April 2011 - Kent Union

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy
April 2011
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy
April 2011
1.0 Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy Statement
2.0 Principles
3.0 Objectives
4.0 Policy Implementation
5.0 Role of the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee
6.0 Code of Practice – Introduction
7.0 Code of Practice – General
8.0 Code of Practice – Union Marketing Communications
9.0 Code of Practice – Advice and Information Services
10.0 Code of Practice – Student Activities
11.0 Code of Practice – Jobshop
12.0 Code of Practice – Democracy and Representation
13.0 Code of Practice – Outreach
14.0 Code of Practice – The Oaks Nursery
15.0 Code of Practice – Licensed Trade and Retail Services
16.0 Code of Practice – Recruitment and Selection
17.0 Code of Practice - Governance
18.0 Complaints and Reporting
Accessible format information
Appendix One – Legal Framework
Approved by: Board of Trustees
Date: April 2011
Implementation Date: May 2011
Review date (by): March 2014
Manager responsible for review: Director of UMSA
Manager responsible for implementation: Director of UMSA
Trustee responsible for interpretation: Welfare Officer
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy
April 2011
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy Statement
Kent Union strives to create an environment that is free from discrimination and
exploitation and challenges action deemed to contravene this ethos. The practical
implications of this policy are outlined in this document.
Kent Union as a membership organisation, as an employer and as a service provider
is committed to recognising and supporting diversity.
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion form a central value of our organisation and we
seek to ensure all our services and activities are accessible and inclusive. We
endeavour to uphold both the right of individuals to feel valued and respected, and
the responsibility of individuals to act without prejudice.
Principles Of This Policy
This policy exists to:
Ensure that Kent Union is proactive in promoting equality of opportunity.
Ensure sanctions are in place to deal with those that fail to comply with the
procedures and guidelines.
Commit the Union to monitoring implementation of this policy and the evaluation
of its effectiveness.
Policy Objectives
Kent Union is a campaigning organisation that needs to represent its diverse
membership. The Union recognises that inequality; oppression and discrimination
exist and aims to work towards elimination of discrimination and the provision of
equality of opportunity for its members and employees.
In recognising this, the Union has the following objectives:
3.2.1 To create and sustain a positive and welcoming environment for all
members, visitors and staff.
3.2.2 To increase the participation of all members in order to better reflect the
student community in which we operate
3.2.3 To increase the accessibility of information for students and staff.
3.2.4 To ensure that activities and events meet the needs of the diverse
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy
April 2011
3.2.5 To ensure that officers and staff are aware of the diversity of the Union’s
3.2.6 To ensure that the decision making bodies of the Union represent the needs
of disadvantaged groups.
3.2.7 To address any attitudinal, organisational and physical barriers that may
prevent equality of opportunity.
3.2.8 To increase awareness within the organisation of the needs of
disadvantaged groups in order to provide more relevant service and prevent
discrimination from occurring.
3.2.9 To ensure that the Union meets and where practicable exceeds legislative
Kent Union will provide funding, staff support and focus for campaigning, research
and other activities that promote and defend equal opportunities and challenge
prejudice and discrimination.
Policy Implementation
This policy recognises the existence of University Regulation, and in particular the
and relevant legislation. This policy exists to supplement these existing rules and
The specific requirements of the policy are outlined in the Code of Practice.
All staff and members are responsible for ensuring that their individual actions and
areas of responsibility comply with this policy and the code of practice.
This policy applies to all sites on which the Union carries out its activities including
outreach sites and associate colleges.
Serious breaches of the policy may be treated as disciplinary issues. Issues when
members break the policy may be dealt with via the Student Discipline procedure.
Issues with staff members breaching the policy may be dealt with via the Staff
Disciplinary procedure.
Role of the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee
Overall responsibility for equality, diversity and inclusion issues, and this policy, lies
with the Union’s Trustees. This responsibility is delegated to the Equality, Diversity
and Inclusion Committee. The success of this policy requires the active support and
implementation of the whole Kent Union community and as such officers, staff and
members have personal responsibility for its implementation.
