Unit Theme: 7.3 Poetry, My Identity Teacher: District: _______________________ School: __________________ Reform Strategy: _________________ Week: # 1 Grade: 7th Subject: English Region: __________________ Date: From _____________ to _____________ 20 __________ Desired Result Enduring Understanding EU1. My environment influences my identity in both small and large ways every day. EU2. I engage with poetry through the feelings, emotions, and concise descriptions the poems elicit. EU3. There are many sociocultural, political, and personal factors that influence poets. Assessment Evidence Summative Evaluation Standards Expectations Learning Plan Suggested Learning Activities: Day 1 Day 2 Listening and Speaking Listening and Speaking 7.L.1Listen and Collaborate with peers during social and academic interactions. 7.L.1Listen and collaborate with peers during social and academic interactions. 7.S.1- Oral contribution of topic. 7.S.1- Oral contribution of topic. 7.S.2 Respond orally to closed questions 7.S.2 Respond Orally to closed questions Day 3 Reading and Writing 7. S.5 Describe, explain, and evaluate text, self, and world experiences, express thoughts and opinions to discuss concepts. 7.R.10 Read and comprehend a variety of literature including poetry, of appropriate complexity. 7.W.8 Write routinely for short and extended time frame for a variety of discipline-specific tasks and purposes. 7.LA.5 Demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word Day 4 Reading and Language 7.R.10 Read and comprehend a variety of literature, including stories, dramas, and poetry, and informational texts (e.g., history/social studies, science, and technical texts) of appropriate complexity. 7.W.8 Write routinely for short and extended time frame for a variety of discipline-specific tasks and purposes. 7.LA.5 Demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word relationships, Day 5 Reading and Language 7.R.10 Read and comprehend a variety of literature, including stories, dramas, and poetry, and informational texts (e.g., history/social studies, science, and technical texts) of appropriate complexity. 7.LA.4a Use context clues to help determine the meaning of a word or phrase. EU1. My environment influences my identity in both small and large ways every day. EU2. I engage with poetry through the feelings, emotions, and concise descriptions the poems elicit. EU3. There are many sociocultural, political, and personal factors that influence poets. Assessment Evidence Summative Evaluation Learning Plan Suggested Learning Activities: relationships, and variation in word meanings. and variation in word meanings. . Students discuss and define poetry concepts.. Students analyze a poem identifying figurative language. ___ Recall / Memory ___ Skill / Concept ___ Strategic Thinking ___ Extended Thinking Teacher presents routine activities and Teacher gives questions as a guide: What comes to your mind when the word poetry is mentioned? What vocabulary do you know is strictly related to poetry? Why do you think people write poetry? ___ Recall / Memory ___ Skill / Concept ___ Strategic Thinking ___ Extended Thinking Teacher presents routine activities and discusses poetry concepts ___ Recall / Memory ___ Skill / Concept ___ Strategic Thinking ___ Extended Thinking Teacher presents routine activities and reviews poetry concepts. Discussions of the basic parts of the structure of a poem are presented. (See 7.3 Learning ActivityLines and Stanzas) Students write a paragraph or acrostic poem with answers completed from Students define concepts of poetry through examples Students analyze a poem identifying some of the Students discuss and write a two line stanza about the admiration of Puerto Rico with sensory images. ___ Recall / Memory ___ Skill / Concept ___ Strategic Thinking ___ Extended Thinking Teacher presents routine activities and discusses answers and sensory images exercise created by the teacher. Link: : http://www.frostfriends org/imagery.html for ideas . Students write two lines stanzas about Academic Strategy Instructional Strategy and Phase Students write about the concept: What is poetry? Objective Depth of Knowledge (DOK) Initial Activities Development Activities Students identify figurative images in a poem. ___ Recall / Memory ___ Skill / Concept ___ Strategic Thinking ___ Extended Thinking Teacher presents routine activities and various examples of figurative images used in poetry. Teacher prepares examples Attachment 7.3 Students identify figurative language with EU1. My environment influences my identity in both small and large ways every day. EU2. I engage with poetry through the feelings, emotions, and concise descriptions the poems elicit. EU3. There are many sociocultural, political, and personal factors that influence poets. Assessment Evidence Summative Evaluation Learning Plan Suggested Learning Activities: guide questions. Literal Images (Review on Link Paragraph: sensory details from 7.1 (https://www.regent.edu/admin/stusrv/ writingcenter/files/An%20Academic%2 0Paragraph%20Outline.pdf Link Acrostic Poems http://www.enchantedlearning.com/poe try/acrostic/ Closing Activities Formative Assessment – Other evidence Materials Homework Differentiated Instruction Strategies ___ Special Education ___ LSP/LEP ___ Section 504 ___ Gifted Oral discussion of guide questions about poetry through paragraph or acrostic poem with the word poetry. Oral discussion of sensory images with examples provided. Links: fileserver.net-texts.com home.cogeco.ca/~rayser3/ images discussed in class. (Attachment 7.3 Graphic Organizer: Sensory Language) *Students write two line stanzas using sensory language. Students participate orally presenting two line stanzas with figurative language. their admiration of Puerto Rico using literal images (At least two images should be included.) poem given. (Attachments- 7.3 – 3 poems to identify figurative language) Students discuss figurative language and example prepared about admiration of Puerto Rico Students discuss figurative language in poems given. EU1. My environment influences my identity in both small and large ways every day. EU2. I engage with poetry through the feelings, emotions, and concise descriptions the poems elicit. EU3. There are many sociocultural, political, and personal factors that influence poets. Assessment Evidence Summative Evaluation Learning Plan Suggested Learning Activities: Teacher Reflection