HSB Principles of Marketing (CO Standards Website Expanded) FINC.09 Systems: Describe the tools, techniques, and systems that businesses use to create, communicate, and deliver value to finance customers and to manage customer relationships in ways that benefit the organization and its stakeholders. FINC.09.01 Discuss marketing’s role and function. FINC.09.01.a Explain marketing and its importance in a global economy. DECA.01 PBM - Principles of Business Management and Administration Event DECA.02 PFN - Principles of Finance Event DECA.03 PHT - Principles of Hospitality and Tourism Event DECA.04 PMK - Principles of Marketing Event FBLA.56 Virtual Business Challenge FINC.09.01.b Describe marketing functions and related activities. DECA.01 PBM - Principles of Business Management and Administration Event DECA.02 PFN - Principles of Finance Event DECA.03 PHT - Principles of Hospitality and Tourism Event DECA.04 PMK - Principles of Marketing Event FBLA.56 Virtual Business Challenge MKTC.11 Systems: Understand the tools, techniques, and systems that marketers use to create, communicate, and deliver value to customers and to manage customer relationships in ways that benefit the organization and its stakeholders. MKTC.11.01 Describe marketing’s role and function in business. HSB Principles of Marketing CO Website Expanded 1 MKTC.11.01.a Explain marketing and its importance in a global economy. DECA.01 PBM - Principles of Business Management and Administration Event DECA.02 PFN - Principles of Finance Event DECA.03 PHT - Principles of Hospitality and Tourism Event DECA.04 PMK - Principles of Marketing Event MKTC.11.01.b Describe marketing functions and related activities. DECA.01 PBM - Principles of Business Management and Administration Event DECA.02 PFN - Principles of Finance Event DECA.03 PHT - Principles of Hospitality and Tourism Event DECA.04 PMK - Principles of Marketing Event MKTC.23 Technical Skills: Understand the concepts and processes needed to identify, select, monitor, and evaluate sales channels. MKTC.23.01 Acquire foundational knowledge of channel management to understand its role in marketing. MKTC.23.01.c Explain the nature of channels of distribution. DECA.05 ADC - Advertising Campaign Event DECA.06 AAM - Apparel and Accessories Marketing Series Event DECA.07 ASM - Automotive Services Marketing Series Event DECA.08 BSM - Business Services Marketing Series Event DECA.09 BTDM - Buying and Merchandising Team Decision Making Event HSB Principles of Marketing CO Website Expanded 2 DECA.10 DQB - DECA Quiz Bowl DECA.11 FMP - Fashion Merchandising Promotion Plan Event DECA.12 FMS - Food Marketing Series Event DECA.13 MTDM - Marketing Communications Team Decision Making Event DECA.14 MMS - Marketing Management Series Event DECA.15 PSE - Professional Selling Event DECA.16 RMS - Retail Merchandising Series Event DECA.17 SEM - Sports and Entertainment Marketing Series Event DECA.18 STDM - Sports and Entertainment Marketing Team Decision Making Event DECA.22 HLM - Hotel and Lodging Management Series Event DECA.23 HTDM - Hospitality Services Team Decision Making Event DECA.24 QSRM - Quick Serve Restaurant Management Series Event DECA.25 RFSM - Restaurant and Food Service Management Series Event DECA.26 TTDM - Travel and Tourism Team Decision Making Event DECA.43 SEPP - Sports and Entertainment Promotion Plan DECA.44 HTPS - Hospitality and Tourism Professional Selling FBLA.45 Marketing--Modified HSB Principles of Marketing CO Website Expanded 3 MKTC.24 Technical Skills: Understand the concepts, systems, and tools needed to gather, access, synthesize, evaluate, and disseminate marketing information for use in making business decisions. MKTC.24.01 Acquire foundational knowledge of marketing information management to understand its nature and scope. MKTC.24.01.b Explain the nature and scope of the marketing information management function. DECA.05 ADC - Advertising Campaign Event DECA.06 AAM - Apparel and Accessories Marketing Series Event DECA.07 ASM - Automotive Services Marketing Series Event DECA.08 BSM - Business Services Marketing Series Event DECA.09 BTDM - Buying and Merchandising Team Decision Making Event DECA.10 DQB - DECA Quiz Bowl DECA.11 