Advanced Placement European History Spring 2015 Final Review b England’s ultimate defeat in the Hundred Year’s War was offset by the death of Joan of Arc Columbus’ discovery of the New World the death of Henry V and Charles VII the rebirth of the wool trade in Flanders the Renaissance For Nietzsche, Overman [Übermensch] was the veneer of the “respectable” life a reborn Socrates a symbol of bourgeois morality the embodiment of heroism and greatness Of all the victors over Napoleon and the ideas of the French Revolution, this nation could not make any compromises with nationalism or liberalism because both were already inspiring various national and ethnic groups to demand independence. Russia Prussia Austria Great Britain The Suez Canal (completed in 1869) was essential for facilitating trade between both U.S. coasts. British control over India. Dutch control over Vietnam. the maintenance of the Ottoman empire. Second Ems Telegram instructed Benedetti to ask Wilhelm for assurances that he would not support any future candidacy for Leopold Hohenzollern as king of Spain overwhelmed the liberals in the Prussian Parliament stated that Napoleon III was desperately ill made it appear that Wilhelm I had insulted the French ambassador Henry VIII's Reformation in England was much more politically driven than Luther, Zwingli or Calvin. was inspired more by Calvin's thought than by Luther's. made far more profound changes in theology than Luther. ignored Luther and instead pushed for change within Catholic guidelines. The Petition of Right of 1628 caused Parliament to invite William and Mary to be co-monarchs of England was a result of the Glorious (or bloodless) Revolution stated that no taxes of any kind could be allowed without the permission of Parliament agitated for suffrage for all British males Which of the following Islamic groups believed that there was no contradiction between Islam and Western science and technology? Sanussiya Wahhabi Mahdist Salafi France and Great Britain entered the Crimean War because Greece was about to be overwhelmed by Ottoman armies they were afraid that the balance of power would shift too much toward Russia They felt genuine concern for both Orthodox and Catholic Christians in the Ottoman Empire they were afraid that the balance of power would shift too much toward Austria The massive German assault on the Western Front in 1916 was at the Marne the Somme Verdun Caporetto He wrote a Defense of the Seven Sacraments Martin Luther Ignatius Loyola Pope Julius II Henry VIII John Calvin Foundling Hospitals in the eighteenth century were homes for orphan children were founded by French aristocrats for wounded soldiers were the first true hospitals in the modern sense of the word were dangerous and unhealthy places where only the poorest people were treated The Librum Veto was the mechanism by which the Hapsburgs sought to strengthen their hold on these states and also extend their influence outside the Holy Roman Empire encompassed Bohemia [the modern Czech Republic], Moravia and Silesia brought the War of the Spanish Succession to an end made any legislation in Poland impossible without 100% agreement Which of the following nations was commonly called the “Sick Man of Europe?” The Austrian Empire The Russian Empire Prussia The Ottoman Empire France He as the first president of Poland who was assassinated in by a right wing extremist in 1922 Gabriel Narutowicz Thomas Masaryk Josef Pilsudiski Stephen Bethlen The American colonies won their independence because the American armies under General Washington gained the upper hand over the British armies because the Loyalists either fled to Canada or joined the rebel side because the Americans were able to hold the key cities of Boston, New York and Philadelphia because British were tired when they weren’t able to either destroy the Continental Army or hold much land Which one of the following is not one of the reasons that explain the expansion of World War I to Asia, Africa and the Pacific? European nations carried their animosities into their colonies. German invasion of neutral Belgium was the such a profound breech of international law. Europeans were forced to recruit men from their colonies because of the demands of the war. other nations entered the war for reasons that had nothing to do with its cause In the view of Thomas Hobbes, all men and women are people who are neither good nor evil destined for salvation self-centered beasts ssentially if not completely good The first of the Soviet republics to declare their independence after the collapse of Soviet Russia in 1991 were the Baltic states. were Hungary and Albania was Poland was Czechoslovakia He was an English writer, social critic who portrayed the cruelty of industrial life and a society based on profit first, people second. His 1843 novella, A Christmas Carol, which tells about a sadistic miser’s transformation from selfish to generous, is one of the most moving and influential stories ever written, and it remains popular to our day inspiring adaptations in every artistic genre. George Eliot Charles Dickens George Bernard Shaw Walter Horatio Pater In the first half of the twentieth century, two global wars and a severe depression resulted in the decline of Western