Town and Larger Parishes Committee 17th April 2015 Town and Larger Parishes Committee Secretary: Paula Harding St Catherines Farm Old Sherborne Road Cerne Abbas Dorset DT2 7SJ Tel: 07765 241914 E-mail: Dorset Association of Parish and Town Councils (Affiliated to the National Association of Local Councils) WEBSITE: Minutes of the Towns and Larger Parishes Committee held on Friday 17th April 2015 at The Corn Exchange, Dorchester. Present: Cllr Page Cllr White Cllr Dean Cllr Johnson Cllr Warren Cllr Potter Cllr Beckley Cllr Dedden Cllr Russell Cllr Bartlett Beaminster Town Council Blandford Forum Town Council Chickerell Town Council Colehill Parish Council Colehill Parish Council Dorchester Town Council Gillingham Town Council Verwood Town Council Verwood Town Council Wimborne Town Council Also Present: Cllr Turner Mrs Paula Harding Ms Cynthia Starkey Mr Pete West Chairman – Town and Larger Parishes Committee Secretary – Town and Larger Parishes Committee Chief Executive DAPTC Community Energy Office – Dorset County Council 11/15 - Apologies Apologies for their inability to attend the meeting were received from: Cllr Stayt Cllr Holland Cllr Richards Dr Ayres (Clerk) Cllr Pratt Mrs Bright (Clerk) Cllr Turner Cllr Cook Blandford Forum Town Council Corfe Mullen Parish Council Lytchett Minster and Upton Town Council Swanage Town Council Swanage Town Council Verwood Town Council Wareham Town Council Wimborne Minster Town Council 12/15 - Minutes of the meeting held on 30th January 2015. a) It was noted that Mrs Val Bright is listed as a Councillor in Minute 1/15 (Apologies), she is in fact the Clerk to the Council. This was amended and noted for future meetings. b) Clarification was sought regarding the minutes of Cllr Matthews point in 9/15 Members items. The Secretary agreed to make it clearer that the recommendation from the review was to increase the Town Council proportion of the precept to £25 per household and not £25 overall. With these amendments made the minutes were agreed as a true and accurate record of the meeting and signed by the Chairman. Chairman: Cllr Haydn White President: David Jenkins DL Page 1 of 5 Chief Executive: Cynthia Starkey Town and Larger Parishes Committee 17th April 2015 13/15 Matters arising from the Minutes of the 24th October 2014. Item 9/15 – Cllr White updated the group on the item regarding abolition of Section 106 contributions from developers building less than 10 houses. He stated that Blandford Town Council were now getting developers who have previously had planning permission for 10 or more houses asking not to pay, and if a refusal is given they are resubmitting the application with a reduced number of properties to avoid the charge. 14/15 – Speaker, Mr Pete West – Community Energy Officer Dorset County Council Mr West began by asking Cllr Russell from Verwood Town Council to talk to the meeting about their experiences with two solar farm developments in their area. Cllr Russell explained that they have two solar farms in their area, 1 of which they are already seeing the financial benefit from the other is yet to contribute. ‘Homelands’ was the first farm and it was decided that a community group would be set up to administer any financial benefits which were received rather than adding an extra burden to the Town Council and to assist with community engagement. Verwood Town Council are partners to the community group (in that they administer the payments from the fund) but the financial benefits from the Solar Farm are ring-fenced and cannot be used for Town Council purposes, unless granted for a Town Council project by the Community group. The community group produced a grant aid policy and a constitution for their group, the Solar Farm agreed to a Community Policy Agreement and a Unilateral undertaking with the Town Council. A financial benefit of £13,200 was received last summer, since then the farm has been sold and the next payment is due this month ‘Manor Farm’ is the second project and a public consultation was held in July. No benefits were offered at the consultation, however subsequent questions have been asked about a benefit and the group has been told it will received a financial benefit if it asks for one. However since then ‘Manor Farm’ has been sold and there has been no further communication. As with ‘Homelands’ a community group has been set up and as the site originally crossed the boundaries of two wards the benefit was to be split. Since the Community Governance review the site is wholly in Verwood, although it has been agreed that the benefit will remain split. Both projects are similar and being handled in the same way by the Town Council but the outcomes and issues raised so far are very different. The proposed financial benefit from these types of project should be around £1000 per megawatt of generating capacity produced each year in addition to any ‘specific’ local benefit such as payments towards a local park/nature area etc which should be negotiated locally before the agreement is signed. Mr West distributed 3 documents: a) Summary of renewable energy projects so far and financial benefits negotiated b) A list of legal documents which DCC would suggest are required c) A Briefing Paper on how to approach a renewable energy developer in your area These documents and other details including who to contact for advice can be found at: Chairman: Cllr Haydn White President: David Jenkins DL Page 2 of 5 Chief Executive: Cynthia Starkey Town and Larger Parishes Committee 17th April 2015 He added that a Unilateral Undertaking is the best agreement to have with a developer as this is a charge on the land and is lodged with the land registry so transfers to any new owners through the life of the development. All members were reminded that agreements cannot be done retrospectively so if permission is granted for a development before a financial benefit is agreed then that community will receive nothing. It was proposed that an information session be arranged with the Legal team at DCC and any Parish or Town Councils who are currently speaking with Renewable Energy developers or who have identified areas of land which may be subjected to future applications. This session would help councils pull together a checklist and action plan for negotiating with companies and also advise on how to put together a group to manage any financial benefits which arise. (Note: a meeting has since been arranged for the 29th June and notice sent to all members, if you have not received these details of this please contact the secretary.) Action: Mr West/ DAPTC Head office . Mr West is hoping to write an article for the next DAPTC newsletter on the subject of renewable energy in Parish and Town Council areas, as well as on Parish and Town Council properties. If a Town Council buys solar panels for the roof of their building they would be entitled to keep any savings – rebate from the installation and can use this for whatever purpose they choose. Schools and Village Halls are also benefiting from grants towards solar roof panels. DAPTC are to work on putting together a pack of templates on the issue of Renewable Energy for their members. Action: Mr West/ DAPTC Head office Cllr Dean stated that Chickerell Town Council had received a one-off payment as this suited the Council better as they had a large project to fund. Mr West felt that this also a reasonable solution if the requirements of the Council suited this better. A further option may be to put the lump sum in an investment account and distribute the funds over time as suitable projects in the Community arose. The Chairman thanked Mr West for his time and added that all members should take time to read the information on the website, even if they are not actively engaged in such a project at present, so they are prepared for any future approaches from energy generation developers. 