engagement, the project
start may be delayed.
The engagement will commence with conference call involving the Client’s IT security staff and the
Dell SecureWorks CTU analysts. By the end of the workshop, the analysts will have a good
understanding of the Client’s security stack, security program and objectives for the engagement.
Log Assessment
The service includes the analysis of log data from key technical elements within the Client’s network.
The logs will be analysed for entries indicative of the operation of malicious software or threat actor
activity. Logs will be analysed as needed, based on availability and relevance to the assessment work.
The data from these logs will be screened for targeted threat and malware indicators using a mixture
of publically available and Dell SecureWorks proprietary tools. These tools will be used to identify
patterns of behaviour and communications with suspicious IP addresses that may indicate the presence
of malware. Due to the complexity of the search algorithms and the size of the databases behind them,
some of this processing work will need to be carried out on Dell SecureWorks’ owned and operated
Logs should be provided to the consultants on disk or other storage media, or alternatively made
available in a form that enables them to write code to apply intelligence to the logs. The memory size
of logs to be analysed will be assumed to be the actual, uncompressed volume when estimating the
scope of work effort.
Endpoint Assessment – Malware Hunting
The purpose of the malware hunting portion of this exercise is to search systems within scope for
threat indicators. Based on the results, hosts will be categorised as confirmed compromised,
demonstrating suspicious threat indicators or demonstrating no known threat indicators. Dell
SecureWorks will conduct the following activities for the malware hunting exercise:
Coordinate with the Client team to execute the scans using one of several methodologies for
connecting to the systems within scope.
Run sample test scans to ensure the methodology is suitable for the target environment.
Scan systems for Threat Indicators using a combination of proprietary Dell SecureWorks tools,
processes and intelligence.
Receive scan results into an agreed upon and established repository.
Review the scan results using threat intelligence, filter logic and established methodology.
Refine Threat Indicator set as necessary based on findings from initial scans.
Investigate any suspicious indicators/systems.
Prepare findings for Client including systems scanned, detected indicators and follow-up
Working iteratively, we will repeat certain steps above, to categorise the systems according to
their level of risk/suspicion.
Malware Reverse Engineering Services
As deemed necessary and appropriate, and as agreed upon with the Client, the Dell SecureWorks
Counter Threat Unit Research Team will attempt to analyse any unknown malicious code to better
understand the code’s capabilities. Dell SecureWorks has extensive experience and expertise in
malware reverse engineering, but this activity is conducted on a best effort basis because not all code
can be successfully reverse-engineered. Dell SecureWorks will offer our opinion on the code’s potential
impact and effect on your assets.
Containment and Response
Once we have collected the necessary evidence, the Dell SecureWorks team will work with the Client
to define the containment and eradication plan. This plan is developed in preparation for rapid
execution across the Client’s organisation during a specified timeframe, locking down systems and
adversary access in a swift motion. This plan is also likely to include a strategy to monitor for the
adversary’s attempts to re-enter Client’s systems. We cannot pre-define the activities and work effort
needed for this phase, but all plans and work effort will be discussed with and approved by the Client
prior to execution.
3.0 Deliverables
As we conclude the investigative portion of this engagement, Dell SecureWorks will conduct an onsite
Executive Summary with the Client team where we will discuss our findings and recommendations. This
summary will cover the next steps required to contain and eradicate existing threats, and improve the
Client’s overall security posture.
Report Timing
Within one week of concluding the work described above, we will issue a draft formal report to your
point of contact. The report will cover any findings from the engagement, including a list of detected
Threat Indicators, a description of the specific work activity performed, and any recommended next
steps. The three weeks following delivery of this draft report are your opportunity to provide
comments concerning the nature and scope of the engagement to be included in the report. If there
are no comments in the three-week comment period, we will finalise the report for distribution. If no
changes are required, we encourage you to accept the formal report prior to the three week waiting
period to expedite final delivery.
4.0 Timing and Fees
Work conducted under this SOW will be performed on a (Fixed Fee/Time & Materials) basis to include
analysis of the scope defined in this SOW document.
Fees for this engagement:
Hourly Rate
Estimate Hours
£302 GBP
£###,### GBP
Based on the Client provided scoping information and Dell SecureWorks’ experience delivering this
service, this project will be delivered for a Consultancy Fee of £###,### GBP excluding VAT and
essential expenses. Furthermore, should the agreed scope of this project increase, Dell SecureWorks
shall agree any increase of the cost in advance, in writing.
Initial fee is 50% billable upon contract commencement.
