Finding Fluid Form Symposium University of Brighton December 9-10, 2005 Design principles for adaptive self-organizing systems Peter Cariani Department of Physiology Tufts Medical School Boston My trajectory Organismic biology (undergrad @ MIT mid 1970s) Biological cybernetics & epistemology (1980s) Biological alternatives to symbolic AI Howard Pattee, Systems Science, SUNY-Binghamton Temporal coding of pitch & timbre (1990s) Auditory neurophysiology, neurocomputation How is information represented in brains? Commonalities of coding across modality & phyla Neural timing nets for temporal processing Auditory scene analysis Possibilities inherent in time codes Temporal alternatives to connectionism signal multiplexing; adaptive signal creation broadcast Evolution of ideas Elaboration of structures & functions over time in biological, social, and technological realms, What makes new functions possible (functional emergence)? Can we put these principles to work for us? Is structural complexification by itself sufficient? (No) Notions of function & functional emergence are needed. What kinds of functions? Sensing, effecting, coordinating Is pure computation on symbols sufficient? (No) How are brains/minds capable of open-ended creativity? Neural codes, temporal codes, timing nets Neural coding of pitch in the auditory system Rethinking the architecture of the brain: Temporal alternatives to connectionism Adaptive signal creation & multiplexing, Broadcast coordinative strategies Combinatoric vs. creative emergence Combinatoric emergence: New combinations of pre-existing primitives D M 1 F 5 Creative emergence: De novo creation of new primitives Sets of primitives (axioms, atoms, states) Add *, a Processes for combining primitives 1-2-F 1-M D-F-1 2-F-M M-D Sets of possible combinations of primitives Process for constructing new primitives D M F 1 * 5 1-2-F D-F-1 -M 2-F-M 2-F-* M-D An example Exhaustive description Limited description All permutations of single digits 0123456789 consisting of 6 tokens All permutations of 6 arbitrarily defined objects One well-defined set having 610 permutations BOUNDED Ill-defined number of sets, each w. 610 permutations UNBOUNDED Describing the world: Two perspectives Omniscent “God’s eye view” Postulational, ontological analytical mode Perspective of the limited observer epistemological empirical mode Appearance of new structures over time Violations of expectations “Surprise” Well-defined vs. ill-defined realms Exhaustive description God’s eye view Limited description Limited observer System-environment as well-defined realm Environment as ill-defined realm Description of all-possible organism-environment relations Description is dependent on set of observables (environment has as many properties as one can measure) CLOSED WORLD ASSUMPTION No fundamental novelty is possible All novelty is combinatoric OPEN WORLD ASSUMPTION Combinatoric and Creative emergence New features Effect of adding a new observable CREATING A NEW OBSERVABLE ADDS A NEW PRIMITIVE THAT INCREASES THE EFFECTIVE DIMENSIONALITY OF THE SYSTEM Philosophy Ontology Aristotelian hylomorphism Material substrate that exists independently of us, yet whose form is largely ill-defined, incompletely known Organization is embedded in material system (e.g. mind is the organization of the nervous system) Conscious awareness requires a particular kind of regenerative informational organization embedded in a material system (cybernetic functionalism) Aristotle's Causes: Multiple complementary modes of explanation that answer different kinds of questions Philosophy Epistemology Pragmatism (truth of a model related to its purpose) Perspective of the limited observer Relativism: different observational frames & purposes Analytical, empirical and pragmatic truths Analytic: truths of convention (non-material truths, finist mathematics) Empirical: truths of measurement, observation (science) Pragmatic: truths of efficacy & aesthetics (engineering, art) Constructivism & epistemic autonomy: by semi-freely choosing our own observables & concepts, we construct ourselves (for better or worse) Design principles for adaptive, self-organizing systems We are interested in designing & fabricating systems that autonomously organize themselves to elaborate structures & improve functions in response to challenges of their environments in ways that are meaningful and useful to us and/or them Design principles for adaptive, self-organizing systems Richness of