11. Treasury Cluster (a) Expenses Agency 2014-15 Revised $m 2015-16 Budget $m Capital Expenditure Var. % 2014-15 Revised $m 2015-16 Budget $m Var. % The Treasury Service Group State Resource Management ...................... Cluster Grant Funding (b) .............................. 106.4 685.6 124.6 N/A 17.1 N/A 16.7 ... 46.8 ... 179.6 ... Total 792.0 124.6 (84.3) 16.7 46.8 179.6 Service Group Debt Liability Management ........................ Superannuation Liability Management Central Financial Services ........................... 1,660.2 2,320.2 2,856.5 1,552.7 2,111.9 2,232.7 (6.5) (9.0) (21.8) ... ... 0.5 ... ... 0.5 ... ... 0.0 Total 6,836.9 5,897.3 (13.7) 0.5 0.5 0.0 2.2 (33.8) ... ... ... 0.0 0.0 100.0 ... ... ... 148.8 161.3 8.4 0.6 3.3 410.0 32.6 5.5 ... ... ... Crown Finance Entity Electricity Assets Ministerial Holding Corporation Total 3.4 Liability Management Ministerial Corporation Total Long Service Corporation Total Ports Assets Ministerial Holding Corporation Total 30.9 (a) From 1 July 2015, the Administrative Arrangements (Administrative Changes—Public Service Agencies) Order (No. 2) 2015 changes the name of the Office of Finance and Services to the Department of Finance, Services and Innovation. Service NSW, Building Insurers’ Guarantee Corporation, Government Property NSW, Motor Accidents Authority of New South Wales, New South Wales Government Telecommunications Authority, NSW Self Insurance Corporation, Rental Bond Board, State Records Authority of New South Wales, WorkCover Authority, and the Workers’ Compensation (Dust Diseases) Board are transferred to the Finance, Services and Innovation cluster. (b) Cluster Grant Funding variances are impacted by the movement of agencies. Budget Estimates 2015-16 11 - 1 Treasury Cluster Introduction As the Government’s principal financial and economic adviser, the Treasury cluster seeks to build enduring prosperity for the people of New South Wales through: sound public and intergovernmental finances that support effective service delivery; lifting performance of State Owned Corporations (SOCs) through strong shareholder engagement; innovative financing arrangements that can involve the private sector to the benefit of the State; and microeconomic reforms and industrial relations policies that contribute to a strong and competitive economy. The Treasury cluster is impacted by machinery of government changes set out in the Administrative Arrangements (Administrative Changes—Public Service Agencies) Order (No. 2) 2015. The Order changes the name of the Office of Finance and Services to the Department of Finance, Service and Innovation. Service NSW, Building Insurers’ Guarantee Corporation, Government Property NSW, Motor Accidents Authority of New South Wales, New South Wales Government Telecommunications Authority, NSW Self Insurance Corporation, Rental Bond Board, State Records Authority of New South Wales, WorkCover Authority, and the Workers’ Compensation (Dust Diseases) Board are transferred to the Finance, Services and Innovation cluster. These changes will take effect from 1 July 2015. The Treasury cluster provides leadership in financial management across the public sector. The cluster’s responsibilities include: providing the economic and fiscal context for sound policy development and informed decision making managing the State’s Budget and balance sheet advising on microeconomic reforms to support a strong competitive economy the provision of fair and productive industrial relations and public sector wages policies leading sector wide financial reforms and driving public sector financial accountability by promoting a contemporary legislative and policy framework advising on the allocation of public finances to deliver better services, including through capital recycling and investment assessing financial and economic risk and advising on the economic impact of policies managing and reporting on sector-wide assets and liabilities providing active shareholder advice to drive and monitor improved performance of SOCs providing a whole-of-government advisory role on commercial financing through the Infrastructure and Structured Finance Unit (IFSU) managing portable long service schemes to the building, construction and contract cleaning industries. 