50% billable upon delivery of report drafts.
Amounts due hereunder are payable within thirty (30) days from the date of the invoice (the
"Invoice Due Date"). Client shall have the right to reasonably and in good faith dispute any
portion of any amount claimed by Dell SecureWorks as payable prior to the Invoice Due Date,
by timely paying any undisputed portion of the amount and providing Dell SecureWorks, prior
to the Invoice Due Date, written notice specifying the disputed amount and the basis for the
dispute in reasonable detail.
Purchased effort includes delivering work, reporting, project management, and all other work
performed in this engagement. The Client is not billed for time spent traveling.
Reasonable out of pocket expenses for dedicated hardware, software and shipping costs as
necessary for the engagement as well as travel, food and lodging will be invoiced separately at
actual costs.
Dell SecureWorks has made the following assumptions in creating this SOW:
Client resources are scheduled and available to Dell SecureWorks.
Client has provided suitable workspace for Dell SecureWorks’ staff and equipment.
Access to Client’s computer systems and network for testing, building access, etc. is made
available to Dell SecureWorks.
Client replies to all document requests and other information are timely and in accordance
with the delivery dates established in the planning phase.
Out-of-Pocket Expenses
The price for the engagement is based on the target environment as discussed with Dell SecureWorks.
If the assumptions, client responsibilities and parameters within the scope of work used to develop this
proposal are found to be incorrect, or to have changed, the parties agree to pursue resolution through
change management.
If any of the assumptions used in developing this proposal (including, time on tasks, locations and
service consumption) and relied upon by Dell SecureWorks vary by +/- five (5%) percent, Dell
SecureWorks reserves the right to adjust the pricing to reflect such changes.
The following conditions apply to this SOW;
The fees outlined in our scope of services include all incidental out-of-pocket expenses
including report preparation and reproduction, faxes, copying, etc.
The fees outlined in our scope of services do NOT include out-of-pocket travel expenses,
including reasonable transportation, meals and lodging expenses incurred to perform any of the
services outlined hereunder. Such reasonable out of pocket expenses will be added at cost to
Client’s invoice.
VAT, at the prevailing rate, will be added to all applicable charges.
Client acknowledges and agrees that incident response by Dell SecureWorks may require last minute air
transportation, which may result in higher costs than ordinary business travel. Forensic work MAY also
require additional costs associated with required media storage, specific equipment or licensing,
depending on the size of the incident, image acquisition needs or the complexity of the incident. Such
expenses will be added, at cost, to our invoices. Once scheduling of any onsite work has been mutually
agreed upon for travel to the Client’s location, if Client cancels or changes the onsite portion of the
schedule, Client will be liable to reimburse Dell SecureWorks for any and all out-of-pocket expenses
incurred by Dell SecureWorks, including but not limited to non-refundable transportation tickets.
Disposition of Incident Media
No later than 30 days after the delivery of the Final Report, Dell SecureWorks will commence with the
appropriate media sanitisation and/or destruction procedures of Client acquired images, hard drives or
other media (the “Incident Media”), unless the Client has previously provided written instructions to
Dell SecureWorks as to the return, handling or other actions with respect to the Incident Media. Upon
Client’s request, Dell SecureWorks can provide options for the transfer to Client of Incident Media and
the related costs. Upon completion of these procedures, Dell SecureWorks will only maintain a copy of
the Final Report. Upon request, Dell SecureWorks can provide any required confirmation letters
addressing completion and scope of these post incident activities, in Dell SecureWorks standard form.
Other Coordination
Client shall immediately notify Dell SecureWorks if Client knows or has reason to believe that Dell
SecureWorks’ consultants performing services under this Statement of Work have been or will be
required or requested, as a result of activity arising out of or related to this Statement of Work or the
services considered hereunder, by any court or administrative agency of the United Kingdom or any
other country or by any legal process or party to any proceeding to testify or to respond to any court
order, search warrant, discovery or other directive under the authority of such court, administrative
agency, governmental inquiry or process in connection with any proceeding or investigation in which
Client or any of its Affiliates, officers, directors, agents, employees, or subcontractors are involved.
Whether or not such notice is given by Client, Client will directly assist Dell SecureWorks in Dell
SecureWorks’ attempt to reduce the burdens of compliance with any such directive, and Client will
reimburse any and all expenses incurred by Dell SecureWorks and its Affiliates, officers, directors,
agents, employees or subcontractors in complying with any such directive, including, but not limited
to, Dell SecureWorks’ outside law firm attorneys’ fees for representation and counsel, travel, lodging
and per diem expenses and an hourly labour rate of £302 per hour for all time spent by Dell
SecureWorks in responding to such matters.
