Ecology Unit PP Full

Oh, What a Tangled Web We
 Read the Prologue on Pg. 506
 Complete Brainstorming questions 1 and 2
What’s for lunch
 Read “What’s for lunch” on pgs 508-509.
 Define food chain, food web and population.
What’s for Lunch
 Read the information on your biota card
 Using string and tape connect each “Producer” to the
 Using string, connect each “Consumer” to the
producers upon which it feeds.
 Find all the food chains that make up this food web.
What do they have in common?
 Remove the mosquito card and all its connections
 Note the food source of each organism attached to the
 Remove the leaf beetle card. Trace and remove all it’s
 If any consumers have lost their food source they must
be removed as well.
 Describe in your notebook how this event affected the
food web as a whole.
 Describe what effect removing the mosquitos had on
the rest of the food web.
 Explain why one intended action resulted in several
unintended effects.
Warm UP – No WHOT this week
 In your Journal:
 Define:
Food Chain
Food Web
Food web homework
 Complete Analysis questions 1-3 on pg. 510
 Read “Managing Mosquitoes” pg. 510-511. Complete
questions 1-4 on pg. 511
Food web diagraming
 In groups of four, draw a diagram which communicates
the story “Managing Mosquitos”.
 Lab groups rotate one table to the right.
 Listen as I read “Managing Mosquitos” aloud and
evaluate the diagram for completeness and clarity.
 Add words, pictures and arrows to the diagram to
make it more complete or clear.
 Return to your original table and copy your diagram
into your journal.
The Factors of Life
 Read Pg. 496-497
 Answer Analysis Questions 1-3
10/7 Warm-up
 In your journal…
 What is a habitat? Give some examples.
 What is an ecosystem? Give some examples
 What are some of the features and/or components of an
Life in a jar
 Objective: Students will collaborate with other
students to DESIGN, BUILD and MONITOR a stable
Life in a jar
 Pg. 498-499
 Groups of 3-4 (not 2 or 5,6,7, 15 etc.)
 Plan how to build your bottle ecosystem including.
 Materials you will need
 Producers to add(autotrophs)
 Consumers to add (heterotrophs)
 Decomposers ?
 Aquatic or Terrestrial or both.
Life in a jar
 What each GROUP will turn in.
 DIAGRAM OF BOTTLE ECOSYSTEM – complete, clear,
nice looking.
 ECOSYSTEM PLAN – this will be a table which lists each
part of the ecosystem you build with an explanation for
EACH component. The explanation will help me
understand the role, job, effect, importance of each
component of your ecosystem.
 MONITORING PLAN – this will explain what qualitative
and quantitative data your group will collect each day.
“Remember kids, the only
difference between screwing
around and science is writing it
down. “
Adam Savage.
Life in a jar
 DRAW a labeled diagram of your bottle ecosystem in
your journal.
 CREATE a data table to collect qualitative and
quantitative data on you ecosystem for 30 days.
 RECORD DATA in your data table on a daily basis.
 Read Pgs. 501-503
 Answer questions 1-4 on pg. 503
Wolves of Yellowstone
 What do you think will happen in years to come?
 At which time do you think the ecosystem was or is
most stable?
 What further information would you need in order to
decide whether to introduce the wolves into Wyoming
or Idaho?
 Removed 1914-44 to increase Elk population
 Consequences:
 Elk overpopulate
 Grasses overgrazed
 Coyote numbers increase
 Fox numbers reduced
 Raptor numbers reduced
 Wolves reintroduced 1980
 Predation on Elk increases
 (Unintended consequences..wolves prey on livestock)
Wolves…take home
 Predators are an important part of an ecosystem.
 Ecosystems are composed of many interactions.
Removing one organism often impacts many others.
 Ecosystems are complicated. It is difficult to predict
what will happen when you remove one organism.
 Human choices about altering ecosystems are
impacted by competing values.
Round and Round they go
 Read the Prologue on pg. 514
 Complete Brainstorming questions 1-3
Essential Question..
Is it better to eat plants
or animals?
Going with the Flow
 Read “Going with the Flow” on pg. 515
 Complete Task 1 and 2 with a partner sitting at your
 Complete Analysis questions 1-5 on pg. 516
Trophic Level
Primary producer
Herbivore (Rabbit)
Primary carnivore
Secondary carnivore
Kcal used in Kcal
Metabolism Wasted
available to
next level
 Graph your energy data with “Kcal available” on the Y
axis and “Trophic Level (1,2,3,4)” on the X axis.
 DESCRIBE your graph.
 EXPLAIN your graph.
Take home: Energy flow in food
 Energy from the Sun is transferred and released
through each trophic level.
 Energy flows one-way from Producers through
 Organisms use up most of the energy they take in
(metabolism & waste).
 Only 10% of energy is available to next T.L.
 There needs to be more producers than herbivores.