Europe. The second half was defined by the great rivalry between the ____________and ____________ The Soviet Union and Nazi Germany The Soviet Union and the United States China and the United States The Empire of Japan and the United States In the view of John Locke, all men and women are people who are neither good nor evil destined for salvation self-centered beasts essentially if not completely good He was the fiery leader of the Reformation in Switzerland and was killed in October 1531 at the Battle of Kapel. His movement would eventually coalesce with Calvinism Conrad Grebel Heinrich Bullinger Ulrich Zwingli Philip of Hesse He was the founder of Anabaptism which objected to infant baptism and insisted that only an adult with fully developed mental faculties could make such an important spiritual decision. Conrad Grebel Heinrich Bullinger Ulrich Zwingli Philip of Hesse Which of the following was a German African colony conquered by the Allies in World War I? a. Togo b. Mozambique c. Congo d. Uganda In the seventeenth century England evolved into a constitutional monarchy. split from the Catholic church under the leadership of Henry VIII. became the classic example of an absolutist state. survived an attempted invasion sent by the Spanish king Philip II. The February Revolution of 1917 swept Lenin into power in Russia and led to the creation of the Soviet Union. resulted in the long-anticipated collapse of the Ottoman empire. led to the establishment of a reform minded provisional government in Russia. erupted after the assassination of Nicholas II. After the Fifth Republic was formed in 1959, Charles De Gaulle accepted American military aid dominated NATO refused to support the formation of the European Common Market refused to sign a partial nuclear test ban treaty with Britain, the U S and the USSR He was recognized as the founder of Macroeconomics. T. S. Eliot John M. Keynes Jose Ortega y Gasset Arnold Toynbee In 1919, Keynes also warned that forcing Germany to pay war reparations would bankrupt Germany and eventually lead to war In addition to suffrage, what were the two areas where middle class women began to challenge their male counterparts in the late nineteenth century? the double standard of sexual morality – and traditional ideas of marriage In England, the battle against the double standard was fought against Freudian Psychology The Contagious Diseases Acts The May Laws of 1873 Falloux Law of 1850 The Treaty of Utrecht in 1713 ended the Seven Years War ended the War of Jenkins Ear ended the War of the Spanish Succession ended the War of the Austrian Succession The Goal of the Civil Constitution of the Clergy of 1790 was to subordinate the Roman Catholic Church in France to the French government to make all Refractory Clergy eligible for citizenship to replace the Catholic Church with the Cult of Reason to replace the Catholic Church with the Cult of the Supreme Being Which of the following adjectives best describes the British Firebombing of Dresden in 1945? strategic retaliatory necessary understandable This German-American theologian taught that religion was a human phenomenon (as opposed to divine) and that the divine in religion had to be sought in human nature and human culture. a.Karol Wojtyla b.Karl Barth c.Paul Tillich d.Rudolf Bultmann The Ausgleich made Francis Joseph an absolute monarch in Germany made Francis Joseph king of Hungary was Bismarck’s final blow to Hapsburg hegemony in Germany was Bismarck’s final triumph in unifying Germany In The Magic Mountain (1912), who tells the story of an engineering student who plans to visit his cousin who is stricken with tuberculosis? He is symbolically transported to his brother’s hospital in the mountains where he interacts with a variety of people learning about art, culture, politics, human frailty and love. Thomas Mann James Joyce George Bernard Shaw Ernest Hemingway In Great Britain, the ________________ Party (which was heir to the Whigs and Tories) held power during most of the 1920s. Labour Liberal Conservative Communist The great English leader who said that America was won on the plains of Germany was William Pitt the Elder William Pitt the Younger Lord Shaftsbury The Earl of Bute The main reason for the failure of the provisional government in Russia in 1917 was Lenin's inexperience in actually running a government. the growing rivalry between Stalin and Trotsky. the strain placed on the government by the unpopular alliance with Germany. its inability to satisfy popular demands for an end to the war. Betty Friedan, in her book The Feminine Mystique, wrote about the controversial topic of female sexuality. the subtle transformation of the rights of women in the Islamic world. the subtle transformation of the rights of women in the Islamic world. how unhappy many American women were. The main difference between the philosophies of Marx and Lenin was Lenin's belief that the working class was incapable of developing revolutionary consciousness on its own. that Lenin was much more moderate than Marx in his revolutionary outlook. that Lenin believed that revolution was an inevitable force that would develop on its own. Marx's continuing fascination with the Utopian Socialists. He rebelled against the values of his age