material possibility (e.g. polymeric combinatorics) + Ability to steer & stabilize structure (feedback to structure: sensors, coordination mechanisms, effectors) + Means to interact w. material world (sensing, action = "situatedness", semantics) + Means to evaluate actions re: purposes (goal-laden representations, "intentionality") ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- => Material system capable of adaptive, elaboration & improvement of informational functions Design principles for adaptive, self-organizing systems Richness of material possibility (need polymers, replicated aperiodic structure, Schrodinger's aperiodic crystal, analog dynamics, ill-defined interactions) Ability to steer & stabilize structure (need controls on self-production of internal structure, enzymes) Means to interact w. material world (Need sensors, effectors, neural nets) Means to evaluate actions re: purposes (Need natural selection or internal goal states, limbic system) Vibratory dynamics of matter Cymatics: Bringing Matter to Life with Sound Hans Jenny Richness of material possibility Complexity is easy Steerable complexity is hard QuickTime™ and a USBVision decompressor are needed to see this picture. Design principles for adaptive, self-organizing systems VARIATION + SELECTION + INHERITANCE => ADAPTATION Material possibility+ Steer, stabilize, specify, inherit + Sensorimotor interaction + Evaluation => ASOS Two phases in creative learning processes Expansive phase: generation of possibility Realm of free & open creation e.g. scientific imagination and hypothesis creation Contractive phase: selection of best possibilities Realm of clarity & rigorous evaluation e.g. hypothesis testing (clarity, removal of ambiguity) Analog dynamics and discrete symbols We will also argue that one almost inevitably needs mixed analog-digital systems for complex systems: i.e. systems w. analog dynamics constrained by digital states ("symbols") for reliable replication of function for inheritability of adaptive improvements Analog and digital are complementary modes of description analog descriptions - continuous differential equations digital descriptions - discrete states & ST rules/probabilities Digital states or discrete symbols are ultrastable basins of attraction Different theoretical approaches to understanding brains and their functions Dynamical systems approaches Neural information processing differential growth homeostasis analog representations processing Symbolprocessing states & switches branching discrete Requisite: sensorimotor loops Inner and outer loops action interaction w. environment perception metabolism: self-production steering: percept-action coordinations Von Uexküll’s umwelts McCulloch’s internal and external loops Self-conscious description of the modeling process: Hertzian modeling relation: measurement & computation A Realm of symbolic description Initial Conditions Si Predictive model Formal rules (Syntactic) Predicted result S p Observed result S o Encoding (Semantic) measure Realm of material action Observer's choices: what to predict what to measure (Pragmatic) measure Physical laws World 1 World 2 The choice of observables Finding the variables The would-be model maker is now in the extremely common situation of facing some incompletely defined "system," that he proposes to study through a study of "its variables." Then comes the problem: of the infinity of variables available in this universe, which subset shall he take? What methods can he use for selecting them? W. Ross Ashby, "Analysis of the system to be modeled" in: The Process of ModelBuilding in the Behavioral Sciences, Ohio State Press, pp. 94-114; reprinted in Conant, ed. Mechanisms of Intelligence The choice of observables - analogous problems 1. Choice of primitive features for classifiers 2. Evolution of sensory organs in organisms 3. Choice of sensors for robots Effect of adding a new observable Semiotics of adaptive devices Feedback to state Feedback to structure alters functionalities Semiotic relations (Charles Morris) OTHER SYMBOLS Syntactics rules on symbol - types SYMBOL (Functional state) Pragmatics valuations SYSTEM-GOALS PURPOSE MEANING Semantics percept-action linkages EXTERNAL WORLD B Evaluate re: goals Frontal & limbic systems DESIRES DRIVES BRAIN THOUGHTS Pragm atic linkages motor Motor outputs systems Syntactic linkages Ex ternal se mantic linkages SENSATIONS Sens ory inputs WORLD Internally generated pattern sequences sensory