11 - 2 Budget Estimates 2015-16 Treasury Cluster Services The Treasury cluster’s key services include: developing and implementing the State’s fiscal and revenue strategies managing the State Budget process and reporting on the State’s finances developing tax, competition and regulatory policies and reforms monitoring agency financial management improvements and audit compliance active performance monitoring of SOCs and other government businesses providing strategic policy advice to the Government on public and private sector industrial relations issues monitoring agency savings targets and initiatives contributing to intergovernmental negotiations in the State’s interests setting the parameters for managing the Crown debt portfolio, to minimise cost and risk delivering industrial relations information, assistance and education programs with a focus on assisting vulnerable sections of the community and enabling employers to understand and comply with their obligations administering portable long service schemes. 2015-16 Budget Highlights In 2015-16, the cluster’s key initiatives include: contributing $1.4 billion to the State Super defined benefit scheme to meet member expenses and reduce unfunded member liabilities providing $214 million for first home owner grants and new home grants paying $88 million in long service leave to workers in the building, construction and contract cleaning industries collecting $182 million in levies and investment returns to fund the building, construction and contract cleaning industries portable long service leave schemes $18.2 million to progress the Financial Management Transformation program focusing on a new framework and financial information system as recommended by the Commission of Audit. Budget Estimates 2015-16 11 - 3 The Treasury Service Group Statements State Resource Management Service description: This service group covers advice on economic and fiscal strategies (including industrial relations policy), advice on efficiency and effectiveness of public sector agencies, and infrastructure, asset management and procurement. It also includes budget management services, public sector management systems, and financial asset and liability management services. Units 2012-13 Actual 2013-14 Actual 2014-15 Forecast 2014-15 Revised 2015-16 Forecast % 100 100 100 100 100 % % 100 61 100 42 100 100 100 100 100 100 FTE 481 463 530 515 541 Service measures: State physical assets covered by a Total Asset Management Plan submission for nominated agencies Required government businesses that have signed their: Statement of Corporate Intent Statement of Business Intent (a) Employees: (b) __________ 2014-15__________ Budget Revised $000 $000 2015-16 Budget $000 113,642 106,435 124,599 77,023 33,701 169 72,635 31,019 169 84,516 36,949 169 27,284 16,741 46,805 Financial indicators: Total Expenses Excluding Losses Total expenses include the following: Employee related Other operating expenses Grants and subsidies Capital Expenditure (a) In 2013-14 Statements of Business Intent (SBIs) were required to be submitted for signing prior to half year. For a number of government businesses, their SBIs could not be finalised due to a government strategic review. (b) The increase in FTEs from 2014-15 Revised to 2015-16 Forecast relates predominantly to backfilling vacancies previously occupied by contractors. 