and attacked Christianity, democracy, nationalism, rationality, science and the notion of progress. He sought less to change values than to examine their sources in the human character. He not only wanted to strip away the veneer (or masks) of the “respectable” life, but also to explore how humans created such shallow lives. Bernhard Förster Lytton Strachey George Bernard Shaw Friedrich Nietzsche The Balfour Declaration of 1917 was the Austrian set of humiliating demands thrust upon Serbia was Woodrow Wilson's hard-line approach to negotiating with the Germans. stated Great Britain's desire to see a Jewish homeland in Palestine. the stalling tactics practiced by the German and Austrian representatives over independence for Papal States in 1870. Revolutionaries of the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries were mainly influenced by Marxist ideology. focused on the necessity for popular sovereignty. accepted the legitimacy of the divine right of kings. always stressed the inherent equality between men and women. The Sanussiya in Libya and the Wahhabi movement in Saudi Arabia supported the Ottoman Tanzimat reforms believed that Muhammad had wisely founded Islam to address the societal issues of his day and that a reformed Islamic faith could do the same. gave women greater access to education and the government more power over the Ulama. opposed any Westernization He defined the Enlightenment when he said, “Have the courage to use your own understanding.” Peter Gay Immanuel Kant Baruch Spinoza Voltaire What made the League of Nations ineffectual? It relied on Collective Security to maintain peace. It was a creature of American Interventionism. It was not supported by either the French or Russian governments. It was not supported by either the British or French governments. All of the following contributed to the decline of the Netherlands in the eighteenth century EXCEPT: lack of unified political leadership the rise of British naval superiority violence due to religious intolerance the decline of the Dutch fishing industry Discoveries in physics added to the anxiety of the 1920's and 1930's because they caused a majority of the population to turn to atheism. they called into question the established notions of truth. they suggested that the universe was a very unstable and dangerous place. they answered all major questions and eliminated blind faith as a legitimate option. He wrote a progressive Romantic novel, Lucinde, which attacked the misogyny that regards women as little more than lovers/domestic servants. He depicted Lucinde as the perfect friend and companion as well as an unsurpassed lover. Lucinde shocked contemporary morals by creating a female equal to the male hero. August Wilhelm von Schlegel Johann Gottfried Herder Ludwig Tieck Frederich Schlegel The invention and popular spread of photography led many painters to choose the camera as their instrument of expression resulted in a lack of creative artistic expression because of general pessimism. led to a new artistic genre that tried to produce painting that were more accurate than the camera. led many painters to believe that the purpose of painting was not to mirror reality, but to create it. ______________ comes from the Greek words meaning all people and describes a outbreak of disease and usually high death rates that affects a large area (as opposed to a local area) of the world. Pathogen Pandemic Omnivorous Plague One of the biggest results of the artistic experimentation of the 1920's and 1930's was that artists learned to adhere to accepted public definitions of reality. generally accepted standards that distinguished between "good" and "bad" art disappeared. impressionism was recognized as the single best art form. criteria were established that allowed art students to distinguish between "good" and "bad" art. This liberal English bishop popularized the work of Rudolf Bultmann in his book Honest to God. C. S. Lewis John Robinson Jackson Pollack George Orwell Which of the following best describes the historical sweep of the Byzantine Empire? a new society a transmitter society a secular society an innovative society The Crusades caused increased hostility between Islam and the West BUT stopped all trade between the eastern and western Mediterranean had virtually no impact on trade whatsoever between the eastern and western Mediterranean led to a slight decline in trade between the eastern and western Mediterranean. increased trade between the eastern and western Mediterranean. At the time of the collapse of the Soviet Union in the early 1990s, the largest of the republics, the Russian Soviet Federated Socialist Republic, was headed by Mikhail Gorbachev Boris Yeltsin Vladimir Putin Feodor Zhukov When Voltaire urged his readers to "crush the damned thing" he was talking about the Enlightenment National Assembly Roman Catholic Church Jacobin party The 1935 Nuremberg Laws made Austria part of Germany. removed any democratic restraints on Hitler's power and made him the dictator of Germany. deprived German Jews of their citizenship. gave Hitler the authority to rule by decree. John Locke promoted global Catholicism through rigorous education and political skill. argued that a government appointed by the king and