Pupil Enrollment Count Training for the 2013-14 Collection and for the Data Pipeline August and September, 2013 Last updated: 9/12/13 Pupil Enrollment Count 2013-2014 And Data Pipeline Welcome! And thank you for joining! We will begin the webinar shortly. The dial-in number is 1-866-764-6750 Please use *# to mute your phone. You can unmute your phone using *#. Support at: datapipeline.support@cde.state.co.us This PowerPoint is posted at http://www.cde.state.co.us/datapipeline/snap_studentoctober under “Trainings” 2 Webinar Etiquette Mute Your Phone (*# Mutes and then un-mutes individual phones) Enter your Name and your District when logging into the webinar (no password will be needed) If you have a question: Type it in the Chat Box (preferred method) OR “Raise Your Hand”: • A presenter will call your name • After your name is called, un-mute your phone and speak your question/comment Please be respectful of the other attendees’ time; we may need to have a separate conversation later to best help you 3 File Layout and Data Definitions Important locations for documents This presentation is posted at http://www.cde.state.co.us/DataPipeline/snap_studentOctober.asp under “Deadlines” It may be updated following the webinar. Please refer to the website to check for updates. The title page has the date last updated. Data Pipeline website http://www.cde.state.co.us/datapipeline Student Interchange data collection documents http://www.cde.state.co.us/DataPipeline/inter_student.asp Title I Interchange data collection documents http://www.cde.state.co.us/DataPipeline/inter_titleI.asp Pupil Enrollment (Student October) Count data collection documents http://www.cde.state.co.us/DataPipeline/snap_studentOctober.asp 4 Collection Schedule 5 Timeline and Milestones 2013-2014 August Webinar training sessions (August 13th – September 5th) Collection opens (Monday, September 2nd) September Pupil Enrollment Count date (Tuesday, October 1st) All districts pass interchange level edits (October 2nd – October 16th) October All districts create and pass majority of snapshot level edits (October 17th – October 31st) All districts address final issues, review and approve data reports (November 1st – November 8th) November Collection closes – all districts must electronically submit data to CDE (Friday, November 8th) Duplicate funding documentation due (Friday, November 15th) Resubmissions and approvals due (Wednesday, November 27th) 6 Official Count Date • The pupil enrollment count date is Tuesday, October 1st. All district students who are in membership (attendance and enrollment) on October 1st are eligible to be counted. – In-service days scheduled within the eleven-day window * will be considered as non-attendance days and no extension will be granted. – Districts requesting an alternative count date must submit their request in writing to the CDE Audit Team by Monday, September 16th. • October 1st is on a Tuesday. The eleven-day window for schools on a M-F week will be from Tuesday, September 24th to Tuesday, October 8th. * The eleven-day count window includes the pupil enrollment count day, as well as, the five school days preceding and following that day. CSBOE 2254-R-3.00 and CSL 22-54-103(10)(a)(I) 7 Pupil Enrollment Count Date Alternative Calendars • For districts on a Monday – Thursday four-day week, Tuesday, October 1, 2013 will be the pupil enrollment count day. The eleven-day window will be from September 23 to October 9. • For districts on a Tuesday – Friday four-day week, Tuesday, October 1, 2013 will be the pupil enrollment count day. The eleven-day window will be from September 20 to October 9. CSBOE 2254-R-3.00 and CSL 22-54-103(10)(a)(I) 8 Updates for 2013-14 9 Submission Process Student Interchange Preparation Obtain Student Identifiers (SASIDs) Update school information in Directory (web form) Extract Interchange files in correct format from your Student Information System (you can test in our QA instance) Load the 3 Data Pipeline Student Profile Interchanges: Student demographics Student – school association Advanced course completion Load Title I Interchange * (to identify students who receive Title I targeted assistance funding) • Only districts that have any Title I-funded school(s) that are Targeted Assistance (TA) programs complete this interchange • Go to “Cognos Report” on the Pipeline menu to download errors and warnings • You can view and download them in several formats including as Excel spreadsheets, PDFs, CSV files, HTML files, or XML files 10 Submission Process Student October Create Student October Count snapshot (Student Profile → Snapshot) Not a new file submission Snapshot of previously submitted Student Profile Interchanges Summarize by grade students with home-based education Student Profile -> Home School Data Go to “Cognos Report” on the Pipeline menu to download errors and warnings Correct errors (within the Pipeline or by loading new interchange files) Once all edit checks have passed, submit approval of your data to CDE Use Cognos Report to validate data Student Profile -> Status Dashboard -> Submit to CDE In Pipeline -> Student Profile -> Status Dashboard -> Download Sign Off Form CDE resolves SASID duplicates Note: all errors must be resolved before continuing to the next step in the process 11 Changes for 2013-14 Collection 1. The file layouts have changed within Data Pipeline 2. The Free and Reduced Lunch codes have changed 03 (Not Eligible) is no longer a valid value 03 is replaced with 00 (Not Eligible) 01 (Free Lunch Eligible) and 02 (Reduced Lunch Eligible) remain unchanged 3. Title I targeted assisted students are calculated based on information in the Title I interchange 4. Race and Ethnicity codes are now 0 (No) or 1 (Yes) No longer report the federal race and ethnicity value This is calculated based on race and ethnicity codes 5. Pupil’s Attendance Information code of 26 (Home Based Education – Home Schooling) is no longer valid 12 Handled with the Home School Data entry screen Go to Pipeline → Student Profile → Home School Data Changes for 2013-14 Collection (continued) 6. Public Finance code of 88 (Not Eligible, Home Based