systems Adaptivity in percept-action loops (Cariani) C Syntactic Axis Semantic Axis Si Sf coordination ² ² measure evaluate ² control Pragmatic Axis environment ² = alter structure alter function Pure computation (state-determined system, no independent informational transactions w. environment) Fixed robotic device Fixed sensors, coordinators, and effectors; Purely reactive and driven by its inputs; Incapable of learning Computationally adaptive device Trainable machines Neural networks Adaptive classifiers Genetic algorithms Robots w. adaptive programs Capable of learning new percept-action mappings (classifications) feature vector measure computation ² training action vector control test performance environment Some observations about adaptability Whatever functionalities are fixed, the designer must specify works for well-defined problems & solutions advantage: predictable, reliable behavior drawback: problems of specification Whatever is made adaptive must undergo a learning phase needed for ill-defined problems & solutions some unpredictability of solutions found creative behavior! the more autonomy, the more potentially creative Consequently, there are tradeoffs between adaptability & efficiency autonomy/creativity & control/predictability Evolution/adaptive construction of new sensors sensory evolution immune systems perceptual learning capable of learning new perceptual categories new feature primitives (new observables) Epistemic autonomy • When a system can choose its own categories – through which it perceives and acts on the world – that system achieves some limited degree of epistemic autonomy. • A rudimentary electrochemical device was built by cyberneticist Gordon Pask in 1958 that grew its own sensors to create its own “relevance criteria.” "With this ability to make or select proper filters on its inputs, such a device explains the central problem of epistemology. The riddles of stimulus equivalence or of local circuit action in the brain remain only as parochial problems." . Warren McCulloch, preface ,Gordon Pask (1961) . An Approach to Cybernetics. From: "Physical analogues to the growth of a concept", Symposium on the Mechanization of Thought Processes, National Physical Laboratories, November 24-28, 1958, H.M.S.O., London, Volume II, p.919. Principles of action/use 1. Front-ends for trainable classifiers Useful in ill-defined situations where one does not a priori know what features are adequate to effect a classification 2. Adaptive, self-organizing sensors Grow structures over analog-VLSI electrode arrays in order to sense new aspects of the world. Use biochemical and/or biological systems coupled to an electrode array 3. Materially-based generator of new behaviors (adaptive pattern-generators) Similar steerable, ill-defined systems could be used to generate new patterns (sound, images) in an open-ended way that is not at all obvious to the observer/controller 4. Epistemic autonomy Device chooses how it will be connected to the outside world; what aspects of the material world (categories) are relevant to it. (Symbol grounding, frame problem) Feedback to state vs. feedback to structure A thermostat is limited in the information that it can gain from its environment by the fixed nature of its sensors. It has feedback to state, but not feedback to structure. The amount of information that such a system can extract from its environment is finite at any time, and bounded by its fixed structure. A system capable of sensory evolution or perceptual learning has the ability to change its relation to its environs. Such a system has an open-ended set of observational primitives. It has both feedback to state and feedback to structure. The amount of information that such a system can extract from its environment is finite at any time, but unbounded. Such a system is open-ended. Analog dynamics without inheritable constraint (Hans Jenny) QuickTime™ and a USBVision decompressor are needed to see this picture. von Neumann's kinematic (robotic) self-reproducing automaton (1948) Inheritable construction feature vector computation ² analog dynamics constrained & selected by discrete symbols measure Purely analog adaptive system must be trained each generation Genetic algorithm + Pattern grammar for guiding construction constrained search Symbolically-encoded memory permits results of an optimization process to be passed to subsequent generations action vector ² construct all parts of the device control ² physical