MINUTES OF THE EXTRA AUDIT COMMITTEE MEETING HELD ON 20th SEPTEMBER 2013 Present: Martin Nash Mike Snell Clare Watling Peter Adams Terry Lazenby In Attendance: Maureen Kilminster Gail Walker Paul Edwards Maggie Wood Peter Williams Chairman Vice-Chairman Co-optee Principal Deputy Principal Vice Principal Clerk Mazars Item 1 A/9/13/1 ACTION IN EVENT OF FIRE Action in the event of fire was noted. Item 2 A/9/13/2 WELCOME AND APOLOGIES The Chairman welcomed Members to the meeting and Peter Williams from Mazars. Members NOTED that the purpose of the extra Audit Committee was to review three internal audit reports. Item 3 DECLARATION OF INTEREST AND CONFIDENTIALITY OF PROCEEDINGS There were no declarations of interest. A/9/13/3 Item 4 A/9/13/4 A/9/13/5 INTERNAL AUDIT REPORTS RECEIVED IT Strategy Management – PW presented the report. MN queried the date of the report and was advised that Mazars had completed the report in June and responses were received in August – this delay was due to staff holidays. Members NOTED the Adequate Assurance and the two significant recommendations and three housekeeping recommendations. In relation to 6.1 it was AGREED that the completion date of September 13 be amended to a later date. It was NOTED that the IT Strategy would support the College’s Curriculum Plan and Property Strategy but that both of these documents were currently being revised. Action: PE A/9/13/6 In relation to 6.2, it was AGREED that the date for completion should be extended. Action: PE A/9/13/7 Members debated whether the response to the recommendation at 6.3 was on-going. It was AGREED it was and Members AGREED to the completion day matching the date agreed for 6.1. Action: PE A/9/13/8 The Chairman asked that the date for the recommendation at 6.4 be amended. Action: PE A/9/13/9 Members discussed the comment at recommendation 6.4 and PE confirmed this will go to SLT once completed. Action:PE A/9/13/10 Members AGREED that as four out of the five recommendations related to the IT Strategy that these be grouped together for the outstanding recommendations list. Action: PE A/9/13/11 General Ledger Audit – PW presented the report. Members NOTED the Adequate Assurance and the four significant recommendations and one housekeeping recommendation. Members NOTED that this particular audit was part of the rolling annual coverage of the College’s Core Financial systems and that a number of the recommendations would be implemented when the new Agresso finance system was put in place. A/9/13/12 In relation to 6.1, Members asked that the duplicate names and the names of those staff who had left the College be removed from the current system immediately. Action: PE A/9/13/13 PE advised Members that the Bank Mandate had been located. PW advised that this had not yet been passed to him. Members asked that the Mandate be passed to the Internal Auditor and a copy be presented to the Committee at its next meeting. Action: PE A/9/13/14 The recommendations at 6.3 and 6.4 and corresponding management response were NOTED. A/9/13/15 Regarding the recommendation at 6.5 – sample testing of journals – Members debated the responsibility of this. After deliberation it was AGREED that this should be delegated to junior finance staff with the Head of Finance overseeing the process and the Vice-Principal carrying out ad hoc checks. A/9/13/16 Members discussed the fact that a large number of these recommendations related to the new finance system and whether there was the necessity of adding them to the outstanding audit list when they would not be completed until the system was in place. After much discussion it was AGREED that the Vice Principal would look at these recommendations (some of which resulted from the Core audit) and report to the next Audit Committee the way forward. Action: PE A/9/13/17 Members discussed the SISSC project and PE advised that the College was still scheduled to be on board in January. Members were advised that so far implementation had been under-estimated and as a result each College had had a 3-4 week delayed implementation date. Members NOTED that we would be the last College to go live. PE advised Members that although implementation had been an issue for the earlier colleges the functionality of the system was good. A/9/13/18 Financial Planning/Forecasting and Monitoring Annual Budget Setting and Control – PW presented the report, which formed part of the rolling annual coverage of the College’s Core financial systems. Members NOTED that the audit had received Adequate Assurance with one significant recommendation and two housekeeping. A/9/13/19 In relation to recommendation 6.1, it was AGREED that PE should confirm to Members whether or not the Budget Manual had been updated. Action: PE A/9/13/20 PE advised Members that although the recommendation at 6.2 was agreed in principle, the College was committed to an agreed format of management accounts as part of the SISSC project and that this format was still being discussed, therefore he could not confirm whether the recommendation would be adopted. Members NOTED that this would be brought back to audit as part of the outstanding recommendations update. Action: PE A/9/13/21 MN sought clarification regarding 6.3 and PE confirmed that the Head of Finance believed that the College has too many cost centres. Members NOTED that the new system would reduce the number of cost centres within the College. A/9/13/22 Members NOTED the recommendations at 7.1 and 7.2. In relation to 7.3 Members asked the Vice Principal to look at this to see whether this could be rolled up into the SISSC project. Action: PE A/9/13/23 Members NOTED the recommendation at 7.4. and AGREED to close the recommendations at 7.5 and 7.6 and that the recommendations at 7.7 and 7.8 be rolled into the SISSC project. It was also AGREED that for recording purposes, the original date be given with the “further recommended” date noted when transferring to outstanding audit recommendations list. Action: PE A/9/13/24 The Chairman asked that satisfaction surveys be completed as and when audits were carried out. Action: PE A/9/13/25 The Chairman asked that the Committee’s thanks be recorded to the Finance Team for their hard work throughout the year which had clearly enabled the College to obtain the assurance it had on its finance systems. Item 5 Chairman’s Business (i) Review of Committee Business for Emerging Risks Members AGREED that the risks for the Committee were the takeover of the external auditors. PE advised that a letter received from the Auditors was that there would be no immediate changes in personnel etc. A/9/13/26 A/9/13/27 Members AGREED that another risk was the delayed deployment of the SISSC project and asked that updates be given at future meetings. Action: PE (ii) A/9/13/28 Item 6 A/9/13/29 Any other business GW advised that the College had recently received an SFA audit looking at learners’ records. Members NOTED that the audit had identified minor issues only and it was likely that the College would receive a clean bill of health. MN congratulated the staff involved. Date of Next Meeting The date of the next scheduled meeting of the Audit Committee is 16th October 2013. Chairman ………………………………………………………………. Signed