Education) is no longer valid Handled with the Home School (home based education) Data entry screen (see also #5) 7. The Primary Disability code 11 (Preschooler with a Disability) is now valid for up to 8 years of age 8. Full-time home school students are no longer reported in the file See also #5 and #6 above Previously reported with Funding code of 88 (Not Eligible, Home Based Education) Previously reported with Attendance code of 26 (Home Based Education) The number of home school students per grade level is now required before Pupil Enrollment Count data is submitted to CDE Students in a home-based education program are now summarized by grade on the Pipeline “Home School Data” entry screen 13 Changes for 2013-14 Collection (continued) 9. Colorado Preschool Program (CPP) expansion Please refer to the “Early Childhood Education” section for details 10. A new School code was added for 2012-13 0001 To be consistent with End of Year data Limited to two districts which provide educational services in non-district locations in collaboration with a private, non-profit agency. Districts/Programs that should use a school code of 0001 (changed from 2012-13) are limited to: APS Children’s Hospital Medical Day Treatment (district code 0180, school code 0001) Robert A. Brown Center for Youth (district code 2180, school code 0001) 14 Changes for 2013-14 Collection (continued) 10. The data element “CSAP Alternate Assessment Participant” is now “Alternate Assessment Participant” It applies to a student taking an alternate assessment Eligibility for the alternate assessment must be determined by the student’s IEP team The field must be completed for all K-12 students (previously 3-11) There are currently alternate assessments for: • • • 15 TCAP (for grades 3-11) CO ACT (for grade 11) ACCESS (the annual English language proficiency exam given to English Language Learners in grades K-12) Review Additional information on the data elements reviewed in the following sections can be found: 1. On the Data Pipeline Student Interchanges website within the “File Layout and Definitions” PDFs at http://www.cde.state.co.us/DataPipeline/inter_student.asp 2. Within the Student October Count Resource Guide at http://www.cde.state.co.us/cdefinance/auditunit.htm 16 Attendance Residence Codes There are two sets of Attendance codes: 17 (A) One for students who attend a program operated by the reporting district (B) Another for students who attend a program that is not run by the reporting district (A) Pupils Attending an Educational Program Operated by the Reporting District 01-Resident, Designated School 02-Resident, School of Choice (Open Enrollment) 03-Resident, Non-District Site (Expelled, Preschool) 04-Non-Resident, Choice (Public Schools of Choice) 05-Non-Resident, Non-Choice 08-Resident, Non-Choice • These codes are for students who are actually being educated in this district. The district reporting these students is doing the educating. Resident, non-resident is based on boundaries. The choice and non-choice indicates if the student had a choice. 03 is a resident of the school, and district employees are educating the student, but it is done at a non-district site. This is primarily expelled students and Pre-K students. 18 (B) Resident Pupils Attending an Educational Program Not Operated by the Reporting District 24 - Court-Mandated Juvenile Detention 27 - Non-Public Schools (Contractual Agreement) 28 - Outside of Colorado Public Education Agency 29 - Outside of Colorado Non-Public School 30 - Colorado Public Agency (Contractual Agreement) 31 – School District or BOCES (Contractual Agreement) 33 – Online School (Contractual Agreement) • These codes are used for a district where the student lives within the district’s boundaries, but the district is not educating the student. 19 Reporting Tuition-Paying Students If you are receiving funds from another (outside) source to pay for costs associated with the education of a student, the student must have a funding code of 87- Not Eligible, Tuition Hours are calculated in the semester of the Pupil Enrollment Count day Hours of Instruction No Yes < 90 86 - Not Eligible, Non-Specific 87 - Not Eligible, Tuition >= 90 and < 360 82 - Part-Time 87 - Not Eligible,Tuition >=360 ** 80 - Full Time 87 - Not Eligible, Tuition ** Students limited to a maximum of part‐time funding (regardless of the number of hours scheduled beyond the 90 hour minimum) include preschool, kindergarten, and home study education. 20 Reporting Students Attending County Jails District of location should report appropriate funding code for resident and non-resident students District of location should report Attendance/Residence codes of either resident, non-choice (08) or non-resident, non-choice (05) School code is 0006 (County Jails with District-Run Education) Students with a Goal of a GED _ Yes for Attends District Funded GED program Goal of a Diploma _No for Attends District Funded GED program 21 Reporting Students Attending a BOCES Program BOCES (Board of Cooperative Educational Services) program serves several districts A student who is receiving his or her education through a cooperative agreement with a BOCES program should be counted by the district of residence. If the program does not have a school code: The district should count the student at his/her home school If the program has a school code: The district should count the student for funding BOCES should count the student for membership A student attending a BOCES GED program is eligible for the funded count if his or her resident district allows credit toward a diploma. 