construction A 3 (mutation) construction possibilities A B C D construction language select from existing alternatives test environment performance The homeostat Relation to Ashby's homeostat feature vector measure Analog sensor/controller computation ² ² construct all parts of the device control ² physical construction A 3 Uniselector 25x25x25x25 = 390k construction possibilities -> variety of the control system, unconstrained search action vector (mutation) construction possibilities A B C D construction language select from existing alternatives test Evaluation of ability to control inputs environment performance Relation to Ashby's homeostat feature vector measure Analog sensor/controller computation ² ² construct all parts of the device control ² physical construction A 3 Uniselector 25x25x25x25 = 390k construction possibilities -> variety of the control system, unconstrained search action vector (mutation) construction possibilities A B C D construction language select from existing alternatives test Evaluation of ability to control inputs environment performance Ashby's homeostat Adaptive analog controller Structure of particular controllers is unknown to designer Requisite variety for control is the number of alternative controllers available 25x25x25 = 390,625 Analog controller (ill-defined structure) Uniselector evaluate (in bounds?) Environment The homeostat & the brain A few cybernetics-inspired accounts of brain function Sommerhoff (1974) Logic of the Living Brain Klopf, The Selfish Neuron Arbib, The Metaphorical Brain Most successful neuroscientific application of cybernetics: W.Reichardt's analysis of fly optomotor loop The homeostat never caught on as a brain metaphor Some possible reasons: • Homeostats never were cast in terms of neural nets • No obvious digital uniselector function in the brain • Predominance of problems of pattern recognition and formulation of coherent action over simple problems of internal regulation The brain as an adaptive self-organizing system Ideas that flow from cybernetics and theoretical biology: 1) Brains as signal self-production systems related to reverberant loops (a la Lorente, Lashley, Hebb, McCulloch, Pitts & many others) 2) Brains as pattern-resonance systems related to Lashley, Hebb, many others 3) Brains as multiplexed signaling and storage systems holographic paradigms, Longuet-Higgins, Pribram,John 4) Brains as mass-dynamics, broadcast systems 5) Brains as communications nets that create new signals 6) Brains as temporally-coded pulse pattern systems I believe all this is possible using temporal pattern codes. Regeneration of parts Von Neumann’s kinematic self-reproducing automaton A effect on survival of whole system genetic replication of plans construction plans byproduct D F(D) plans F(A) F(B) F(C) replication of constructor A+B+C genetic expression apparatus (universal constructor) Autopoiesis and autocatalysis B raw materials metabolic loops byproducts Symbolically-guided self-production C set boundary conditions genetic control genetic expression & reproduction genetic plans (symbolic memory) raw materials byproducts Autopoiesis and autocatalysis Life is built upon cycles of self-production B raw materials metabolic loops byproducts Brain function may be based on self-productions of spike patterns Hebbian reverberant eigenstates and regenerative temporal patterns McCulloch & Pitts (1943) Nets with circles render activity independent of time and semi-autonomous re: the environment von Foerster (1948) brain eigenstates as a form of ST memory Why the mind is in the head Warren McCulloch L.A. Jeffress, ed. Cerebral Mechanisms of Behavior (The Hixon Symposium, Wiley, 1951, reprinted in Embodiments of Mind, MIT, 1965, concluding lines) This brings us back to what I believe is the answer to the question: Why is the mind in the head? Because there, and only there, are hosts of possible connections to be formed as time and circumstance demand. Each new connection serves to set the stage for others yet to come and better fitted to adapt us to the world, for through the cortex pass the greatest inverse feedbacks whose function is the purposive life of the human intellect. The joy of creating ideals, new and eternal, in and of a world, old and temporal, robots have it not. For this my Mother bore me. The brain as a self-regenerating pattern-resonance system Tuning in nervous systems Minds as pattern-resonances The same [resonance] is true of all bodies which can