11 - 4 Budget Estimates 2015-16 The Treasury Cluster Grant Funding Service description: This service group covers the provision of grant funding to agencies within the former Treasury and Finance cluster. From 1 July 2015, these agencies will be funded through the Department of Finance, Services and Innovation. __________ 2014-15__________ Budget Revised $000 $000 2015-16 Budget $000 Financial indicators: Total Expenses Excluding Losses Grants and subsidies Office of Finance and Services Government Property NSW State Records Authority of New South Wales Teacher Housing Authority New South Wales Telecommunications Authority Service NSW (a) 480,576 480,576 428,331 32,845 9,786 5,725 3,889 N/A 685,598 685,598 340,570 17,470 7,538 5,725 3,589 310,706 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A (a) Service NSW transferred from the Premier and Cabinet cluster from 1 July 2014 and will transfer to the Finance, Services and Innovation cluster from 1 July 2015. Budget Estimates 2015-16 11 - 5 The Treasury Financial Statements Operating Statement __________ 2014-15__________ Budget Revised $000 $000 2015-16 Budget $000 Expenses Excluding Losses Operating Expenses Employee related Other operating expenses Depreciation and amortisation Grants and subsidies Finance costs Total Expenses Excluding Losses 77,023 33,701 72,635 31,019 84,516 36,949 2,716 2,528 2,875 480,745 685,767 169 33 84 90 594,218 792,033 124,599 Revenue Recurrent appropriation 567,073 753,750 105,694 Capital appropriation 17,982 4,982 46,805 Sales of goods and services 14,155 14,920 17,022 300 660 ... Acceptance by Crown Entity of employee benefits and other liabilities 2,745 2,585 1,552 Other revenue 1,101 1,060 ... 603,356 777,957 171,073 (395) (346) ... ... (22) ... 8,743 (14,444) 46,474 Investment revenue Total Revenue Gain/(loss) on disposal of non current assets Other gains/(losses) Net Result 11 - 6 Budget Estimates 2015-16 The Treasury Balance Sheet __________ 2014-15__________ Budget Revised $000 $000 2015-16 Budget $000 Assets Current Assets Cash assets 22,899 4,596 5,113 Receivables 4,381 6,012 5,047 27,280 10,608 10,160 5,648 6,224 6,452 Property, plant and equipment Plant and equipment 17,689 20,617 18,554 Intangibles 19,133 5,796 51,789 Total Non Current Assets 42,470 32,637 76,795 Total Assets 69,750 43,245 86,955 Total Current Assets Non Current Assets Receivables Liabilities Current Liabilities Payables Provisions Other Total Current Liabilities 5,031 5,548 4,164 10,242 10,134 10,134 1,515 1,552 1,552 16,788 17,234 15,850 Non Current Liabilities Provisions 26,339 8,682 8,854 ... 13,126 11,574 Total Non Current Liabilities 26,339 21,808 20,428 Total Liabilities 43,127 39,042 36,278 26,623 4,203 50,677 26,623 4,203 50,677 26,623 4,203 50,677 Other Net Assets Equity Accumulated funds Total Equity Budget Estimates 2015-16 11 - 7 The Treasury Cash Flow Statement __________ 2014-15__________ Budget Revised $000 $000 2015-16 Budget $000 Cash Flows From Operating Activities Payments Employee related Grants and subsidies Other Total Payments 72,736 69,265 84,176 480,745 685,767 169 35,746 39,289 42,043 589,227 794,321 126,388 Receipts Recurrent appropriation 567,073 753,750 105,694 Capital appropriation 17,982 4,982 46,805 Sale of goods and services 15,084 14,177 16,794 Interest received Other Total Receipts Net Cash Flows From Operating Activities 453 648 315 13,495 17,029 4,102 614,087 790,586 173,710 24,860 (3,735) 47,322 Cash Flows From Investing Activities Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment ... 18 ... Purchases of property, plant and equipment (10,688) (13,299) (454) Other (16,596) (3,442) (46,351) (27,284) (16,723) (46,805) (2,424) (20,458) 517 Opening Cash and Cash Equivalents 25,323 25,054 4,596 Closing Cash and Cash Equivalents 22,899 4,596 5,113 Net result 8,743 (14,444) 46,474 Non cash items added back 2,716 2,550 2,875 Change in operating assets and liabilities 13,401 8,159 (2,027) Net Cash Flows From Operating Activities 24,860 (3,735) 47,322 Net Cash Flows From Investing Activities Net Increase/(Decrease) in Cash Cash Flow Reconciliation 11 - 8 Budget Estimates 2015-16 Crown Finance Entity Service Group Statements Debt Liability Management Service description: This service group covers the management of the Crown debt portfolio and the Treasury Banking System, which are managed in conjunction with NSW Treasury Corporation, to minimise the market value of debt within specified risk constraints, minimising the cost of debt and maximising investment returns. __________ 2014-15__________ Budget Revised $000 $000 2015-16 Budget $000 Financial indicators: Total Expenses Excluding Losses Other expenses Budget Estimates 2015-16 1,691,748 5,598 1,660,181 5,708 1,552,717 5,874 11 - 9 Crown Finance Entity Superannuation Liability Management Service description: This service group covers the management of unfunded superannuation liabilities of NSW public sector defined benefit superannuation schemes in line with the Government's long-term funding plan. __________ 2014-15__________ Budget Revised $000 $000 2015-16 Budget $000 Financial indicators: Total Expenses Excluding Losses Total expenses include the following: Employee related Grants and subsidies 11 - 10 1,982,613 2,320,221 2,111,879 1,964,900 17,713 2,302,508 17,713 2,093,134 18,745 Budget Estimates 2015-16 Crown Finance Entity Central Financial Services Service description: This service group covers the periodic payments made to meet agency long service leave, the cost of redundancies, grants under the First Home Owners Grant Scheme and GST administration costs payable to the Australian Taxation Office. It also includes provision of funds to various departments and authorities responding to natural disasters until 1 July 2015 when this function will transfer to the Department of Justice. __________ 2014-15__________ Budget Revised $000 $000 2015-16 Budget $000 Financial indicators: Total Expenses Excluding Losses Total expenses include the following: Employee related Other operating expenses Grants and subsidies Other expenses Capital Expenditure Budget Estimates 2015-16 2,005,210 2,856,541 2,232,724 508,629 45,838 1,124,399 325,360 1,296,162 103,228 1,092,279 311,743 791,442 40,128 992,532 358,415 7,500 500 500 11 - 11 Crown Finance Entity Financial Statements Operating Statement __________ 2014-15__________ Budget Revised $000 $000 2015-16 Budget $000 Expenses Excluding Losses Operating Expenses Employee related Other operating expenses 2,473,529 45,838 3,598,670 103,228 2,884,576 40,128 20 40 ... Grants and subsidies 1,142,112 1,109,992 1,011,277 Finance costs 1,687,114 1,707,562 1,597,050 330,958 317,451 364,289 5,679,571 6,836,943 5,897,320 5,391,810 5,501,754 5,046,074 887,182 1,408,731 2,509,870 Depreciation and amortisation Other expenses TOTAL EXPENSES EXCLUDING LOSSES Revenue Recurrent appropriation Capital appropriation Transfers to the Crown Entity Sales of goods and services Investment revenue Grants and contributions Other revenue Total Revenue Other gains/(losses) Net Result 11 - 12 (4,461,038) 1,571,459 (4,324,940) 12,800 10,400 9,900 385,806 453,772 459,626 7,727 54,000 ... 86,603 105,794 173,644 2,310,890 9,105,910 3,874,174 (20,840) (476) (14,357) (3,389,521) 2,268,491 (2,037,503) Budget Estimates 2015-16 Crown Finance Entity Balance Sheet __________ 2014-15__________ Budget Revised $000 $000 2015-16 Budget $000 Assets Current Assets Cash assets Receivables Other financial assets Total Current Assets 8,035,862 13,064,368 7,455,558 16,878 33,564 34,156 224,754 2,628,804 4,495,360 8,277,494 15,726,736 11,985,074 Non Current Assets Receivables 8,602 8,605 3,748 4,353,949 4,152,932 3,901,325 Property, plant and equipment Plant and equipment Infrastructure systems 26 7,000 ... ... ... ... Intangibles 1,000 500 1,000 4,370,577 4,162,037 3,906,073 12,648,071 19,888,773 15,891,147 535,419 535,147 515,598 Borrowings at amortised cost 1,183,499 1,276,992 725,758 Provisions 6,909,053 8,157,594 8,249,237 118,433 219,964 120,639 8,746,404 10,189,697 9,611,232 Other financial assets Total Non Current Assets Total Assets Liabilities Current Liabilities Payables Other Total Current Liabilities Non Current Liabilities Borrowings at amortised cost 26,143,132 26,308,165 27,139,407 Provisions 29,827,273 51,633,174 48,150,961 Other 81,461 99,141 65,822 Total Non Current Liabilities 56,051,866 78,040,480 75,356,190 Total Liabilities 64,798,270 88,230,177 84,967,422 Net Assets (52,150,199) (68,341,404) (69,076,275) Equity Reserves Accumulated funds Total Equity Budget Estimates 2015-16 2,324,371 1,934,812 1,934,812 (54,474,570) (70,276,216) (71,011,087) (52,150,199) (68,341,404) (69,076,275) 11 - 13 Crown Finance Entity Cash Flow Statement __________ 2014-15__________ Budget Revised $000 $000 2015-16 Budget $000 Cash Flows From Operating Activities Payments Employee related 2,183,910 2,111,021 2,231,002 Grants and subsidies 1,140,267 1,109,992 1,011,277 Finance costs 1,426,886 1,491,914 1,431,825 505,510 401,306 517,341 5,256,573 5,114,233 5,191,445 5,391,810 5,501,754 5,046,074 887,182 1,408,731 2,509,870 164 30,270 ... 