22 Reporting Students Going to a Short-term Detention Center Student and detention center both reside within the district: Attendance Code = 08 (Resident, Non-choice) Funding Code = 80 (Full-Time) District in which the student resides reports: Attendance Code = 24 (Juvenile Detention) Funding Code = 80 (Full-Time) or 86 (No funding) District in which the detention center is located reports: Attendance Code = 05 (Non-Resident, Non-Choice) Funding Code = 87 (Not Eligible, Tuition ) * * The district may be able to report the student for funding if certain criteria is met. Please refer to the Student October Count Resource Guide at http://www.cde.state.co.us/cdefinance/auditunit.htm 23 Continuously Enrolled in Colorado C o l o ra d o C o nt i n u o u s l y ( E n ro l l e d 3 Ye a rs ) - S t u d e nt h a s b e e n e n ro l l e d i n a C o l o ra d o p u b l i c s c h o o l s i n c e 3 / 1 0 / 1 1 fo r g ra d e s 3 - 1 0 o r 4 / 2 3 / 1 1 fo r 1 1 t h g ra d e . P re - K i n d erga r te n a n d K i n d e rga r te n e n ro l l m ent s d o n o t co u nt to w a rd s t h e 3 y e a rs . Continuously Enrolled in the District C o nt i n u o u s l y i n D i s t r i c t ( E n ro l l e d 1 Ye a r ) - S t u d e nt h a s b e e n e n ro l l e d i n t h e s a m e d i s t r i c t s i n c e 3 / 1 0 / 1 3 fo r g ra d e s 3 - 1 0 o r s i n c e 4 / 2 3 / 1 3 fo r 1 1 t h g ra d e . G ra d e s P K - 1 2 co u nt to w a rd t h e 1 y e a r co nt i n u o u s l y e n ro l l e d i n d i s t r i c t . Continuously Enrolled in School 24 C o nt i n u o u s l y i n S c h o o l ( E n ro l l ed 1 Ye a r ) - S t u d e nt h a s b e e n e n ro l l e d i n t h e s a m e p u b l i c s c h o o l s i n c e 3 / 1 0 / 1 3 fo r g ra d e s 3 - 1 0 o r s i n c e 4 / 2 3 / 1 3 fo r 1 1 t h g ra d e . G ra d e s P K - 1 2 co u nt to w a rd t h e 1 y e a r co nt i n u o u s l y e n ro l l e d i n s c h o o l . Coding Early Access to Kindergarten & 1st Grade for Highly Gifted Children For Approved Districts ONLY Age 25 Grade Gifted &Talented Funding code options 4 006 (half day Kindergarten) 1,2,3,4 (select one gifted category) 82,86,87 (select one) 4 007 (Full day Kindergarten) 1,2,3,4 (select one) 82,85,86,87 (select one) 5 010 (Grade 1) 1,2,3,4 (select one) Select proper funding status code ASCENT Coding and Edits Accelerating Students through Concurrent Enrollment CDE’s ASCENT Program Coordinator Establishes and confirms district eligibility to offer the ASCENT program Determines total number of ASCENT slots allocated per eligible district 26 Student End of Year (EOY) Data Collection (prior year) Pupil Enrollment Count (current year) Edits ensure the number of students being retained for the district’s ASCENT program next year equals the number of slots allocated Edits ensure that only those students/SASIDs identified in the prior year’s EOY can be claimed for ASCENT funding as 5th year seniors in the current Pupil Enrollment Count. Students entering the 5th year of the program are thereby identified by SASID Contractual Agreement with Third Party Educators/Programs Districts will report these students with a Attendance/Residence codes of 01-08. These students must be assigned to a public school code within the district* because "third party educators/programs" do not have school codes. • Report with 1 (yes) for a student receiving all of his or her education instruction through third party educators/programs. • Report with 0 (no) for a student not receiving any of his or her education instruction through third party educators/programs. • Report with 0 (no) for a student receiving part of his or her education instruction through third party educators/programs. * It will be left to the district to determine which school will be reported as the student’s “home school” 27 Contractual Agreement with Third Party Educators/Programs ( c o n t i n u e d ) Used when a district enters into a contractual agreement with a third party educator to provide educational services to the district’s students. Residence code Contractual Agreement with Third Party field code Private school 27 No (0) Head Start 30 No (0) Approved Facility Schools 30 No (0) Other district or school (including BOCES and BOCES programs) 31 No (0) Online school 33 No (0) 01 – 08 Yes (1) District establishes a contractual agreement with… Third party program (not associated with a district code or school code) *EXCLUDES DISTRICT-RUN PROGRAMS* Examples of a third party educator include: Programs operated and staffed entirely by an institution of higher education Privately run GED preparation programs Education services provided to expelled students by a private company 28 Duplicate Student Funding Process If both your district and another district are claiming the same student: You will, after approving your data, receive an e-mail from CDE indicating you have an error that needs to be resolved. (documents are due November 15th) Duplicate counts between districts and Approved School Facilities will also be addressed during this phase of the process. Log back into the system and download a new error report with SASIDs and Student Names. You will need to forward documentation to the Audit Team via email (audit@cde.state.co.us) by November 15th 29 Duplicate Student Funding Process (continued) CDE’s Audit Team will determine who should count the student. If you need to change either a SASID or remove a record you will need to make the change to your file. Email Annie (matula_a@cde.state.co.us) to reset your district so that you can make that change, and then update the snapshot and resubmit. Since you have resubmitted your data you will need to download the latest version of the Data Summary Report and get both signatures again for approval of both the pupil enrollment counts and the English Language Learner (ELL) counts. 