FMP - Fashion Merchandising Promotion Plan Event DECA.12 FMS - Food Marketing Series Event DECA.13 MTDM - Marketing Communications Team Decision Making Event DECA.14 MMS - Marketing Management Series Event DECA.15 PSE - Professional Selling Event DECA.16 RMS - Retail Merchandising Series Event DECA.17 SEM - Sports and Entertainment Marketing Series Event DECA.18 STDM - Sports and Entertainment Marketing Team HSB Principles of Marketing CO Website Expanded 4 Decision Making Event DECA.43 SEPP - Sports and Entertainment Promotion Plan DECA.44 HTPS - Hospitality and Tourism Professional Selling MKTC.24.02 Explain marketing research activities to show command of their nature and scope. MKTC.24.02.h Discuss the nature of sampling plans (i.e., who, how many, how chosen). RWC10-GR.12-S.4GLE.1-EO.c Critique and defend sources and information based on credibility, relevance and appropriateness relative to context and purpose DECA.05 ADC - Advertising Campaign Event DECA.06 AAM - Apparel and Accessories Marketing Series Event DECA.07 ASM - Automotive Services Marketing Series Event DECA.08 BSM - Business Services Marketing Series Event DECA.09 BTDM - Buying and Merchandising Team Decision Making Event DECA.10 DQB - DECA Quiz Bowl DECA.11 FMP - Fashion Merchandising Promotion Plan Event DECA.12 FMS - Food Marketing Series Event DECA.13 MTDM - Marketing Communications Team Decision Making Event DECA.14 MMS - Marketing Management Series Event DECA.15 PSE - Professional Selling Event HSB Principles of Marketing CO Website Expanded 5 DECA.16 RMS - Retail Merchandising Series Event DECA.17 SEM - Sports and Entertainment Marketing Series Event DECA.18 STDM - Sports and Entertainment Marketing Team Decision Making Event DECA.29 BOR - Business Services Operations Research DECA.30 BMOR - Buying and Merchandising Operations Research DECA.31 FOR - Finance Operations Research DECA.32 HTOP - Hospitality and Tourism Operations Research DECA.33 SEOR - Sports and Entainment Marketing Operations Research DECA.35 CMP - Creative Marketing Project DECA.43 SEPP - Sports and Entertainment Promotion Plan DECA.44 HTPS - Hospitality and Tourism Professional Selling PWR.02.01.c Understand different research approaches MKTC.24.03 Explain data-collection methods to evaluate their appropriateness for the research problem/issue. MKTC.24.03.b Describe data-collection methods (e.g., observations, mail, telephone, Internet, discussion groups, interviews, scanners, etc.). DECA.05 ADC - Advertising Campaign Event DECA.06 AAM - Apparel and Accessories Marketing Series Event DECA.07 ASM - Automotive Services Marketing Series Event HSB Principles of Marketing CO Website Expanded 6 DECA.08 BSM - Business Services Marketing Series Event DECA.09 BTDM - Buying and Merchandising Team Decision Making Event DECA.10 DQB - DECA Quiz Bowl DECA.11 FMP - Fashion Merchandising Promotion Plan Event DECA.12 FMS - Food Marketing Series Event DECA.13 MTDM - Marketing Communications Team Decision Making Event DECA.14 MMS - Marketing Management Series Event DECA.15 PSE - Professional Selling Event DECA.16 RMS - Retail Merchandising Series Event DECA.17 SEM - Sports and Entertainment Marketing Series Event DECA.18 STDM - Sports and Entertainment Marketing Team Decision Making Event DECA.29 BOR - Business Services Operations Research DECA.30 BMOR - Buying and Merchandising Operations Research DECA.31 FOR - Finance Operations Research DECA.32 HTOP - Hospitality and Tourism Operations Research DECA.33 SEOR - Sports and Entainment Marketing Operations Research DECA.35 CMP - Creative Marketing Project DECA.43 SEPP - Sports and Entertainment Promotion Plan HSB Principles of Marketing CO Website Expanded 7 DECA.44 HTPS - Hospitality and Tourism Professional Selling PWR.02.01.c Understand different research approaches PWR.02.01.d Collect and analyze quantitative and qualitative data and research MKTC.25 Technical Skills: Understand the concepts and strategies utilized to determine and target marketing strategies to a select audience. MKTC.25.01 Employ marketing information to develop a marketing plan. MKTC.25.01.a Explain the concept of marketing strategies. DECA.05 ADC - Advertising Campaign Event DECA.06 AAM - Apparel