More herbivores than carnivores, because of energy
An Infinite Loop
 Read the “Carbon-Oxygen cycle” on pg. 518. Using an
entire page, draw a diagram of the two cycles using
pictures, words and arrows.
 Read the “Nitrogen cycle” on pg. 519. Using an entire
page, draw a diagram of the cycle using pictures, words
and arrows.
An Infinite Loop
 Read the intro and procedures of “An Infinity Loop” on
Pg. 518
 Once assigned to your specialist group, move to a table
with other similar specialists to learn about your cycle
and prepare a diagram of it.
 Prepare to teach others in your original group.(15 min)
 Return to your normal seat and teach the others about
the cycle that you studied. (15 min)
Modeling nutrient cycles
 Draw a picture of your model ecosystem.
 Add labeled arrows that show the movement of
different nutrients within your model ecosystem.
 Refer to the drawings of the three nutrient cycles we
studied to see which forms of each element you should
be including.
Explain what each arrow means (pick
5). Use scientific vocabulary.
Explain what each arrow means. Use
scientific vocabulary.
Explain what each arrow means. Use
scientific vocabulary.
Nutrient Cycle HW
 Complete analysis questions 1-4 on pg. 520
 Crash course: Carbon and water cycle (1/2 pg. notes)
 Crash course: Nitrogen cycle (1/2 pg. notes)
Population Pressures
 Students will record and interpret data on the growth
of a population.
1. Label a container and add 20 ml. of molasses
2. Add 1 drop of yeast culture.
3. Make a microscope slide of 1 drop of the mixed
culture solution.
4. Count the number of yeast cells in three different
fields of view.
The Carbon Cycle
 In your journal find the equations for photosynthesis
and respiration and copy them onto this page in your
 Draw a diagram showing how CARBON moves in a
cycle on earth using information from the equations,
information you know about plants and animals and
information that you know about burning of fossil
Ecological Concept Map
 Use arrows and linking words to construct a
concept map of the following terms
 Biotic factors
 Habitat
 Abiotic factors
 Food chain
 Producer
 Decomposer
 Photosynthesis
 Energy flow
food web
trophic level
Population Pressures
 Read the Prologue on Pg. 525
 Complete the Brainstorming questions on pg. 526
 Complete the procedures on pg. 526 to record the data
in a data table.
 Graph the data
 DESCRIBE and EXPLAIN the data.
 Pg. 528 analysis questions 1-6 (except #4)
The Lynx and the Hare
 Read silently through the predator-prey simulation on
pg. 528-529
 In your table groups, pick up the cards you need and
carry out the exercise.
 HW: Complete Analysis questions 1-5 on pg. 530
A Friendly Warning (close
A Friendly Warning
 Read the Case study on pg. 530-532
 Complete the analysis task on pg. 532 (you may make
the graph on notebook paper rather than as a poster)
A Friendly Warning
In a group of four make a whiteboard poster that warns
Hikers of the Lyme disease risk from ticks. The poster
should include.
 A diagram of the interactions leading to the risk
 A graph showing the timing of the risk
 A few sentences explaining how people get Lyme
disease and explaining the timing of the risk.
 What was challenging about getting non-scientists to
understand the important trends in your data?
 What was challenging about getting non-scientists to
understand how the data indicated a need for caution
in the woods?
Is More Better?
 Read the paragraph “Is More Better” on pg. 535-536.
 Build a graph of the Human Population data in the
table on pg. 536.
 DESCRIBE the graph
 EXPLAIN the graph.
Unit Exam Preparation
 Vocabulary:
 Niche
 Food web
 Community
 Herbivore
 Producer
 Calorie
 Nitrogen cycle
 Nitrification
 Prey
 Exponential growth
 Limiting factors
food chain
trophic level
Carbon cycle
nitrogen fixing bacteria
biotic potential
carrying capacity
 Interdependence in ecosystems – food chains and food
Energy flows through food webs and is lost to heat and
metabolism as it passes through each trophic level. (10%
Matter is recycled in ecosystems. Carbon, Nitrogen,
Populations of organisms grow exponentially if there are no
factors limiting their growth.
Limiting factors such as PREDATION, FOOD
size of a population.
 Book: 506-511, 514-515, 518-519, 525-532, 535-536
 Videos: Crash course
 Carbon cycle
 Nitrogen cycle
 Ecosystem ecology
 Population ecology
 Community ecology (a little bit)
 Human population growth
 REPETITION! – watch small, important, segments of
the videos over and over and over and over and over
and over and over and over and over…………………..
 EXPLAIN OUT LOUD – explain a concept out loud to
someone. DESCRIBE and EXPLAIN important graphs
and diagrams to someone.
 VIDEO RECORD YOURSELF – Explain concepts on
video and then WATCH IT!
 Only YOU can make yourself adopt these habits.
Will you do it?