30 Submission Key Notes All students must be reported Including Preschool (PK) students regardless of funding status Students attending district or BOCES programs must be attributed to a home school Every student who generates funding should be attached to a school code (exceptions: PK and expelled students) 31 English Language Learners (ELLs) Review and Notification 32 English Language Learners (ELLs) Policies and Statutes If a student is classified as Non-English Proficient (NEP) or Limited English Proficient (LEP) the district must provide language services and the student must be reported as an ELL. Lau v. Nichols – 414 U.S 563 (1974) Equal Educational Opportunities Act of 1974 Castañeda v. Pickard (1981) Colorado English Language Proficiency Act (ELPA), 22-24-101 Even if the district does not have a structured ESL or Bilingual program the district must provide some sort of language services. The Home Language Survey (HLS)/Home Language Questionnaire (HLQ) is just a tool to help identify if other languages than English are present at home or in the student’s life. It is not legally binding and should only be used as one piece of a body of evidence to determine if the student is an ELL or not. 33 Language Background Mapping An Excel version of the language codes can be viewed at: http://www.cde.state.co.us/DataPipeline/download/Frequently%20Requested%20Cod e/ELPA_Language_Codes.xls Deactivated codes can be viewed at: http://www.cde.state.co.us/DataPipeline/download/Frequently%20Requested%20Cod e/ELPA_Language_Codes_Deactivated.xls 34 English Language Learners (ELLs) Bilingual and ESL it is up to the District to determine the ELL program that best describes the student’s education. Bilingual • Is only for reporting ELL students in Bilingual programs to develop English. • Districts may not include English speaking students in Dual language programs in this field. Bilingual or ESL ? • It is up to the District to determine the program that best describes the student’s English language development educational setting. • For parent refusal of services: Again, it is up to the District to determine the program that best describes the program from which the parent/guardian has refused English Language Development services. 35 English Language Learners (ELLs) Language Proficiency Non English Proficient (NEP) Enrolled in an ESL or Bilingual program (ESL or Bilingual status code = 1) or parent refusal of ELL program services (status code = 5) Proficiency code = 1 Language Background = Same as prior year’s Language Background or if the student is new, a language other than English Limited English Proficient (LEP) Enrolled in an ESL or Bilingual program (ESL or Bilingual status code = 1) or parent refusal of ELL program services (status code = 5) Proficiency code = 2 Language Background = Same as prior year’s Language Background or if the student is new, a language other than English Only use NEP and LEP if the ELL is neither re-designated (Monitored) nor exited from an ELL program 36 English Language Learners (ELLs) Language Proficiency Fluent English Proficient (FEP) Moves out of (re-designated from) an ESL or Bilingual program to monitoring phase Proficiency code = 3 Language Background = Previously coded Language Background Only code as FEP if the ELL is re-designated or exited from an ELL program ELLs not yet re-designated or exited should be coded with LEP or NEP Students coded with FEP proficiency do not take ACCESS for ELLs, the annual test that measures a student’s progress in acquiring academic English 37 En g l i sh L a n g u a ge L e a r ner s ( E LL s ) St u d e n ts Ne w t o D i st rict And P HLOTE a nd FELL La n g u a ge P r o f i cien c y For a student who is new to the district The parent/guardian needs to complete a home language survey (HLS or HLQ) If HLS/HLQ indicates primary or home language other than English, the student must be (there are no exceptions) assessed using the W-APT assessment as part of Colorado’s ELL identification process. W-APT™ stands for the WIDA-ACCESS Placement Test District/School produces a body of evidence to determine the student’s eligibility for a language instructional education program 38 (Continue on next slide) En g l i sh L a n g u a ge L e a r ner s ( E LL s ) St u d e n ts Ne w t o D i st rict And P HLOTE a nd FELL La n g u a ge P r o f i cien c y ( c o n t i n u e d ) Language proficiency will be PHLOTE or FELL if: W-APT and body of evidence indicate student is a fluent English speaker Primary or home language is other than English (PHLOTE) Language background should be other than English and ESL and Bilingual should be 0 39 PHLOTE FELL Not former ELL. Has never received language instruction Former ELL (received ELL instruction in a different district) Language Proficiency code = 4 Language Proficiency code = 5 Can apply to Preschool (PK) Cannot apply to PK English Language Learners (ELLs) Re-designated and Exited Monitored (Re-designated) Status A re-designated ELL is monitored for 2 years (report as either Monitored Year 1 or Monitored Year 2) Code the program from which the ELL was re-designated (either ESL or Bilingual) Continue to code that program each year the student is reported, including after the student is exited 3+ years (status code = 4) and is no longer considered an ELL. The exception is if the student returns to an ELL program during Monitored Year 1 or 2, in which case code the program to which the student returns with a status code of 1. Exiting a FEP (Fluent English Proficient) student from ESL or Bilingual 40 Student has completed two consecutive years of monitoring Language Proficiency = 3 (Fluent English Proficient) Language Background = Previously coded Language Background ESL or Bilingual Status Code = 4 (exited program) English Language Learners (ELLs) Return to an ELL Program and Federal Definition Re-designated ELL returns to ESL or Bilingual program During Monitoring period (Monitored Year 1 or 2) District determines that the ELL student is not meeting District standards/expectations in monitoring period Language Proficiency = 1 (NEP) or 2 (LEP) Language Background = Previously coded Language Background ESL or Bilingual status code = 1 (enrolled in program). Code the ELL program to which the student returns The student will need to be tested annually on ACCESS until he or she is re-designated again English Language Learner State Definition (as reflected on CDE’s reports) NEP + LEP + FEP Monitor Year 1 + FEP Monitor Year 2 (excludes FEP Exited Year 3+) 41 English Language Learners Coding Language Proficiency code ESL or Bilingual status code Language Background NEP 1 1 or 5 Other than English LEP 2 1 or 5 Other than English FEP 3 2 or 3 or 4 Other than English PHLOTE 4 0 Other than English FELL 5 0 Other than English N/A 0 0 English ELL Status 42 ELL- Example of progress Year 1 Home language survey indicates Spanish. Testing indicates no English proficiency. Language Background Language Proficiency ESL Status Bilingual Status spa 1 0 1 (Spanish) (NEP) (In