Sales & Operation Planning

How to use Production
Monitoring & Control to Process
Inventory Transactions
Customize your transactions but use
XA to update the database
What is PM&C?
• Production Monitoring and Control (PM&C) is
the application that allows for bar code
reporting of Inventory Management,
Repetitive and PC&C (labor) transactions
• If your company wants to use Bar Code to
report transactions, they must buy or write
software to collect the transactions
• With PM&C, standard XA documents will print
with bar codes
• All transactions scanned are added to the
TRDATA file in the AMTLIB
• The data queue works as a type of alarm to
notify the U-Job (Unattached Job) that
transactions have been added to the TRDATA
• The U-Job will take the transactions and
update the database using XA programs
Turnaround Numbers
• When printing bar codes on documents, XA
does not bar code order number, item
number, etc. Instead, it creates a unique
‘turnaround’ number for each record that can
be scanned/reported
• When the turnaround number is scanned all
of the order/file information is brought into
the transaction
Turnaround Number Format
• In the various files where turnaround numbers
exist, the Turnaround Number is broken into 3
– Designator: 2 character that designates the type
of file/record
– SYSCTL number: 7 character number retrieved
from the System Control file
– Check digit: 1 character unique number used to
prevent duplicate turnaround numbers
Designator Codes
Manufacturing Order Header (MOMAST)
Manufacturing Order Components (MODATA)
Manufacturing Order Operations (MOROUT)
Manufacturing Order Miscellaneous Detail (MOMISC)
Purchase Order Master (POMAST)
Purchase Order Blanket Release (POBLKT)
Purchase Order Item (POITEM)
Replenishment (RPLMNT)
Location Quantity (SLQNTY)
QC Transaction
CO Pick Header (MBCLREP)
CO Pick Release (MBCNREP)
MM Count Group Detail (IVCTDT)
Employee Master
• Every transaction requires an Employee Badge
• This number must be a valid Employee in the
Employee Master file
• If your company uses XA Payroll, Employee
Master is created in the Payroll application
• All transactions written to TRDATA must include a
valid Employee number in the transaction
• An Employee Master requires a Work Schedule
PM&C – Schedules & Employees
• A work schedule defines the times for a work
shift, breaks & lunch
• A work schedule is required in the Employee
Master file
• Employee numbers are required for
transactions written to TRDATA
• PM&C inquiry allows for inquiry of all
transactions with by Employee number
PM&C - Schedules
Work Schedule Fields
• Shift Start/Stop
– If the same value is entered in the Early & Late,
then the actual clock in time is used on a TA (Time
& Attendance) transaction
– If there is a time range between Early & Late and
the employee clocks in during that range, then
the Standard is assigned to the TA
– Even if your company is not using PM&C for TA
transactions, a Work Schedule must be created to
add Employees
Employee Master Screen
Employee Master Required Fields
Employee Number
Employee Name
Multi-Job (always set to Yes)
Always leave ‘Terminate Date’ blank (zero’s).
Any date in this field flags the Employee as
Processing Transactions
• If you are creating your own transactions to
populate TRDATA follow these steps:
– Hold the PM&C U-jobs in CAS
– Key the transaction in PM&C
– Query the TRDATA file (AMTLIB) to see the
fields/record layout for the file
– Write your program to populate the same fields as
the keyed transaction
– Release the U-job to verify that the transaction
will post
Processing Transactions
• Inventory Management and Repetitive
transactions are posted immediately
– Order records updated
– On Hand/location records updated
– Transaction History updated
• Labor transactions
– Quantity Complete/Scrapped updated
– Labor Hours updated with Select & Edit job
Transaction Status Codes
There are 3 ACREC fields in TRDATA:
ACREC - When a transaction is entered through data collection
or through keyboard entry, it is set to a Y. If the transaction is in
error or deactivated it is set to N.
ACRECP - If Y, the record has been posted. If a transaction is
either a TA or an Inventory transaction, the transaction is posted
immediately, so ACRECP gets updated with a Y. It is blank if an ON
or OF has a TSTAT of 2. If a transaction has been deactivated, it is N.
ACRECS - Set to same value as ACRECP when a MAPICS backup
has run. If ACRECS is Y, the record cannot be changed... to make
corrections, deactivate the transaction, and add a new record with
correct data.
TRDATA Status Codes
• The values of TSTAT, QUEUE, and EXFLG in TRDATA keep
track of what processes the transaction has been through:
– TSTAT = 1 QUEUE = 0 Transaction in error (eg date not valid,
MRP generation active)
– TSTAT = 2 QUEUE = 1 New transaction, waiting to be posted by
unattached job
– TSTAT = 2 QUEUE = 0 Transaction is in error
– TSTAT = 3 EXFLG = 0 Transaction has passed initial
edits/posting, is waiting to be processed by Select and Edit
– TSTAT = 3 EXFLG = 1 Transaction has been processed by the
Select and Edit, waiting for Prepare
– TSTAT = 5
Transaction has been through the Prepare
SELYN is also set to 1 when a transaction is selected
Select and Edit
Select and Edit
• Select & Edit is a required job that will:
– Update the status code fields of the transaction
– If the transactions are PC&C labor transactions
(Job ON or OF), update MO Operation with time
– Produce a report of all transactions or error
transactions only
• Transaction number will be displayed for each
transaction printed
• Transaction number is used in ‘Maintain Transactions’
to correct error transactions
Correcting Transactions
Correcting Transactions
Employee Activity Inquiry
Employee Activity Inquiry
• If a transaction is highlighted, it is in error
• Move the cursor to that transaction and press
the Enter key
• Transaction will be displayed and can be:
– Corrected (change field and press Enter)
– Used to see error (no changes and press Enter)
– Deleted (F20)
Prepare Transactions
• All transactions that have updated the data
base and been selected (with the ‘Select &
Edit’ job) need to be prepared
• Run the ‘Prepare’ Job to update the status
code to 5
• All transactions with a status of ‘5’ will be
deleted from TRDATA when an XA backup is
Cistech Transactions
• If you don’t want to write your own programs
to collect transactions, Cistech has written RF
transaction collection for IM, Rep and MM
(cycle count) transactions
• RF gun must have 5250 emulation
Cistech Transactions
• Each Employee has a profile to determine
what transactions will appear for the
• Each Employee can set defaults to determine
what fields are displayed on the RF device
(optional fields only)
• ‘Hooks’ in receiving transactions can call label
print programs (i.e. TL Ashford)
Employee Transaction Screen
RM Transaction Screen
Location Inquiry
TRDATA Inquiry
Cistech Transaction Info
• Transactions are sold:
– Individually ($1,500/transaction)
– Or as a full package of all transactions ($12,000)
• 90 day support complementary
• Annual support available
• Create Work Shifts and Employees before
using PM&C
• Write transactions to the TRDATA file in the
• Allow XA to use U-jobs to process transactions
• Run ‘Select & Edit’ job daily to discover error
– Correct errors and re-select
• Run the Prepare job to change the status of
selected transactions
• XA Backup will delete prepared transactions
• TRDATA is a powerful tool to use to process