yield notes. Tumblers resound when a piano is played, on the striking of certain notes, and so do window panes. Nor is the phenomenon without analogy in different provinces. Take a dog that answers to the name "Nero." He lies under your table. You speak of Domitian, Vespasian, and Marcus Aurelius Antonius, you call upon all the Roman Emperors that occur to you, but the dog does not stir, although a slight tremor of his ear tells you of a faint response of his consciousness. But the moment you call "Nero" he jumps joyfully towards you. The tuning fork is like your dog. It answers to the name A. Ernst Mach, Popular Lectures, “The fibers of Corti” c. 1865 Pattern resonances: neural assemblies emitting annotative tag signals that elaborate a regenerating signal pattern Inc oming sensory s ignals Higher-order, more complex interactions Creation of new primitive time patterns Primary interactions Secondary interactions Higher-order interactions Figure 7. Time-coded broadcast schema for asynchronous, heterarchical global integration. Temporal pattern codes Interspike interval code Temporal Multiple intervals in same spike train pattern codes Higher-order interval pattern Phase-locking in auditoryl neurons Cat auditory nerve fibers, 250 Hz tone Phase-locking in visual neurons (Horseshoe crab ommatidium, 5-15 Hz flashes) Javel, Miller, Ratliff, and Hartline (1961) How cells receive stimuli. Scientific American 215(3):222-238. Phase-locking in auditory nerve fibers 250 Hz tone Javel E, McGee JA, Horst W, Farley GR, Temporal mechanisms in auditory stimulus coding. In: G. M. Edelman, W. E. Gall and W. M. Cowan, ed, Auditory Function: Neurobiological Bases of Hearing, Wiley: New York 1988; p. 518. Frequency and time in the auditory nerve Phase-locking of discharges in the auditory nerve Cat, 100x @ 60 dB SPL Temporal coding in the auditory nerve Work with Bertrand Delgutte Cariani & Delgutte (1996) Dial-anesthetized cats. 100 presentations/fiber 60 dB SPL Population-interval distributions are compiled by summing together intervals from all auditory nerve fibers. The most common intervals present in the auditory nerve are invariably related to the pitches heard at the fundamentals of harmonic complexes. Phase-locking in visual thalamus (LGN) Stimuli: Drifting sinusoidal gratings Color vision NaCl Quinine HCl Temporal coding of taste NTS Temporal coding of taste NaCl Quinine HCl Chorda tympani NTS HCl Sucrose Chorda tympani Sucrose HCl NTS NTS Chorda tympani Chorda tympani Figure 12. Typical temporal patterns of response to four different stimuli recorded from the chorda typani nerve and the NTS. The stimuli were: 0.1M NaCl, 0.1M quinine HCl, 0.5M sucrose and 0.1M HCl. Time markers indicate 5 sec intervals. The chorda tympani recordings are from the whole nerve, NTS recordings are from single neurons. The tracings of relative spike frequency shown in this figure were obtained during neural recording sessions by the output of amplified neural activity through a spike amplitude window discriminator to a counting rate meter, the output of which was displayed on a Brush pen writer. From: Ellen Covey, Temporal Neural Coding of Gustation (1980), Ph.D. thesis, Duke University. Figure 12. Typical temporal patterns of response to four different stimuli recorded from the chorda typani nerve and the NTS. The stimuli were: 0.1M NaCl, 0.1M quinine HCl, 0.5M sucrose and 0.1M HCl. Time markers indicate 5 sec intervals. The chorda tympani recordings are from the whole nerve, NTS recordings are from single A. Time-division multiplexing in telephony (signals A-E) A1 B1 C1 D1 cycle 1, slot s A-E E1 A2 B2 C2 D2 cycle 2, slot s A-E E2 time B. Time-division multiplexing in neural systems Scanning Synchrony Feature detector units (neural channels) Sorting by synchronous activation time Neural timing nets FEED-FORWARD TIMING NETS • Temporal sieves • Extract (embedded) similarities • Multiply autocorrelations Si(t) Sj(t) two sets of input spike trains Si(t) S j(t - ) individual multiplicative term S (t ) S (t -t) i m j m convolution time-series term m Time t Relative delay RECURRENT TIMING NETS • Build up pattern invariances • Detect periodic patterns • Separate auditory objects All time delays present Time patterns reverberate through delay loops Recurrent, indirect inputs Coincidence units Direct inputs Input time sequence Potential advantages of temporal pattern pulse codes & timing nets • Multiplexed signal transmission • Orthogonality of patterns; less