and Accessories Marketing Series Event DECA.07 ASM - Automotive Services Marketing Series Event DECA.08 BSM - Business Services Marketing Series Event DECA.09 BTDM - Buying and Merchandising Team Decision Making Event DECA.10 DQB - DECA Quiz Bowl DECA.11 FMP - Fashion Merchandising Promotion Plan Event DECA.12 FMS - Food Marketing Series Event DECA.13 MTDM - Marketing Communications Team Decision Making Event DECA.14 MMS - Marketing Management Series Event DECA.15 PSE - Professional Selling Event DECA.16 RMS - Retail Merchandising Series Event HSB Principles of Marketing CO Website Expanded 8 DECA.17 SEM - Sports and Entertainment Marketing Series Event DECA.18 STDM - Sports and Entertainment Marketing Team Decision Making Event DECA.43 SEPP - Sports and Entertainment Promotion Plan DECA.44 HTPS - Hospitality and Tourism Professional Selling FBLA.08 Business Financial Plan FBLA.32 Global Business MKTC.25.01.c Explain the concept of market and market identification. DECA.05 ADC - Advertising Campaign Event DECA.06 AAM - Apparel and Accessories Marketing Series Event DECA.07 ASM - Automotive Services Marketing Series Event DECA.08 BSM - Business Services Marketing Series Event DECA.09 BTDM - Buying and Merchandising Team Decision Making Event DECA.10 DQB - DECA Quiz Bowl DECA.11 FMP - Fashion Merchandising Promotion Plan Event DECA.12 FMS - Food Marketing Series Event DECA.13 MTDM - Marketing Communications Team Decision Making Event DECA.14 MMS - Marketing Management Series Event DECA.15 PSE - Professional Selling Event HSB Principles of Marketing CO Website Expanded 9 DECA.16 RMS - Retail Merchandising Series Event DECA.17 SEM - Sports and Entertainment Marketing Series Event DECA.18 STDM - Sports and Entertainment Marketing Team Decision Making Event DECA.43 SEPP - Sports and Entertainment Promotion Plan DECA.44 HTPS - Hospitality and Tourism Professional Selling FBLA.08 Business Financial Plan FBLA.25 E-business FBLA.32 Global Business MKTC.25.01.g Explain the nature of marketing plans. DECA.05 ADC - Advertising Campaign Event DECA.06 AAM - Apparel and Accessories Marketing Series Event DECA.07 ASM - Automotive Services Marketing Series Event DECA.08 BSM - Business Services Marketing Series Event DECA.09 BTDM - Buying and Merchandising Team Decision Making Event DECA.10 DQB - DECA Quiz Bowl DECA.11 FMP - Fashion Merchandising Promotion Plan Event DECA.12 FMS - Food Marketing Series Event DECA.13 MTDM - Marketing Communications Team Decision Making Event HSB Principles of Marketing CO Website Expanded 10 DECA.14 MMS - Marketing Management Series Event DECA.15 PSE - Professional Selling Event DECA.16 RMS - Retail Merchandising Series Event DECA.17 SEM - Sports and Entertainment Marketing Series Event DECA.18 STDM - Sports and Entertainment Marketing Team Decision Making Event DECA.43 SEPP - Sports and Entertainment Promotion Plan DECA.44 HTPS - Hospitality and Tourism Professional Selling FBLA.08 Business Financial Plan FBLA.32 Global Business PWR.02.06.a Plan and prioritize goals MKTC.25.01.m Explain the nature of sales forecasts. DECA.05 ADC - Advertising Campaign Event DECA.06 AAM - Apparel and Accessories Marketing Series Event DECA.07 ASM - Automotive Services Marketing Series Event DECA.08 BSM - Business Services Marketing Series Event DECA.09 BTDM - Buying and Merchandising Team Decision Making Event DECA.10 DQB - DECA Quiz Bowl DECA.11 FMP - Fashion Merchandising Promotion Plan Event HSB Principles of Marketing CO Website Expanded 11 DECA.12 FMS - Food Marketing Series Event DECA.13 MTDM - Marketing Communications Team Decision Making Event DECA.14 MMS - Marketing Management Series Event DECA.15 PSE - Professional Selling Event DECA.16 RMS - Retail Merchandising Series Event DECA.17 SEM - Sports and Entertainment Marketing Series Event DECA.18 STDM - Sports and Entertainment Marketing Team Decision Making Event DECA.43 SEPP - Sports and Entertainment Promotion Plan DECA.44 HTPS - Hospitality and Tourism Professional Selling FBLA.08 Business Financial Plan FBLA.32 Global Business PWR.01.02.d Apply knowledge of mathematics to problem solve, analyze issues, and make critical decisions that arise in everyday life MKTC.25.01.n Forecast sales