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy
April 2011
The Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee is responsible for the regular
review and update of this policy, and shall implement control mechanisms to
ensure that Union activities comply with this policy.
In particular the Committee shall;
5.3.1 Develop and monitor the implementation of an annual organisation equal
opportunities action plan.
5.3.2 Receive statistics and reports on the usage of Union services and activities
from managers.
5.3.3 Amend and approve action plans from managers in order to address any
issues in terms of the usage of Union services and activities.
5.3.4 Review and make suggestions for amendments for Union publicity,
communications and publications.
5.3.5 Review and make recommendations to Union Council on its make-up to
ensure that all areas of the University community receive adequate
5.3.6 Develop and deliver equal opportunities and related topic training to
students and staff as required.
5.3.7 Conduct an annual accessibility audit of the Union’s premises and develop a
report and action plan.
5.3.8 Receive and discuss information and feedback from staff, officers and
members in relation to equality, diversity and inclusion issues and make
recommendations as appropriate.
5.3.9 Receive and monitor completed Equality Impact Assessments as
Code of Practice – Introduction
The Code of Practice comprises the detailed implementation of the Equality, Diversity and
Inclusion Policy. It shall be regularly reviewed by the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
Committee and any changes shall be recommended for implementation to the Board of
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy
April 2011
Code of Practice – General
Kent Union staff will be expected to work within the expected behaviours of the
Union’s Behaviour’s Framework, and specifically the Inclusiveness theme.
Kent Union will ensure that all new staff receive introductory training in relation to
equality, diversity and inclusion. This will include reference to this policy and
completion of a compulsory online training module available through the
Department heads will be responsible for ensuring staff are appropriately trained in
aspects of equality and diversity in relation to the specific services offered within
their department. This could include items such as drop service tills/hatches, use of
induction loop technology, website accessibility functions and text relay/type talk
Department heads will be responsible in assisting the Union to identify key areas of
training for staff.
Kent Union will ensure the use of Equality Impact Assessments to assess the effects,
or likely effects, of services, policies or activities on different equality groups or
communities of interest.
Kent Union will ensure that all of its premises, as far as is reasonably practicable,
are accessible to disabled users and all new building projects will ensure that the
views and needs of people with disabilities are taken into account.
An annual inspection and accessibility report of all Union premises and facilities will
be commissioned by members of the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee.
Kent Union will ensure that there is a permanent and clearly accessible sign in all
premises declaring that it will not tolerate any harassment on its premises.
A notice will be displayed in all areas of Kent Union premises outlining the Equality,
Diversity and Inclusion policy under the heading ‘Your Safe Space’. The notice will
invite people who feel the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy is being
compromised to contact either on-duty staff or the Welfare Officer by email or in
person. The receiver of the complaint will pass on the information to the
appropriate Union Director or Officer.
Staff working in Kent Union’s outlets should provide an equal quality of service to
all customers, whilst also recognising that some customers will require additional
attention to ensure they can participate to an equal extent. Kent Union (via
Department Heads) will periodically provide training to all staff to ensure they are
well equipped in this regard.
All external contractors engaged by Kent Union must have an Equal Opportunities
Policy or must be made aware of the Union’s Equality, Diversity and Inclusion policy
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy
April 2011
and ensure compliance with it. The Contracts and Tendering Supervisor will
normally be responsible for ensuring and monitoring this; Union staff or officers
engaging short term or one off contractors will be responsible for ensuring this
policy is adhered to in relation to those services.
Code of Practice - Union Marketing Communications
Union communications should aim to reflect the diversity of the Union’s
membership and should ensure that they promote a welcoming and inclusive Union
All communications, particularly promotional material, should avoid discriminatory
All Kent Union websites will aim to match or exceed internationally recognised
standards (e.g. W3C Level 2 guidelines) designed to help people with disabilities
access information online.
The Marketing department will provide training/briefings to staff and officers
detailing the accessibility functions of the Union’s website.
It is the responsibility of the editor or publicist of any Union communication to
ensure that it abides by the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy.
