Top 10 Things to Know about Ohio’s Learning Standards 1. Ohio’s Learning Standards in math, English language arts, science and social studies identify the “what” of learning – the knowledge and skills Ohio students need to be successful in college, careers and life. The standards do not tell schools how to teach. 2. Local teachers, principals, superintendents and parents will still decide how the standards are to be met. This includes choosing curriculum, instructional materials, homework, textbooks, teaching techniques and literature selections. 3. Having learning standards is not new for Ohio; our state has had standards since 2001. At the direction of the Ohio General Assembly, the State Board of Education voluntarily adopted the current standards in 2010 to set higher expectations for our students. 4. Ohio owns its math and English language arts standards, and the State Board of Education can make changes to them if needed. 5. Ohio’s Learning Standards do not represent a federal takeover of education. There was no federal involvement and no federal resources used in the development of the standards. 6. Ohio has one of the most stringent student-data privacy protection laws in the country. Ohio’s Learning Standards do not change how student data is collected or shared. 7. H.B. 487, passed by the Ohio General Assembly in June 2014, created review committees for learning standards and state tests and enhanced existing student-data privacy laws. 8. The adoption and implementation of the standards does not affect the right, ability or methods of parents who wish to homeschool their children or send them to private schools. 9. Ohio’s Learning Standards are based on strong research and evidence, developed by practiced teachers, and benchmarked against the best learning standards in the world. 10. Organizations across many sectors support Ohio’s Learning Standards, including those representing parents, teachers, superintendents, principals, business leaders, higher education, philanthropy and civil rights advocates. (See a full list on the back.) @TheOHStandard TheOHStandard The Ohio Standard Members of the Ohio Standard Coalition: 1. Alliance for High Quality Education 17. Inter-University Council of Ohio 2. Battelle Memorial Institute 18. 3. Battelle for Kids 4. Buckeye Association of School Administrators 5. Cincinnati Business Committee 6. Cleveland Foundation 7. Cleveland Metropolitan School District 8. Coalition of Rural & Appalachian Schools 9. Columbus Partnership 10. Columbus Urban League 11. Eastern Ohio P–16 12. GAR Foundation 19. KnowledgeWorks 20. Learn to Earn Dayton 21. Nordson Corporation Foundation 22. Ohio ASCD 23. Ohio Association of Community Colleges 24. Ohio Association of Elementary School Administrators 25. Ohio Association of School Business Officials 26. Ohio Association of Secondary School Administrators 27. Ohio Business Roundtable 13. GE Foundation 28. Ohio ESC Association 14. Greater Cleveland Council of Teachers of Mathematics 29. Ohio Federation of Teachers 15. Greater Cleveland Partnership 16. Gund Foundation 30. Ohio Mathematics and Science Association 31. Ohio PTA 32. Ohio School Boards Association 33. Ohio STEM Learning Network 34. Philanthropy Ohio 35. REACHigher (Lorain P–16) 36. State University Education Deans 37. Strive Partnership 38. StudentsFirst Ohio 39. Thomas B. Fordham Institute 40. United Way of Greater Cincinnati 41. Urban League of Greater Cleveland 42. Urban League of Southwest Ohio