his ministers for the people was the best form of government instituted a policy of forced and rapid modernization in Russia. argued that the people formed governments to protect their natural rights and that the best form of government had limited power and was accepted by all the citizens. In Sweden, Ellen Key (1849-1926), in The Century of the Child (1900) and The Renaissance of Motherhood (1914), made the argument that the mothers of the children of society should be given the right to vote contraception was all that was needed for the betterment of society governments, rather than husbands, should support mothers and their children women were the victims of male oppression In his Summa Theologica he created a manual in which he used Aristotelian logic to explain such concepts as the existence of God, what conditions make a just war, an explanation of church doctrines such as transubstantiation and questions of ethics and morality. Thomas Aquinas Constantine XI Palaeologus Dante Aligheri Francesco Petrarch During the rule of the Directory the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen was written. the French Revolution defended itself from English and Russian invasions the French monarchy was abolished and replaced by a parliament the French Revolution moved in a more conservative direction. In the last twenty five years, Europeans are having so few children that their population is falling Europe has experienced increasing poverty Europeans are having so many children that their populations are increasing Europe has rejected the idea of a European Union According to Sigmund Freud the root of neurotic behavior was a conflict between conscious and unconscious mental processes. summed up in the term "the uncertainty principle.“ the traumatic bloodshed of World War I. the hostility that young boys feel towards their mother. The Investiture Contest centered around the struggle between Christian and Islamic forces for control of Jerusalem. Monophysitism versus Iconoclasm the conflict between France and England for control over Lombardy. the appointment of church officials by imperial authorities. Nationalistic aspirations of subject minorities were most threatening to France Austria-Hungary Spain Great Britain Germany On Black Thursday, October 24th 1929, Adolf Hitler became chancellor of Germany the New York Stock Market crashed Franklin D. Roosevelt became president Hoover established the RFC At the Congress of Vienna, the victors and later France agreed to consult with each other on matters affecting Europe. This was done through a series of congresses but soon became informal consultations between nations. This new arrangement was known as Protocol of Troppau The Quadruple Alliance The Quintuple Alliance The Concert of Europe The years after World War I saw the rise of democracies on every continent the decline of trade on every continent democracy shrink in Europe democracy grow in Latin America Which of the following was not a tactic used by Stalin after World War II? He created a buffer zone between the Soviet Union and the West. He began to export communism around the globe. He took as much industrial materials as he could from Germany and sent to the U.S.S.R. He pushed the Americans as hard as he could in hopes of provoking a war. Joseph Arthur de Gobineau believed that bureaucratization (the creation of bureaucracies) was alien to the modern way of life people do not pursue rationally perceived goals but a led to action by collectively shared ideals. bureaucracies constitute the most efficient and rational way in which human activity can be organized race was the most important index of human potential Serbia’s special protector was The Ottoman Empire Austria Prussia Great Britain Russia In May of 1940, the British Expeditionary Force (BEF) was saved from destruction by Hitler’s panzers in the Miracle of ______________ a. Vichy b. Dunkirk c. London d. Midway He championed legislative government which he believed embodied the will of the people. His Two Treatises of Government maintained that in the past people had given up their political rights to rulers in order to promote the common good. John Locke Baron de Montesquieu Adam Smith Louis Philippe The Creoles of Latin America were influenced by the ideals of the Enlightenment and hoped for the establishment of an egalitarian society like Haiti. but only wanted to displace the Peninsulares and retain their privileged positions. and wanted social reform like that which was promoted by the French revolutionary Robespierre. but wanted to carry these notions to their logical conclusion in granting full political and social equality to women. Which of the following is most closely connected to the Enlightenment? Human feelings Imagination Nationalism Rationalism He not only explained why the planets moved through space in an orderly manner but also demonstrated the importance of empirical (existential) data which came from observation. John Locke William Whewell Isaac Newton Thomas Huxley David Friedrich Strauss William Gladstone’s tenure as Prime Minister from 1868 to 1874 witnessed the complete collapse of British liberalism culmination of British liberalism complete collapse of British Conservatism culmination of British