Kent Union will ensure that, as far as is reasonably practicable, those members who
may have difficulty accessing Union information will be able to do so through other
Kent Union will not allow any external advertising that contravenes the spirit or
specifics of this policy.
Code of Practice – Advice and Information Services
The Advice Centre will report regularly to the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
Committee with statistics relating to the makeup of students using the service, and
will, where appropriate, respond to any discrepancies between the users of the
service and the demographics of the University with action plans, which shall be
approved by the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee.
The Advice Centre will ensure that, as far as is reasonable practicable, those
members who may have difficulty accessing the support information provided by
the Advice Centre and on the Union website are able to do so through other means.
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy
April 2011
Code of Practice - Student Activities
The Student Activities Manager will report regularly to the Equality, Diversity and
Inclusion Committee with statistics relating to the makeup of the membership of
Sports and Societies, Volunteering and Student Media and will respond, where
appropriate, to any discrepancies between the membership and the demographics
of the University with action plans, which shall be approved by the Equality,
Diversity and Inclusion Committee.
All clubs, societies, media groups and union volunteering placements should be
open to all members of the Union.
All publicity and literature produced by any Student Activities groups must be in
accordance with the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy and be sensitive to the
Union’s diverse membership.
The Union shall take all steps that are reasonably practicable to ensure that
students with disabilities can access the opportunities available via the Student
Activities department.
The Union shall ensure that it has access to wheelchair accessible minibuses if
required for activities and events related the department.
All Student Activities volunteers should receive a copy of the Equality, Diversity and
Inclusion Policy and Code of Practice and receive training on equal opportunities
issues and cultural issues at their initial induction training session.
The Student Media Coordinator shall periodically review the student media outputs
(websites, publications and radio output) for conformance to this policy and
provide a report to the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee.
As far as is reasonably practicable, Kent Union will ensure that those members who
may have difficulty accessing Student Media will be able to do so through other
The Volunteering Coordinator will work towards ensuring that the volunteering
opportunities available cater for all groups of students within the University.
10.10 The Volunteering Coordinator will work towards ensuring community volunteering
placements are aware of the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy and ensure
compliance with it.
10.11 Kent Union shall develop activities that cater for all sections of its membership, and
in particular develop activities and schemes that cater for students who have little
time available to them, due to working, caring, or other commitments.
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy
April 2011
10.12 Kent Union shall endeavour to provide activities at little or no cost to individual
students, and shall provide advice on accessing funding or subsidy for students for
whom cost is a barrier to involvement.
Code of Practice - Job Shop
The Jobshop Manager will report regularly to the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
Committee with statistics relating to the makeup of students registered with
Jobshop and will respond, where appropriate, to any discrepancies between
students registered with Job Shop and the demographics of the University with
action plans, which shall be approved by the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
The Job Shop will endeavour to ensure that employment opportunities available
cater to all groups of the University community.
The Job Shop will provide avenues for students to report incidents of unfair or
unequal treatment that occur whilst being employed in jobs advertised through
Jobshop. Job Shop will not advertise vacancies with organisations where such
practice occurs.
The Job Shop will conform to all the recruitment best practice outlined in this
document when recruiting students to ‘temp’ roles.
Code of Practice – Democracy and Representation
Kent Union, as a democratic organisation, recognises that all members of the Union
should be able and encouraged to stand for election. The Returning Officer shall
ensure that publicity encourages nominations from all members.
Kent Union shall ensure that the makeup of Union Council, and in particular the
representative officers, represents the whole of the Union’s membership.
Elected officers and committee members should receive a copy of the Equality,
Diversity and Inclusion Policy and Code of Practice and receive training on equal
opportunities issues and cultural issues at their initial induction training session.
The Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee shall advise the Union Chair on best
practice on the effective involvement and consultation of the membership to
ensure that the make-up of Council is representative of the membership.
The Returning Officer and Deputy Returning Officers shall be responsible for
ensuring that the promotion and running of elections is conducted in line with the
aims and principles of this policy. The Returning Officer shall also monitor the
behaviour of candidates in terms of Equal Opportunities.