for marketing plan. FBLA.08 Business Financial Plan FBLA.32 Global Business MKTC.25.01.o Set marketing goals and objectives. FBLA.32 Global Business PWR.02.06.a Plan and prioritize goals MKTC.25.01.p Select marketing metrics. HSB Principles of Marketing CO Website Expanded 12 FBLA.32 Global Business PWR.01.02.d Apply knowledge of mathematics to problem solve, analyze issues, and make critical decisions that arise in everyday life MKTC.25.01.q Set a marketing budget. FBLA.32 Global Business PWR.01.02.d Apply knowledge of mathematics to problem solve, analyze issues, and make critical decisions that arise in everyday life PWR.02.06.a Plan and prioritize goals MKTC.25.01.r Develop marketing plan. RWC10-GR.12-S.3GLE.2-EO.b Select appropriate and relevant information (excluding extraneous details) to set context RWC10-GR.12-S.3GLE.2-EO.d Select and build context for language appropriate to content (technical, formal) FBLA.32 Global Business PWR.02.06.a Plan and prioritize goals MKTC.26 Technical Skills: Understand concepts and strategies utilized in determining and adjusting prices to maximize return and meet customers’ perceptions of value. MKTC.26.01 Develop a foundational knowledge of pricing to understand its role in marketing. MKTC.26.01.a Explain the nature and scope of the pricing function. DECA.05 ADC - Advertising Campaign Event DECA.06 AAM - Apparel and Accessories Marketing Series Event DECA.07 ASM - Automotive Services Marketing Series HSB Principles of Marketing CO Website Expanded 13 Event DECA.08 BSM - Business Services Marketing Series Event DECA.09 BTDM - Buying and Merchandising Team Decision Making Event DECA.10 DQB - DECA Quiz Bowl DECA.11 FMP - Fashion Merchandising Promotion Plan Event DECA.12 FMS - Food Marketing Series Event DECA.13 MTDM - Marketing Communications Team Decision Making Event DECA.14 MMS - Marketing Management Series Event DECA.15 PSE - Professional Selling Event DECA.16 RMS - Retail Merchandising Series Event DECA.17 SEM - Sports and Entertainment Marketing Series Event DECA.18 STDM - Sports and Entertainment Marketing Team Decision Making Event DECA.43 SEPP - Sports and Entertainment Promotion Plan DECA.44 HTPS - Hospitality and Tourism Professional Selling MKTC.27 Technical Skills: Understand the concepts and processes needed to obtain, develop, maintain, and improve a product or service mix in response to market opportunities. MKTC.27.01 Acquire a foundational knowledge of product/service management to understand its nature and scope. MKTC.27.01.b Identify the impact of product life cycles on marketing decisions. HSB Principles of Marketing CO Website Expanded 14 DECA.05 ADC - Advertising Campaign Event DECA.06 AAM - Apparel and Accessories Marketing Series Event DECA.07 ASM - Automotive Services Marketing Series Event DECA.08 BSM - Business Services Marketing Series Event DECA.09 BTDM - Buying and Merchandising Team Decision Making Event DECA.10 DQB - DECA Quiz Bowl DECA.11 FMP - Fashion Merchandising Promotion Plan Event DECA.12 FMS - Food Marketing Series Event DECA.13 MTDM - Marketing Communications Team Decision Making Event DECA.14 MMS - Marketing Management Series Event DECA.15 PSE - Professional Selling Event DECA.16 RMS - Retail Merchandising Series Event DECA.17 SEM - Sports and Entertainment Marketing Series Event DECA.18 STDM - Sports and Entertainment Marketing Team Decision Making Event DECA.43 SEPP - Sports and Entertainment Promotion Plan DECA.44 HTPS - Hospitality and Tourism Professional Selling MKTC.27.03 Apply quality assurances to enhance product/service offerings. MKTC.27.03.a Describe the uses of grades and standards in marketing. HSB Principles of Marketing CO Website Expanded 15 DECA.05 ADC - Advertising Campaign Event DECA.06 AAM - Apparel and Accessories Marketing Series Event DECA.07 ASM - Automotive Services Marketing Series Event DECA.08 BSM - Business Services Marketing Series Event DECA.09 BTDM - Buying and Merchandising Team Decision Making Event DECA.10 DQB - DECA Quiz Bowl DECA.11 FMP - Fashion Merchandising Promotion Plan Event DECA.12 FMS - Food Marketing Series Event DECA.13 MTDM - Marketing Communications Team Decision Making Event DECA.14 MMS - Marketing Management