Why do scientists classify living things?
• Are classified into groups so the organisms are easier to study
• Taxonomy- how living things are classified
Remember the shoe classification lab?
• How did you put your shoes into groups?
• Are classified based on characteristics
• These characteristics are narrowed down into sub-groups
Imagine a room filled with everyone who lives in the U.S
• How would you classify every person based on where they live?
• Same region
• Same state
• Same city/town
• Same neighborhood
• Same street
• Goes from very general to very specific
The more levels you share with someone, the more in common you have with them.
Levels of Classification for living organisms
Kevin’s Poor Cow Only Feels Good Sometimes
• Can use the classification system to identify life forms
• Taxonomic keya series statements that describe the physical characteristics of different organisms
• http://www.biologycorner.com/worksheets/ dichoto.html
• When classifying living things, organisms are named with a two-part name
• (like your first and last name)
• This two part name is the organism’s scientific name
• First part:
• Genus- contains similar, closely related organims
– Ex: pumas, ocelots, and house cats are all in the genus Felis
– All of these animals share common characteristics
• When writing scientific names:
• Will always be in Latin (common language)
• Genus is always capitalized!!!
• Species is not capitalized!!
• Both words will be italicized (if possible)
• Second Part
• Species- a group of similar organisms that can mate and produce fertile offspring
• This system distinguishes all organisms from one another using the classification system