interference • Flexible multimodal integration • Encoding of signal identity in itself (logical type) • Liberate signals from wires • Broadcast of signals + selective reception • Nonlocal computational operations • Mass action (statistical representations) • Open-ended creation of new signal primitives Music, brain, and time In the image of the digital computer, we conceptualize brains as distributed logic machines. However, temporal correlation machines may prove to be a better metaphor. Temporal expectancies in perception Temporal patterning of body processes Temporal structure of movement Temporal expectations and reward structure (dopamine system, conditioning) Temporal memory traces Music may have the profound effects that it does because 1) it directly impresses its temporal structure on the activity of many neuronal populations, and 2) the neural codes & computations underlying experience are inherently temporal. Andy Partridge, xtc Conclusions Design principles for self-organizing systems Structural complexity alone is not sufficient Pure computation alone is not sufficient Requisites Sensors & effectors Mixed digital-analog design Feedback to structure, self-production Inheritable, replicable (digital) plans Combinatorics of digital strings Rich analog, ill-defined dynamics Goal states and steering/selection mechanisms Possibility of brain as temporally-coded selforganizing system Temporal coding of sensory information . Pitch period # intervals Characteristic frequency (kHz) Pitch period 0 Peristimulus time (ms) 5 10 15 20 Interspike interval (ms) 25 From cochlea to cortex Primary auditory cortex (Auditory forebrain) Auditory thalamus Inferior colliculus (Auditory midbrain) Lateral lemniscus Auditory brainstem Auditory nerve (VIII) Cochlea Phase-locking to a 300 Hz pure tone Period histogram (1100 Hz) First-order interval histogram (1500 Hz) # spikes Evans, 1982 Auditory nerve Vowel Formant Regions Time domain analysis of auditory-nerve fiber firing rates. Hugh Secker-Walker & Campbell Searle, J. Acoust. Soc. 88(3), 1990 Neural responses to /da/ @ 69 dB SPL from Miller and Sachs (1983) Low CF F0 F1 F2 F3 High CF Peristimulus time (ms) Neural pulse codes Average discharge rate Codes are defined in terms of their functional roles Ratechannel codes Interspike interval code Multiplexed intervals Temporal pattern codes What spike train messages have the same meanings? (functional equivalence classes) Higher-order interval pattern Burst length, interburst interval What constitutes a difference that makes a difference? Spike latency reference times Timeof-arrival codes PST or latency pattern Interneural synchrony Temporal codes are neural codes in which timings of spikes relative to each other are essential to their interpretation. Limbic & paralimbic areas Neural resonances long-term memory Unimodal and multimodal association areas Frontal cortical areas pragmatic evaluations memory deliberation higher semantic resonances planning memory global workspace memory motor preparations perceptual resonances memory Motor systems motor outputs sensory inputs controlled variables (consequences of actions) Primary sensory pathways uncontrolled variables (contingent events) ENVIRONMENT Incoming sensory signals Higher-order, more complex interactions Creation of new primitive time patterns Primary interactions Secondary interactions Higher-order interactions Temporal modulation frequency Phase-locking of an LGN unit to a drifting sinusoidal grating Interval Histograms PST Histograms 1000 40 4 Hz 50 2000 40 1000 8 Hz 16 Hz 200 10 32 Hz 50 20 64 Hz 0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 Peristimulus time (ms) 0 100 200 300 400 500 All-order interval (ms) Raw spike train data courtesy of Andrzej Przybyszewski & Dan Pollen Adaptive systems Adaptation ~ adjustment Sensing ~ measurement • Depending upon the self-modification process, adaptive systems change in different ways. • They become tuned to their environments, on the percept on the action side internally: anticipating events, forecasting effects • New sensors create new linkages with the external world new perceptual primitives new observables new modes of adjustment • New effectors create new modes of action Switching between reverberant states A Stimulus-driven switching between reverberant circuits (after Hebb, 1965) Potential stimuli S1 CNS B Potential responses Reverberant patterns as switchable eigenstates Contingent sensory input A R1 R2 S2 B Epistemic