Conservatism Which of Freud’s students believed that the human subconscious contains inherited memories from previous generations? Max Weber Carl Jung Friedrich Nietzsche Henrik Ibsen T H Huxley She was the Austrian-born, British psychoanalyst who questioned some of Freud’s assumptions but always considered herself faithful to Freud's ideas. She is best known for developing therapeutic techniques for children that had an impact not only on child psychology but also on psychoanalysis. Auguste Ficke Emile Durkheim Karen Horney Melanie Klein Who was responsible for the elimination of War Communism and the introduction of the N.E.P. which brought limited free market reforms to Russia? Vladimir Lenin Alexander Kerensky Leon Trotsky Josef Stalin Nikolai Bukharin This –ism can be defined as a strong identification of a group of individuals with a political entity usually called a nation. Imperialism Liberalism Conservatism Nationalism Socialism Emelian Pugachev led the rebellion of Aristocratic Resurgence in Russia was the boyar who led a rebellion against Peter the Great represented the Old Regime in Poland led Russia’s largest peasant rebellion against Catherine the Great The French President Charles de Gaulle broke with tradition and supported the Soviet Union in the Algerian crisis. carried out a foreign policy independent of the Soviet Union and United States. remained the most loyal ally of the United States throughout the 1960's. formed a strong alliance with East Germany. Who was the head of the provisional government after the February Revolution in 1917 after the fall of the tasr? Vladimir Lenin Alexander Kerensky Leon Trotsky Josef Stalin Who was the Romantic philosopher who said that a set of ideas called a thesis dominate. Then a conflicting ideas called antithesis challenge the thesis. These two clash and produce a synthesis which becomes a new thesis Johann Gottfried Herder John Wesley Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Which of the following was NOT a product of the Industrial Revolution? Consumption Romanticism Mechanization Urbanization the Steam Engine Romanticism was a negative reaction to the Enlightenment whose thought was a product of the Scientific Revolution. Because of his vision of a Gran Colombia, this liberator was called the George Washington of South America. Augustín de Iturbide. Jose de San Martin Miguel Hidalgo Simon Bolivar {{PD-US}} In his 1886 poem, Thus Spake Zarathustra, Nietzsche Expressed bitter anti-Semitic views. criticized Christianity and democracy because both would turn people (the masses) into mediocre sheep proposed that ascetic Calvinism was one of the major reasons for the injustices of both marketdriven Capitalism and the Industrial Revolution supported German nationalism During the early 1300s, the princes of Moscow had expanded their state by war, marriage and outright purchase. This policy was called the State Policy the Gathering of the Russian Land the rebirth of the Russian Nation the Third Rome Which of the following series of events in Roman History is in correct order? Fall of Rome, Fall of the Republic, Fall of the Kings, Fall of Byzantium Fall of Byzantium, Fall of the Republic, Fall of the Kings, Fall of Rome Fall of the Republic, Fall of the Kings, Fall of the Rome, Fall of Byzantium Fall of the Kings, Fall of the Republic, Fall of Rome, Fall of Byzantium By 1869, she led the Ladies’ National Association for the Repeal of the Contagious Diseases Acts, a thoroughly middle class organization. The association achieved a suspension of the acts in 1883 and their outright repeal in 1886. Mary Ann Evans Josephine Butler Karen Horney Ellen Kay He wrote the Gulag Archipelago which dealt with the arrest, interrogation, conviction, transportation, and imprisonment of the Gulag's victims over four decades Yuri Gagarin Vladimir Putin Ivan Denisovich Alexander Solzhenitsyn Boris Yeltsin The ideology of Nationalism states that a balance of power between nations must be maintained that a balance of power between nations must be avoided that slavery ought to be abolished that a nation is the fundamental unit for human social life. Which of the following is NOT true about Margaret Cavendish She was the only women ever allowed to attend a meeting of the Royal Society of London She was critical of the Royal Society for ignoring practical scientific questions She brought Rene Descartes to Stockholm to establish foundations for the new science Wrote an influential treatise: Grounds of Natural Philosophy. Which group grew MOST in influence during the eighteenth century? monarchs the nobility the clergy the middle class the peasantry The 1957, the Treaty of Rome established the European Economic Community. finally, officially, ended World War II. created the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. brought the Cold War to an end. When Charles VI of Austria died, who ignored the pragmatic Sanction and seized Silesia? Louis XV of France Frederick II of Prussia Prince Wenzel Kaunitz of Austria Peter III of Russia George III of Great Britain The guiding principles of the French Revolution were summed up in the phrase "no taxation without representation." "peace, bread, land." "all men are created equal." "liberty, equality, fraternity."