The Outsiders Debate Project Overview

The Outsiders Debate Project Overview
It’s no secret that the Greasers and the Socials in S.E. Hintons novel, The Outsiders, don’t like each other. And it’s no secret that their
resentment of each other leads to serious problems. But who’s to blame for these problems?
Your task in this debate project is to defend one of the two positions provided below to answer this question.
For the purpose of the debate, it is not important whether you actually agree with the position you will be asked to defend.
Position A: The Greasers
Position B: The Socials
Johnny was justified in killing Bob
Johnny and Ponyboy should not have stayed
and taken the consequences for Bob’s death.
The Socials were responsible for starting the
1. Johnny was not justified in killing Bob
2. Johnny and Ponyboy should have stayed and taken
the consequences for Bob’s death.
3. The Greasers were responsible for starting the
The Socials were responsible for causing
Johnny’s death.
Dally was not responsible for causing his own
The primary theme of the Outsiders is “true
friends are friends forever.”
4. The Greasers were responsible for causing Johnny’s
5. Dally was responsible for causing his own death.
6. The primary theme of the Outsiders is “nothing good
lasts forever.”
You will be working with a debate partner who shares the same position as you. Both you and your debate partner will be graded
based on the three components below:
Component 1: Note Taking (30 points)
1. Using the book, The Outsiders, you will develop a set of Research Notes that can be used to help you argue your position. Your
notes should include page number(s) indicating where your information came from.
2. During the debate you will take notes on the arguments used by your debate opponents so you may counter their arguments.
Component 2: Persuasive Writing (30 points)
1. You will write a Position Paper using your research. Your Position Paper should represent, in writing, the basic arguments you and
your debate partner will use to defend your position.
2. You will write a Personal Reflection after the debate is over. The Personal Reflection will includes your thoughts and impressions
about this debate project.
Component 3: Oral Communication (30 points)
1. You will be expected to articulate the arguments you’ve developed for your position in a debate. Your arguments should be
reasonable, using the factual information you’ve been able to get from the book. Name calling, personal attacks, yelling, and the like
have no place in this debate.
2. You will be expected to listen carefully to your opponents’ arguments. Your responses to what they say are important. If you don’t
listen carefully, your responses may not be as good as they might be.
You can also earn extra credit if you dress up as a Greaser or Social (based upon your debate position). We will talk about
potential costumes as the debate approaches.
Debates will take place April 6 and April 7. Research Notes and position papers will be due upon your debate. Your reflection paper is
due after spring break on Tuesday, April 22.
Turn the page for the teacher rating and partner rating rubric.
Your research notes, your debate performance, and your personal reflection will be graded based on the rubric below. There will be a
separate rubric to grade your position paper.
Teacher Rating Rubric
Rating Area
1 Poor
2 Fair
Note Taking
Poor or incomplete
set of notes with
little detail, covering
only the surface of
your debate points
Adequate notes with
some detail covering
a majority of your
points for the debate
Position Paper
Debate Assessment
Separate Rubric
Separate Rubric
Separate Rubric
Unable or unwilling
to articulate clearly
and calmly any
debate arguments,
using specific,
factual information.
Interrupts often
Shows little to no
evidence of thought
or consideration of
the Debate Project.
Little attention to
standard academic
writing conventions.
Articulates clearly
and calmly some of
their arguments
using specific,
factual information.
Shows evidence of
some though and
consideration of the
Debate Project.
Some attention to
standard academic
writing conventions
Constantly interrupts
or interjects during
classmates’ debates.
Has no regard for
proper classroom
interrupts or
interjects during
classmates’ debates.
Has some regard for
proper classroom
Articulates clearly
and calmly most of
their arguments
using specific,
factual information.
Almost never
Shows evidence of a
good amount of
though and
consideration of the
debate project. For
the most part, shows
attention to standard
academic writing
Almost never
interrupts or
interjects during
classmates’ debates.
Almost always has
regard for proper
classroom decorum.
Personal Reflection
Assessment Rating
Audience Member
Assessment Rating
Rating Area
Work Ethic and General
Cooperation of Partner
1 Poor
Partner was not an
active participant during
the debate project and
made little contributions
Partner Rating Rubric
2 Fair
Partner sometimes
participated in and
contributed to debate
project work, but other
times they did not.
3 Good
Good notes with
details covering
almost all relevant
material related to
your debate topic.
4 Superior
Complete set of very
good notes which
thoroughly detail
your debate position.
Page numbers are
included for all
Separate Rubric
Articulates clearly
and calmly each of
the debate points
using specific factual
information. Never
Shows evidence of
significant thought
and consideration of
the debate project.
Shows complete
attention to standard
academic writing
Never interrupts or
interjects during
classmates’ debate.
Almost always has
regard for proper
classroom decorum.
3 Good
Partner participated in
and contributed to the
success of a majority of
debate project work
4 Superior
Partner always was an
active participant and
always contributed to
the success of the debate
project work.
Total Points for Assignment:
Teacher Rating: ________ out of 12 points
Average Classmate Rating (classmates will rate debate performance): ______ out of 4 points
Partner Rating: ______ out of 4 points
All three ratings will be added up and multiplied by four in order to scale the grade to eighty points.
Final Grade (out of 80): ________________________