ClimDev-Africa Dinner Dialogue Science for development: Can Africa Sustain its Transformational Development Without Investing in Climate Science? Outline Climate Science – Situation – Objectives & experience of pilot projects of ClimDevAfrica/ACPC – Advancing knowledge and research priorities for users The Dinner Dialogue Questions Discussions Climate Impacts Impact of rainfall variability on GDP and Agricultural GDP growth MADAGASCAR: 80 25 20 60 10 20 5 0 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 -20 1983 0 1982 % 15 40 In Feb 2012 Cyclone Giovanna killed 10 people -5 -10 -15 -40 -20 -60 rainfall variability GDP growth -80 Ag GDP growth -30 -25 year MOZAMBIQUE Flood 40 people died, 150,000 people fled in Chokwe town, and surroundings (Jan 2013) Loss in production, infrastructure, and increased poverty SOUTH AFRICA: 6 died when the Limpopo river burst its banks (Jan 2013) Climate Science Situation • Meteorological & hydrological data are basis for knowledge, decision making & actions • Application fields include DRR, water management, agriculture, aviation, transport, risk management, etc Data Observations, climate models, time series, trends, projections, event frequency, …. Information Measures of vulnerability and risk, impacts, uncertainty and confidence, variations, … Delivery of science Focus Knowledge Understanding consequences, evaluating responses, informing decision making, … Decision Strategic, policy, investment, new research avenues, response frameworks, … Societal and developmental needs Climate Science- Data Situation African climate stations network • There are about 1152 meteorological stations in Africa (GTS) • It is 8 times lower than WMO recommendations • Most of the stations are confined along the roads, cities or airports • Satellite information is widely used for weather and climate monitoring activities Air quality monitoring Not responded (18) No air quality stations (27) Have air quality stations (10) Air quality or greenhouse gases monitoring stations in Africa Climate Science- Prediction Situation Predictions and related data and information – Most of the prediction information comes from the developed country prediction center (ECMWF, NCEP,..) – Satellite information is quite useful in real time data monitoring and early warning activities • Modeling in Africa is at infant stage – Lack of trained man power – Lack of computing facilities Climate Research Gaps in Africa-Situation Knowledge Gap in Climate Science – Scientific research is very weak at all levels (NMHS, RCC, Universities) – Chronic lack of investment in postgraduate education and research infrastructure – Less priority is given to climate issues relative to other pressing problems The comparison of African Authors with others (data from Washington et al) ACPC Pilot Projects- Needs Assessment Ethiopia, Rwanda and The Gambia • Poor network of first class met stations • Existing synoptic stations should be fully operational • Absence of upper-air stations • Water flow measurement technology is not up-to-date including collection and recording • Current data transmission is by mail. There is a need to automate the using real time data collection platform such as SMS, GMS, and GPRS needed. • Database servers have capacity limitation. Should be maintained by qualified information technology personnel. 3. Project Interventions • Rescue meteorological data • Procure and establish upper air observing station, automatic weather stations, barometers, water level recorders with telemetry, facilities, etc • Establish early warning system for selected River basin and enhance flood forecasting capacity at the Ministries • Provide training on hydro-meteorological instrumentation, data base management and information communication • Establish information systems to provide real time climate and river flow information to decision makers and a database management system • Establish a map room to provide information on the water resources for the general public and a wide area network (WAN) between central and regional offices Other Examples of Science to Use West Africa TB Aquifers Dialogue • Analysis on scientific and technical knowledge • major environmental, social and economic challenges for GW: CC, WS, Irrigation • Institutional, legal and political framework for the basins • A dialogue on national and transboundary priorities • Building and strengthening of capacities • • • • Addressing the Climate Vulnerability of African Infrastructure Estimate the impacts of CC on the performance of infrastructure Develop and test a framework for the planning and design of infrastructure investment that can be “robust” under a wide range of climate outcomes; Enhance “investment readiness” of African countries to use climate finance resources geared at increasing their resilience to climate variability and change Irrigation, HP, Power Pools, Urban Water & Roads Senegal Nile Niger Volta Congo Zambezi Orange • • • • Africa Climate Conference - ACC 2013 Process: Mapping African climate researchers and institutions, established scientific steering committee 300+ of world’s best Africa climate researchers facing users Task: Identify priorities to advance frontiers of African climate research to address urgent societal needs, based on: • State of knowledge • Current Gaps • Concrete Proposals to overcome knowledge gaps and deliver operational climate services Over 700 abstracts received on call for papers Africa-wide ACC2013 Steering Committee Africa Climate Research For Development Agenda Coordination Platform 2. Improved Observation System and Delivery Scientific Steering Committee 3. Scientific and Institutional Capacity Development 1. Co-designed multi-disciplinary climate research 4. Mainstreaming Cimate Services and User Intreface Platform Understanding underpinning drivers of climate variability in Africa Proposed pan-African Research Programs to address User-Driven Priorities for Climate Research in Africa Towards Robust Climate change projections over Africa Integrated climate and impacts research (across four priority GFCS sectors- DRR sector, health, water and agriculture) 1. Co-designed multi-disciplinary research for improving climate forecast skill and reliability, across temporal and spatial scales (towards operational userrelevant seamless forecast products) Africa Sub-seasonal to Seasonal Prediction Project Multi-disciplinary validation of forecast skill (including impacts skill) Proposed pan-African Research Programs to Address User-Driven Priorities for Climate Research in Africa 2. Improved Observation System and Delivery Filling the Data GapMultidisciplinary data sets (for both climate and sectorspecific vulnerability datasets) Integrated Africa Climate Data Information Systems Future Risk Profiles for Major African Cities 3. Scientific and Institutional Capacity Development 4. Mainstreaming Cimate Services and User Intreface Platform Building African Capacity in Climate Science & Communication for Linking Climate Knowledge with Action Framework for Co-producing Climate Services and Integrating Knowledge for Action Nurturing African intellectual leadership in Climate Research for Development Building the Interface: MultiStakeholder Platforms for Dialogue African research nodes of excellence Co-producing climate knowledge with local stakeholders – the End of End-users Mainstreaming training curricula for a changing climate From Global to Local: Linkages across prediction centers for delivery of operational climate services Supporting Adaptation under deep uncertainty- adaptation scenarios addressing envelope of uncertainty, across timescales ClimDev-Africa Thank you The ACPC Climate Change Meets Policy The Dialogue Questions 1. How do we strengthen the capacities of the National Hydrological and Meteorological Services to enhance delivery of climate services? – Delivery and utility of data and information for researchers, policy makers, farmers, and others 2. How can we influence the discourse on climate change finance in order to leverage resources for climate science, data and information needs? – Sources of finance, access, and investment for climate science 3. How do we enhance partnerships across institutions in integrating climate services for development as part of their long term strategy? – Institutional collaboration in data generation, planning and end use 4. What role can ClimDev-Africa play in popularizing the climate science narrative in Africa? – Key recommendations for ClimDev-Africa to enhance climate science delivery