15/15 DAPTC Chief Executives Report The Chief Executive presented her report (which can be viewed in full as Appendix A) to the meeting. The highlights of the report are as follows; Strengthening Parish and Town Council accountability - a proposal to extend the remit of the Local Council ombudsman to Larger Parish and Town Councils. The Consultation can be found here: Consultation Document Link . Closing date is the 30th June New Transparency Fund - £4.7m has been released by the government to help small parish councils become web-enabled and compliant with the new transparency code. Sector Led Body to procure External Audit – NALC has been given permission to set up a sector led body to procure External Audit services following the abolition of the Audit Commission. NALC and SLCC working together – A protocol has been signed between these two groups and there has been agreement to work on an ‘employment work stream’. NALC calls for new devolution deal for communities – NALC has backed a two tier local government, calling for the creation of unitary principal authorities coupled with the establishment of new parish councils with devolved functions and services. Chairman: Cllr Haydn White President: David Jenkins DL Page 3 of 5 Chief Executive: Cynthia Starkey Town and Larger Parishes Committee 17th April 2015 Dorset Local Action Groups – Local Action groups will be calling for grant applications from June onwards for Projects in the rural economy, further information can be found at Training – A total of 40 people attended the prospective Parish and Town Councillor drop in sessions over 5 locations in March. A set of training for new Clerks, Councillors and Chairman has been arranged over June and July. 16/15 – Superfast Broadband Update The Superfast broadband team have sent the latest update report to the Committee (which is attached as Appendix B to these minutes). The report was read to the meeting. The Chairman reminded the meeting that both he and Cllr Gibb are the DAPTC representatives on the Superfast Broadband group and that the information on the Dorset for you website is a good place to find out when your area will be brought into the programme. 17/15 – NALC Report Cllr Dedden reported that all NALC committee members have completed a skills audit so that the group can begin to take advantage of what their members are good at. They are also in the process of updating their 3 year strategic plan. A lobby day has been planned for NALC members at the House of Parliament on the 30th June. (A copy of the lobby brief has been attached to these minutes as Appendix C) Cllr Dedden will have the opportunity to speak with the 6 MPs for Dorset for half an hour. Those present were asked if they have any issues that they would like Cllr Dedden to raise at this meeting (she will only be able to address around 3 issues in the time given) and to contact her directly with any ideas. 18/15 – Members items Cllr Bartlett reported a number of developers are now trying to renege on their, previously agreed, duty to provide 50% affordable housing following changes to the core-strategy. He also reported that the Allendale Centre will now be sold off following the merger with Christchurch and relocation of staff. Cllr White reported that there were to be no elections in Blandford as there were not enough candidates standing for Council. He stated that the Council would not co-opt to fill the vacant seats. He also reported that the local plan inspection has been completed but that further work is required before it will be accepted. Cllr Johnson stated that he felt that the new electoral legislation which prevented candidates submitting nomination papers for multiple seats has caused vacancies and will force councils to co-opt in order to fill their seats. Cllr Johnson informed the meeting that their community development youth project had run into financial difficulties following and overspend by the project manager. Colehill Council has agreed to use the power of competence to give between £20,000-£35,000 to assist. Cllr Beckley reported that the community hub is working well with good communication with the County and District Councils. There is a need for more social housing and the local housing association is planning on demolishing a set of garages and building 16-18 houses in their place. It was also reported that the redevelopment of the play area will have a shortfall of funds and that Gillingham Town Council is looking to try and get a grant. Chairman: Cllr Haydn White President: David Jenkins DL Page 4 of 5 Chief Executive: Cynthia Starkey Town and Larger Parishes Committee 17th April 2015 Cllr Russell reported that intelligence was received that a group of travellers were intending to stay at a site in three legged cross. The council put in place obstacles across the entrance to the land to prevent this; however it seems that the group did not attempt to access the site. There is an issue with no transit sites being available in this area, so the council are unable to move travellers on if they do pitch without permission. Cllr Dedden reported that a number of public spaces near new developments are being taken for personal use by incoming residents. Problems have arisen with enforcement as the District Councils are often not aware of historical ownership and in many cases if an owner is identified they are dormant development companies so are not in a position to fight this land-grabbing. Many parcels of land are left over from the development boom of the 1980’s and should have been handed over to the local authorities, but never were. Cllr Page reported that Beaminster Council will have 5 vacant seats to which they need to co-opt after the election. This will mean that they lose their quality council status and the ability to use the ‘general power of competence’. Cllr Dean reported that a large housing development in Chickerell is about to start. 19/15 – Next Meeting The meeting closed at 12.10pm with notice that the next meeting would be held on Friday 31st July 2015 at Chickerell Town Council. Signed_______________________________ Date_____________________ Cllr Chris Turner Chairman Chairman: Cllr Haydn White President: David Jenkins DL Page 5 of 5 Chief Executive: Cynthia Starkey