Program) Testing indicates limited proficiency in English. spa 2 1 0 (Spanish) (LEP) (In Program) (N/A) Year 3 Testing shows English proficiency. ELL is redesignated. spa 3 2 0 (Spanish) (FEP) (Monitored 1) (N/A) Year 4 District determines need for ELL support. Returns to ELL program. spa 2 1 0 (Spanish) (LEP) (In Program) (N/A) Year 5 Testing shows English proficiency and is redesignated. spa 3 2 0 (Spanish) (FEP) (Monitored 1) (N/A) Year 2 43 English Language Learners Status Edits • Students identified as ELLs (ESL or Bilingual) by your district • • must remain ESL or bilingual (codes 1-5) until they leave your district (but can move from one program to another) Students reported in an ESL or Bilingual program last year cannot be reported as “Not Applicable” (ESL and Bilingual = 0) this year. • If the prior year ESL or Bilingual code = 1,2,3, or 5, the student cannot be reported as ESL and Bilingual = 0 (N/A) this year. • If the prior year ESL or Bilingual code = 4 (Exited Year 3+) and the district in which the student is enrolled has not changed, Bilingual and ESL cannot be 0 (N/A) this year • Students reported by another district as Exited Year 3+ (4) can be reported in a new district as ESL and Bilingual = 0 (but would be FELL in the new district) *** In cases of misidentification of a student, an exception must be approved and granted*** 44 English Language Learners Contacts If you have any questions regarding English Language Learners and submitting exceptions, please contact Morgan Cox in CDE’s Office of Federal Programs at (303) 866-6784 or cox_m@cde.state.co.us If you have any questions regarding the language codes, please contact Genevieve Hale at (303) 866-6618 or hale_g@cde.state.co.us 45 Title I Interchange 46 Student October Count has a Title I flag. Why do we need a Title I Interchange? CDE reports annually to U.S. Dept. of Ed number of students served by Title I funds—published in Consolidated State Performance Report (CSPR). U.S. Dept. of Ed wants to know how many were served by Title I school-wide (SW) programs and how many were served by TA (targeted assistance) programs. Depends on district’s consolidated application. SW Title I funds can be used school-wide, so we assume that all students have access to them. TA Title I funds are targeted to specific students who are underperforming, and only those students have access. U.S. Dept. of Ed also requires numbers of students who received: Math Reading/Language Arts Science Social Studies Vocational/Career Other Instructional Services Health, Dental, and Eye Care Supporting Guidance/Advocacy Other Support Services Up until now . . . We had to go back to the districts and ask them to find these numbers for the previous year. This was not accurate Districts reported students who were not Title I TA Now . . . We will have the schools/districts enter data into the Title I interchange and update through the year. Then when the data are final, we can pull the snapshot. More accurate Will take less time/effort Remember!! Title I FRM. Being eligible for free or reduced cost meals does not make a student Title I. Many non-Title I schools have FRM students; many Title I schools have FRM students who are performing well. A student cannot be Title I unless registered in a school that receives Title I money. School Title I status changes from year to year, based on FRM percentages AND district decision about where to use Title I funds (e.g. grade span). An individual’s FRM status does not determine if he gets TA program resources—academic performance determines. Title I Interchange • Used only by districts that have at least one Title I school that has a Targeted Assistance (TA) program, only for those specific TA schools. • For School-wide (SW) programs, everyone enrolled in the school is assumed to be receiving some level of Title 1-funded benefits, but TA program benefits are directed to only certain students. • Helps district keep an accurate account of Title I TA students and using the Title I interchange will increase accuracy and save everyone’s time. • The Title I Interchange will populate the Title I field for Pupil Enrollment Count. • Please refer to http://www.cde.state.co.us/DataPipeline/inter_titleI.asp for more information on the Interchange and its associated file layout and definitions. 51 Districts with TA school(s) 2013-14 ACADEMY BAYFIELD BRUSH CALHAN CHERRY CREEK DE BEQUE EATON FOUNTAIN GILPIN HAYDEN JOHNSTOWN-MILLIKEN LA VETA MEEKER OURAY PLATEAU VALLEY PRAIRIE SILVERTON STRATTON WELD 1 WINDSOR AGATE BETHUNE BUENA VISTA CSI CHEYENNE COUNTY DEER TRAIL EDISON FOWLER GRANADA HINSDALE JULESBURG LAMAR MESA COUNTY VALLEY PARK (ESTES) PLATTE CANYON PRIMERO SOUTH ROUTT SUMMIT WELDON VALLEY WOODLAND PARK AKRON BOULDER BUFFALO CHERAW CHEYENNE MOUNTAIN DELTA COUNTY ELBERT FREMONT GUNNISON HI-PLAINS KARVAL LEWIS-PALMER MOFFAT COUNTY 1 PARK COUNTY PLATTE VALLEY 3 RANGELY ST VRAIN SWINK WEST END YUMA ARRIBA-FLAGLER BRANSON BURLINGTON CENTENNIAL COLORADO SPRINGS EADS ELIZABETH FRENCHMAN HARRISON HOEHNE KEENESBURG MANCOS NORWOOD PLAINVIEW PLATTE VALLEY 7 RIDGWAY STEAMBOAT SPRINGS TELLURIDE WIDEFIELD ASPEN BRIGGSDALE BYERS CROWLEY EAST GRAND FALCON GENOA-HUGO HAXTUN IDALIA KIOWA MANITOU OTIS PLATEAU POUDRE ROCKY FORD STRASBURG WALSH WILEY Title I Interchange Contact All districts that will need to use the Title I Interchange will be informed of upcoming trainings, once scheduled. If you have any questions regarding Title I and the Title I Interchange, please contact Donna Morganstern in the Federal Programs Unit at: (303) 866-6209 or morganstern_d@cde.state.co.us 53 Early Childhood Education 54 Colorado Preschool Program (CPP) Expansion! The General Assembly authorized an expansion of the Colorado Preschool Program effective with the 2013/2014 school year The expansion includes 3200 child positions funded at .5 FTE New arm of the CPP program is called ECARE ECARE slots have added flexibility for use as half day preschool, combined for full day preschool or to provide full day kindergarten The way districts use their ECARE slots can change from year to year CPP and ECARE slot allocations for the 2013/2014 school year are now posted on the CPP website: http://www.cde.state.co.us/cpp/allocations.htm 55 Early Childhood November 1 Alternate Count Date Please Note: This year the early childhood alternate count date is Friday – November 1 Available to all school districts. (C.R.S. 22-54-103) Use of the Early Childhood Alternate November 1 Count Date is Optional, but Strongly Encouraged! 