347,264 417,139 420,651 (2,500) (2,356) 95,000 5,019 20 20 Other Total Payments Receipts Recurrent appropriation Capital appropriation Sale of goods and services Interest received Retained taxes, fees and fines Grants and contributions Cash transfers to the Crown Entity Other Total Receipts Net Cash Flows From Operating Activities (4,461,038) 1,476,563 (4,324,940) 113,971 277,056 4,985 2,281,872 9,109,177 3,751,660 (2,974,701) 3,994,944 (1,439,785) Cash Flows From Investing Activities Proceeds from sale of investments Advance repayments received Purchases of property, plant and equipment Purchases of investments Advances made Other Net Cash Flows From Investing Activities 2,100 9,143,455 61 322,931 196,214 196,334 (7,000) ... ... (19) (6,900,021) (1,550,020) (167,372) (96,326) (248,052) (500) (500) (500) 150,140 2,342,822 (1,602,177) Cash Flows From Financing Activities Proceeds from borrowings and advances 567,547 504,855 247,496 Repayment of borrowings and advances (75,857) (709,140) (81,357) Other Net Cash Flows From Financing Activities Net Increase/(Decrease) in Cash (1,099,220) (1,092,850) (2,732,987) (607,530) (1,297,135) (2,566,848) (3,432,091) 5,040,631 (5,608,810) Opening Cash and Cash Equivalents 11,467,953 8,023,737 13,064,368 Closing Cash and Cash Equivalents 8,035,862 13,064,368 7,455,558 Cash Flow Reconciliation Net result (3,389,521) 2,268,491 (2,037,503) Non cash items added back 228,679 121,022 100,597 Change in operating assets and liabilities 186,141 1,605,431 497,121 (2,974,701) 3,994,944 (1,439,785) Net Cash Flows From Operating Activities 11 - 14 Budget Estimates 2015-16 Electricity Assets Ministerial Holding Corporation Financial Statements Operating Statement __________ 2014-15__________ Budget Revised $000 $000 2015-16 Budget $000 Expenses Excluding Losses Operating Expenses Other operating expenses Finance costs TOTAL EXPENSES EXCLUDING LOSSES 782 1,235 293 1,722 2,138 1,939 2,504 3,373 2,232 2,925 2,311 4,459 ... 2,243 225 2,925 4,554 4,684 421 1,181 2,452 Revenue Investment revenue Other revenue Total Revenue Net Result Budget Estimates 2015-16 11 - 15 Electricity Assets Ministerial Holding Corporation Balance Sheet __________ 2014-15__________ Budget Revised $000 $000 2015-16 Budget $000 Assets Current Assets Cash assets 67,394 4,000 4,000 Receivables ... 170 168 67,394 4,170 4,168 Receivables ... 270 261 Other financial assets ... 70,665 71,454 Total Non Current Assets ... 70,935 71,715 67,394 75,105 75,883 3,720 3,519 3,182 3,720 3,519 3,182 39,877 39,235 37,898 Total Non Current Liabilities 39,877 39,235 37,898 Total Liabilities 43,597 42,754 41,080 23,797 32,351 34,803 23,797 32,351 34,803 23,797 32,351 34,803 Total Current Assets Non Current Assets Total Assets Liabilities Current Liabilities Provisions Total Current Liabilities Non Current Liabilities Provisions Net Assets Equity Accumulated funds Total Equity 11 - 16 Budget Estimates 2015-16 Electricity Assets Ministerial Holding Corporation Cash Flow Statement __________ 2014-15__________ Budget Revised $000 $000 2015-16 Budget $000 Cash Flows From Operating Activities Payments Employee related 370 419 96 5,392 11,118 3,956 5,762 11,537 4,052 2,925 2,311 2,559 ... 8,370 382 2,925 10,681 2,941 (2,837) (856) (1,111) Proceeds from sale of investments ... ... 4,000 Purchases of investments ... (70,665) (2,889) Other ... 