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy
April 2011
All candidates in elections will receive a briefing on this Equality, Diversity and
Inclusion Policy.
The Returning Officer will report to the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee
on the demographics of students who vote in each Union election. Based on
information gathered through this monitoring, the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
Committee may take recommendations to the Returning Officer regarding the
promotion of elections to students in order to ensure that all students have an
equal chance to be represented.
Complaints about breaches of Equal Opportunities in elections shall be referred to
the Returning Officer in line with the Election Rules.
The Union will ensure that all students have full access to election materials.
Code of Practice - Outreach Work
Kent Union shall, through the Outreach Worker, take steps to ensure that it caters
and provides for ‘non-traditional’ students and student who study at partnership
colleges or outlying campuses.
Kent Union shall gather statistics on the contacts that the Outreach Worker has
with students at outlying campuses, and will respond, where appropriate, to any
discrepancies between these contacts and the demographics of the University with
action plans which shall be approved by the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
Code of Practice – The Oaks Nursery
The Nursery Admissions policy will conform to this policy and code of practice and
shall be reviewed on a regular basis.
Code of Practice – Licensed Trade and Retail Services
Kent Union will aim to ensure that the provision of entertainments reflects the
diversity of the student population. Demographic statistics will be collected on
those who attend the Venue and Attic and report these to the Equality, Diversity
and Inclusion Committee.
Kent Union, in its provision of commercial services, shall recognise the diversity of
its customers and will seek, as is appropriate and practical to meet their needs.
No-one should be excluded from union events on the basis of any reason that
contravenes the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy.
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy
April 2011
All artists and bands appearing at Union events must be non-discriminatory. Acts
that are deemed likely to contravene this policy must not be engaged.
Kent Union will collect demographic statistics on people who lodge complaints
about the Union’s commercial services, and in particular the Venue, and report
regularly on these statistics to the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee.
Kent Union will collect demographic statistics on those who are excluded from
licensed premises and report regularly to the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
Committee on these statistics.
Code of Practice – Recruitment and Employment
The personal specification will only outline the essential and desirable skills,
knowledge and competencies necessary for the role.
Care must be taken to ensure that job descriptions do not indirectly discriminate by
setting a requirement to do the job which is not appropriate e.g. asking specifically
for a degree or setting a restriction such as a radius to work from home location.
Care shall be taken to ensure that the choice of language does not directly or
indirectly discriminate against potential candidates on the basis of age.
The advert must be placed in a range of media which are likely to reach potential
applicants from all areas of the community and specific care should be taken to
include media which targets specific groups e.g. ethnic minorities or people with
All adverts for positions and application forms shall contain the text: “Kent Union is
committed to Equal Opportunity in employment, and welcomes applications from
all sections of the community” and detail the Investors in Diversity award logo.
Kent Union job application forms will include a separate sheet for Personal
Information and Equal Opportunities monitoring information.
The Personnel Administrator will record the demographics of applicants to all
positions and regularly report to the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee on
these statistics.
The Equality, Diversity and Inclusion committee shall make recommendations for
remedial action should it be felt that applications to Kent Union positions do not
adequately reflect the demographics of the community.
A large print or Braille version of the application form will be made available, upon
request and any other reasonable help given to applicants who have difficulty in
completing the application form.
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy
April 2011
16.10 Staff Application forms will be reviewed regularly to ensure that they are in line
with our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy and any changes to employment
16.11 All interviewees will be given the opportunity to state any special requirements or
arrangements that they require.
16.12 Applicants will be informed that they are welcome to ask for feedback on their
application and the reasons given, if not shortlisted to interview stage or rejected at
interview stage.
16.13 Records will be kept for a period of six months from the date of interview.
16.14 The Equal Opportunities monitoring form will be separated from the rest of the
application form for administrative and monitoring purposes only and will not be
used in the process of short listing candidates for interviewing.