Series Event DECA.15 PSE - Professional Selling Event DECA.16 RMS - Retail Merchandising Series Event DECA.17 SEM - Sports and Entertainment Marketing Series Event DECA.18 STDM - Sports and Entertainment Marketing Team Decision Making Event DECA.43 SEPP - Sports and Entertainment Promotion Plan DECA.44 HTPS - Hospitality and Tourism Professional Selling MKTC.27.03.b DECA.05 Explain warranties and guarantees. ADC - Advertising Campaign Event HSB Principles of Marketing CO Website Expanded 16 DECA.06 AAM - Apparel and Accessories Marketing Series Event DECA.07 ASM - Automotive Services Marketing Series Event DECA.08 BSM - Business Services Marketing Series Event DECA.09 BTDM - Buying and Merchandising Team Decision Making Event DECA.10 DQB - DECA Quiz Bowl DECA.11 FMP - Fashion Merchandising Promotion Plan Event DECA.12 FMS - Food Marketing Series Event DECA.13 MTDM - Marketing Communications Team Decision Making Event DECA.14 MMS - Marketing Management Series Event DECA.15 PSE - Professional Selling Event DECA.16 RMS - Retail Merchandising Series Event DECA.17 SEM - Sports and Entertainment Marketing Series Event DECA.18 STDM - Sports and Entertainment Marketing Team Decision Making Event DECA.43 SEPP - Sports and Entertainment Promotion Plan DECA.44 HTPS - Hospitality and Tourism Professional Selling MKTC.27.04 Employ product-mix strategies to meet customer expectations. MKTC.27.04.a DECA.05 Explain the concept of product mix. ADC - Advertising Campaign Event HSB Principles of Marketing CO Website Expanded 17 DECA.06 AAM - Apparel and Accessories Marketing Series Event DECA.07 ASM - Automotive Services Marketing Series Event DECA.08 BSM - Business Services Marketing Series Event DECA.09 BTDM - Buying and Merchandising Team Decision Making Event DECA.10 DQB - DECA Quiz Bowl DECA.11 FMP - Fashion Merchandising Promotion Plan Event DECA.12 FMS - Food Marketing Series Event DECA.13 MTDM - Marketing Communications Team Decision Making Event DECA.14 MMS - Marketing Management Series Event DECA.15 PSE - Professional Selling Event DECA.16 RMS - Retail Merchandising Series Event DECA.17 SEM - Sports and Entertainment Marketing Series Event DECA.18 STDM - Sports and Entertainment Marketing Team Decision Making Event DECA.43 SEPP - Sports and Entertainment Promotion Plan DECA.44 HTPS - Hospitality and Tourism Professional Selling MKTC.27.05 Position products/services to acquire desired business image. MKTC.27.05.a DECA.05 Describe factors used by marketers to position products/services. ADC - Advertising Campaign Event HSB Principles of Marketing CO Website Expanded 18 DECA.06 AAM - Apparel and Accessories Marketing Series Event DECA.07 ASM - Automotive Services Marketing Series Event DECA.08 BSM - Business Services Marketing Series Event DECA.09 BTDM - Buying and Merchandising Team Decision Making Event DECA.10 DQB - DECA Quiz Bowl DECA.11 FMP - Fashion Merchandising Promotion Plan Event DECA.12 FMS - Food Marketing Series Event DECA.13 MTDM - Marketing Communications Team Decision Making Event DECA.14 MMS - Marketing Management Series Event DECA.15 PSE - Professional Selling Event DECA.16 RMS - Retail Merchandising Series Event DECA.17 SEM - Sports and Entertainment Marketing Series Event DECA.18 STDM - Sports and Entertainment Marketing Team Decision Making Event DECA.43 SEPP - Sports and Entertainment Promotion Plan DECA.44 HTPS - Hospitality and Tourism Professional Selling MKTC.27.05.b Explain the nature of product/service branding. DECA.05 ADC - Advertising Campaign Event DECA.06 AAM - Apparel and Accessories Marketing Series HSB Principles of Marketing CO Website Expanded 19 Event DECA.07 ASM - Automotive Services Marketing Series Event DECA.08 BSM - Business Services Marketing Series Event DECA.09 BTDM - Buying and Merchandising Team Decision Making Event DECA.10 DQB - DECA Quiz Bowl DECA.11 FMP - Fashion Merchandising Promotion Plan Event DECA.12 FMS - Food Marketing Series Event DECA.13 MTDM - Marketing Communications Team Decision Making Event DECA.14 MMS - Marketing Management Series Event DECA.15 PSE - Professional Selling Event DECA.16 RMS - Retail Merchandising Series Event DECA.17 SEM - Sports and Entertainment Marketing Series Event DECA.18 