جامعة القصيم – كلية الهندسة EE 201 Fundamentals of Electric Circuits Course First Day Material Semester No. 362 Academic Session 1436/1437 Prepared by: Prof. Ibraheem Naseeruddin TABLE OF CONTENTS Subject I. Course Identification and General Information ..................................................... II. Course Objectives ..................................................................................................... III. Course Learning Outcomes .................................................................................... IV. Course Schedule V. Course Materials ....................................................................................................... VI. Course Instructor ..................................................................................................... EE 201: Course First Day Material Page 2 of 4 I. Course Identification and General Information 1 Title and code Fundamentals of Electric Circuits: EE- 201 2 Program(s) on which the course is given Electrical Engineering 3 Level of programs: Level : 4 4 Prerequisite Credit hours (Theoretical, Tutorial, practical) Physics 104 Course Instructor: Prof. (Dr.) Ibraheem Nasiruddin 5 6 3 (3, 1, 0) 7- Catalog Description Basic circuit elements and concepts; Basic laws of circuit theory: Ohm's law, Kirchoff's law; Circuit theorems: superposition principle, Thevenin and Norton theorems; maximum power transfer theorem, Techniques of DC circuit analysis: Nodal and mesh analysis; Sinusoidal sources and the concept of phasor in circuit analysis Techniques of AC circuit analysis: Nodal and mesh analysis. 8- Student Performance Assessment Methods Method of assessment Percentage of total 1 Attendance 04 % 2 Quizzes 10 % 3 Homework and Reports 08 % 4 Two Mid Term Exams 2×15 %=30 % 5 Final Exam 50 % Total (Note: 2% Bonus are given to students who attend more than 95% of classes) 102 % 9- Text Books and References Text Books 1. Boylestad, Introductory Circuit Analysis, Prentice-Hall, New Jersey, 2007 References 1. Nilsson & Riedel, Electric Circuits, Seventh Edition, Prentice Hall, 2005. II. Course Objectives The objectives of the course are : 1. To ensure that the students understand electric circuit and its elements. 2.To review the basic laws of the circuit theory and network theorems. 3.To impart methods to analyze basic laws and network theorems to DC circuits . 4.To impart the knowledge to differentiate the energy-storage circuit elements, sinusoidal sources 5. To deliver the concept of the phasor diagram in AC circuits. Semester No. 362 – Academic session 1436/1437 EE 201: Course First Day Material Page 3 of 4 Course Learning Outcomes On successful completion of the course students should be able to : 1. Recognize the basic circuit elements, charge, current voltage, resistance, etc. 2. Recognize the basic laws of circuit theory: Ohm's law, Kirchoff's laws. 3. Demonstrate the techniques of Dc circuit analysis, nodal and loop analysis, superposition, etc. 4. Describe the working of the energy stored elements. 5. Understand the fundamentals of Steady-State Sinusoidal Analysis. 6. Demonstrate the ability to analyze DC and AC circuits. III. Course Schedule WEEKS 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th IV. COURSE CONTENTS Voltage, current, resistance, power, energy, Resistivity, Conductivity, Efficiency, stand alone system, cascaded systems, Series and parallel circuits, Kirchhoff's Laws, Mesh and Nodal analysis, First Mid-term Exam Source Transformations, Linearity and Superposition Theorem, Thévenin Equivalent and Thevenin’s Theorem, Norton Equivalent and Norton’s Theorem Maximum Power Transfer Theorem Millman’s Theorem and Substitution Theorem Reciprocity Theorem and Problems Second Mid-term Exam) AC circuit fundamentals (sine wave, frequency, angular speed, etc…) Phasor diagram and its applications to AC circuit analysis AC circuit analysis: Active, reactive power, and power factor, Nodal and mesh analysis, Applications of Theorems in AC circuit analysis. Course Material Most of the documents used in EE201 including this first day material, course notes, sheets and assignments are available for downloading from the following web site: http://qec.edu.sa/eng/students/lectures/lectureres.asp You will need to print all sheets, assignments and course notes that are used in the course. Mostly no hard copies of this course material will be handed to the students. Semester No. 362 – Academic session 1436/1437 EE 201: Course First Day Material Page 4 of 4 V. Course Instructor 1 Personal Data Name Date and Place of Birth e-mail Mobile 2 Prof. (Dr) Ibraheem Nasiruddin 01-12-1959, India Ibraheem_2k@qec.edu.sa 0501593638 Academic Degrees Degree Ph.D. Major Electrical Engg. M Sc. Engg. B Sc. Engg. Power System Engg. Electrical Engineering Institute Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, U.P., India. Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, U.P., India. Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, U.P., India. Semester No. 362 – Academic session 1436/1437 Date 2000 1987 1982