Unless Client gives Dell SecureWorks written notice to the contrary prior thereto, then thirty (30) days
after delivery of its final report, Dell SecureWorks shall have the right, in its sole discretion, to dispose
of all acquired hard drive images and other report backup information acquired in connection with its
performance of its obligations under this SOW.
Client will receive an email confirmation from Dell SecureWorks upon the completion of work
performed under this Statement of Work. Unless otherwise notified in writing by Client within thirty
(30) days of such email confirmation, all of the work performed under this Statement of Work will be
deemed complete at the time of such email confirmation and if there is a remaining balance owed by
Client, Client will be invoiced and Client agrees to pay such invoice in accordance with the terms
5.0 Term
The term of this SOW and the Services hereunder shall commence on the date this SOW is executed by
both parties and terminate on the date which is one (1) year thereafter.
6.0 Disclaimers
Applicable to Security Services:
Should a Statement of Work include security scanning, testing,
assessment, forensics, or remediation Services (“Security Services”), Client understands that Dell
SecureWorks may use various methods and software tools to probe network resources for securityrelated information and to detect actual or potential security flaws and vulnerabilities. Client
authorises Dell SecureWorks to perform such Security Services (and all such tasks and tests reasonably
contemplated by or reasonably necessary to perform the Security Services or otherwise approved by
Client from time to time) on network resources with the IP Addresses identified by Client. Client
represents that, if Client does not own such network resources, it will have obtained consent and
authorisation from the applicable third party, in form and substance satisfactory to Dell SecureWorks,
to permit Dell SecureWorks to provide the Security Services. Dell SecureWorks shall perform Security
Services during a timeframe mutually agreed upon with Client. The Security Services, such as
penetration testing or vulnerability assessments , may also entail buffer overflows, fat pings, operating
system specific exploits, and attacks specific to custom coded applications but will exclude intentional
and deliberate Denial of Service Attacks. Furthermore, Client acknowledges that the Security Services
described herein could possibly result in service interruptions or degradation regarding the Client’s
systems and accepts those risks and consequences. Client hereby consents and authorises Consultant to
provide any or all the Security Services with respect to the Client’s systems. Client further
acknowledges it is the Client’s responsibility to restore network computer systems to a secure
configuration after Consultant testing.
Applicable to Compliance Services: Should a Statement of Work include compliance testing or
assessment or other similar compliance advisory Services (“Compliance Services”), Client understands
that, although Dell SecureWorks' Compliance Services may discuss or relate to legal issues, Dell
SecureWorks does not provide legal advice or services, none of such Services shall be deemed,
construed as or constitute legal advice and that Client is ultimately responsible for retaining its own
legal counsel to provide legal advice, Furthermore, any written summaries or reports provided by Dell
SecureWorks in connection with any Compliance Services shall not be deemed to be legal opinions and
may not and should not be relied upon as proof, evidence or any guarantee or assurance as to Client’s
legal or regulatory compliance.
Applicable to PCI Compliance Services: Should a Statement of Work include PCI compliance auditing,
testing or assessment or other similar PCI compliance advisory Consulting Services (“PCI Compliance
Services”), Client understands that Dell SecureWorks' PCI Compliance Services do not constitute any
guarantee or assurance that security of Client’s systems, networks and assets cannot be breached or
are not at risk. These Services are an assessment, as of a particular date, of whether Client’s systems,
networks and assets, and any compensating controls meet the applicable PCI standards. Mere
compliance with PCI standards may not be sufficient to eliminate all risks of a security breach of
Client’s systems, networks and assets. Furthermore, Dell SecureWorks is not responsible for updating
its reports and assessments, or enquiring as to the occurrence or absence of such, in light of
subsequent changes to Client’s systems, networks and assets after the date of Dell SecureWorks’ final
report, absent a signed Statement of Work expressly requiring the same.
Purchase Orders: This Statement of Work is agreed to by the parties. Any terms and conditions
attached to, or described within any purchase order outside of this Statement of Work by Client in
connection with this Statement of Work are null and void.
Applicable to Onsite Services: Notwithstanding employees’ placement at the Client location, Dell
SecureWorks retains the right to control the work of the employee. For international travel, Onsite
Services may require additional documentation, such as Visas, visitor invitations, etc. which may affect
timing and out of pocket costs.
Dell SecureWorks, Inc.