Classroom Supplies 2014-15 Please have your child bring the following supplies to school on the first day of school. All kindergarten through 6th grade students will need a sturdy backpack. Please do not send backpacks with wheels. In order to keep desks tidy, we ask that you do not send any additional supplies or desktop organizers with your child. KINDERGARTEN & FIRST GRADE Excluding backpacks, all supplies will be provided. SECOND GRADE 2 (two), 2-pocket coated homework folders with name clearly marked on the outside The following will be collected and shared as a classroom set: 1 box of sharpened pencils 1 package of pencil cap erasers Please have the following items available at home: Trend Three Corner ® Flash Cards – addition/subtraction (available in stores or at, office,, etc.) Scissors, eraser, glue, ruler, crayons, and pencils THIRD GRADE 1 zippered pencil pouch 1 package of wide-ruled (not college- ruled) notebook paper – nonperforated 1 (one) 12” wooden ruler with inches and centimeters 1 set of sharpened colored pencils (maximum of 12 to a box) 1 package of pencil cap erasers 1 box of sharpened pencils Please have the following items available at home: Trend Three Corner ® Flash Cards – multiplication/division (available in stores or at, office,, etc.) Additional wide-ruled notebook paper, pencils, ruler, 1 package of 3”x5” lined notecards FOURTH GRADE 1 (one), 1", three-ring binder with plastic cover with space for insert 1 box of sharpened pencils 1 heavy duty plastic, 2-pocket folder 1 medium-sized eraser 1 zippered pencil pouch (not a box) 1 small hand-held pencil sharpener 1 (one) 12” clear ruler with inches and centimeters 1 pack of 4”x6” lined note cards Please have the following items available at home: Set of colored pencils, wide-ruled notebook paper, pencils, pencil sharpener, 12" ruler (with inches and centimeters), scissors, protractor, and access to a globe or children’s atlas. FIFTH GRADE 1 (one), 7-13 pocket expanding file folder. Fabric tends to last much longer than plastic. Available at Staples,, Office Depot, etc. 1 (one), 1", three-ring binder with plastic cover with space for insert 1 set of notebook dividers 1 box of sharpened pencils 1 zippered pencil pouch 2 highlighters 1 package of wide-ruled notebook paper 2 colored pens (other than blue or black) 3 packets of 3”x3” Post-Its (not pop-ups) Please have the following items available at home: Colored pencils, stapler, pencil sharpener, scissors, Post-Its, protractor, notebook paper, ruler, and access to a calculator, globe or children’s atlas. SIXTH GRADE With the exception of (optional) shelves, no supplies or accessories for lockers (No wallpaper, chandeliers, mirrors, etc.) 2 different color, 1", three-ring hardback binder with pockets 1 (one), 7-pocket expanding file folder. (8 – 13 pockets will work as well) Fabric tends to last much longer than plastic. Available at Staples,, Office Depot, etc. 1 box of sharpened pencils 1 zippered pencil pouch 1 package of college-ruled notebook paper 1 set of sharpened colored pencils Several erasable pens (blue or black) 2 (two) 4” x 6” lined index cards Please have the following items available at home: Calculator, ruler (standard & metric), stapler, paper reinforcements, pencil sharpener, scissors, compass, protractor, lined 4” x 6” index cards, notebook paper. Children will be moving from class to class – items not carried with them will be stored in lockers