cut Resonant state | A Resonant state | B Motor response for A Motor response for B R3 S3 Functional organization of the perceptual side Evaluation in terms of manifold implications (associations, plans cognitive schemas) selfsustaining patterns Evaluation in terms of basic system-goals (limbic system) Attentional facilitation of image formation Attentional facilitation of image formation Buildup of sensory images Early sensory codng receptor surfaces Sensory transduction Structure of environmental events Frequency ranges of (tonal) musical instruments 27 Hz 110 Hz 262 Hz 440 Hz 880 Hz 10k 8 6 5 4 3 2 1 0.5 0.25 4 kHz Measurement and tuning Measurement mediates interactions with external world permitting behavior contingent upon perception Adaptive systems that create their own measurements are possible (we may be such systems) Tuning involves adjustment of internal relations to external relations, i.e. adaptive resonance It is possible to envision brains and minds as resonant systems that operate on patterns rather than coupled via energetic relations Areas of self-modifying media Self-modifying computers Coevolution between humans and computers Emergent human-machine couplings Pask’s Conversation theory Computers need means of independently accessing the world and creating their own concepts (epistemic autonomy) Self-organizing materials Electrochemical Ferromagnetic Biological-silicon interfaces Intelligent materials Mixed digital-analog feedback systems Temporal modulation frequency Phase-locking of an LGN unit to a drifting sinusoidal grating Interval Histograms PST Histograms 1000 40 4 Hz 50 2000 40 1000 8 Hz 16 Hz 200 10 32 Hz 50 20 64 Hz 0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 Peristimulus time (ms) 0 100 200 300 400 500 All-order interval (ms) Raw spike train data courtesy of Andrzej Przybyszewski & Dan Pollen Phase-locking in visual thalamus (LGN) Stimulus: Drifting sinusoidal gratings Phase-locking in visual neurons (Horseshoe crab ommatidium) Miller, Ratliff, and Hartline (1961) How cells receive stimuli. Scientific American 215(3):222-238. Neural timing nets FEED-FORWARD TIMING NETS • Temporal sieves • Extract (embedded) similarities • Multiply autocorrelations Si(t) Sj(t) two sets of input spike trains Si(t) S j(t - ) individual multiplicative term S (t ) S (t -t) i m j m convolution time-series term m Time t Relative delay RECURRENT TIMING NETS • Build up pattern invariances • Detect periodic patterns • Separate auditory objects All time delays present Time patterns reverberate through delay loops Recurrent, indirect inputs Coincidence units Direct inputs Input time sequence Build-up and separation of two auditory objects Vowel [ae] F0 = 100 Hz Period = 10 ms Vowel [er] F0 = 125 Hz Period = 8 ms Characteristic delay channel (ms) Two vowels with different fundamental frequencies (F0s) are added together and passed through the simple recurrent timing net. The two patterns build up In the delay loops that have recurrence times that correspond to their periods. Time (ms) Sensing vs computing Contingent vs. logically-necessary “truths” Methodological issues: What distinguishes sensing from other kinds of informational operations? A sensing process must be contingent, it must have two or more possible outcomes to reduce uncertainty, whereas A computation (formal operation) must be logically-determined, it must always produce the same outcome given the same initial state Computers and brains •Digital computers presently are capable of recombinationbased creativity, but do not presently create new primitives for themselves. • Brains, on the other hand, are self-modifying systems with rich analog dynamics that can serve as substrates for formation of new informational primitives. • Contemplation of self-modifying systems is essential if we are to construct artificial systems that can create meaning for themselves. • We need such systems when problems are ill-defined, or when we desire open-ended creative possibilities. Limbic & paralimbic areas Neural resonances long-term memory Unimodal and multimodal association areas Frontal cortical areas pragmatic evaluations memory deliberation higher semantic resonances planning memory global workspace memory motor preparations perceptual resonances memory Motor systems motor outputs sensory inputs controlled variables (consequences of actions) Primary sensory pathways uncontrolled variables (contingent events) ENVIRONMENT Overview I: Measurement in adaptive