16.15 Staff and Officers who are involved in the recruitment and selection processes must
have completed training in the Unions Recruitment & Selection Procedure and this
policy. Selection panels may wish to use the University’s e-learning module –
‘Equality & Diversity in Recruitment and Selection’ in addition to the Kent Union
specific training (http://www.kent.ac.uk/hr-equalityanddiversity/elearning.html)
16.16 The Chair of the Selection panel shall ensure that the interview is conducted in
accordance with Kent Union’s Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy and Code of
16.17 Interview questions will be prepared and agreed by the selection panel in advance
of the interview and comply with the principles of equal opportunities.
16.18 The selection panel must ensure that the same questions are asked of all
candidates and that all questions relate only to the requirements of the position
and could not be deemed discriminatory.
16.19 If the person appointed does not meet the person specification for the position, the
reasons must be clearly stated on the interview report and signed by members of
the selection panel.
16.20 Any complaint received regarding equal opportunities issues during the recruitment
process must be investigated by the Director of Central Services.
16.21 All employees and elected officers must be made aware during induction, of their
obligations to uphold the principles of the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy
and Code of Practice and be made aware that any breach would be investigated
and if proven would result in disciplinary action being taken against them.
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy
April 2011
16.22 Steps should be taken to ensure that the make-up of the selection panel reflects the
diversity of the applicant group.
16.23 Kent Union shall conform to the Jobcentre Plus five commitments regarding the
employment, retention, training and career development of disabled employees,
and display the ‘Positive About Disabled People’ symbol on all recruitment
Kent Union recognises that a diverse Board of Trustees is integral to good
stewardship and as such will monitor the makeup of the board and take steps to
ensure it reflects the diverse nature of the membership of Kent Union.
Complaints and Reporting
Comments or concerns about this policy and code of practice should be referred to
the Director of UMSA in the first instance.
Complaints about Kent Union activities or publicity in the context of this policy and
code of practice should be referred to the Deputy Chief Executive, who may refer
the matter to the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee.
Any complaints about a member or union officer in the context of this policy and
code of practice should be referred to the Deputy Chief Executive, who should treat
the conversation as confidential and refer the complainant to the Comments and
Complaints Procedure and the Student Discipline Procedure.
Any complaints about a member of Union staff or contractor should be referred to
the Director of Central Services in the first instance, who shall treat the
conversation as confidential and refer the complainant to the Comments and
Complaints Procedure as necessary. If the complaint is about the Director of
Central Services, the complaint should be referred to the Chief Executive.
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy
April 2011
Accessible format information
This document can be made available in large print and electronically upon
If you require another alternative format please contact us to discuss your
Contact Details:
Kent Union
Mandela Building
University of Kent
Tel: 01227 824200
Fax:01227 824204
Email: K.Monk@kent.ac.uk
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy
April 2011
This is a (not exhaustive) list of legislation relevant to this document.
Equality Act 2010
Civil Partnerships Act 2004
Disability Discrimination Act 1995
Disability Discrimination Amendment Act 2005
Employment Equality (Age) Regulation 2006
Employment Equality (Religion or Belief) Regulation 2003
The Employment Equality (Sex Discrimination) Regulations 2005
Employment Equality (Sexual Orientation) Regulation 2003
Equal Pay Act 1970 (Amended)
Gender Recognition Act 2004
Race Relations Act 1976
Race Relations Amendment Act 2000
Race Relations Act 1976 (Amendment) Regulation 2003
Racial and Religious Hatred Act 2006
Sex Discrimination Act 1975, 1986
The Sex Discrimination (Gender Reassignment) Regulations 1999
Employment Rights Act 1996
Maternity and Parental Leave etc. Regulations 1999
Part time Workers (Prevention of Less Favourable Treatment) Regulations 2000
Employment Act 2002 including Fixed Term Workers (Prevention of Less Favourable Treatment)
Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998 (“Whistleblowers” Act)
Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 as amended
The Human Rights Act 1998
Protection from Harassment Act 1997
The law covers the following:
Terms of employment (including pay)
Treatment while employed (including access to training and promotion)
Direct discrimination
Indirect discrimination
Victimisation and harassment
All legislation is available from http://www.opsi.gov.uk/.