STDM - Sports and Entertainment Marketing Team Decision Making Event DECA.43 SEPP - Sports and Entertainment Promotion Plan DECA.44 HTPS - Hospitality and Tourism Professional Selling MKTC.27.06 Position company to acquire desired business image. MKTC.27.06.a DECA.05 Explain the nature of corporate branding. ADC - Advertising Campaign Event HSB Principles of Marketing CO Website Expanded 20 DECA.06 AAM - Apparel and Accessories Marketing Series Event DECA.07 ASM - Automotive Services Marketing Series Event DECA.08 BSM - Business Services Marketing Series Event DECA.09 BTDM - Buying and Merchandising Team Decision Making Event DECA.10 DQB - DECA Quiz Bowl DECA.11 FMP - Fashion Merchandising Promotion Plan Event DECA.12 FMS - Food Marketing Series Event DECA.13 MTDM - Marketing Communications Team Decision Making Event DECA.14 MMS - Marketing Management Series Event DECA.15 PSE - Professional Selling Event DECA.16 RMS - Retail Merchandising Series Event DECA.17 SEM - Sports and Entertainment Marketing Series Event DECA.18 STDM - Sports and Entertainment Marketing Team Decision Making Event DECA.43 SEPP - Sports and Entertainment Promotion Plan DECA.44 HTPS - Hospitality and Tourism Professional Selling MKTC.28 Technical Skills: Understand the concepts and strategies needed to communicate information about products, services, images, and/or ideas to achieve a desired outcome. MKTC.28.01 Acquire a foundational knowledge of promotion to understand its HSB Principles of Marketing CO Website Expanded 21 nature and scope. MKTC.28.01.a Explain the role of promotion as a marketing function. DECA.05 ADC - Advertising Campaign Event DECA.06 AAM - Apparel and Accessories Marketing Series Event DECA.07 ASM - Automotive Services Marketing Series Event DECA.08 BSM - Business Services Marketing Series Event DECA.09 BTDM - Buying and Merchandising Team Decision Making Event DECA.10 DQB - DECA Quiz Bowl DECA.11 FMP - Fashion Merchandising Promotion Plan Event DECA.12 FMS - Food Marketing Series Event DECA.13 MTDM - Marketing Communications Team Decision Making Event DECA.14 MMS - Marketing Management Series Event DECA.15 PSE - Professional Selling Event DECA.16 RMS - Retail Merchandising Series Event DECA.17 SEM - Sports and Entertainment Marketing Series Event DECA.18 STDM - Sports and Entertainment Marketing Team Decision Making Event DECA.38 LEP - Learn and Earn Project DECA.39 PRP - Public Relations Project HSB Principles of Marketing CO Website Expanded 22 DECA.43 SEPP - Sports and Entertainment Promotion Plan DECA.44 HTPS - Hospitality and Tourism Professional Selling MKTC.28.01.b Explain the types of promotion. DECA.05 ADC - Advertising Campaign Event DECA.06 AAM - Apparel and Accessories Marketing Series Event DECA.07 ASM - Automotive Services Marketing Series Event DECA.08 BSM - Business Services Marketing Series Event DECA.09 BTDM - Buying and Merchandising Team Decision Making Event DECA.10 DQB - DECA Quiz Bowl DECA.11 FMP - Fashion Merchandising Promotion Plan Event DECA.12 FMS - Food Marketing Series Event DECA.13 MTDM - Marketing Communications Team Decision Making Event DECA.14 MMS - Marketing Management Series Event DECA.15 PSE - Professional Selling Event DECA.16 RMS - Retail Merchandising Series Event DECA.17 SEM - Sports and Entertainment Marketing Series Event DECA.18 STDM - Sports and Entertainment Marketing Team Decision Making Event DECA.38 LEP - Learn and Earn Project HSB Principles of Marketing CO Website Expanded 23 DECA.39 PRP - Public Relations Project DECA.43 SEPP - Sports and Entertainment Promotion Plan DECA.44 HTPS - Hospitality and Tourism Professional Selling MKTC.28.01.c Identify the elements of the promotional mix. DECA.05 ADC - Advertising Campaign Event DECA.06 AAM - Apparel and Accessories Marketing Series Event DECA.07 ASM - Automotive Services Marketing Series Event DECA.08 BSM - Business Services Marketing Series Event DECA.09 BTDM - Buying and Merchandising Team Decision Making Event DECA.10 DQB - DECA Quiz Bowl DECA.11 FMP - Fashion Merchandising Promotion Plan Event DECA.12 FMS - Food Marketing Series Event DECA.13 MTDM - Marketing Communications Team Decision Making Event DECA.14 MMS - Marketing Management Series