200 ... ... (70,465) 1,111 (2,837) (71,321) ... Opening Cash and Cash Equivalents 70,231 75,321 4,000 Closing Cash and Cash Equivalents 67,394 4,000 4,000 421 1,181 2,452 ... ... (1,900) Change in operating assets and liabilities (3,258) (2,037) (1,663) Net Cash Flows From Operating Activities (2,837) (856) (1,111) Other Total Payments Receipts Interest received Other Total Receipts Net Cash Flows From Operating Activities Cash Flows From Investing Activities Net Cash Flows From Investing Activities Net Increase/(Decrease) in Cash Cash Flow Reconciliation Net result Non cash items added back Budget Estimates 2015-16 11 - 17 Liability Management Ministerial Corporation Financial Statements Operating Statement __________ 2014-15__________ Budget Revised $000 $000 2015-16 Budget $000 Expenses Excluding Losses Operating Expenses Other operating expenses TOTAL EXPENSES EXCLUDING LOSSES 60 20 40 60 20 40 Revenue Investment revenue 4,000 11,332 6,220 17,713 17,713 18,745 Total Revenue 21,713 29,045 24,965 Net Result 21,653 29,025 24,925 Grants and contributions 11 - 18 Budget Estimates 2015-16 Liability Management Ministerial Corporation Balance Sheet __________ 2014-15__________ Budget Revised $000 $000 2015-16 Budget $000 Assets Current Assets Cash assets 105 25 10 Receivables 6 1 4 111 26 14 Other financial assets 79,131 86,803 111,760 Total Non Current Assets 79,131 86,803 111,760 Total Assets 79,242 86,829 111,774 60 20 40 Total Current Liabilities 60 20 40 Total Liabilities 60 20 40 79,182 86,809 111,734 79,182 86,809 111,734 79,182 86,809 111,734 Total Current Assets Non Current Assets Liabilities Current Liabilities Payables Net Assets Equity Accumulated funds Total Equity Budget Estimates 2015-16 11 - 19 Liability Management Ministerial Corporation Cash Flow Statement __________ 2014-15__________ Budget Revised $000 $000 2015-16 Budget $000 Cash Flows From Operating Activities Payments Other Total Payments 61 12 24 61 12 24 Receipts Interest received 2,491 9,815 3,335 17,713 17,713 18,745 5 1 1 20,209 27,529 22,081 20,148 27,517 22,057 (20,148) (27,593) (22,072) (20,148) (27,593) (22,072) ... (76) (15) Opening Cash and Cash Equivalents 105 101 25 Closing Cash and Cash Equivalents 105 25 10 Grants and contributions Other Total Receipts Net Cash Flows From Operating Activities Cash Flows From Investing Activities Purchases of investments Net Cash Flows From Investing Activities Net Increase/(Decrease) in Cash Cash Flow Reconciliation Net result 21,653 29,025 24,925 Non cash items added back (1,509) (1,517) (2,885) 4 9 17 20,148 27,517 22,057 Change in operating assets and liabilities Net Cash Flows From Operating Activities 11 - 20 Budget Estimates 2015-16 Long Service Corporation Financial Statements Operating Statement __________ 2014-15__________ Budget Revised $000 $000 2015-16 Budget $000 Expenses Excluding Losses Operating Expenses Employee related Other operating expenses 55 11,229 79 10,763 28 11,017 1,134 228 165 Grants and subsidies 80,716 81,041 88,263 Finance costs 57,900 56,700 61,837 151,034 148,811 161,310 Depreciation and amortisation TOTAL EXPENSES EXCLUDING LOSSES Revenue Investment revenue Retained taxes, fees and fines Other revenue Total Revenue 57,561 114,257 71,055 101,264 127,781 111,610 54 105 92 158,879 242,143 182,757 Gain/(loss) on disposal of non current assets ... 15 ... Other gains/(losses) ... (13) ... 7,845 93,334 21,447 Net Result Budget Estimates 2015-16 11 - 21 Long Service Corporation Balance Sheet __________ 2014-15__________ Budget Revised $000 $000 2015-16 Budget $000 Assets Current Assets Cash assets 40,601 51,602 45,743 Receivables 7,783 9,192 8,853 48,384 60,794 54,596 912,114 1,013,363 1,113,723 273 286 404 1,964 536 3,525 Total Non Current Assets 914,351 1,014,185 1,117,652 Total Assets 962,735 1,074,979 1,172,248 Total Current Assets Non Current Assets Other financial assets Property, plant and equipment Plant and equipment Intangibles Liabilities Current Liabilities Payables 2,694 1,003 5,505 562,758 524,978 528,304 565,452 525,981 533,809 318,700 362,479 436,379 5,648 6,223 317 Total Non Current Liabilities 324,348 368,702 436,696 Total Liabilities 889,800 894,683 970,505 72,935 180,296 201,743 72,935 180,296 201,743 72,935 180,296 201,743 Provisions Total Current Liabilities Non Current Liabilities Provisions Other Net Assets Equity Accumulated funds Total Equity 11 - 22 Budget Estimates 2015-16 Long Service Corporation Cash Flow Statement __________ 2014-15__________ Budget Revised $000 $000 2015-16 Budget $000 Cash Flows From Operating Activities Payments Employee related 55 79 28 Grants and subsidies 80,716 81,041 88,263 Other 16,268 (404) (1,735) 97,039 80,716 86,556 Total Payments Receipts Sale of goods and services Interest received Retained taxes, fees and fines Other Total Receipts Net Cash Flows From Operating Activities ... 