56 November 1 Alternate Count Date Requirements November 1 Alternate Count Date Applies only to Any child with grade level code 004 Grade Level Coding of 007 ECARE position recipient (must be present during October 1 count window) Districts may use either the October 1st or November 1st count date whichever is higher. Using alternate count date Still plan to report on October 1st Colorado Preschool Program(CPP) count (this will include ECARE slots used for preschoolers) Early childhood special education count Other early childhood students ECARE Kindergarten students count 57 November 1 Alternate Count Date Requirements Whatever date is chosen a district must use the same count date for all CPP, early childhood special education students and other early childhood students within the district. If using the November 1 date and your count includes ECARE kindergarten positions, those students must be present during the October 1 count window. ECARE positions can be re-allocated between kindergarten and preschool Children must be in attendance on or before November 1. Children’s attendance must still be documented prior to and five school days following November 1. You will be asked to select October 1st or November 1st during the creation of the snapshot. 58 November 1 Alternate Count Date Requirements ( c o n t i n u e d ) Children counted on November 1st Preschool Half-Day program must have at least 90 hours of teacherpupil instruction or contact in the first semester, and the CPP program must be available 360 hours in the course of the school year. Preschool Full-Day program must have 180 hours of teacher-pupil instruction or contact in the first semester, and the CPP program must be available 720 hours in the course of the school year. ECARE Full-Day Kindergarten must have 900 hours of teacher-pupil instruction over the year. 006 Half-Day kindergarten positions counted Oct. 1 can switch to 007 ECARE positions for eligible children by November 1 so long as the 900 hour-rule will be met. 59 Key Points For Using the Early Childhood Alternate Count of November 1 Districts cannot count Students who left prior to November 1st Students included in another District’s October 1st count Students both as CPP and early childhood special education Districts cannot exceed their CPP or ECARE allocation. Use Funding code 89 (Not Eligible, CPP Allocation Met) to indicate need for more CPP slots 60 Coding CPP Funded Children There are several options for coding CPP funded children with the advent of ECARE: Original CPP Allocation CPP preschool half-day: Grade level 004 + Funding code 83 CPP preschool full-day (two half-day CPP slots as approved through CDE): Grade level 004 + Funding code 81 ECARE Allocations: ECARE preschool half-day: Grade level 004 + Funding code 83 ECARE preschool full-day (2 ECARE positions): Grade level 004 + Funding code 81 ECARE full-day kindergarten: Grade level 007 + Funding code 83 61 ECARE Expansion Slot Guidance An ECARE position may not be used: To fund children with no documented eligibility factors. To combine with a CPP position to serve a single child. However, two ECARE positions may be combined to create a full day opportunity for an eligible child. To create full-day opportunities for preschool or kindergarten children funded through early childhood special education. To fund a second year of preschool for children served with CPP funds as four-year-olds. To serve kindergarten age eligible children in preschool. To serve kindergarten students who enter a program after the October 1 count window closes. 62 ECARE Expansion Slots ECARE positions may be used to fund a second year of preschool for eligible children served with CPP funds as three-year-olds in the prior school year. There is no statewide cap on the percentage of the 3,200 ECARE positions that may be used for full-day preschool opportunities for eligible children. NOTE: The 5% statewide cap still applies to the existing 20,160 CPP positions. In the fall of 2014, districts with existing CPP allocations will still be provided an opportunity to apply to use two .5 CPP FTE positions in order to create a full day opportunity for eligible preschoolers. 63 School Codes for Non-Public Schools All children funded by Colorado Preschool Program (CPP) and early childhood special education should have a school code. School codes will be identified on the Non-Public Early Childhood School Code list for children who have an Attendance/Residence codes of: 27: Non-Public Schools (Contractual Agreement) or 30: Colorado Public Agency (Contractual Agreement) – Head Start, Preschools operated by a college or university or a recreation center. CDE is verifying Colorado Department of Human Service license numbers for all schools serving preschool children. 64 First Grade Students that Attended Kindergarten in Another State Statute allows a five-year-old to be funded in first grade if the pupil has attended at least 120 days of kindergarten in a state other than Colorado. In these cases, the district should contact CDE to be included in an exception list. The district will need to maintain appropriate documentation of the child’s attendance in another state. Appropriate documentation includes one of the following: Enrollment information from the prior school that summarizes how many days the student attended school out of state Actual attendance records that show the student was present in school for 120 days Attendance summary document that shows the student attended school for 120 days CDE Auditors will verify the documentation at the next district audit. 