
On average we see 3000 advertisements a day. Advertising is everywhere and
impossible to avoid. If you are seeing 3000 ads a day why do you remember
some over others?
Create or build a composition with a program of your choice that demonstrates
your knowledge of what makes a successful advertisement.
Key words:
Media, Key Characteristics, Economics, Text/Subtext, Message, Deconstruction,
Persuasion, and Target Audience.
Planning: Choose 4 of the 7 provided advertisements to work with or choose 4 of
your own! Make sure that if you select your own ads, they are school appropriate.
You must deconstruct the provided advertisements and blog/phlog/podcast your
Media Deconstruction questions (chart to help organize your answers):
Whose message is this?
Who created or paid for
it? Why?
The Gatorade company messages this and they are the one that paid for it
because they wanted to make the Gatorade famous.
Who is the “target
audience”? What is their
age, ethnicity, class,
profession, interests,
etc.? What words, images
or sounds suggest this?
The target would be the fans or the basketball player that want to move ,want
to copy or want to be just like Michael Jordan.
What is the “text” of the
message? (What we
actually see and/or hear:
written or spoken words,
photos, drawings, logos,
design, music, sounds,
They wanted to be like Michael Jordan or be like mike…. The spoken word is
the be like mike….that u can see in the video is like always playing basketball.
What is the “subtext” of
the message? (What do
you think is the hidden
or unstated meaning?)
Drink Gatorade and you can move like Michael Jordan
What “tools of
persuasion” are used?
They are showing off Michael Jordan drinking Gatorade and he is so good at
basketball, they are saying if we drink Gatorade we might become just like
Michael Jordan.
Drinking Gatorade gives you more energy to play sport games for positive.
What positive messages
are presented? What
negative messages are
Some people can’t become like Michael Jordan for negative.
What part of the story is
not being told?
The basketball games. Its only telling you about Gatorade and Michael jordan.
What groups of people
does this message
empower? What groups
does it disempower?
How does this serve the
media maker's interests?
The Gatorade company made tis message. It disempower everyone.
The media makers want to have money that’s why they posted that
Composition: How will you present the information you have gathered about
what makes a successful advertisement?
Construct your own advertisement showing what you have learned deconstructing
Critiquing: (Applying theory to your presentation)
You will present your deconstructions to another student as well as
your advertisement and critique of why it is successful.
Use the questions that you previously used to deconstruct various
advertisements to critique your own visual composition (advertisement)
Evaluation Rubric:
Level 1 (0-60)
Level 2 (60-70) Level 3 (70-80) Level 4 (80-100)
Answers are
Answers are
complete but lack
insight as to why or
how advertisements
are constructed
Answers are
complete and show
how advertisements
are constructed
Answers are complete
and show an insight
into why and how
advertisements are
Composition is
Composition is
complete but lacks
the required
elements of an
Composition is
complete and has
the required
elements of an
Composition is
complete and has the
look of a polished
Blog/Phlog/ Podcast Does not have a firm
is incomplete
grasp on the
technology used to
create the medium
Has a firm grasp of
the technology used
to create the
Takes the medium to
a high level using it to
engage and entertain