13 ... 1,286 55,919 2,043 101,988 126,878 111,916 843 900 1,236 104,117 183,710 115,195 7,078 102,994 28,639 7 18 7 Cash Flows From Investing Activities Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment Proceeds from sale of investments 3,000 ... ... (49) (176) (290) (37,017) (125,059) (31,226) (2,749) (467) (2,989) Net Cash Flows From Investing Activities (36,808) (125,684) (34,498) Net Increase/(Decrease) in Cash (29,730) (22,690) (5,859) Opening Cash and Cash Equivalents 70,331 74,292 51,602 Closing Cash and Cash Equivalents 40,601 51,602 45,743 Purchases of property, plant and equipment Purchases of investments Other Cash Flow Reconciliation Net result Non cash items added back Change in operating assets and liabilities Net Cash Flows From Operating Activities Budget Estimates 2015-16 7,845 93,334 21,447 (54,210) (57,987) (68,969) 53,443 67,647 76,161 7,078 102,994 28,639 11 - 23 Ports Assets Ministerial Holding Corporation Financial Statements Operating Statement __________ 2014-15__________ Budget Revised $000 $000 2015-16 Budget $000 Expenses Excluding Losses Operating Expenses Other operating expenses 31,421 30,900 32,592 31,421 30,900 32,592 Transfers to the Crown Entity (5,613) ... ... Sales of goods and services 36,855 ... ... Investment revenue 11,652 11,738 12,463 ... 30,761 32,452 Total Revenue 42,894 42,499 44,915 Net Result 11,473 11,599 12,323 TOTAL EXPENSES EXCLUDING LOSSES Revenue Other revenue 11 - 24 Budget Estimates 2015-16 Ports Assets Ministerial Holding Corporation Balance Sheet __________ 2014-15__________ Budget Revised $000 $000 2015-16 Budget $000 Assets Current Assets Cash assets 1,537 2,120 1,731 Receivables 8 19 10 1,545 2,139 1,741 177,192 177,192 189,655 Total Non Current Assets 177,192 177,192 189,655 Total Assets 178,737 179,331 191,396 77 355 97 77 355 97 77 355 97 178,660 178,976 191,299 178,660 178,976 191,299 178,660 178,976 191,299 Total Current Assets Non Current Assets Receivables Liabilities Current Liabilities Payables Total Current Liabilities Total Liabilities Net Assets Equity Accumulated funds Total Equity Budget Estimates 2015-16 11 - 25 Ports Assets Ministerial Holding Corporation Cash Flow Statement __________ 2014-15__________ Budget Revised $000 $000 2015-16 Budget $000 Cash Flows From Operating Activities Payments Other Total Payments 31,427 31,503 33,450 31,427 31,503 33,450 36,855 (9) 9 8 94 ... Receipts Sale of goods and services Interest received Cash transfers to the Crown Entity (5,613) ... ... 8 31,361 33,052 31,258 31,446 33,061 Net Cash Flows From Operating Activities (169) (57) (389) Net Increase/(Decrease) in Cash (169) (57) (389) Opening Cash and Cash Equivalents 1,706 2,177 2,120 Closing Cash and Cash Equivalents 1,537 2,120 1,731 11,473 11,599 12,323 (11,644) (11,644) (12,463) 2 (12) (249) (169) (57) (389) Other Total Receipts Cash Flow Reconciliation Net result Non cash items added back Change in operating assets and liabilities Net Cash Flows From Operating Activities 11 - 26 Budget Estimates 2015-16 Advance to the Treasurer Each year an amount is advanced to the Treasurer to manage expenditure contingencies and unforseen events in the Budget year. Once allocated, expenditure is shown within the appropriate agency. As the use of Treasurer’s Advance represents a transfer of spending, there is no budget impact. In 2015-16 an amount of $170 million has been allocated. This comprises $150 million for recurrent services and $20 million for capital works and services. 11 - 27 Budget Estimates 2015-16