Name : Dr. AK Asthana

Name : Dr. A. K. Asthana
Designation : Director
: Institute of Cooperative Management
( An institute of National Council for Cooperative Training, New
Delhi and Funded by Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. of India, New
Address : E- 8/77, Trilanga Road, Shahpura, Bhopal
Contact :
Mobile - 8518964535,
Landline – 0755 – 2725477,4034733
e-mail :,
Academic Qualification:
Year of Passing
Submitted in
Sardar Patel
University , Anand,
Faculty of
Management Studies ,
Benaras Hindu
University, U.P.
B.Sc. ( Hons) in
Ranchi University,
Additional Qualification
MCX Certified Commodity Professional by Multi Commodity Exchange , Mumbai.
Ph.D. Guidance
Ms. Dhara J. Chudgar
Asstt Professor
Mr NareshKumar N
Ms. Indra J.
Asstt Professor
Mr Vipulkumar B Patel Asstt Professor
Risk Management in life Insurance
with emphasis on Life Insurance
Ceash Market or Future Market:
Identifying the Profitable
Segment for Investors through
Risk and Return Analysis
Adaptation of FMCG Product in
Rural Areas: A Descriptive Study
in the State of Gujarat.
A Study of Online Shopper’s
Perception, Attitude and Buying
Behariours Towards Online Buying
in Gujarat State.
External Research Guide in University of Pune.
Publication of Book
Fish Production and Marketing published by Biztantra Publication, Dariya
Ganj New Delhi, in 2009.
Cooperative Law and Cooperative Management by IGNOU, New Delhi, 2010
Publication of Papers ( Major one only)
1. Development of Consumer Cooperative in Gujarat published in
Cooperative Perspective, 1998, Vol 33 No 1
2. Cooperative Leadership and Vision of Future
published in Indian
Cooperative Review Jan 1998 Vol XXXV No 3 and repeat publication in
Maharastra Cooperative Quarterly Jan- Mar 1998 Vol LXXXIII No 3.
3. Marketing of Loan and Advances in Urban Cooperative Bank, published in
Urban Credit, June 1999 Vol XXI No 2.
4. Marketing of Banking Services by Mehsana Urban Cooperative Bank,
published in Indian Cooperative Review, 1998, Vol XXXV No 4, repeat
publication in Cooperative Perspective, 1997, Jul – Sep Vol 32 No 2.
5. Recovery of Advances in Credit Cooperative Societies published in Urban
Credit, 2001, Vol XXIII No 2
6. What is Ailing Cooperative Banks in Gujarat published in Maharashtra
Cooperative Quarterly 2001, Vol XXXV, No 10.
7. Marketing of Loan and Advances in Urban Cooperative Banks published in
Urban Credit 2001, June.
8. Strategy of Poverty Reduction through Cooperatives on website of ICAAsia Pacific,
9. Contract Farming in Gujarat and its Consequence on Functioning of APMC
published in NICM Bulletin, 2005, Vol II No 1
10.Credit Cooperative Societies and Customer Services Using Latest
Technology published in NICM Bulletin, 2006, Vol III No 12.
11. Income Tax Act 1961 and Credit Cooperative Societies published in NICM
Bulletin, 2006, Vol III No 9.
12.Status Report on Cooperative Dairy Sector of Gujarat NICM Bulletin, 2008,
Vol V No 3
13.Nadiyad Taluka Labour Cooperative Societiy – A case study on Success,
Problem and Prospect published in labour Coops, 2009, Oct – Dec Vol 28 No
14. Commercialization of Genetic Modified Vegetable – ATAMBODH, April
15. AMUL : Evolution of International Brand Indian Journal of Marketing Jan
16.Analysis of Strategic Decision of Product Line Extension by IFFCO using
BCG Model Indian Journal of Marketing April 2012.
17. Local Brands/V/s National Brands;Brand Quality Perception or
Behavioral intention, Indian Journal of Applied Research ( Vol. 3), April
18. An Adoptation of online shopping in India with refefence to online
tickeing, IInternatioal Journal of marketing Financial Services and
Management Research ( Vol 42 ) No – April 2012
19. An Empirical analysis of the characteristcs and detection of life insurance
fraud, IBIMA Quest Vol 13 Issue 1, Jan 2013
Conference and Seminars
1. Human Resource Management in LIC of India presented in National Level
seminar organized by Department of Business Administration, Mohan Lal
Sukhadiya Univeristy, Udaipur in 2002.
2. Strategy of Poverty Reduction through Cooperatives presented in seminar
organized by National Institute of Cooperative Management, Gandhingar in
3. Thrust on Production and
Export : Impact of Existing Institution and
Community in Emerging New Institutions : A case Study of Common
Property Management presented in International Association for Common
Property Management at Indonesia in 2006.
4. Performance and Problem of Urban Cooperative Banks of India presented
in National Convention of Indian Society for Studies of Cooperation at Pune
in 2007.
5. Problems of Agriculture Marketing in India presented in National
Marketing Seminaron Agricultu orgnised by UGC and Junagarh Agriculture
University in 2009.
6. Impact of Globalisation on the Livelihood of Fishermen of Gujarat
presented in seminar on Globalisation and Allied Agriculture oganised by
Mahatama Gandhi Labour Institute Ahemdabad, Govt of Gujarat in 2009.
7. Global Warming and Agriculture: Policy Framework for Capacity Building
for Farmers Using Cooperatives in Internation Seminar on Global Warming
Sustainable Development and Public Leadership organized by Gujarat
Vidyapith, Ahemdabad in 2010.
Consultancy Project
Assessment of Marketing and Credit Infrastructure in Area Covered in Phase I
sponsored by Sardar Narmada Project, Govt of Gujarat
Input Distribution System in India : Study of Gujarat Chapter on 1999 sponsored
by National Cooperative Union of India, New Delhi.
Supply Chain Management and Marketing of Organic Kesar Mango in Gujarat
sponsored by Gujarat Agrotech
Administrative Experience
Worked during Nov 1992 to Nov 1996 in Ministry of Defense, Govt of India, New
Delhi in different staff positions.
Visiting Faculty:
ICFAI University, EDI Ahmedabad, Mahatama Gandhi Labour Institute,
Ahmedabad, IFFCO Kalol. LIC Gandhinagar.
Language Known:
Hindi, English, Gujarati, Sanskrit.