Event DECA.15 PSE - Professional Selling Event DECA.16 RMS - Retail Merchandising Series Event DECA.17 SEM - Sports and Entertainment Marketing Series Event DECA.18 STDM - Sports and Entertainment Marketing Team Decision Making Event HSB Principles of Marketing CO Website Expanded 24 DECA.38 LEP - Learn and Earn Project DECA.39 PRP - Public Relations Project DECA.43 SEPP - Sports and Entertainment Promotion Plan DECA.44 HTPS - Hospitality and Tourism Professional Selling MKTC.28.02 Describe promotional channels used to communicate with targeted audiences. MKTC.28.02.a Explain types of advertising media. DECA.05 ADC - Advertising Campaign Event DECA.06 AAM - Apparel and Accessories Marketing Series Event DECA.07 ASM - Automotive Services Marketing Series Event DECA.08 BSM - Business Services Marketing Series Event DECA.09 BTDM - Buying and Merchandising Team Decision Making Event DECA.10 DQB - DECA Quiz Bowl DECA.11 FMP - Fashion Merchandising Promotion Plan Event DECA.12 FMS - Food Marketing Series Event DECA.13 MTDM - Marketing Communications Team Decision Making Event DECA.14 MMS - Marketing Management Series Event DECA.15 PSE - Professional Selling Event DECA.16 RMS - Retail Merchandising Series Event HSB Principles of Marketing CO Website Expanded 25 DECA.17 SEM - Sports and Entertainment Marketing Series Event DECA.18 STDM - Sports and Entertainment Marketing Team Decision Making Event DECA.38 LEP - Learn and Earn Project DECA.39 PRP - Public Relations Project DECA.43 SEPP - Sports and Entertainment Promotion Plan DECA.44 HTPS - Hospitality and Tourism Professional Selling MKTC.29 Technical Skills: Determine client needs and wants and respond through planned, personalized communication to influences purchase decisions and enhances future business opportunities. MKTC.29.01 Acquire a foundational knowledge of selling to understand its nature and scope. MKTC.29.01.a Explain the nature and scope of the selling function. DECA.05 ADC - Advertising Campaign Event DECA.06 AAM - Apparel and Accessories Marketing Series Event DECA.07 ASM - Automotive Services Marketing Series Event DECA.08 BSM - Business Services Marketing Series Event DECA.09 BTDM - Buying and Merchandising Team Decision Making Event DECA.10 DQB - DECA Quiz Bowl DECA.11 FMP - Fashion Merchandising Promotion Plan Event DECA.12 FMS - Food Marketing Series Event HSB Principles of Marketing CO Website Expanded 26 DECA.13 MTDM - Marketing Communications Team Decision Making Event DECA.14 MMS - Marketing Management Series Event DECA.15 PSE - Professional Selling Event DECA.16 RMS - Retail Merchandising Series Event DECA.17 SEM - Sports and Entertainment Marketing Series Event DECA.18 STDM - Sports and Entertainment Marketing Team Decision Making Event DECA.43 SEPP - Sports and Entertainment Promotion Plan DECA.44 HTPS - Hospitality and Tourism Professional Selling MKTC.29.01.b Explain the role of customer service as a component of selling relationships. DECA.05 ADC - Advertising Campaign Event DECA.06 AAM - Apparel and Accessories Marketing Series Event DECA.07 ASM - Automotive Services Marketing Series Event DECA.08 BSM - Business Services Marketing Series Event DECA.09 BTDM - Buying and Merchandising Team Decision Making Event DECA.10 DQB - DECA Quiz Bowl DECA.11 FMP - Fashion Merchandising Promotion Plan Event DECA.12 FMS - Food Marketing Series Event HSB Principles of Marketing CO Website Expanded 27 DECA.13 MTDM - Marketing Communications Team Decision Making Event DECA.14 MMS - Marketing Management Series Event DECA.15 PSE - Professional Selling Event DECA.16 RMS - Retail Merchandising Series Event DECA.17 SEM - Sports and Entertainment Marketing Series Event DECA.18 STDM - Sports and Entertainment Marketing Team Decision Making Event DECA.43 SEPP - Sports and Entertainment Promotion Plan DECA.44 HTPS - Hospitality and Tourism Professional Selling PWR.02.09.a Work effectively with others PWR.02.09.c Cooperate for a common purpose MKTC.29.01.c Explain key factors in building a clientele. DECA.05 ADC - Advertising Campaign Event DECA.06 AAM - Apparel and Accessories Marketing Series Event DECA.07 ASM - Automotive Services Marketing Series Event DECA.08 BSM - Business Services Marketing