65 Coding Kindergarten Children Three different coding options under the grade level element for children attending kindergarten: Grade 006: Half-Day Kindergarten (450+ academic instructional hours) Grade 007: Full-Day Kindergarten Requires 900+ academic instructional hours. Note: This does not include children that attend a half-day kindergarten program and then attend a child care program in the second half of their day. Grade 007: ECARE Full-Day Kindergarten (with Funding code 83) Requires 900+ academic instructional hours. 66 Coding grade level for Kindergarten students is highly important CDE uses information to calculate both supplemental full-day kindergarten funding and hold harmless kindergarten funding. Information is also used to determine if school districts can use the supplemental full-day kindergarten funding provided to them, as allowed in HB08-1388. • For further information see the Legislative Summary of HB081388: • http://www.cde.state.co.us/cdefinance/LegislativeSummariesFY2008-09.htm or 67 Early Childhood Contacts • For ECARE and CPP Preschool and Kindergarten: • Nan Vendegna Vendegna_N@cde.state.co.us (303) 866-6602 • Laura Greenfield Greenfield_L@cde.state.co.us (303) 866-6783 • For Preschool Special Education: • Penny Dell Dell_P@cde.state.co.us (303) 866-6720 • Heidi McCaslin McCaslin_H@cde.state.co.us (303) 866-6667 68 Migrant, Immigrant and Refugee 69 Migrant Migrant 0 = No 1 = Yes Migrant -- A Migrant student according to 1115(b)(1)(A) and 1309(2) of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 and section 200.81(d) of the Code of Federal Regulations, a child is eligible for the Migrant Education Program if: 1. The child is younger than 22 and has not graduated from high school or does not hold a high school equivalency certificate (this means that the child is entitled to a free public education or is of an age below compulsory school attendance); and 2. The child is a migrant agricultural worker or a migrant fisher or has a parent, spouse, or guardian who is a migrant agricultural worker or a migrant fisher; and 3. The child has moved within the preceding 36 months in order to obtain (or seek) or to accompany (or join) a parent, spouse, or guardian to obtain (or seek), temporary or seasonal employment in qualifying agricultural or fishing work; and 4. Such employment is for economic necessity; and 5. The child has moved from one school district to another. 70 Migrant ( c o n t i n u e d ) To obtain a listing of all eligible Migrant Students in your district contact your local Regional Migrant Education Director access this link: http://www.cde.state.co.us/cde_english/download/Migrant/migrantregions.pdf To obtain a listing of districts by migrant region access this link: http://www.cde.state.co.us/cde_english/elau_migrant.htm 71 Immigrant U S DE De f i ni ti on u n d e r S e c ti o n 3 3 0 1(6) T i tl e III Definition for “immigrant children” : are ages 3 through 21; AND were not born in a State; AND have not attended one or more schools in any combination of States for more than 3 full academic years. 0 = No 1 = Yes 1. “States” are defined in legislation as the 50 states, Washington D.C., and Puerto Rico. 2. Determining the legality of a student’s immigration status is not a duty of the local school district. Undocumented children have the same right to attend public schools as do U.S. citizens and permanent residents. In fact, the student’s parents and the district officials have an obligation to see that the students attend school as mandated by the Colorado School Attendance Law. “Three full academic years” (per the third bullet above) is cumulative 72 Immigrant ( c o n t i n u e d ) Question: May a child born overseas to U.S. military personnel be considered “immigrant” for the purposes of the Title III immigrant children and youth program authorized in section 3114(d) of ESEA? Answer: Yes, if the child meets the definition of Immigrant (from previous slide) for Title III Question: If a parent is a foreign exchange student at a university, would his/her children be considered immigrant? Answer: If the children meet the definition of Immigrant for Title III. The children’s visa status or the visa status of their parents is not a consideration for determining immigrant status under Title III. Question: Can children born abroad who have been adopted by U.S. parents be considered immigrant students for purposes of Title III? Answer: Yes, if they meet the definition of Immigrant for Title III. More information on Immigrant children and youth under Title III can be found at this U.S. Department of Education website http://www2.ed.gov/programs/sfgp/nrgcomp.html under section J. 73 Refugee Refugee values 0 = No 1 = Yes Students who are not identified as refugee should default to “No” If the district is not able to verify a student's refugee status, then the district should default this value to "No." Refugee definition: Any person who is outside any country of such person's nationality or, in the case of a person having no nationality, is outside any country in which such person last habitually resided, and who is unable or unwilling to return to, and is unable or unwilling to avail himself or herself of the protection of, that country because of persecution or a well-founded fear of persecution on account of race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion. 1. To be admitted to the United States, refugees must be determined by an officer of the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) to meet the definition of refugee as defined in the Refugee Act of 1980. 2. Refugees are considered to be "Refugees" until they become US citizens. 74 Contact Information for Migrant, Immigrant, and Refugee For questions on Immigrant and Refugee, please contact Genevieve Hale in the Office of Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) Programs at (303) 866-6618 or hale_g@cde.state.co.us For questions on Migrant, please contact Brenda Meyer in the Data Services Unit at (303) 866-6744 or meyer_b@cde.state.co.us 75 Approved Facility Schools 76 Approved Facility Schools Students who are enrolled and active in an Approved Facility School on October 1 are counted by the Approved Facility School and are not included in the district count. The Office of Facility Schools at CDE collects the information and sends a report to each district listing the students reported by an Approved Facility School from that district. The report is sent to verify the information, avoid duplicates and ensure that eligible students are not omitted from the count. Count procedures for detention centers are described elsewhere and are not included with Approved Facility Schools. 