And to begin… A few photos and blurbs by and about lesbians of color. They’re women, They’re lesbians, And they’re African-American, Korean, and Latina. So far! Audre Lorde 1934 - 1992 “As I have said elsewhere, it is not the destiny of black America to repeat white America's mistakes. But we will, if we mistake the trappings of success in a sick society for the signs of a meaningful life. If black men continue to do so, defining "femininity" in its archaic European terms, this augurs ill for our survival as a people, let alone our survival as individuals. Freedom and future for blacks do not mean absorbing the dominant white male disease. . . As black people, we cannot begin our dialogue by denying the oppressive nature of male privilege. And if black males choose to assume that privilege, for whatever reason, raping, brutalizing, and killing women, then we cannot ignore black male oppression. One oppression does not justify another.” --Black Women Writers at Work From the “Voices from the Gaps (VG)” website: Walker, Alice b. 1944 In her explorations of the damage done to the individual by racism and sexism, Alice Walker depicts lesbianism as natural and freeing, an aid to self-knowledge and self-love. From “GLBTQ: An Encyclopedia of Gay Lesbian Bi Transgender & Queer Culture”: Margaret Cho b. 1968 Mathew St. Patrick (Six Feet Under) and Margaret were honorees at the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force "Honoring Our Allies" fundraiser. Marga Gomez I am a filthy pig or as my people say I am a Cochina. Some of you studying Spanish think I am a kitchen but that is pronounced cocina. Cochina is filthy pig. Cocina is kitchen. Unless you're in a Cochina's apt then what's the difference. Because our Latina mothers taught us world is a dirty place. Don't touch anything don't put anything in your mouth. For instance if I found a brand new soccer ball rolling on the sidewalk and I wanted to pick it up and taste it. Non-Latina mothers would say "Sweetie we don't know where that's been. Let's have a time out in a healing yoga posture. " But Latina mothers would say "Put it down Cochina! Don't touch that it's ca-ca!!" Everything we saw, touched, or wanted was ca-ca. I didn't know where ca-ca began or ended. That's how I was raised. And I was taught to respect my elders. Every Christmas my Tity came to stay with us for the holidays. For those of you just learning Spanish, Tity doesn't mean titties. Those are tetas. Tity means aunt. Teta is tittie. Unless they are your Tity's tetas. But why go there? I remem- ber her visits. I can still hear her calling me. "Cochina! Come here. I have a Christmas present for you. Come and see what your Tity got you all the way from the old country. I said come inside the house! You are going to catch pneumonia. Didn't your mother, my sister, tell you never to play outside? If you were mine you would stay inside and pray. Only cochinas play outside. If you were mine I would make you kneel on uncooked rice. You are killing your mother, my sister, soon she'll be dead and then you will be mine!!! And I will sell you to a factory. Now come get your present. Don't touch that snow it's ca-ca! Merry Christmas Cochina. Open it. See, it's your first black dress. Just like mine. Nice and long to protect your hymenia. There is nothing like a heavy black dress to say DEATH TO ALL WHO ENTER HERE." b. ??? “This is more than unflattering hair...this is a hate crime!” How does identity form? • Most identity theories have a sequence of stages that a person goes through in developing identity • The chapter by Janis Bohan uses Atkinson, Morten, and Sue’s Minority Identity Development Model The Minority Identity Development Model • Five stages: – Conformity • What was the question again? Something about identity? – Dissonance • Wait a minute… – Resistance and immersion • I’m all about my culture! As in, my culture! – Introspection • How much does my culture fit me as my individual self? – Synergetic Articulation and Awareness • I’ll continue to evolve and evaluate on a case-by-case basis, now that I’m more comfortable with myself! And while I’m at it, I can see how the oppression I So Imagine That Times 2… • LGBT people of color go through this process in two ways at the same time, with sexual orientation as well as culture/ethnicity/race • This is super complicated • There are often conflicts between one’s culture/ethnicity/race and one’s sexual orientation – These conflicts often are inextricably linked to the history of one’s culture/ethnicity/race and oppression – Conflicts thus vary by group (though there are similarities between some groups) Multiple Oppression • This is officially called “Multiple Oppression” (and this is not to discount the upside, as José put it, being “doubly blessed”) • It often makes people feel caught in the middle between loyalties and identities • There is an important difference between racial/ethnic identity and LGBT identity: – Discredited identity is obvious and immediately elicits prejudice, which one has to struggle with… – Discreditable identity is hidden unless disclosed, and thus the struggle is around disclosing or not… • Having both types of identity means to struggle between them in different groups, but actually being both Which is an Impossible Place • Bohan quotes Audre Lorde: “As a forty-nine-year-old Black lesbian feminist socialist mother of two, including one boy, and a member of an interracial couple, I usually find myself part of some group defined as other, inferior, or just plain wrong… I find I am constantly encouraged to pluck out some aspect of myself and present it as the meaningful whole, eclipsing or denying the other parts of self. But this is a destructive and fragmenting way to live.” • • • There is racism in the LGBT community There is “homonegativity” in communities of color There is sexism in both, and women in communities of color may find the only power accorded them is in being straight (heterosexual privelege). Religion plays a big role in many communities of color, and traditional Judeo-Christian-Islamic attitudes are heterosexist/homonegative • Being LGBT & African American • African Americans – Are a diverse group (with regional and ethnic, and cultural, variations within) – Suffered “some of the most virulent” racism in the Americas, and this elevates the role of community – The real threat of genocide increases the importance of the heterosexual family and of childrearing – There is a “shortage of marriageable men” in the community, due to AIDS, homicide, incarceration, and other effects of institutionalized racism Being LGBT & African American • LGBT identity in the African American community may be seen/felt as a threat to these values • African American people are often stereotyped as sexually promiscuous, and so are LGBT people-- and LGBT African American people may be perceived by the community as holding up the stereotype • In turn, African American LGBTs may be perceived in terms of stereotypes in the queer community • “The Down Low”: Because it’s easier, and safer, to be unidentified with a LGBT identity in the African American community, some men may keep their sexual relationships with other men secret, identifying as straight or bisexual But “It’s Not Just a Black Thing!” • As Keith Roykin says in Beyond the Down Low: Sex, Lies, and Denial in Black America (2005), after describing many stories of white celebrities “on the down low”: – “For years, both black and white America convinced each other that homosexuality was merely a ‘white thing’…Then, as white gays and lesbians emerged as public figures, we assumed that black openly gay and bisexual public figures would never emerge because homophobia was too widespread among blacks, as if homophobia did not exist in the rest of America…Homosexuality, like homophobia, is widespread in the black community and the white community. White men do not live in a parallel universe where homosexuality is widely accepted…White men are on the down low just like black men, and since we live in a country with far more white men than black men, it stands to reason that there are far more white men on the down low than black men. They, too, are secretly sleeping with men while they plan their lives with their wives.” (pp. 72-73) Being LGBT & Latino/a • The term “Latino/a” includes a wide variety of cultures, languages, regions, and ancestry – Family is of central importance – Clear gender roles, including machismo (strong, masculine, providing) and marianismo (submissive, virtuous) – To be LGBT is seen as threat to family and possibly as selfish • At the same time, same-sex behaviors (affection between women/anal intercourse when the inserting partner) may not be perceived as indicating nonheterosexual – “Don’t ask don’t tell”: silence may mean tolerance Being LGBT & Asian • “Asian” is a designation that represents many, often widely divergent, ethnicities and cultures • “Don’t ask don’t tell”: silence may mean tolerance