Republic of Slovenia – Ministry for Environment and Spatial Planning Environmental Agency of the Republic of Slovenia PACKAGING WASTE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM IN SLOVENIA Eva Lipovž-Ančik, M.Sc. Environmental Agency of Republic of Slovenia Waste Management Section 22. July 2009, Sofia (BG) TAIEX – Infra 32644 16.3.2016 1 Packaging Waste Management System in Slovenia Introduction Strategy of Waste Management in European Union and Slovenia Packaging Waste Management System in Slovenia Problems from the Field Conclusions Source: 16.3.2016 2 INTRODUCTION SLOVENIA BULGARIA Republic Organization Republic Ljubljana Capital City Sofia 01.05.2004 Joining EU 01.01.2007 20.273 Area 110.910 1.964.036 (2002) 99 people/ Population 7.932.984 (2001) 69 people/ 7 (non-formal) Regions 28 210 Municipalities 260 Source: 16.3.2016 3 EU and SLO – Strategy of Waste Management Waste prevention and recycling: Waste – a negative issue or an opportunity? Key objective = waste prevention! if not possible – use it as a resource Material flow – closing the loop Waste hierarchy: waste minimization recovery processes disposal processes Source: 16.3.2016 4 PACKAGING WASTE: Important Waste Stream 16.3.2016 5 Packaging Waste Management Systems Producer-responsibility management scheme Environmental taxes and fees Producer’s responsibility Effective and economic instruments – high costs for disposing waste Establishment of a specific company (collection, treatment – financed by the producers) Easier to achieve recycling/prevention targets Responsibilities of authorities: establishment of regulatory framework for collection & treatment and for control Negative side = Parallel collection schemes 16.3.2016 Supplement the legislative framework set at national level If too high => possible illegal and uncontrolled waste disposal Before their introduction => costbenefit analysis based on environmental and economical terms should be done 6 NATIONAL LEGISLATION ON PACKAGING AND PACKAGING WASTE The Rules on Handling Packaging and Packaging Waste (OG RS 104/00) target recovery shares (end of 2007): min. 50% of total recovery min. 25% of total recycling (15% for each packaging material) The Operational Programme for the Management of Packaging and Packaging Waste for 2002-2007 Period (OG RS 29/02) a step-by-step plan for achieving recovery targets The Decree on Environmental Tax on the Generation of Packaging Waste (OG RS 32/06, 65/06 and 78/08) The Decree on the Management of Packaging and Packaging Waste (OG RS 84/06, 106/06 and 110/07) target recovery shares (end of 2012): min. 60 % of total recovery min. 55 % and max 80% of total recycling paper&cardboard – 60%, plastic – 22,5%, wood – 15%, metal – 50%, glass – 60% 16.3.2016 7 SLOVENIA: PRODUCER-RESPONSIBILITY PACKAGING WASTE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Change in thinking! Environmental tax for packaging/packed goods placed on Slovenian market (CORS) Options: non-municipal PW => joining the trade company or developing an individual system (license form EARS!) municipal PW => joining the trade company < 15.000 kg of total PW => nothing (< 5.000 kg) or annual statement about quantity of all PW produced Annual reporting on quantities to EARS trade company – for all its members individual system – by itself 16.3.2016 8 Trade Company for Managing Packaging Waste (system/scheme for managing PW) Obligations: collecting, storing, sorting, recovery/disposal achieving target shares of recovery/recycling for total PW and for each packaging material annual reporting to EARS for each member Costs: depending on packaging material and type of packaging 30-75 EUR/ton ?! Current Trade Companies: 16.3.2016 Ekodin Surovina 9 Individual System for Managing Packaging Waste Non-municipal packaging waste License from EARS (valid for 5 years) Obligations: meeting target shares of recovery by themselves or by handing PW over to the recyclers annual reporting to EARS Main problem: wooden packaging (pallets) – ensuring 15% recycling 16.3.2016 10 Municipal Packaging Waste municipal packaging waste = PW from households + similar PW (restaurants, schools, …) Public Waste Services: organized and supervised by municipalities (differences!) separately collected fractions of PW must be handed over to trade companies shares of quantities handed over to trade companies defined by the Environmental Ministry for each trade company annual reporting to EARS 16.3.2016 11 Quantities of Packaging Waste Produced (t) (Source: ) 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Pap&Cardb 45.891 57.575 52.120 52.202 56.030 70.416 Plastic 29.883 31.463 32.598 32.345 33.940 47.348 Wood 36.510 44.972 34.393 28.520 31.590 36.182 Metal 13.329 13.769 14.506 13.798 13.120 18.077 Glass 24.118 21.842 22.823 26.228 25.650 31.259 Other 7.749 7.926 7.950 8.414 8.300 899 157.480 177.547 164.390 161.507 168.630 204.182 Together Slovenian average of produced packaging waste ~ 100 kg/citizen (EU average ~ 172 kg/citizen) 16.3.2016 12 Quantities of Recovered Packaging Waste (t) (Source: ) 2001 Total recovery Share of recovery 2002 2003 2004 12.252 21.396 21.445 69.824 79.678 8% 12 % 13 % 43 % Target share 2007 min. 50 % Target share 2012 min. 60 % 16.3.2016 2005 47 % 2006 94.692 47 % 13 Problems from the Field Classification of pack. waste (composite packaging, hazardous PW) Responsibility of final user (!) to empty PW properly (hazardous PW) Reporting not necessary if <15.000 kgs and/or a member of a trade company Responsibility of producers of packaging/ pack. waste for all types of PW (tertiary or transport packaging!) Differences among trade companies (prices, flexibility) More than one trade company – how to define shares of municipal PW Achieving recycling targets as individual system (wooden PW - R1 is not recycling) Environmental tax – grave-side lights 16.3.2016 14 Latest Problems from the Field… collapse of waste-market: trade companies – obliged or not to collect municipal PW from public waste services (at their side)?! extra-charging by trade companies for transport of PW from final users to collecting centers (should be in-calculated into general costs for joining a system) will collapse also the system of PWM schemes?! pilot-project with municipal PW: yellow bags plastics, metals, tetra-packs regular collection (1x/week) by local public waste service – no extra costs! ? for urban areas (more appropriate for individual houses control) 16.3.2016 15 CONCLUSIONS Slovenia has a producer-responsibility packaging waste management system since 2002, and it was estimated to become fully active in ten years. The target recovery shares of total packaging waste from Slovenian and EU packaging waste legislation were not yet met in any one year but are growing. To reach better shares of recovery and handling packaging waste in general, more intense and constant involvement of the public is needed what should be achieved through different projects of education on this topic. 16.3.2016 16 Home-page of EARS: Waste Management: 16.3.2016 17