systems • We discuss the semiotics and functional organization of different adaptive systems. • Adaptive systems reorganize their internal structure in order to improve their performance. • We consider how systems with sensors, effectors, and coordinative faculties can adaptively modify their internal structures and functions. • We consider how this adaptivity leads to emergent functions and behaviors. Overview IV: Creativity, autonomy, and specification • Creativity has two levels: 1) Recombination of existing primitives 2) De novo creation of new kinds of primitives • Inherent tradeoffs: Specifiability vs. autonomy Predictability/reliability vs. creativity Homeostat Grey Walter's device Conceptions of “emergence” • Appearance of new structures, functions, behaviors • Novelty that was not predictable from what came before Varieties • Structural emergence (appearance of new structures, org. levels) • Computational emergence (unexpected results) • Thermodynamic emergence (dissipative systems) • Functional emergence (flight, color vision) • Emergence-relative-to-a-model (perspectivist, operationalist) Methodological issues • How can we identify the existence of information processing operations in artificial and natural systems? •How can we distinguish measurement, computation, and effector operations from each other in an unknown material system? •How can we detect changes in these functionalities, such that we know that our devices or organisms have modified them adaptively? •We need operational distinctions. •We need to be able to parse a state-transition graph. Recognizing determinate & contingent events State-transitions and observer-operations How do we distinguish measurements and computations (such that we can also detect changes in system behavior)? B Measurement observed "pointer reading" Computation Prediction P A = A B two or more possible outcomes R 1 Test reference state C D PB Epistemic cuts (points of contingency) R 2 Emergence relative to an observer: What does the observer have to do to his/her own model to continue successfully predicting the material system’s behavior? Predictability Deviation Recovery of predictability MODEL Observer observables sensors Organism or Device ENV stabil ity ne w sens or evol ve s in device stabil ity Evolution of observer's model Add new states to V2 (no new state variables) larger N within same D Original state space V2 semantic emergenc e V1 V2 V3 Addition of new state variableV3 syntactic emergenc e larger N within larger D V1 V2 V1 same N within same D, different state-transitions N = number of states D = dimensionality of state space Opening up the sensory interface: Break-out strategies for creating new observables 1) construction of new sensors 2) modification of existing sensors 3) interposition of sensory prostheses 4) active measurements 5) creation of new internal sensors Prosthesis: augmentation of functionalities All technology is prosthesis. feature vector structural device boundary prosthesis functional device boundary ² existing sensors coordination adaptive construction ofa sensory prosthesis test performance environment action vector Operational states and procedures in a scientific model Explicate realm of symbols (well-defined) Computation sequence of states following initial state A Measurement Test Prediction A B two or more possible outcomes ("pointer readings") P P A = C D B sequence of states after B R 1 reference state Epistemic cuts (points of contingency) R 2 Implicate realm of material process (ill-defined) Active measurement Measurement Computation reference state A sequence of computations with initial state A B sequence of computations with initial state B R R1 R 1 R2 R2 "preparing the system" R3 R3 two or more possible outcomes ("pointer readings") different prepared reference states result in different measurements physical actions taken to bring the system into reference states R1, R2 or R3 (motor actions) (R is the passive reference state, without any active preparation) Action actions based on the outcome of the computations (contingent upon A) actions based on the outcome of the computations (contingent upon B) intentions to make measurements R, R1, R2, or R3 (motor commands) Neural assemblies as internal sensors discrete features action vector coordination analog-digital boundary internal sensors internal iconic analog representations ² adaptive constructionof new sensors test structural boundary of device performance environment