77 Approved Facility Schools It is crucial for each district which receives this notification to respond, verifying the accuracy or any discrepancies in the notification in a timely manner. If the district of residence for a student is reported in error, the correction needs to be made and the correct district of residence notified. Each district’s Out-of-District Coordinator or Child Welfare Education Liaison can assist with the process. Please respond Help us keep the data accurate It affects more than just your district Contact: Kama Linscome at (303) 866-6976 or linscome_k@cde.state.co.us or Dema Herrera at (303) 866-6473 or herrera_d@cde.state.co.us 78 Free and Reduced Lunch 79 Free and Reduced Lunch What is Verification? Confirmation of eligibility of free and reduced price meals Overseen by the CDE Office of School Nutrition Required for school districts participating in the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) 80 Important Dates/Data Needed for Free and Reduced Lunch Due Dates October 1, close of business: Approved Free and Reduced Lunch applications on file for the current school year; establish a 3% sample pool of applications to verify October 31, close of business: Count all enrolled students with access to the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs (NSLP) November 15: Phase 1 of verification must be completed December 15: The verification report (verification selection worksheet) is due to CDE If students appear on a direct certified list and on an application, direct certification takes precedence. They are counted for nutrition purposes under direct certification and not under applications. 81 Free and Reduced Lunch For More Information 7 CFR 245.6a (Verification Requirements) Eligibility Manual for School Meals, Part 8 http://www.fns.usda.gov/cnd/Guidance/EliMan.pdf More information on Free & Reduced Lunch, verification, and the application process can be found at http://www.cde.state.co.us/cdenutritran/nutriformsbook.htm Contacts Julie Griffith Griffith_J@cde.state.co.us (303) 866-6759 Backup: Jennifer Otey otey_j@cde.state.co.us (303) 866-6450 82 Record Integration Tracking System (RITS) 83 RITS: Important Links RITS Log in: https://edx.cde.state.co.us/rits/ RITS Rules, Process, and Training: http://www.cde.state.co.us/DataPipeline/yr_RITS.asp For SASID issues, please contact: Debbie Pulscher RITS/EDIS Consultant pulscher_d@cde.state.co.us (303) 866-6612 Thank you 84 Documentation and Additional Resources 85 Helpful Hints For questions, first refer to the Student October Resource Guide on the Audit Team website: http://www.cde.state.co.us/cdefinance/auditunit.htm Bookmark the document and search for the item(s) regarding your question This will be the tool I will reference first to respond to your questions. If you can find the answer first, it will save us all time. That said, please do not hesitate to ask questions! If the documentation is unclear, we can update it. After reviewing the Student October Resource Guide, if you still have questions please email me at matula_a@cde.state.co.us or contact the Pupil Enrollment contact listed on the next slide for the data element which you have a question regarding. All emails (to any CDE staff) should include: General Topic (i.e.; error message, report question, coding options) If a return phone call is preferred, a good time and number to reach you 86 Contacts for Pupil Enrollment Count Questions, Comments, and Suggestions Annie Matula matula_a@cde.state.co.us - General Donna Morganstern morganstern_d@cde.state.co.us (303) 866-6209 – Title I Julie Griffith Griffith_J@cde.state.co.us (303) 866-6759 - Free & Reduced Lunch Jennifer Otey otey_j@cde.state.co.us (303) 866-6450 – backup for Free & Reduced Lunch Audit Team: audit@cde.state.co.us - Count Issues, Audit Requirements, Detention Centers Kama Linscome linscome_k@cde.state.co.us (303) 866-6976 – Approved Facility Schools and Facility Codes Jessica Allen allen_j@cde.state.co.us (303) 866-6821 - TCAP/CoAlt, CO ACT and ACCESS for ELLs Brenda Meyer meyer_b@cde.state.co.us (303) 866-6744 - Migrant, Immigrant, Refugee Status Morgan Cox cox_m@cde.state.co.us (303) 866-6784 - English as a Second Language (ESL) or Bilingual programs, ELL Genevieve Hale hale_g@cde.state.co.us (303) 866-6618 – Language Background, deactivated languages Annette Severson severson_a@cde.state.co.us 303) 866-6824 – RITS, SASIDs Dennis St. Hilaire st.hilaire_d@cde.state.co.us (303) 866-6840 - Private schools, School Directory info (new schools, closed schools, change in grade levels served, etc) For ECARE and CPP Preschool and Kindergarten: Nan Vendegna Vendegna_N@cde.state.co.us (303) 866-6602 or Laura Greenfield Greenfield_L@cde.state.co.us (303) 866-6783 For Preschool Special Education: Penny Dell Dell_P@cde.state.co.us (303) 866-6720 or Heidi McCaslin McCaslin_H@cde.state.co.us (303) 866-6667 87 Data Services Unit Team Annie Matula matula_a@cde.state.co.us 88 Pupil Enrollment Count (Student October) and Student Interchange Kevin Smith (303) 866-6723 smith_kevin@cde.state.co.us End of Year submission and Student Interchange Debbie Pulscher (303) 866-6612 pulscher_d@cde.state.co.us RITS/EDIS Annette Severson (303) 866-6824 severson_a@cde.state.co.us Staff Interchange, HR, and Safety and Discipline Dennis St.Hilaire (303) 866-6840 st.hilaire_d@cde.state.co.us Directory, Report Card March, Identity Management, and new schools Kristi Gleason (303) 866-6420 gleason_k@cde.state.co.us Discipline Interchange, Special Education December Count, and Special Education Discipline Lindsey Heitman (303) 866-5759 Heitman_l@cde.state.co.us Special Education End of Year Jan Rose Petro, Director of Data Services, (303) 866-6838 petro_j@cde.state.co.us 89 EDAC Approved 90