Series Event DECA.09 BTDM - Buying and Merchandising Team Decision Making Event DECA.10 DQB - DECA Quiz Bowl DECA.11 FMP - Fashion Merchandising Promotion Plan Event HSB Principles of Marketing CO Website Expanded 28 DECA.12 FMS - Food Marketing Series Event DECA.13 MTDM - Marketing Communications Team Decision Making Event DECA.14 MMS - Marketing Management Series Event DECA.15 PSE - Professional Selling Event DECA.16 RMS - Retail Merchandising Series Event DECA.17 SEM - Sports and Entertainment Marketing Series Event DECA.18 STDM - Sports and Entertainment Marketing Team Decision Making Event DECA.43 SEPP - Sports and Entertainment Promotion Plan DECA.44 HTPS - Hospitality and Tourism Professional Selling PWR.02.09.a Work effectively with others PWR.02.09.c Cooperate for a common purpose MKTC.29.01.d Explain company selling policies. DECA.05 ADC - Advertising Campaign Event DECA.06 AAM - Apparel and Accessories Marketing Series Event DECA.07 ASM - Automotive Services Marketing Series Event DECA.08 BSM - Business Services Marketing Series Event DECA.09 BTDM - Buying and Merchandising Team Decision Making Event DECA.10 DQB - DECA Quiz Bowl HSB Principles of Marketing CO Website Expanded 29 DECA.11 FMP - Fashion Merchandising Promotion Plan Event DECA.12 FMS - Food Marketing Series Event DECA.13 MTDM - Marketing Communications Team Decision Making Event DECA.14 MMS - Marketing Management Series Event DECA.15 PSE - Professional Selling Event DECA.16 RMS - Retail Merchandising Series Event DECA.17 SEM - Sports and Entertainment Marketing Series Event DECA.18 STDM - Sports and Entertainment Marketing Team Decision Making Event DECA.43 SEPP - Sports and Entertainment Promotion Plan DECA.44 HTPS - Hospitality and Tourism Professional Selling MKTC.29.02 Acquire product knowledge to communicate product benefits to ensure appropriateness of product for the customer. MKTC.29.02.a Acquire product information for use in selling. DECA.05 ADC - Advertising Campaign Event DECA.06 AAM - Apparel and Accessories Marketing Series Event DECA.07 ASM - Automotive Services Marketing Series Event DECA.08 BSM - Business Services Marketing Series Event DECA.09 BTDM - Buying and Merchandising Team Decision Making Event HSB Principles of Marketing CO Website Expanded 30 DECA.10 DQB - DECA Quiz Bowl DECA.11 FMP - Fashion Merchandising Promotion Plan Event DECA.12 FMS - Food Marketing Series Event DECA.13 MTDM - Marketing Communications Team Decision Making Event DECA.14 MMS - Marketing Management Series Event DECA.15 PSE - Professional Selling Event DECA.16 RMS - Retail Merchandising Series Event DECA.17 SEM - Sports and Entertainment Marketing Series Event DECA.18 STDM - Sports and Entertainment Marketing Team Decision Making Event DECA.43 SEPP - Sports and Entertainment Promotion Plan DECA.44 HTPS - Hospitality and Tourism Professional Selling PWR.02.01.d Collect and analyze quantitative and qualitative data and research MKTC.29.03 Explain sales processes and techniques to enhance customer relationships and to increase the likelihood of making sales. MKTC.29.03.a Explain the selling process. DECA.05 ADC - Advertising Campaign Event DECA.06 AAM - Apparel and Accessories Marketing Series Event DECA.07 ASM - Automotive Services Marketing Series Event HSB Principles of Marketing CO Website Expanded 31 DECA.08 BSM - Business Services Marketing Series Event DECA.09 BTDM - Buying and Merchandising Team Decision Making Event DECA.10 DQB - DECA Quiz Bowl DECA.11 FMP - Fashion Merchandising Promotion Plan Event DECA.12 FMS - Food Marketing Series Event DECA.13 MTDM - Marketing Communications Team Decision Making Event DECA.14 MMS - Marketing Management Series Event DECA.15 PSE - Professional Selling Event DECA.16 RMS - Retail Merchandising Series Event DECA.17 SEM - Sports and Entertainment Marketing Series Event DECA.18 STDM - Sports and Entertainment Marketing Team Decision Making Event DECA.43 SEPP - Sports and Entertainment Promotion Plan DECA.44 HTPS - Hospitality and Tourism Professional Selling PWR.02.01.a Apply logical reasoning and analytical skills PWR.02.07.b Possess financial literacy and awareness of consumer economics HSB Principles of Marketing CO Website Expanded 32